The Dirt Life
The Dirt Life
Seizing Opportunities - Sara Price, Saydie Gray, Mitchell Alsup, & Jeremy Gray
In this podcast, professional off-road racers Sara Price and Saydie Gray, along with Mitchell Alsup and Jeremy Gray discuss the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise. They share personal stories about how taking chances and putting themselves out there led to career advancements and personal growth. The group emphasizes the need to step out of comfort zones and take risks in order to achieve success. They also highlight the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people who encourage and uplift them. Overall, the podcast serves as a motivational reminder to seize opportunities rather than letting them pass by.
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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hammel. Yeah, what's up guys? Welcome to Dirt life show my name is Georgie Hammel, we got a pretty cool show for you guys today I'm gonna call this, this seizing the opportunity, Sara price her whole team, she has Sadie Gray, Jeremy Gray, Mitchell Alsup. And a whole bunch people are family, all kinds of people that helped her achieve some pretty rad stuff over the last couple of weeks. So we're going to talk about all that today. I don't know if you want to call it an industry insider, whatever it is, but it's really, really cool. And there's some good advice actually, to take from all this. You guys can actually use it in your race programs too. So listen very carefully to what Sarah has to say. Sadie asked to say Mitchell asked to say Jeremy has to say all those guys, we might even have some fun people joined towards the end as well talk to Simon over at Trophy row. So he had some fun with them as well over the weekend, or excuse me over the like last week down in Mexico. Really cool stuff happening with Sara as well. She's made it to the card and she got the invite. So we're gonna let them join in here in just a sec. While we're waiting for them with the CME over here, all our sponsors are going to be I got the camera turned on so all the sponsors are going to be rotated in the back. So thank you to all of our sponsors KMC Max's cryo Heat Shock Therapy JL Audio everybody. You guys get his little sneak peek you can see it right here. That's our razor being built. Let me get some of these guys join us real quick All right end Jeremy as well as Mitchell hopefully, it's working here there we go. What's up guys? Don't mind my voice a little bit lately the past couple weeks? Yeah, for sure. I actually lost my voice and we went from Sonora to Nora. And it just got worse but so the app and I just got out of the river I'm at home now. So it Ross told me to get on here with you guys, but just in the last three shootings. Alright, we're gonna get Sadie on here. And I think Jeremy is going to drive with her. And then Mitchell texted us and said that he doesn't know like, he'll trap in his shop or whatever he can. I wanted Simon to come on to you because he looked like he had a good time with you guys. I think he had Jeremy Dave. How are you guys doing? Good. Yeah, pretty good. All right, we got to watch people trying to join us as well. All right, so I'm gonna call this like, I don't know even if it's an episode, but I'm calling it seizing the opportunity because there's so many cool things that happened. The main goal I think for Sarah Frys was that you wanted to seize the opportunity to get to the car yes, so since 2015 the cars that my dream my absolute dream, and I wanted to make it a reality but there's other opportunities that kind of kept coming along and I took those opportunities like the spec truck extreme me and razors and then now Can Am and so you know, it kind of was always hard to from being in America but there is an act for Romania. Hold on What's up guys, how's it going? It's going pretty good. It's free loud in your truck. So we turn your phone on you. Yeah. He's still driving. Yeah, that's way better. Yeah. Turn it down. That's cool. All right, Sarah, sorry about that. No, your undergrad Mitchell's a champ. Yeah. And he's still driving home right now and do the do you have the lock? He thought or not even look tired. You look great. Mitchell. It's his birthday. Everyone was happy birthday. MHL. Yeah, dude, how did it hurt? If I left here, and I was with you, I'd give it to you. Thank you very much. All right. So Sarah, I'll let you finish before you're saying and then I want to talk about a couple of things with Sadie and Mitchell. First are Yeah, so the car has always been a dream of mine. And this year, I made the switch the BRP Ken Ham, and, you know, that was with the intentions of finger hang out, okay, I'm gonna put full focus to get to the car Biden. I'm not gonna let him in streaming from this. This is what I want and that's what I'm going to set out to do. Koh kinda was last minute got the cars both of as best they could. And then once I hired Mitchell, two then this crazy whirlwind you know, we won the Met we want Subnautica which was absolutely still beyond use. You could that means I get my entry paid for for the car. When I forget, you know, there's no if ands or buts that I'm allowed there. And then going into Nora, we went Nora, and then via Mitchell, little one the those married, but yeah, Western nation. You did? Yeah, we never felt one of our bills. Good job, Mitchell. Yeah, that