The Dirt Life
The Dirt Life
Champ Offroad - Round 1 - Recap with Mickey Thomas, Adrian Cenni, and more
Shortcourse Offroad Racing season is in full affect! We talk with some of the best drivers to get their breakdown of the first weekend of racing for Champ Offroad in Antigo Wisconsin.
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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil what's up guys welcome to dirt life show we got an awesome show for you guys tonight Thursday and we're doing a champ off road recap today. bunch of cool people man we got let's see here Mickey Thomas is going to join us. Oh and the show is presented by Max's so thanks for the Max's guys for hanging out with us and being a part of the show. We might even have one of them call in Adrian Shani is going to join us the wild man, Collins Berg from Vision canopies. Jimmy Henderson sponsored by United Reynolds. He's going to rentals. He's going to be hanging out with us a little bit a lot of action at the champ off road series. Dylan Parsons and Matt Jarrell are also going to join us had some success as well really, really put a lot of effort in their program. So I just want to we're gonna get Mickey on here but I definitely want to thank all of our sponsors for so big thanks to Max's for being a part of the dirt life show. They've been helping support us being given us the opportunity to be a part of a lot of the events that they do. Just really rad man I want to thank the terrible herps motorsports guys if you can see in the background look at those AORs sick I wish you guys if you guys are listening on Apple podcasts or Spotify you definitely need to go watch this video so the thanks for the terrible herbs guys we've done a lot of work with those guys and they let us use the shop tab podcast today. So really, really cool. Mickey Thomas is going to join us in just a sec but let me throw a shout out to all of our sponsors so like I said, thank you very much to the guys over at Maxus really appreciate all their support the guys over at wheel pros KMC if you guys need any tires or wheels go down to your local you know four Oh, Parks dealer or whatever and grab some grab some access tires maybe and get those new 30 sevens for your UTV destroy what's up dangler let's go on down. Thanks to the guys over at Motul. Sabine, you change your oil. I know you've been rad and your trucks are driving new trucks around the UTV so it's really changed. Thanks guys over at JL Audio. They actually have some really really cool stuff for some cat Ambia TVs. Thanks to the guys over at shock therapy, you can use the code dirt life show shock therapy psychotherapists.com And give yourself a big ol discount. Thanks guys over evolution powersports these guys are just making a ton of power and UTV so thank you to them. Thanks guys already sold racing products and like I said vision canopies. Kyle's gonna join us a little bit here. So let me get Mickey Thomas on here and we're gonna talk some short course racing. In anago, Wisconsin, for the champ off road series. Really cool actually to see a lot of the short course guys getting back at it, man. They make Thomas What's up, dude? How's it going? Dude, nama. Absolutely sure and I like your hat to Max's boy. We're gonna see if we can get Chris Meyer to hang out with us, but we'll see what if he can come on a little bit later. So dude, I'm so stoked that the season has kicked off now you guys were in anago Wisconsin this past weekend. And do it look like everybody was fired up to go racing were you Oh, absolutely. You know, everybody in this pro to feel they're so competitive like some of the best drivers in our class so you got to show up with your A game we worked so hard over the offseason just like everybody else and you know we had a really good weekend. Round One came away with the second and then round two came away with the win so just super stoked on the weekend. put in so much work this year just just good to come out. You know come out strong and get it takes a little bit actually do that right like we've talked a bunch on this show like all of this stuff all the legwork that happens behind the scenes like getting ready for the season. So when do you guys actually like start preparing before the race does it start like the day after the season ends? Or do you guys want to take a break and then start getting things rolling? Yeah, I mean coming back from craning last year we took probably a two week little break kind of you know, just catch up with with everything get everything cleaned up and then we get cracking right away. There's always so much to do and race and it seems like you never have enough time no matter how much time you have. You seem to just use every ounce of it. So we try to kind of get ahead of it and you know, get as much done as we can as quickly as we can. I feel like you can never you can never stop improving with the race trucks. So yeah, you know we start right away and honestly we aren't done in about a room it was like four or eight these guys back here at the herb terrible herbs worse workshop and they're always improving stuff right? They're gonna be more teeth. But you guys like so did you guys change anything and do anything different on your truck? Like, was there any big changes that you made to make it so that you could get to the top step of the box? Yeah, I mean, we're always making changes. Nothing major, like we had such a good truck last year, I won six races last year. So we didn't want to go in and make a whole bunch of changes. And, you know, we kind of were the truck to beat last year. But we did rebuild the front clip, we, you know, we tried some different things with gearing converter, stuff like that. And it seems to have worked, you know, Brock was really fast this past weekend. Definitely going into Crandon with a lot of confidence, we won the last two points race. So feeling pretty good going into the Crandon weekend, and hopefully we show up at the truck, that's, you know, as good as it was last year, and, and we'll see we got a few track layout changes to Crandon that they've made we're not running back into the oh, I looked at tree turtles. So they're kind of Yeah, exactly. They, they took that out, they wanted to make some changes, you know, which is cool. So now we're kind of cutting up by the spotter tower, so it's a shorter track. So that's going to mix it up. You know, we're sitting here tonight thinking about gearing and oh, I'm actually going there to test tomorrow. So it's, it's going to change some things up and you know, mix it up a little bit. So we might have to make a little little adjustments, but tomorrow, we're gonna see how she does. For me, typically, I haven't messed with it a lot. This year is kind of the first year I've been playing with them a little more. So I've learned a lot, Charlie at ATD has helped me a lot understanding torque converters and kind of the different options I have available. So this year, we've been testing them more and more. And I'm starting to understand kind of what works better where so this is really the first year usually I kind of put a I put a converter in I've ran it for almost two years. But now I'm starting. Yeah, just let it rip. You know, I'm, I like to have a truck that's consistent that I can learn how to drive. That's not you know, kind of I'm not relearning the truck every time I drive it I you know, I can just focus on my driving but I think I got to the point now where just was due for some changes and to try some different things. And that's it but doing it so far, it's a sign of a good drug, right, you can just get in and keep running there. I like it's funny because like in the Moto days, we wouldn't have these badass race bikes all built but our practice bike was more comfortable and sometimes we could just keep getting better lap times on those things because you're just so used to it. So I totally understand the mentality of not having to make a lot of big changes. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But you know, you got to stay ahead of the pack everybody's always getting better. You know, you don't want to you don't want to show up on the back foot so I just felt like it was right to start throws jabs at it and run down let's see what we can learn. So like you get out there that's obviously the first race you got your jitters you got like your uncertainties and anticipation and everything. You guys have to go out and practice you have to make a lot of changes in practice to get ready for the race. Are you guys pretty spot on when you got out there on the track? Honestly, we were really close we got out there. The track changed throughout the weekend a lot. When we got there was a little tackier, and then Saturday's race was around sorry Sunday's race was way slicker than Saturday's race. So just kind of more than anything rather than changing the truck just changed my line started using the cushion a lot seemed to work really well. Obviously it was important to get out front early. I was able to do that on Sunday. And from there just tried to stay clean hit my marks. But honestly we nailed the gearing coming into the race. I made a small tweak nothing crazy went the right direction and honestly like everything was just working really well gearing and everything is on point like Yeah, and that's a good thing that you're going to create it and to test it. What tires did you use this past weekend I'm pretty much everywhere we go unless it's raining. I'm all the magazines razor at tire. They're just so versatile. Like everywhere we go. We do just minimal grooving the guy the guys over at Max's do a killer job just doing some little things to it to make it better. But honestly like that tire works everywhere. It's like the slick stuff the blue groove I can run up in the cushion it's an 80 but it acts like a mud terrain you know and it's a it's a killer tire like honestly can ask for more. Just man I love I love that razor 80 We've been using it for two years now and I like it's just been lightning fast every single year and never like it never tricks you so to speak like that's one of my favorite parts. And so so going throughout the weekend, then you get out there on are you fast in practice, or did you kind of have to work your way up. So I was P two and P two first. practice I believe that we went second in qualifying for the first race, finished second for the first round one. And then I started second row outside for for Sunday's race and was able to work my way up front. So yeah, we were kind of there right off the bat. And that's why we didn't throw a lot of crazy changes at it just because we were we were close with pace, and was able to get it done on Solloway. It went well on Sunday, because you like it sounds like the track changed quite a bit. So like, I don't know, it's probably like a feels like a whole different race. Yeah, Sunday, I, I worked my way into second pretty quickly behind winner Cory wetter, followed him for a few laps and was able to get on under underneath them in turn one and just, you know, nudged him a little bit out of the way. Kind of did what I had to do it was it was more of a one line track. So I kind of had a bully my way past a little bit. But once once by you know, just kind of running the cushion. Like I said it was it was kind of one lane. And you know, if you just if you just kept your lines clean and didn't make any mistakes, it's really hard to get around somebody. So I knew that once I got off runners suddenly just Yeah, exactly. Like that blue groove. It got so bad on Sunday, the blue groove was so hard. And you just had that that cushion line just way up high everywhere. If you if you came down off that at all, I can just drive off, I wasn't able to watch the live because we had a bunch of stuff going on, but I can just see you like sprint card or on the quarter. Yeah, and it's just like pedaling it, you know, you just got to, that's the thing with these two wheel drive trucks, like you have to have such good throttle control. And just and just, you have to have a really good feel, actually that how much wheel set you're getting. So it got to Ricci quite a bit and UTVs. And that's like, cheater style for oil dried, right? Like it's a completely different world. But so somebody like me, and it's never I've only driven a pro light. So I haven't driven the Pro two. And then everybody that's in the audience give us a difference in like, maybe the the way that you drive with your feet and your hands between a two wheel drive vehicle like that, and a four wheel drive like a UTV Yeah, I think four wheel drive, you know, you're really kind of pointing and shooting like you're, you're on the gas, and wherever you're steering, you know, the cars gonna go that direction where a two wheel drive, I kind of think of it more like, you're kind of addicting what what it's going to do because you're always in a side. So you really got like it comes down to really, really precise throttle control. Otherwise, you're just sliding and going backwards. So I think that's what separates the good guys from the slower guys is just understanding how much wheel slip you're getting. And being able to turn your throttle back to actually go forward. In UTVs, you can really drive them hard. Therefore, they're going to pull you can hammer the gas, it's going to pull you out of the corner and tools drive if you do that. Yeah, it's crazy reckless driving, and like turning with your feet and stuff too. Hey, real quick, I want to say happy birthday to him. This is his number 19 Trophy Truck that he prepares at the herps motorsports shop. I just want to say happy birthday to him real quick and then we had Rosie she said oh she was out there hanging out with you guys up there at anago huh Yep, absolutely. He helps us she's at Max's does a killer job everybody in Max's they're so awesome to work with just an awesome company all around like their tires. Everything cannot ask for anything more. Yeah. So proud to be an aggrieved just joined us wanting to send a big shout out to Johnny. Get well soon, buddy. He ended up having I think Kyle drove his truck in the pro for race me. Yeah, Kyle jumped in for him. Johnny had a big crash. Hopefully he's doing better. I think he's on the mend a little bit. But Kyle jumped in did did a great job. Honestly. First time. Around like we've had, like, such a savage. For sure. He's not his first not the first go around like I can't believe Yeah, lesson learned, right? You always give it your best no matter what position you're in. Even if you're off the track. You still support everybody around you. Johnny definitely did that. Hey, so were there any sketchy moments during Saturday or Sunday when you're on course practice race whatever. Yeah, definitely. Were Johnny crash that turned for it super fast. And the polls were getting real bad. I actually had a few moments. They're just getting on the bike. You know, you're 85 miles an hour through the middle of that corner. Jumping on the bike is not the best feeling in the world. to So yeah, that was 85 miles an hour. Just getting that like in you're having to feel like you have to correct you must feel like you're in slow motion by having to react so quick. Yeah, it's it's gnarly and it changes so fast. Like it would be good through there one lap and the next slide. There's a gnarly hole that you had to avoid and You know it just takes that one time to like catch an edge and put you over and at that speed it's it's not good so what's the next race is it granted yep it's granted next weekend you're gonna have our work cut out for you get in the truck ready to go because it's a quick turnaround yeah we're actually testing there tomorrow we got that ready to go right behind me but yeah, we're gonna go test you know get our gearing dialed in so we're we show up ready and we're ready to rip but yeah it's it's it's a lot out here the champ season you know we're back to back two weekends in between so it's it's tough on the crew but we got a shop up and granted now so it makes it super easy and you know, we're just doing the best we can to get everything done. That's so cool man. I love hearing that. So we only have I think about five minutes left I would definitely want to give you some time to thank your sponsors but you think that there's a possibility you could show me the office that you worked in all weekend like show me the cockpit? I would love to see that yeah there you go like it's been a large setup right now nice. is looking good so you got her all cleaned up? Yep, ready ready to test tomorrow? Even if you haven't changed because you definitely have to change some gearing and you got to be able to get keep a little bit more roll speed and stuff when you're out there at crane and because it's completely different track than what you got an indigo Yeah, absolutely the gearing is way different. We're even bro in a different order and it mentioned settings always tune in. But we get struck for Brandon usually and we're going to show up with what we always have to say ever part of the weekend other than getting getting the W on on Sunday. Did you have some good times with your family and all your crew and everybody because you know I tell you what, like I still have all of the memories of us all racing Lucas Oil short course together, but some of the best memories I have are sitting in the pits barbecuing Yeah, I know for sure. We always have a good time I got a big through but man we have we have an awesome time just cooking. You know, everybody everybody's got to get their jobs and we get it done and makes it even better to go out there and win these races. Yeah, just killer sign up as you got it done. You got the W for all your crew and everybody that helped out because the amount of hours that go behind all this stuff and you bring them a W they gotta be punk. Yeah, absolutely. So many people helped me out like it's crazy. I got so many talented people that helped put this truck together. It takes an army, you know, to make a fast race truck. So just hats off to everybody that helps me I gotta I gotta thank my whole crew, my family. My wife, everybody that supports me. It takes a team rendu teamwork makes the dream work. Well, you did you got the dream done this weekend, you got to win. So yeah, congratulations, first of all, and congratulations to your whole team for being able to put in all that work and get you up there to the top step of the box. But now you got to focus on the next race, right? It doesn't last very long. You got to get going and start to get up to the box top of the box at Crandon. Right everybody's always gunning for that top spot. So we got a you got to keep putting our heads down and clearly work in and it's another weekend, man, I can't wait to see you guys up. All right, well kick some ass when you guys get out the Crandon, dude. And yeah, we'll see you that. All right. Right. Grab me on. Alright, so we are going to get the wild man Adrienne Chani on here. And then Kyle from Envision canopies. We'll get him on as well. And I will talk to them about all the fun that they had out there. And in anaco, as well, so Kyle, what's up, dude, how are you? Good. How about you? doing awesome, man. So Kyle, Erin's vary from Vision cannabis. Hey, thanks for being a part of the dirt life show today. Appreciate it. No problem. Got it. Yeah. So we're gonna get the wild man on here. We can see if he can log on. I just accepted it. And we'll see if it fits in the swamp. A lot of log on but do short course racing is in full effect. And it is yeah, we we put a lot into it this year. We're, you know, trying to things businesses growing. We're trying to expand our footprint in other areas besides Southern California and desert. So let about let it all the opportunity to try to help some people out Yeah, and a really good crew this year and a really good team and everything like that and my racing. I'm not doing as much truck horse racing as I was hoping just with the time commitment. It's really hard with you know, changes in my life right now with a new baby and stuff like that, but it's worth it. Put trying to give back to the people and try to make this make a nice footprint in short course racing and try to expand our reach out to the Midwest. Yeah, it's slowly. Well, let me see if I can. Adrian, I don't know if you're watching but see if you can update your app and get the latest Instagram app. So update the apps on your phone, and then it'll let you join when you when you hit the request. So I already accepted you. But if you update your app, then you can join the feed. Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about the racing car. So first thing I want to say is thank you very much for there. We got to interview now what's up? Shani? How are you? Good. How are you? Good, man. So are you back in California? Are you still up there in Wisconsin? No, I'm back in Marietta, the West Coast shop. The the crew is back in the Midwest shop. Trying to get ready for crendon did. It's so cool to see I was just talking to Kyle about it. Like I love seeing all the short course racing coming up. And honestly, man, it looked like it was insane. Cool. This past weekend and anago you guys had some serious battles. Yeah, I was really excited to I was very nervous about the pro forma, I said that, you know, after the race, I was very nervous because it's, it's pretty out of hand. What's happened to the pro for field just got decimated with the Kyle and Johnny being out. And there was two other guys that went out. I forgot it right, Scotty? And I'm not sure who else? Yep. Yeah. Yeah, I've taken so many blows to the head. I can barely remember my name at this point. What? That that brings light to the whole situation, though, right, like the level of racing has elevated to where people are just really pushing it. Right. So how did it feel like the pace of this this race compared to what it was what you're used to in the years prior? Yeah, you know, I was I was thinking about that with this Antigo track, and which I put a lot of effort into both Kyle. And myself, we sponsored this race at Ansco. We wanted to kind of really push the Antigo track because that's where my My shop is in the Midwest is there. So we really want to have a good footprint. Between myself having a horrendous crash the last year, which almost killed me, and then Johnny having horrendous crash this year. I mean, I've been at it. 20 years, he's been at it. 30 years, we've got over 50 years, yet that same corner, like just wrecked us. And so I was I was wondering the same thing about that, you know, what, what is going on with it? You know, isn't this something about these profile vehicles that they just like super tippy or something, but they the level of racing has definitely increased, the grip is increased. That track is somewhat treacherous and technical. I mean, just on that big sweeper, I don't know. It's just, it's really hard not to go into it's fully charged at like 90 miles an hour or whatever we're going in there at. And then just any little thing can really just upset the truck, because we do put a lot of body roll into the truck to get it to grip. Yeah. Well, we were just talking to Mickey Thomas, a couple of minutes ago. And he said the same thing. Even in the Pro two. He was gone. Well, probably not 90, but 85 or so in that corner. And he was scared too, because it kept coming up on the bike. Yeah, it's very sketchy. And that turn it's a clay. But it's only about six inches deep. We tried to get about 20 truckloads of clay to come in to cover that area. But the there's only one guy in that area who actually has that red clay because the town won't let any other clay in there. And for some reason, he wouldn't let the clay go so that we ended up having to just use the clay that was on the surface, which is only about six inches deep. And it just it just, but even even if we would have put a ton down I don't know. It's just it's treacherous. It's tough. It's like because it's not a track that's there all year round that gets worked on and refined. It's just the basically it's like a, we bring everything in, set it up. And then you got to tear it all down. So it's a tall order to get it ready for the type of stress that we put on it with, you know, 1000 horsepower, all four tires turning like that. Yeah, so we had a comment from John Lewis at Desert squadra. And actually, the show is presented by Maximus today. So you guys have to run some DLT Max's tires. Does that make any effect on it? But because you guys still have a lot of leeway, right? Like you guys can still group the tires, you guys can still adjust the amount of air pressure. There's still a lot of things that you guys can do to manage all that stuff. Yeah, we're running a 12.5 inch mexus Tie As they're wide and they they've got really good grip there. And we grew them for that what we could do to make it less like as was to, you know, hook or catch a rod is to grant the edges off, but you give up then you give a piece. So what we what you normally end up doing is actually sharpening the edges of the of the tire to get it to grip even more, but it's a double edged sword, it's great when it's working. And then when it's, if it grips too much, it does its job too well, then, you know, in a treacherous situation, then you're going to be fighting it a little bit. So it's really, you got to make that judgment call. And, you know, I was talking to Chris Shaw about it, he's the guy who, who helps to, you know, groove and set everything up. And, I mean, he did a really good job. We had great traction we got through the weekend without any, you know, being sent over the wall. So everything worked out great. But it's, it's tough. It's really it's a it's a science to figure out, like what's the right groove? And to put into these times, yeah, exactly. Well, and there's like you said, it's the combination, right, like, let's just say you do sharpen the edges. Well, it can be really good on the free view, beginning portion of the race, but then when it comes in and it really starts biking, you have to negotiate a lot different when the traction comes up. So it like you said it's a give and take, like there's so many different things you got to think about, it's almost like predicting the future, right? Like you can't see all the stuff that's going to happen. But you just gotta guess and see what happens. Kyle, when you were looking at all the races and watching everything and supporting all the drivers and obviously the series what kind of stuff did you notice about everybody their anticipation, their anxiety and everything at the first round? Like everyone was really going at it like it and that's probably explained, I didn't actually explain some of the you know, with a trap track that tough man changing directions in it and, you know, having to reset up a whole track there every time. So the tracks and act different than it may have the, you know, the year before. But I think everyone was so fueled up to go out there that weekend. Like they just went out like that was some of the best racing have ever seen. Like even the Pro for field, like being down on car count. I mean, it was still insanely entertaining with with Adrian and CJ battling. I mean, it was going back and forth. And and they're taking, you know, different lines. And that's what's so amazing about the pro four it's not so single line. It's it's like you know, every quarter you have, you know, a few to choose from and it's in you could set up a path is, you know, a couple quarters ahead and just so entertaining. It's like watching a Supercross race. Well, it's like a ballet, it does anything. There's so much more strategy to it with four wheels turning rather than two. And like it was like super entertaining. Like I was super pumped to. I wish it could have been there. Yeah. I wanted to actually the race to continue we're having such a good time. Oh, that center is really, really good. Because that's what yes, we're there to win. That's the thing. But if you get into a good battle, that's just as good in my book anyway, it to be able to go back and forth. That's kind of like the whole idea of racing is just that battle. And if we can keep it clean and not, you know, not hurt ourselves. So cool. You and CJ were so clean to the whole thing you guys didn't touch it all you guys were giving you guys a whole whole new lines giving each other the space but it was still an insane battle just as entertaining as if you guys are going banging off each other's door doc. I love that's like one of my favorite things to watch because you can see that they're like three quarters ahead in their brain like knowing where they're gonna go and knowing where the other guy is gonna go. It's like magic. Yeah, yeah. It's like almost, it's almost like working together a little bit. But we had a we had a question come in from everything car related, says, Adrian, you could probably answer this the best is what kind of suspension are you running? That is a pretty big factory controlling body roll, as well as sway bars, anti roll bars. You could also try stiffening the suspension a little bit also we're gonna advise now a little bit to to control it. Also. Hi, Kyle. Chani and Dylan Minear. Hey, what's up, Dylan? Yeah, so we've been running King shocks for a long time. And the dialing of the shocks. We were actually there the week prior and had been had been dialing those shocks in at the track so that they were working really well. But that on that on that track, you have every condition, you've got mud, you've got dry, slick, you've got clay, you've got dirt, you've got holes, you've got peaky jumps. So all these things you have to take into account when trying to set up for how you going to run the track that on a small track like that, because those pro fours they're actually made to go on bigger tracks than that one. That was fun, tight racing. It ended up being good racing, they were made to go on the on those bigger tracks, but we ended up making it so that it has side to side body roll, you kind of go softer on the sway bar to get it to move side to side to be able to make the turns otherwise, and also get some grip. Because as soon as you make the turn, then you got to start trying to put the traction down. And if you make it so that your shocks are very stiff, or the sway bar is very stiff, you're basically just gonna spin or, or like or push I mean, Adrian, you don't have so much test time. And the thing is like it's like setup is so key, you got to find that fine line and and you don't have the right people find it. Well, I said before, like, you know, 20 and 30 years of experience, it really helps. And I like your explanation too because I can see like when you're talking about Adrian, I can tend to see it in my head when the vehicle is doing its, you know, rotating or oscillating. It's it's pretty cool to see that you guys have it set up like like I said, like a ballet Yep. We've got really good guys that are working on it too. So this this year, started working with this guy Mike cradling and Rena voters who is a longtime resident of Crandon case. Gunderson that's actually his hometown track, right, the events ago. So we were all out at that track getting ready for this this season. And, and trying to get used to that track and and make it the best that can be I'd like to actually see and over under on that on that cause because it's really, it's really set up nicely. We got to bring in some sea containers and do an over under like in the stadium that would be I think that'd be super sweet. That would be super cool. Kind of like they have it Wheatland. Yes, exactly. We didn't want to jump over he doesn't want the option to drive over right? Yeah, he wants full command. Yes, you just want it oh man. Like I like an SSD basically put the containers there and then there's just take there's no roads over. You just you don't if you're scared of the double Kayo you just you can't race you gotta go home. You'll that's cool. Sandy USST was that year the Adrian, race and then roiled but uh, but yeah, I mean, it was it was yeah, no