was a, that was great time. So that's what I was saying about seizing the opportunity. So when I did that intro, I was talking, I wanted to kind of give an opportunity for everybody else that's watching the show, to learn from what you guys did, because there's some really key factors, I think that can help benefit and some junior race teams are beginning race teams, right? So you figure it out that your dream is to go to Dakar, and you fit you have the opportunity to be able to get your entry pain, or to get an entry into the rally. That's a pretty phenomenal thing. So you decided okay, well, I'm going to put a lot of effort into trying to get as win so that I can achieve that goal. It wasn't just a win the SnoreRx rally was to get your off committee to vote back all right. Yeah, most definitely. And you know, it's a it's not as simple as just now I got the entry can eat now. Now there's so much more to the puzzle. But you know, it's set in stone I'm going and now when I looked at the sponsors, it's strong going you're either going to be part of it or you're not. And that's that's just is what it is now, you know, and so thankful Jeremy got in the car with me and he absolutely killed it. And sad for Nora but you know, Sonora was a serious thing. It was something we definitely wanted to put a lot of effort and I think our whole being felt that but we did it in such an amazing way because we had the passion we got the hard work but we also had to get in time we had like the ultimate crew. So when we left each other like you got to drop some people off at their funeral or kill blood or like Cool man and let you go to normal we can see the sad smile and like this whole time and so like actually going on that whole opportunity thing. So you gave the opportunity to to bear moose ain't even a joke. All of them do not only be part of your team, but work as a team. Right? And so Sadie, this is her first time actually like navigating other than what she'd done with her van and stuff, right? professional environment that is there's a lot on the line, so to speak. So her dad caught her a lot. She was fun. She totally took the opportunity. And I could see in some of her social media posts and the text messages that we exchanged. She did not let up she was 110% dedicated to God's programs good. giving her the opportunity give them the opportunity as well. Oh, that she absolutely can do that. And I was laughing the whole time. I was like Do you like a little mini errand for music sorry, hell Erica, talk to me. I was pretty good. So funny, because she's 16 years old but crazy. But she's so confident in that seat and she's very good at what she does. And I told her like I know you want to be in the driver's seat that you might have a lot of opportunities to be in a co driver seat that will lead you to a driver's seat so she absolutely killed it I didn't get this she's better stop maybe your finger over the over the bottom. They're way better way by your head again so that we can see your ear make wire. Got it? Might be by the air conditioning bed. And I'm gonna put this on iTunes later. So maybe see if you could quiet the phone down a little bit. They saw it any better. See? Yeah, seems way better. So yeah, do it like that. Alright, so Sandy, that's what I was gonna ask you. How much did you learn during this process? Because I know you probably asked your data Antillean questions before going into it but being in the past is completely different than what you're trying to learn from your dad right because you're actually doing these first Oh, your phone's breaking up quite a bit. I don't know. Can you guys hear him sir? Are you breaking up a little bit? Yeah, I was breaking up in cover the bottom of the fall where the microphone is. Go I still can't hear you. It's a little bit. It's a little bit better. Maybe well I find I'm so met your wife Sadie works on that a little bit. How was it? Because one of the things I wanted to ask like one of my things question was, how many plastic mile? Guys drive from those two feet like cheese. So, in my truck, my truck right now looking at my trip, it's 3800 miles. I'll be 3900 miles in my truck in the last two and a half weeks. Geez, that's crazy. And Sarah, you guys put almost as many in the in the can and two, right. That would save other 80,000 Yeah. HUD would know how to do that. Yeah, that that's while right. But before we talk about the car, how does your guys bodies feel? I feel fine. I feel like great. Like I honestly didn't feel like any soreness or anything. Me and Sadie we went off the cliff on Nora. And so after that I had like a little soreness that went back but like the typical and then like my left because you're not in the steering wheel. So our I'm guessing I don't really know. But that's the only thing like I just feel like a deep Florida. I feel like you would be the river valley because you didn't get tired you like recovered every day. know because I'm like the stocky little thing that like can't know endurance sports surfing. When it comes to running apps, you might have muscle and it's just the lactic acid builds us off for our other threads or Oh, man. It was difficult in that seat. I was I don't know how she was doing it. I was I was in. I don't know, like, the first few days I was really sober. And I kind of just got that. I was good. That's crazy. I think it is your Wi Fi CD because it's