other option. I mean, it's like it's send it or talk on the truck. That's not crazy. That would be cool, though. Over Under would be pretty set. Yeah, I would actually, I would definitely be in soon over under the thing is because you have the old different classes running you would have to put you know, a way that you could drive over it you wouldn't have to sky the otherwise the smaller UTVs probably wouldn't be able to me out. So are some of the art some of the stock truck classes and stuff like that? Was there any sketchy moments that you had Adrian? I'm surprised now while you know what they put a jump in there. It was a basic every time you took it, you almost you know when end of rent frontwards and there's really wasn't that much you can do about it other than hit it. You're trying to hit it in different spots but that was in the Sunday race in the pro for race. And that was sketchy because nobody was lifting for it but it was really upsetting the truck a lot and it wasn't in the on Saturday so that was probably a sketchy this is just the severe nose overs and just hoping that it never goes just that bit too much that then hooks and flips you have got to give it some pay as much panic grab as possible. The wheels going so that when you when the when the front tires do hit they kind of pull you Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, we all Kyle, we all know that Adrian's about the science because he knows about like jumping out of or trying to ski behind an airplane. Yeah, the clouds and stuff. Many factors just Yeah. Guy when you got to watch some of the racing, how rad was it to be on the sidelines support and everybody and checking everything out? Because usually you're out there? Yeah, no, it was awesome. It was it was cool. Like I said like we went visit canopy we put a lot into this into this year. So it's really cool to see you know, like it on the track and the drivers out there and battling up front. I mean, I mean, you know with Adrian Cory Jacob resolves all him did so well out there. So it's just just really, really cool and, and so happy to do it. Luckily, you know, in a spot where, you know, visually cannabis growing where I can do it, so I want to just keep it going and really bummed I couldn't be out there. But we'll get crammed in so get away just that being so close to the 500 it was it was it was tough. But you know Crandon is awesome, and I'm super stoked to go out there. So be able to go out there and support And yeah, enjoy firsthand because online is cool and all. But if you got to be there, yeah, you can be firsthand. Right? And so what one of the things that you said kind of like got my brain turning. So Adrian, you've been around the sport for a long time. And Kyle, you've been paying a lot of attention because you're supporting these series. Adrian, why don't you answer this question? Will that Cago afterwards? Did you guys get to watch any of the youth classes or the younger classes, because I did in the gas series over here on the west coast this weekend. And there's a lot of growth in those classes. And man, I tell you what, there's a lot of girls racing, there's a lot of really young kids racing, they're going through the ATV ranks, like going up the ladder. It was so cool to see I don't know if you guys noticed any of that a champ. Yeah, well, the UTV is really what's going to make the sport grow huge. The fact that you can buy a UTV from like race driven or so one of the other providers and and just go out there with with parts of the shelf and if you wouldn't you wreck you can buy parts off the shelf. That is that's really that's the difference maker right there. So that's why all those all those use, those youth divisions are doing so well. So yeah, I watched I watch some of them. And it's very exciting. And it's, you know, that's why I jumped into UTV myself. I mean, it's just like, it's so much fun. I mean, I personally love the artist one like when I'm not on the track, I'm running around in RS one, love the single seat one add on just whatever piece of land I can find. So yeah, that's that's the future and I'm so glad that that there's more of those. Those either those divisions hopefully popping up or consolidating so that we have nice huge fields where everybody gets to run. And if they do something to the UTV, they can just go and buy a car and be on the track the next round. Yeah, or switch with their buddy or a guy go by find one at the neck and like next guy's pants or whatever. And Kyle that's so cool to hear man that like that Adrian, someone who's such a veteran and such a great driver in the sport is paying attention to that, that gives you a lot of understanding and ambition as a supporting mechanism for these races as a racer as well but like as a supporting mechanism to be able to see the kids and be like, You know what that little girl watch in two years. She's going to be sponsored by vision canopy. Well, Jana, and say, like, like UTV is really saved, I think, you know, maybe my opinion, I think they saved the sport in a way because it's leaving longevity to the sport. It's very hard for everyone to go forward a pro for a pro to you know, especially being a beginner you know, it's a big, big big commitment so you know to go drop a half million dollars gonna do something you don't know if you're gonna be good at is tough but now with these ut these around, you can go drop, you know, a very, very, you know, reasonable amount and, and there's so many classes where you can actually go, you can start a sportsman class and you can work your way up. You know, and that's like, like, you'd be like, you'd be like me like I don't feel super comfortable with the short course racing you learn something new to it. Adrian kind of drag me into a little bit but I'm more of a desert guy. But I am excited because you know, there's so many different levels you can race on or I can go feel comfortable. And you know, I don't have to go side to side his age. Does it thing as Adrian give you tips, then you go out and be like, dude, like, and Adrian walks up to you. He's like, Dude, why are you going so slow? His first race he came to it was Crandon, it was September and Crandon. It was like 40 Guys, it was in the Pro Mod class, and they just watered the hell out of the track. And he went through all of his tears every one of us. And on the first lap, I was actually chuckling to myself. I was like, I can't believe that's the first race where there was like, it was like, brown out basically the whole job. And I was just sick. I was like, I can't believe that. The poor guys in this Yeah, because it was basically you drive in that race you were driving when you hit somebody. Okay, then you turn okay, you just That's how that one file by fire. Yeah, the exact same thing the next day and it was like what the hell like in a qualifying It was perfect. Like the track was perfect. And I like it. No one's beside me. I was like, Okay, I'm comfortable in this. You know, I'm learning to track during the car like I was comfortable but then lining up and I qualified. The crappy thing is I qualified good. I mean, the good thing and the bad thing, but then I was writing the heat of all the good guys. I'm like, Oh crap, so we let go and it's like, I would do 20 Tear offs or one lap and then Todd's on the radio telling me what you do and like I can't see a thing I can't see my hands. And it was it was just gave me a whole new perspective on short course racing. You know how hard it is like desert racing with the dust you know, is is tough, but I don't know if it's just because I've been doing it longer or whatnot. But I feel comfortable in the dust like mud. Absolutely not. I need so much more practice. And like but like with you know the ATVs and so many of them out there I can go battle with people my own skill level essentially and still have just as much fun as you know people like Adrian that are battling at you know more more professional level so you know and then with with factory standard behind it to you you know you got players you got Ken Ham you got Yamaha, you know, you got all these factories stepping up and you Honda now, you know as a great program with race, race, Cohn de Mason, Jr. So you got all these factories seven behind it. And that's, you know, I mean, look at the molder taken after, like a Supercross mold. I mean, it's just just so gonna be so beneficial to the sport, and it's gonna make sure like, we have drivers in 10 years, you know, and like, I grew up playing hockey, and I, I was really good at hockey and, and traveled all over playing Hockey. Hockey now is dead, unfortunately, because hockey did such a bad job of farming people to play hockey because it's in areas where people could afford it. There was no hockey in areas that people couldn't afford it. There was tons of hockey. So unless you have specific weather, you can't play hockey, and essentially, that's what, that's what the sport of hockey is dealing with right now. So in 10 years, they're having a really, really hard time getting good, you know, to feel talent. And like, you know, that's my take on it because I played hockey and that's the industry I really liked and had a good time doing that is dying, unfortunately, but also by racing isn't really short course racing and off road racing is doing the opposite. Exactly. ATVs a real quick, Jason monta as I saw him earlier today here at the shop. He said, Kyle, remember when we raise trophy lights? Yeah, yep. Just floor it until you hit something. And then Mr. Flores says hey guys, just joined by we're gonna get Jimmy Henderson on here to talk a little bit about his race. Adrian Thoreau. Shout out to some of the people that helped you and just tell us about the funnest part of your weekend. Like I said, my What I'm really happy with my crew and we got a really good crew you will see that so we're going to come together very nicely with case Gunderson Mike grayling and Rina voters heading up the trio Max's tires been with him for well over a decade. Chris Shaw and Rosie came to to watch the races and she was like she was crying she was so excited about the race is talking about passion. And King been with him for so long. Brett makes such a good such a good shock and we do everything with that we spin upside down flip around do everything and it just lands us safely impact race products. That of course right there Kyle addition canopy stepping up and sponsoring just about everybody was just amazing. Yeah, it is super cool to see the support, man. All right, Kyle, I know that we couldn't get a couple of your other drivers on yet some really cool people that you were out there. Well, they you supported this weekend that we're out on the track to so throw a shout out and we're gonna get Jimmy on. Yeah, well, first of all, like Adrian Pro for tried to have, you know, a good heavy hitter in each class. Cory winter in the pro to Jacob was awesome. ProLight. And hopefully see me out there in the Pro Turbo Adrian out there in the Pro Turbo as well. But, but yeah, want to do a shout out to them and appreciate all the work they do. And it's been awesome. I can't wait for the next one nickel. I still want. Yeah, I still want to know what Adrian's favorite part of the weekend was, but I will give you guys some advice. Let's just say you're a kid watching the show, or you're listening to it on a podcast. When you see somebody like Kyle talking about vision canopy, and he's thanking all these professional drivers. And he was looking at you, and he was seeing you raise your UTVs. Make sure you're putting on a good show. Be professional. Make sure you're trying to get up there on the podium and you're talking to him. And when you see him at the track, you go say hi. So my my favorite part of the race or the weekend, I should say other than my own racing, because you're in it was watching the Pro to race on Saturday. That was pretty crazy. Fun to watch those guys go at it. It's a pretty stacked field. I really enjoyed that. So I enjoyed watching the talent those guys put on the good show. Yeah. Yeah, man. All right. Well, thank you boys very much. I really appreciate it. Yeah, we'll see you guys soon. Yeah, absolutely. Boys. Do you guys. Alright, so let's see if Jimmy Henderson can come on. I'm going to try to invite him and see if he's, if he's on here. So Jimmy, if you are on here, jump on. It's so cool to see that. That there's so many people supporting everybody. I really liked that those guys. were stoked on the youth classes. Like it's just so cool for me to be able to see that like these guys have been in the game for a long time. Jimmy Henderson what's up? Yeah, Hey, can you hear me? Yeah? Yeah, yeah. Okay, I can hear you better. Now that since you're a little closer to the phone, amen. So it was pretty crazy to get back to racing this weekend. anago, Wisconsin provided a lot of entertainment. Some of the stuff I didn't see begin to get to talk to all these guys. Man, it sounded like it was gnarly. Yeah, anago it's a tough track, you know, and they don't do a lot of grading during the weekend. So it gets routed out pretty bad. And a couple of us got bit pretty bad on it. You know, pro fours are slinging it pretty bad. So we catch ruts pretty good. And you know, it's one of those things, but didn't go the way we want it. You know, CJ was patient did his thing that he just he had just out there chillin driving and just let us do our stupid stuff. Well give us a little bit of a rundown. So tell us the classy race and then also how much I want to know like the work that was behind the scenes that got you to be able to get to anago because there's so much that happens. So many late nights so many late nights so yeah, so I run pro four and champ off road. Racing this guy right here this weekend and nitro crawl said Mid America so about that. Yeah, I just I just did a track walk. say really? All the track. I've never seen anything like it. It is wild. You want to look like there's been a couple of big hits to man this this tracks gonna change all fresh. I mean, that's just my opinion. I've never seen anything like it. You know, when you got out there there anything that made you pucker like it was too big. You're like, oh, just go over some stuff. Like, yeah, we're gonna have to pin this one. I mean, at least Yeah, one of the heels like we were on a quad. So we were running up it on a quad and I was like, I'm just gonna slow down a little bit like going up the hill. You know, and I was like, looking at a looking at another part of the track next to it and I slowed down a little bit and it was like, almost couldn't get it back going. You know what I mean? So yeah, crispy, because you're like, Oh, crap, I better pin it. Yeah, you run straight them down. The turns are bait. Some of the turns are negative banking. So you got off camera you got real really steep tambor. I don't know if this is the track Bull Run, but I'm pretty excited. Like stripe will run and champ off road. But as far as nitro cross this weekend, it's gonna be crazy. Genre desert squadron said, Yeah, Travis and the boys did a great job building that at Mid America. going to be awesome to watch. Yeah, we can't wait to watch it either. But hey, so we're talking about the champ off road series. We're doing the recap right now. It takes a lot of effort to be able to get any car UTV all the way up to a pro four on the track, right. It takes tons and tons of effort to be able to get there. Do you guys have like a set plan that you execute on from previous races to be able to make the truck better for the upcoming season? And then how does it translate into? I don't know when you first put the car on the track? Are you close? Or do you have to make a bunch of changes? Yeah, I mean, like kind of going through what you're asking to begin with. You know, the day Crandon is we're pulling the motor out. Like we get back to the shop, we washed the truck, we're pulling the motor out the offseason starts that day. You know, like Monday when the parade and all the party ins done. In Monday morning, you're back at the truck. We have no full time employees. So it's me. Cody Lewandowski. It was straightened by machine. He keeps the truck at his shop. He works on it all he can. Pat Haas comes over on Friday, Saturdays works. I have a full time job in Georgia. So I'm flying back and forth every weekend and just working on the truck. So we're a little bit behind the eight ball compared to some of the other teams. But you know, we managed to get it done. You know we we do a really good job. It is literally non stop work the entire offseason. It's pretty wild, right. You're already getting some, some offers right here. As an arrow said, Riverside airport. My any aviation? I have a hangar of trying to modify plan. That's perfect for you. People trying to support your off road racing. Yeah, I mean, I mean, we need it, you know, Max has stepped up this year. You know, we had some things kind of fall through at the end of last season. And then we got swit Mac system, we were finally able to pull that off. And by Adrian was saying Chris Shaw, Rosie, Chris Jenkins all those guys are amazing, and that the program they have the professionalism of their sponsorship is second to none. You know, and you've seen him with Johnny and CJ for years and there's a reason why you stay with right. And I'm just so pumped. You know, I am so opamp to have them on the team. The product is amazing. Like we went out to Indigo. And we were actually thinking about running the tires that we ran during the offseason, which had 30 or 40 laps on them. We're considering running them on Sunday trace, in that we need to use a new set of tires. Well, that's a mix gym like they will they probably did look brand new, but they got a little bit of the edge worn off on them. So you could use them in different conditions, right. I don't know how to say his name, but shoots man 70 forces. Yeah, they're currently working on getting the UTV ready for Crandon as well. Yeah, so it kind of does just start but this weekend, it's going to be kind of cool for you to get a little bit more driving time. seat time always helps. Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be great. You know, driving some a little bit different. more seat time. I didn't have that or I'll be a little sick, right. And then I'll say that a great but um, you know, just Sonic is CTV, anything. Okay. Yeah, do you gotta be take your emergency view. So you can get out there and do your best. Sorry, gotta hit your emergency to make sure you can get out there and do your best, right? Yeah, yeah, we're, you know, the probe for race. We didn't have the turnout, we thought we only had about six trucks. So wasn't quite what we expect. And so what give us a little bit of a rundown of the of the race, because we did. But I heard from Adrian, and from Mickey, that there was one corner that was really treacherous. But there was a lot of different I don't know, as the driver, maybe unknown is the right word, because he didn't know how predictable or unpredictable the track was going to be. Something catches you off guard. Yeah, I'm the big sweeper. I've been running the low line. So we're only a couple laps in. I stayed on the low line quite a bit, because proteins go up high. And they weren't great in the turn at all. So the protein is not the High Line. And I was actually behind CJ. And I was like, cold Labor's doing it. You know? Cole pulled it off. And I was like, I'm just gonna go up here and trying that idea. I should have stayed down there with CJ. Yes. Yes, they end up preferred line. And you don't have to sit there, you're more than welcome to get up and go like grab some water or whatever you want to do. I'll talk about some of the comments and stuff that are coming in if you do want to go get some water. Yeah, go for it. So Smith, Smith racing off road said can't wait to see what the rest of the year has. Yeah, Team Maximus, dude, let's go max to support and a lot of the great drivers. Let's see here, Scotty glass. Somebody gave him answer water. Yeah, he's gotta go solve some water. But yeah, you can kind of see the trend here. And what most of the people are saying is that the track was gnarly. And I don't know if you guys are like you're kind of hearing the same thing I am. I think as the season goes on, that more people will be able to change up their lines and understand how their vehicles are acting and kind of actually like, I don't know, get better lines and start making the track happen a lot better. So. Oh, Adrian, are you still there? Yeah. Let me back on. No, it's that. I don't know if the if the Instagram cut out, but it sounds like it's still on. Yeah, it was I don't know if it was paused or anything. If you just click on it, and then you can hit the X at the top right. Okay. But yeah, man, it was cool to see all those guys talking about that, because you can kind of predict what's going to happen in throughout the season, because everybody had so much anticipation going through the first race of the year. Maybe they were getting a little too anxious. Who knows. So what what was the vibe of the race? Because we were talking to to Chani, and he was saying, you know, like, they were battling pretty hard. And it was almost like a ballet in the pro for class. Did you get to spend a lot of time on track? No, no, we actually didn't. Day one. One of the guys broken a frame off the backside