good for a second and then it goes out. Are you on the Wi Fi at your house? Maybe you could just on your cell phone or connect to the Wi Fi one of the two. Yeah, I am on Wi Fi or no yeah, you could take it off if you go to a different room or something. Dude, it's kind of cool, though. So it's there when you give other people the opportunity to sit in the passenger seat. You have like I don't know what you want to call it. There's skepticism right? You don't know what's going to happen. You're so used to have an Erica sacks in the right hand seat. Like you have a I don't know you probably tweet like lower your expectations because Erica is so good but you have expectations is it really easy for you to be able to work with other people like Mitchell and Sadie when you're in in the driver's seat wanting to make sure that you achieve all your goals? Yeah, for sure. You know, I think it comes down to the person's personality because if like they don't want it, you know that but if they want just as bad as you do you know that and I also to you know, I always have confidence in my motocross background, like worst case, like it's the funniest thing like Sadie's a really good navigator but she puts bright and left on her hands and everyone laughs out of her butt every morning that the right of our on her right hand and running but she used her hand and her hand always right so like we'll be driving and she's like right right but her hands pointing left so I always know she means left but I'm always looking ahead from the Moto side so it's kind of like I don't know I trust that too you know and so I've always used like even with Erica like we give too much we get a lot of information but you don't need to always take every single ounce on that information it's there when you need it you notice that you kind of like your ears open and close and so they're open when you need it to close when you don't and so at least there's still give there's gotta be a lot of information how translated Sadie like you were in there for a portion of it obviously your dad was as well but for you know over 2000 Miles almost 3000 miles that Sara drove that's a lot of Asian I honestly I'm brain after so man I really I wish we could get a better connection from you guys it keeps bogging out Yeah, I like covered is it like in a phone case or something? They get out of a phone case? Yeah, maybe on the phone I was air compressor. So Reginald West and he's worked at like, what's her? What's the game plan when you know you have this? Really? I don't know what to call it because you guys didn't even know you're gonna race last year. Do you have all these miles that you're going to put on a car like 100 miles along the way in a car how do you attack doing all of those miles and wanting to make sure and making sure that Sarah crossed the finish line? So star star was you know day one when all this package together we have our piety star weights are your crew selection and you get people there who backwards Saracen is people who want to be there give them give you want it was Wednesday James traveled near from there you delegate this and every single night at the bivouac Sonora we went through the car even even if we checked out Park the day before it didn't matter if I back through get a hold on so maybe you guys are trying to log on here and a big shout out go mod off first if they had a you might have to back now Jeremy real quick and then they could try it from his boat. Yeah, so like, that goes back to what we were talking about. Like achieving the goal of right teamwork makes the dream work so to speak. So like when you have that big dude, it's just it's not a small undertaking. Like that's that's masked. They actually you know what now that I think about it. That's good freakin practice for that car. Yes, yeah. Did you Yes, for sure. Clearly our crew every night from from scenario to Courtney to brat to j we all had our positions. We will we were going to do what we're going to tackle. We Oh, we just went down the list and made sure everything was 100%. Sonora, you know, Sarah, Sarah did a great job on keep the car together in the crew did a great job at night. Tackling anything that needed to be tackled did there. There was no catastrophic, but there Westford hills. And we got past those hurdles as a team. And that's, that's when it takes 100% Yeah, that's pretty amazing. Like, it means you're talking about a kind of like on a, I don't know, a humble like level. But dude, there's a lot that goes on behind that. So sad. Let's try it again. So when, when you understand that they're doing like this massive effort to be able to understand how to raise that car to get into that car. Does that feel like it's pouring pressure for you? Um, I didn't really feel a lot of pressure. I'm more just kind of knew I had a job to do and did everything. I could be 100%. So you just straight up focus on it focus. And as much as I could, yeah, if it was that laser focus pretty clear, Sarah? Oh, yeah. Sadie was on it. Like, I was so impressed with her, you know, like, the first or second day at Noren. So I knew nothing about Nora. And to be honest, I just showed up it was kind of like, oh, okay, like we're gonna race this like, thought it with the signups was like, Okay, this is what you do here. Cool. And then I knew they have roadblocks, but they didn't know that. Like, you actually need the follow on like I buy you just go off the gas. And you're cool. You know, that we were going off lead navs. And lead nap doesn't show you your waypoints. So like, I didn't think it was a big deal. It just follow the course there wasn't really BCPS to be heading or anything like that. So we got like a 20 minute penalty. On the second stage. You're like, what the heck, we didn't miss anything. Like we're so confused. And well, it turns out the GPS is taking us on a road that was right next to the other road we should have been on. And so I went in I talked to Nora and like learned like they're like, Oh, no road book in order to hit these. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, okay. Like Sadie. Well, you have one night to learn how to read a real book and to read the book. He's like, Okay, let's do it. And then that morning, I'm not kidding. You finish it for homework. He's sitting there we get a roadmap fast 40 So she doesn't have any time to prepare to do anything go through for one that the day before. And she got it rolled out and understanding it going back for her dad who's a few cars behind us driving and athlete buttons and she absolutely feel that and we'd never been another waypoint. Again. Not for sure. Yeah, from that point on. We could just tell the fourth it was to the fourth grade weighed out and thrown in the mire sad. Hey, Michel, will you seek a waiver from the menu? Is that better? Found they'll suck it sounds like you have your windows open or you're in a helicopter on employee. I am in a helicopter Yeah, that's actually quite a few 100 people. Yeah, well, man, we're I still like not Quite Jeremy, so how is it like, since this was I guess Sadie's first go? Was she just a sponge asking you questions? And I mean, honestly, it sounds like she did a fantastic job. Oh yeah, for sure. I'm super proud of her like, especially here and all the compliments and stuff. It was just it was I was pumped, you know, and I was trying to explain to her, I'm like, Look, you have to be ready, you have to do this. And I'm trying to explain to her like, Okay, this is what this means. And you know, these terms, this is where your waypoints located, like, the little markers on the road book and stuff like that. It was like that I was like, I should have been explaining to work before. Now. It's like, a few minutes, and I have to explain to her. So after the, you know, each day, I would try to like, okay, hey, remember this was you have to do look for this, like different things like that, that would come up that I was trying to kind of relay but I felt like I was like, dang, I should have, I've should have had more practice this on it too. And so that I could have had her doing stuff. But it was like, we're sitting at the finish line of Sonora. And they're like, hey to city want to navigate. And I was like, let me call her. So it was like, one day hey, we're coming to pick you up tomorrow, San Diego. So it was like no notice on anybody didn't find those. It was at all just get the call. And you're like yes, and you'd hang up. Yeah. Yeah. Basically, it was like grab your passport and let's go. What did you feel like after you got up to fall? Were you like, holy crap. I was I was just like, Is this really happening? Like I'm I was so in shock. That's pretty cool. Those opportunities. And you know, what's funny, though, is you can put the correlation together. So Jeremy said a couple things. He said, I wish I had prepared for more. You know, what's funny, is he's always thinking like a true navigator one step ahead. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, even in some embora. It took me a couple of days to get back familiar with like, even the just the equipment like, the first day was overload. Same thing. I'm like, you know, the last time I did a rally was with Chris back in 19. So I was like, man, like, learn relearning the equipment and stuff. And it was it was a tough learning curve right at start. And then I was like, Okay, I got this. Does it change like Sadie and Jeremy, like, if you know that the vehicle is going to be used for 2000 3000 miles? Does it change the way that you guys operate? Are you guys more careful with giving Sara proper notes? Well, so yeah, it's crazy. Because with like, it was just supposed to be for Sonora. So the car I mean, anytime that, you know, Metro prep city, car prep work goes into it. It's always like 100% Like, there's no, well, we'll we'll wait, so hold off on this or that. It's like 100%, you know, prep the car to its fullest. Like, if it was going to do the 1000. So then you don't have to really, then you don't really have to change what you do. Right. Oh, you got a happy birthday, Mitchell from Gilbert. How it sounds Gilbert. Pretty cool. So tell me how it all transpired. You guys went to Sonora rally, and then all of a sudden, all this other stuff stacked on? Yeah, we did not plan this at all. So we went to Sonora rally, we finished Nora rally. And we always kind of like made a joke at night because Mitchell and Jeremy were always planning on going to Nora. And then they're always like, oh, yeah, like you should just come to North to it'll like era, you know, whatever. And then we get done with a race. And Mitchell has a trailer on his truck and I have my truck with a trailer. And we had Mitchell's car. He had rented it to a Brazilian team out there. And he's like, Well, I was like, Well, I