of a table top we all collected into him. took three of us out. So I was first lab. And then day two, you know we made some really good. The track was really nice. So day two, we did get to do some running. Me and Carl Cheney ran side by side for a little bit. That was a lot of fun. But they had like little fingers on the inside. You know, so you could run the outside and carry some speed. You'd have to go over the fingers on the inside. So the guys did a great job like making the track and designing the track. That was pretty cool. But the track still made it to be maintained throughout the day. Oh yeah, hobbies, usually Yeah. You run a special tire combo I just ran the Maximus at if you do any special moving or anything new Are you special groovy anything? Yeah, yeah, we had some grieving work, you know? This was our second time grieving a set of Max's tires. So we were still kind of playing with our grieving the tire and what we're looking for. But really we did. We did some for bike groups and a steer group and the product and truck was really good as fast. You know, we didn't have a lot we didn't have a transponder for qualifying millas working so we didn't get a qualified in time. But according to the good. Yeah. Hey, when stuff like that happens. So how did that big rock get beside the driver's seat? What does that mean? Oh, yeah. So the, when we flipped, I actually got a very good bruise right here. Nothing like Johnny's got but I got bruised up pretty good. A rock hit the rock scurrying during the flip, and actually blew the rock strained out and it pinned up against my chest. How big was it was those big? It's on my Instagram laying next to the rock screen. But I mean, it's football. sighs it was really? Yeah, that's crazy. Was it just sitting in the corner? I guess it was just in the corner. I don't think it really happened. Because I felt the impact to my face. Like my helmet, my chest. When I flip saw they were on the top of the car, or top of the truck like flipped over it actually like blew it through there. So I think it was like actually in the cushion. And then when I landed in the cushion, it pushed it up in my face. Really? I can't find it on your Instagram. I was gonna see if we could show people but dude, that's crazy yet. I was thinking about that earlier how gnarly rocks are in short course. I was going to ask you guys how crazy it is. Oh, hey, real quick, though. I'm gonna stop and just say what's up to Kyle the Duke. He just joined Kyle, we want to wish you the best but we saw all the support that you guys had for at champ off road and throughout the whole off road community to stay strong as you can dude, we're all cheering for you, buddy. So yeah. But yeah, so going through all that band. It's giving me chills just thinking about Kyle, we want the best for you did. So going through like the all of that gnarly route stuff. Does that mean that you have to plan? Who was it Mickey was saying that it was a little bit? I don't know what you want to call it. Like it was the track was way different on Saturday than the ones on Sunday. So it was in a different setup, like a completely different story on the whole race days. No, not really, for us. I mean, the track was a little bit blue grooved in the dark was pretty good both days, but there was a lot of a lot of rock in it. You know, same thing, like when I was behind Kyle, I would run I felt like I could stay up with the bank. And there wasn't very many of us. So I would run the unbuffered line just to stay out of the roost cuz like it was putting spots in my in my visor. That was running. Yeah, I mean, pretty quick. Sometimes. You just have to do that. Right? Like you just have to take opposite lines. I mean, like I do that a motocross event last night we're gonna pass anybody to follow. Yeah. So the though the weekend was, I guess, overall learning experience for you what kind of stuff? I always like to qualify this for the kids too, right? Like don't take a bad weekend and let it get you down. Do something like what do you do on a weekend like this? You guys didn't necessarily have a bad weekend but you guys learn from it. You turn it around and you get to go on to the next race. What's your process when you have a weekend like this? Yeah, I mean mainly you know, we dissect what we did, like the issues we had. You know, we think about the transponder. Okay, what did we have? Why did we have issues with the transponder? How do we make sure that doesn't happen again, setup was really good. There's some things we need to do on the big jobs to get the nose down a little bit because we're flooding the nose. So like we go through those stouts and this is before we ever left the track we're going through that and we're right now it's down on what changes we need to make the weekend you know another nest is washing the truck now checking to make sure we don't have any cracks or anything in the chassis. This this time we had to redo a good bit of the rear clip. So Cody's probably in the shop right now working on that know and kind of, we know like crane and we know the track we have a good setup. We have a different set of rear shocks we're gonna put on it for training. And I can't wait to go into agreement. They've Yeah, right Rob groom in the track. It's a purpose built tonight. Preferably, you know crammed in swogger. Yeah, it's gonna be bosses. It's going to be so awesome to see you guys. One thing I do want to say though, just go back on what we were talking about is accountability, right? Like you take the debrief very seriously when you guys get done with the race, because it's not always the truck, there's a lot of times to drive, but you have your own team, you drive the truck, you have your crew, you want to make sure that everything gets back to you. Right? Like, tell me the truth, what happened on the track? I'll tell you what I did saw the driver's seat, you tell me what happened in the pits. And then you can take all that information, you can combine it, and you can get better when you're moving into the crane and race that you're so excited about. Yeah, I mean, you know, I can blame it on the track all day long. But as far as the driver, I put myself in that situation. Me and my spotter talked about it, me and the crew chief salute StuGs, as my spotter would be on red line. You know, we sat down, we talked about it, I made a choice to go outside to see if I could get a run on CJ. And I put myself in a bad situation, I shouldn't have done it. That's one thing, you know, race on weekend, right, you know, acted like an idiot out there. So I could have been patient would have thought that Yeah. But that's, that's one of those things, though, as a racer, you take the opportunity when you can, right? Like, that's just how it goes. So I don't fault anybody for doing that any racer for doing that. Because you want to take advantage of the situation like that's the way that racers should think, right? But I do love the fact that you are accountable, because it makes you have a better time to learn and grow as a racer. And I'd like to talk about this stuff. Because so many young people that watch and listen to the show, it's very valuable information that you provide, when you can be a young racer and learn from drivers like you, Jimmy. Yeah, I mean, in patience is a hard thing to, to learn. I mean, even in my age, it's still difficult to do it. And it's hard to think about it. That's why it's so important for your spotter, to be talking to you about what that middle line looks like. Or if you take it, you know, because you may, like, as a driver, you're like I have a run on the guy need to take this spot. But it may not be the best thing quarter. Yeah, so why don't wait till a quarter with with less risk, right. Because I had, I had a few spots where I felt like I was quick. And I was running different lines, like everybody was running one line where you go off the track off the big track into the infield. And I really could have waited till then, and ran the inside line and just took that line away or had an opportunity to it's lower speed. You know, you might bump them back a little bit, but it's an easy pass, then that was the next quarter coming up after we went down the straightaway. So it sounds sounds like pretty much you learned like you learn to understand that you need to exercise a little bit more patience. And maybe it was the first round maybe it was just the anticipation and the excitement level of it or whatever. But that's really, really cool, man, I can't stress it enough to all the young people that are listening, how much it's important to be able to understand how you can do better as a person and as a driver. So we're gonna get that Gerald and Dylan Parsons on in just a second here on van Everett, what's up you give us a little bit of our thank your sponsors and your crew and everybody and then we'll get Dylan Matt on. Yeah, yeah, I want to thank United Reynolds. You know, couldn't do it without those guys Max's tires. Super pumped about what this year is going to bring with them. VP fuels beyond red line third Lawrence product straight line machine. Victory signs. So all you guys every dive is supports me it makes it makes it happen. Yeah, do it. Yeah, team, right. We're telling Mickey. Alright, so now you got your other team. You're gonna go out there and you're gonna do some nitro rallycross. Man, I can't wait to watch you rip up the track on that. Yeah, it's tomorrow on rumble. So you can check it out. Get the rumble app. It's free. You can watch it. So we'll be tomorrow and Saturday racing. All right. Hey, kick some ass out there buddy and have fun at Grand into we're gonna be watching that too. So good. Ly way to get your grand and eyebrow. I think Jimmy by the Alright, so let's get Matt Gerald and Dylan Parsons on here. I didn't see him just yet. So may invite them. I love being able to get all this behind the scenes information from guys like Jimmy and everybody that's been on the show so far, because it really gives me an understanding of what what other people can utilize the information to be able to do so. I think Matt's already joined us. Let me invite Dylan real quick. And we'll get going and talking to them. Hey, Oh, one second Matt. No problem. There you go. Oh. All right, Matt Jarrell. What's up, dude? How are you? I'm pretty good already. George. Good to see you. Yeah. And della, what's up, dude? What's up, dude? So there was like, I've talked to Matt a few times. Over the past couple of months, there was a ton of work that you guys put in to the race program to be able to get out to anago. How high was the anticipation level? Well, I was hot. I like the excitement finally sat in probably Thursday, like, we've