guess we could maybe go to Nora our cars together like all right, and Mitchell's like, Yeah, I'll just bring the trailer. Let's just put your car on the trailer and Morty going it's gonna be easy. And then I was like, What about nappy? And then Jeremy's like, let me call Sadie because Jeremy was with Mitchell. And so it was kind of like, okay, it was like you guys don't mind me just tagging along. Like I don't even have rooms I don't even know if I'm allowed to sign up still. So I texted Nora on Instagram, just the whole series of I don't know who runs it. Like hey, do you guys in line if I came and did a late entry and they're like, Rick, no, they were so pumped and so welcoming. And so that's how this all started happening and then after Nora we just kept going and so me and Michel share driving duties at that race down there and Baja sir and it's a very big race down there though. Is it last mares or dos mares dos mares right yeah, the 500 Oh so great. I feel or Maya was like five more races. You guys were just kept going? Yeah, probably they were there. You were on this. Shell think? Yeah. No, no way we are and the fact that we jumped on it like Yeah, we but we would never stop racing. I feel like wait a second how many freakin tacos did you guys eat? All the time a lot. Last night you guys ate all the tacos in Mexico. Oh, perfect. That's all America across the border. That's the rule you go straight in and out. That's what we did today. That's so crazy. That's wild. And then so the DOS mares I think it's called like, so that one was just default to you just like oh, to race on the way back? Yeah. Diems told him that. Yeah. In the way. Where we're go apos Oh, so you guys already don't love bother. We were in Cabo. And it started in the pause. And I'm not kidding. Do me a missile drove the car. We will applause Yeah. You guys get the rally thing. Belser wild. This is so crazy. So Sadie, how much time did you get to spend with everybody? Just that one week or whatever? Yeah, just one week. Yeah, that must have been so much fun for you. It's actually it's a quite a bit different experience than what you're used to. Right? Yeah, absolutely. I, I don't think I've ever been. I think this is my second time being down in Mexico for longer than a few days. And then just being with the team. Obviously, it was they were my dad and Mitchell I've known forever and Grace was there and to be with Sarah and to be with the whole team. Man. It was it was awesome. Well, let me ask you this. So you're 16 and this is pretty much your first I don't know, navigating experience so to speak. on a professional level, what did you learn? Man, I learned so much that a lot of the terrain down in Baja, I learned rally, a lot of rally the notes and the roadbook and everything like that. Luckily, we had it and I didn't have to do the conversion from miles to kilometers which I was honestly really happy about which I just thought that was gonna be a whole nother thing. But yeah, this terrain wrap everything about rally and. And more about navigating and more about myself. Yeah, so was there a couple of things that I thought were the most important was the things that you learned about yourself? Right? Because you have said a couple of things you had said Wow. Like Sarah was feeling pretty good, but like you were a little bit sore or whatever. And then you learned how to act quickly because you had to change everything that you knew, like right off the bat. Like there's a lot of little stuff that you learned and I think a lot of either young girls or obviously other racers can figure out too because it's not all about just getting behind the wheel and not driving right it's about learning the whole experience and then both of the Mitchell will and Sarah got their taste that navigating and driving down and dust mares give us a little I was navigating see how steep I was a little that just started. I was like I got this and it took me a little bit but I felt like I did a good job. We were having a blast. So like he was it was a good time. It's a good time. What's the pressure? Yeah, NATO's a good navigator laugh to say and he's a good driver too. But he killed him when he's on his life saying okay, so well yeah, we have plenty dope Maris is like old school Baja rain, no speed limit. People are sitting right off the course the whole time. Like unless you out a pit sign, you're getting gas. And it's apparently we now have a pet Stein or really a fuel scheduled when to stop to certain extent of like, we weren't getting gas like know where to go you guys go to the gas station? Or did you guys actually find people who had gas and just ask people just gas and ask her see waste when we just went into pitch and said Hey, Sarah, would you start yelling it was epic. I was just like gasolina his needs to go up and he'd be like, we need gas and you're like, oh Lena you're pointing to the gas tank with like $20 lead to like, let's go. Yeah. Sadie, what would you have done it? Yeah, sometimes jobs. Sometimes you're gonna get gas same thing. Oh, yeah, same thing I would have start yelling I'm like we get so when you get everything anything you can do. It's so crazy how all this stuff goes down. Like we were actually talking about it the other day like the whole MMA thing. You start here and then you end up here like so that does mayor's must have been super fun. If this Yeah, what did