been working on this truck since. I mean, before granted, last year. I mean, we had plans of starting on taking up the mike ban global shop. And I mean, we spent nine months on this truck. So that's a long time, right. So like, we just asked all the other guys like, how you prepare for it, like the day after Crandon, like at the end of the year, and then all of a sudden, you're back into a get ready for the next season? Yeah, I mean, we started out we started, we had plans before, before Brandon even came before like we were racing, granted, but we were already planning on for this year at that time. Yeah. Does it make you feel like you're more prepared? Or do you see it? Like, what's the vibe going into the race week? Yeah, I'd like to say we are more prepared. But like, there was still some things like we weren't prepared for I mean, moving up to a truck has been a big step. I mean, like, it just, there's so much more moving parts. I mean, have had that more of a crew. And everyone's been a huge help. Yeah, it's pretty well, and like, so let's talk about some of the help. So, Matt, you've been working on the truck and working on the program, how have things been going things go? Well, you know, I brought in some of my old crew guys that helped out on my buggy team and Dylan, it was pretty much as Dylan and his dad racing buggies for the last, you know, few years. So I want to bring in a good crew guy that we count on. And we brought in Curtis and Isa rock solid and, you know, all the crew that helped build the truck and everything. It's, it's been going good. Yeah, it's crazy how much work it takes, right? Like, you'd be in a race or yourself and kind of moving over to the kind of the crew side of it and managing these race programs and stuff. Is it a little different, like you understanding that? Everything that you do, he has to have full faith and yeah, it's, it's way more stressful to than just hopping in and driving. You know, I don't put my body on the line anymore. But making sure everything is perfect. And we have all the right people and tools and parts and everything in place and making sure we're 100% ready. Yeah, it's all a gap. Remington said. Yeah, use more race field to get enough race fuel man. Even if you just have to smell it. It just smells so good. Yeah, especially the Pete. Yeah. Totally. Sponsored plug right there. Hey, So Dylan, what was some of the favorite parts of this weekend because the anticipation level is so high. I'm probably just finally getting out there and driving the truck like with all the big hitters. I mean, we ran a race a few weeks ago, and there was five of us and we were all kind of using that as practice race. But I mean, this race was I mean, it was the big it was the show and we I mean it was nerve racking and like finally get in this truck and Antigo proved to be off track like I was like what the truck on Saturday so like you can't wait to go do just five minutes driving it too hard into a corner and put on the brake and then there's another truck there and I ended up on his hood so well that was the truck though because the trucking what I saw like the little bit I saw it I didn't see much. The truck actually looked like it was doing pretty good. You guys have to make a lot of adjustments. A few little adjustments, like some shock adjustments. I'm just just dialing in from our baseline kind of thing and like Mike Dan global gave us a good baseline to start with and like my knowledge of shocks and that kind of thing. Like we're gonna get it figured out it was it was just getting the rebound, start coming out not packing and there's a couple big jumps there that we had to sail in for. That's cool though, man. Like it just makes it seem like all the work that you put in the offseason was worth it right because now you're like okay, well now we have a pretty solid baseline setup and we can go to crammed and one of the funnest tracks on the planet. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think Crandon I mean, I've done well at Crandon I think we can come into Crandon swinging now like after getting some more seat time driving this trucks been a big stepping stone like it's not like a UTV or buggy where you can run the short line or on the inside you have to move your line out way more than you expect. Like you have to move it out to new lines versus what you're running in the buggy and side by sides. Yeah, you totally well the end the buggy it's a load side by side is a little less but it's like the buggies rolling speed and this is even more rolling speed because you have to be so careful driving with the rear end like that. Yeah, for sure. Like the baggy had a cutting break kind of save you and this doesn't and you're good to The point and your your split out like before you even know Yeah, actually marry you spot and for him does he have a different spotter? No I do all this so when you're so spot for him Do you have to anticipate it a little different since it's a different vehicle? No, I spotted her prolights before so it that that hasn't been a problem just since since he's driving a different truck than buggy. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, we we got to. We're figuring it out as we go. And luckily, we have some good people helping us with with that. So yeah, that's cool. What tires did you guys end up running? Do you guys run the same ones that everybody else did? We we started out with the razor ATS. And Chris Shaw put in an awesome group for us for qualifying. And it was a great, great tire. And, you know, we've been really happy with it when we tested and everything. Just when we came to the race, we we did not anticipate them watering the living crap out of it. And we we weren't set up for that. And that was on me. So the next day, we ended up running the Bravo 771 ATS and Dylan was hooked up really well with those So okay, so it gave you a little bit more traction though. Yeah, just little little bit more traction, a little different Memorial roof. We just ran them on the rear and like it was hooked up on on Sunday. Yeah, sounds like a sense. It was clay. It sounds like maybe it helped clean up the tires a little bit. Yeah, for sure. Or like the groove was it had a wider open groove in the center, like all the way across and they hooked up good. It was actually the same tire that one in ProLight on Sunday, too. So cool. Yeah. So like whenever I hear stories like that, I always think of like US racing. I usually hated making changes in the middle of the weekend. Like I wanted the car to be the same, like don't change a tire groove or don't change any patterns or suspension settings. But I like when you guys come away with stuff like this because now it means that you know what each feeling is like when you go into crane and next time. Yeah, for sure. Like spring crane is always super soft. So I'm not sure what we're going to show up to again, I guess. Yeah, yeah. What tires we're going to run there yet. Yeah. But at least you know, like, you have an idea of what both tires are going to do. Right, Matt? Yeah, we're a lot more prepared now. With the tires and in big thanks to Brody Engelstad for helping us out with tires. It's It's been nice having him. You know, we're able to look at his tires and what he's running because he's kind of new to Max's too. So it's been great. Yeah, vibe off each other. What were some of the sketchy is moments? Uh, yeah. Um, well, probably flipping over on Saturday. But then like, the big the triple. Like, that's all it was kind of a tabletop trip all but like, you had to get over it. And like, I would get, I had it perfect. And practice and qualifying and then come to the race. It was a little more, it was wet, and we couldn't get over it. And I actually smashed my skidplate in on Sunday. Like, just I'm like, I gotta get over this thing. Like, that's the best way but I just kept. It was It was rough. Like that actually hurt more than rolling over. You just smack your back. That's crazy. Dude. What about the racing? Like, were you pretty prepared for how fast everybody was gonna be? I'm like, so like half the field I've raced with before and the buggies and stuff like that. So like, I mean, we got 20 keepers and Paul Hayward. I've raced against them for years and the buggies and so like, most of us in the class, like, we respect each other and stuff like that, like I feel like we do. I mean, we're gonna still throw in door if we have to. But like, I don't want to I don't want to go smash into anyone. I don't think there's many in the class that want to smash into each other either. Yeah. Especially when you have to or you have a crew that has to work on the ship. Yes, yeah. I got him on a body this week. But that was my own doing because I I wrecked that. So Matt tells you hey, you reckon it's on you? Pretty much. Oh, that's hilarious, man. So there's a couple things that I want to talk about that were a little bit on race related. So Matt, I have a final question for you. But Dylan, it's kind of cool to see like Matt transitioning into this new role with you guy. Well, new roles, so to speak with you guys like managing the program and helping out so much behind the scenes because he was a driver himself. And how cool is it for you to be able to get all of the advice, expertise and be able to work with some of your friends too? Oh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. Like Matt. I think Matt's into it more than I am at some point. It's like he, he's like, he's like, he asked me something. I'm like, I don't know. He's like, Well, give me an answer. And I mean, I've known Matt. I mean, probably, I mean, we've been close now probably five, six years now. But my parents raised with his parents when we were when I when he was a kid, but I was I don't remember those times. Like I'm so much younger than him, but when I only 10 years, yeah. Well, 10 year old at the track versus a two year old at the track, like you know, I'm just oh, that's hilarious, dude. When I got into this, like he's, he's kind of been my mentor, set star. Did I mean we raced against each other for a few years, but then like once he was not racing anymore, he was pushing me to keep doing what I wanted to do or so like, what the side by side a couple of years ago, I wasn't like, I think it was last year, I wasn't gonna race the full season. And he's like, Dude, you gotta race like, it's more seat time and that kind of thing. And, and then this whole program Kambala Yeah, it is kind of cool, though. See, like, I love seeing that. Because I tell everybody on the show, always. And even in my in my personal life. It's the people around you that make you successful, whether you're racing, whether you're in a business, whether you're in school, it doesn't matter. You surround yourself with good people, then you can excel in whatever you're doing, right. So when I think about the program that you guys are developing, and the people that you have integrated, it's really, really cool. Two reasons, because they're smart. But even more important, they're passionate about it. We're definitely passionate about it. And I is I live for this stuff. And it's it's all I've ever known my whole life is short course racing. It's hard to walk away from it. Yeah, totally. And so that's one of the things I was going to ask you, Matt is, you know, like, what makes you keep having so much drive to keep doing it. So if anybody hasn't seen we've talked about before, but Matt got hurt. He, you know, broke his back. And he's still really passionate about it, even though it takes a lot of effort for him to get around at the track and do work in the shop. You still put 110% effort into it. Yeah, you know, I just love the sport, and I love the look of the I'd love to compete. Now. I guess that's, that's the thing. And as Tom Dylan this spring, is like, Man, I just, I just can't wait till we get the truck done. We can we can compete and see how we stack up against these guys. And, you know, I, I race to win all the time. And, you know, i That's why I got you know, I keep pushing forward. And yeah, we just, I love hanging out with my friends and doing this together with with Mikey and Dylan and, and all the other guys that I help. And yeah, just, I believe in Dylan. And I believe in this program that we're, that we're, that we started that we can we can grow this to be something like like, kinda, hopefully what Calgary is has. And in some of those other themes, hopefully we were, we're knocking on a door and we can find some partners to keep up with us. Yeah, totally. Robert Nash also said, you know, Passion is everything. But that passion actually has to probably make you feel really good as a driver, Dylan as well, because that means that you know, no matter what happens, you have to obviously perform as the driver, but you have a team that's going to put in as much effort as you are being trying to get on the podium. Yeah, for sure. Like, I had to sit back and think about it. We had an issue on Saturday. And Matt's like, Dude, look at all these guys that are helping you work on your truck. And like that, that put me in that respect. I'm like, we had four guys trying to figure out this tool. And then I'm going to look for parts and like it was an hour before we raced and we knew we had time, but it was just we had all hands on deck and it was it was pretty it's pretty cool to see that. All right, we're gonna wind down the show here real quick. But so Dylan tell me your favorite part of the entire weekend was out of course was it in the pits hanging out barbecue, it was probably there's so many there's so many things, but I'm just finally getting out there and driving this truck like trying to get more comfortable in it. It's been a big stepping stone and like all the work that everyone's putting in like Matt Mikey Jace, Curtis at the track, like your child, like everyone and being involved all winter at Flying Dutchman and here at fab works. Just getting all this getting this truck on the track has been I mean, it's pretty cool. Like, I mean, I've so many people that have helped out get this going. And I wouldn't be here without I mean, Matt like he pushed me to it. And I'm Mikey has been a huge help. Like, it's awesome. Dude, it always helps to have in the height man. Right? And then as Matt was, what was your favorite part of the weekend as you like, you can see this nice billet Are you? You wouldn't believe it though. My favorite part of the weekend was inspired spotting and qualifying. And mot one of the people I look look up to and in racing is Charles Levy. And he is down there sitting beneath me, you know, as I'm in the spotters tower and he's tapping me on the foot telling me to work dealing can be a little faster and we're making adjustments and like for me that's that that was the coolest thing. You know, he's my hero one of my heroes. And he wants to see me do well and in return I want to see Dylan do well so it's it's pretty cool. So that was my favorite part because of the support mechanism that off road provides just it always blows me away. Dude, I love it so much because everybody wants everybody else to get better. Yeah, I mean, you got the occasional shitty person but still like man, make Meat feels so good. Like just what we're talking about the whole family environment. Dude, it's killer. Yeah, for sure. All right, what do you guys eat? Dude? I think well, we had Senegal bring Matt some of those on Sunday when I went up and spotted for side by the What's that? Well what's the cheese curds like from? Like any girl it's probably got one of the best cheese curds out of any of the tracks that we go to do and I'm so jealous. All right, well, if I get up there, granted, you guys got to show me where the bomb cheese curds on you come to Crandon this fall and you stay with us, we will hook you up with some T shirts that are probably going to want a cheese curd, like the size of that rock that went into Jimmy. All right, boys, a thank you very much really appreciate everything that you guys do for the sport and for the industry. I'm so glad to hear all the behind the scenes stuff that you guys are working on. Because it really makes me proud to have the dirt life show because I think the dirt life show is actually helping educate some people to be able to really get their race programs going. And you guys are a key mark key of that. So I really appreciate you guys. Yeah, and one last thing I just want to say and I've been texting with him all winter long is my friend Kyle at Duke. I just want to let them know that we're all thinking about him in you know, I grew up at the racetrack with him. Yep. And you know, guys like me and you George we we never gave up with our our battles and, and shit. So, you know, you can hopefully you can fight through it and we're all pulling for him. Yeah, we know that Kyle is never gonna give up. He's just gonna keep pushing forward. Right? So yeah, we're all behind him and back in and Hey, real quick, too. There's a lot of liquid Molly on the screen. We are sponsored by multiple But Rob McLogan actually just joined us as well. And he's part of your guys program right now. Yeah, Rob's gonna get help. Like, with getting this program going. Yeah, so it's cool. Caitlyn do? We're gonna sign off here. We'd love you, buddy. Keep fighting. And yeah, we really appreciate it. Man. Do you guys want to throw any more shoutouts before we bail? Um, I mean, I just like to thank Maximus. I mean, Chris this weekend's been awesome. hooking us up with tires Ultra wheel. Like banded global I Flying Dutchman J set Bab works where I am tonight. He's been quiet so I can be on this right now. He's trying to work still. africare Auden's my family like everyone. My dad, like, he puts people it's 110% into this and sometimes he might not show up. But like he he he he loves this. So do the behind the scenes guys. Sometimes they're so quiet, but you know they love it. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Also, Matt. Also a few more lifetime scoring. JJ installation, Max's Komali just big thanks to everyone who else? Yeah, and thanks for Max's for being such a great part of the show. All right, boys. So what's next? Granite? Yeah, I bet you're stoked. Yeah, that's gonna be interesting thing. We're not running the full track. It sounds like but it should meet these prospects thing pretty good. Yeah. What's the deal? Like, what are they changing? I'm like, you know, dirt one, like that, that track like going around where the spotters tower is now? Oh, yeah, that's right. Didn't I think Mickey just told us that yeah, that's kind of crazy dude, that's going to be so different. It's not like it's going to honestly, it's going to change everything because the momentum is going to be way different on the rest of their solver. Side by side they're doing that to like that part of the track. Like let's change everything that's going to be what what do you think it's going to do Matt I think it's gonna it's gonna definitely even the playing field out a little bit because you know, there's been guys they've been testing they're all spring and they got their gearing figured out and I think you know, shortening the track up a little bit and like you said, knock here into the momentum all the way to the gravel pit, the top speeds gonna be down a little bit so it'll be interesting change the lines, your line choices and stuff too because those insights are going to be way more important because you're not going to have all that speed around and the dirt is going to be super super soft through there because because it's no one's ran on it. So it's, it's going to be with with all the snow that we get in the winter, and you know, after the after the spring run races the track will will start to get harder but right now it's gonna get slowly all right at the track one last time a track manual I'm sorry in bringing them to fall like the fall you get way more blue groove than in the spring. Oh, just do the packs in. Alright, so 2020 fit mom said because of last year I'm sure it's more of a save you think well, it might be racing can always be safer. So we appreciate the crown and people for doing what they do. All right, boys. We really appreciate it. Have fun in X mas granted, thanks. Thanks for everything. Yeah, no problem. We'll see you guys later. All right, so we're gonna wind down the show. So I really appreciate all of our guests for joining. Joining us and hanging out. It was really cool to talk with them. Unfortunately, we couldn't be at the races but it was cool to get all the behind the scenes that really makes me happy to hear about the cheese curds for sure. All right, so thanks to all of our sponsors really appreciate Max's for presenting you the show. And just it's so good to see that they're supporting so many racers, especially in so many different disciplines like desert and shore course and all these different again, racing disciplines. Thanks to the guys over at KMC wheels, please go support them. Like I said, if you can go down to your local foreign parts dealer and grab some tires and some wheels. Thanks guys over a module. Thanks guys in shock therapy, JL Audio evolution power sports auto racing products, and college vision canopies. We really appreciate everybody but most of all, we appreciate you guys for watching the show. So thanks. See you guys next week. Ace thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.