you learn Sarah during this whole experience other than her Kandam can take a serious beating? Yeah, dude, I'm so blown away with the canamex Three and a platform like every Nigerian habit like seriously have a talk with me because I'm like, give it for for we have to do some, like we have to at least change axles or we have to change this or that and goes, no Sarat he goes with these cars, you really don't have to. And I trust Mitchell and Jeremy so much when it comes to the mechanics, and you know, I'm so new to that platform. So I just was trying to always be prepared and think you have to change so many parts to be prepared. And they just they basically had to just talk me off the ledge every night like nope, trust me the cars ready to go. And I'm like, All right, I trust you guys. And look at where it got me. So trusting a good crew is important. But being in a navigator seat was stuff I Mitchell absolutely kills it, which we're very similar. It's super funny. Like we make a really good team together. Just in the fact that we're go getters and we want to like we're spontaneous audits away with going to that race and doing it. Yeah. And I feel like we're driving styles are pretty similar as well. And we don't talk in the car, which is really funny, because that's all the motor. But yeah, it's so funny. But yeah, and I didn't have it for him. I was like, oh, no, at first or no for only in Spanish. So that old Ray. Oh, no. Oh, we're really screwed. And then on the line, the last minute English guy comes up to us or like the American and gives us English No. Translate on the way to start line. Yeah. Did so we had a question that came in. Tyler gray actually asked what was the most challenging hurdle to overcome SNR Alyssa Jeremy answer that one. The Nora, no, Sonora, Allison Nora, it was probably just me getting back to, like, you're not the equipment, like some sometimes. Like, when we invalidate a waypoint, we had to go farther. And then the other cars. Because we had a smaller circle, like ours was only 30 meter circle. And the FIA cars they could validate at 90 meters. So that means like, there was tracks there. But we had to go out of the tracks farther to validate the waypoint. And then, you know, catch the track again. So it was a little bit difficult there. But yeah, it's like it's there a killed it, it was the it was hands down, like I couldn't, with rally, if you if you look at the notes, they're far they're spread out, like you'll have you some sections, you'll have five kilometers, and you won't have any notes. So it's basically you drive blind, and pretty much as fast as you can. Until that next note, you know, like regular navigation on the GPS, where you could you know, what turn is coming. And you can prepare early the whole time, I'm sitting there counting down in my head, looking at the odo frickin countdown until I could tell her, Okay, you have 500 meters, till we're gonna be doing this. And then I'm like, okay, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters, and then we should be doing whatever the note says. Then it's how they you have to adjust all that, especially if you're to give her the same information that she's used to, like, processing. Yeah, yeah, it like those a few times that we got a little turnaround, and then then the, the neck notes don't line up anymore. And then you have to wait till you can reset your odo to the correct one. I'm like, Okay, now, you know, a couple of tenths off of the actual mileage. And I'm like, Okay, so now I can't call it I'm like, You're doing math the whole time. And then it's like, Okay, how many miles miles do we have left for fuel? And we're like, okay, what are we getting for fuel mileage? And then it's like, okay, we reset there. So we used eight gallons, and we know the car will do 280 kilometers. So it's like, Okay, how many more kilometers do we have left on the stage? And it was Jude that little cream. That's so many resets and so much more. That's basically science doing like, the process of science. Yeah. We have holy photos on the car. Some guy said the first day was a little overload, like, because I had I was looking, I had the aim system for the car. So I was monitoring the belt temp, the engine temps, everything like that, plus the roadbook plus four odos or six Notos on my side, and then I would glance over at hers. And it was like overload. I'm like, I would tell her Hey 200 And she's thinking it's cap heading, but I'm like, No, it's the belt. So she's like, just kill me belt then. It was, it was Yeah. Let me switch that over to my water. Yeah, cuz there's just too much like you can only process so much. Yeah, it's crazy. Hey, Sarah, I know that you have some dinner plans. Are you okay right now? Or do you got to sit back? Yeah, I'm sorry, lady when your dad's talking about all that stuff is it basically the same for what you guys had to do in the car. Um, it was a little more relaxed. We had we it was very similar when it comes to rally. But I didn't have as much going on on my side. Sarah was dealing with managing the car and I was dealing with navigation, but I would still want over and be like, watch this. Watch this. You know, it was just out of habit. But it was kind of similar, but it was a little more relaxed and what he had to add. I basically feel like she just said that she's better than you. Yes, yes. He was like, I didn't have to worry like you did. Yeah, I think I was more worried about it. Because I was more worried about how they were doing like, I was in the car with Mitchell and then with like, Blake and Ken. So the whole time I'm thinking I'm like, I'm on the radio, trying to tell her Hey, make sure you that you reset, because one day they started us off than, you know, off the notes. So it was the section off. So I'm like, Hey, your robots not going to line up half this section. I'm trying to tell her like don't go off the road book at first. But I don't know if they had to read the alarm. So I'm like, Hey, you guys. Can you hear me? Like? Yeah, that so I was I think I was more worried about them. And them. I knew that they were doing good. And like, as long as they were still moving. I was like, okay, they're there. They're doing the dance for us. Even funny. Fan the first day. We so Jeremy was in the car with this man can he is absolutely amazing. He's 81 years old. And that's to Mitchell and Jeremy were going down there to Nora with to begin with. And he was in a Canada mix three as well. And it was his bucket list items to go and race this race. And he's just an amazing man. And they welcomed me with open arms. But we were started behind him because we were late. And we were like waiting to catch them. And we finally get up to them. And I'm like, Hey, what's your dad and then Sadie just doesn't even skip a beat. Like this is how like, like, you don't teach these things because it she just is like, she just, she's so prepared. She helps train on the radio with dad. Get Fooled reader eagles. I know you all are gonna suck bass. I'm definitely going to clip this. It's at 6pm This is the club that's going to wipe me out like, okay, they're gonna be catching us. So I'm like, I'm waiting for it. And that's like, I hear a couple over Devere behind your mic. That's one thing you don't want to hear like, they already got you like oh my god, I don't care how to know what I think about it. First of all, proud dad moment at that flow was like, that's also a changing of the guard to man. She's coming up. today. I know. I know. That must have been pretty cool for you guys to like, go through and experience that and especially Sarah, were you just cracking up? Yeah, I was laughing most of the time to be honest. I mean, CD, even in the car, like there's so many times we would just crack up because we'd like come around the corner. And she'd be like, she's like, I don't know why she goes, I can't always get Overwatch out of my mouth. She goes on to say let it go. Like luckily, it was less. I just got to learn like her tones that she met. And it's like, but he never skipped a beat. Like she was always on pulling. And she always knew like, what was coming in no serious energy really. Alright, let's dig a little bit the navigation portion. Like we can talk about that for days. But what are some of the most actually let's go around. Let's say you told me that some of the most beautiful stuff that you saw in Mexico, no SAV, Jeremy and Mitchell. I would have to say obviously, the code is amazing. But there was when we get closer to Cabo. Maybe it was a pause. There's green mountains, like the mountains are full on green and a dirt screen. And then like we're racing along the side of a mountain you look down and like they have like this little paradise they created in the middle of nowhere. And I just was like that is super cool. And now they got your interest to Dhaka where you're going to be seeing some pretty stuff over there too. All right, but yeah, so yeah, some of the most stuff they use. Um, so my like personal favorite was the coast section on the fourth day coming into a pause that was beautiful, but also San Ignacio which is one of their favorite town. That was really cool to see. That was a really cool little town that we went through. And Were those the first times you ever saw those places? Yeah, yeah. First time yeah, that's like a whole new like, you know that. What was it on Lion King a whole new girl? Jeremy, how about you, man? Did you guys were on the Gulf side, right? Yeah. So we jump onto the beach and we're on the right on the beach. Probably like, I think it was like 17 or 18 kilometers just along the beach. And just just cruising along the beach was still awesome. And I was like man, can you imagine linking up with your buddies not like on a rally and everybody's just cruising down the beach like that, like racing? Like that'd be so awesome. Dude, that would be cool. Yeah, we get to speak like a flock of no. Yeah, almost you basically call it a lot. Yeah. But Mitchell and other than send your crocs. What was your favorite part? I'd say so I'm going to bring up BAM LA. It's maybe not the most beautiful place but the way we were staged there prepping the cars on the beach was really really neat sir actually took her tent she stayed Iraq while we all went to a hotel but to line vibe both the cars upstairs and kids car and run perhaps into the trap to the cars on the water was a pretty epic experience. And they put you to bed valet was dt because it brought all the racers together for a big launch it on a day to day to write two or three, I think it was day to day 6.9 The whole experience had been an ally it was really cool because it's everyone's really close to top for weight and the luncheon and the traffic on the beach. It was just it was just full circle for me. It was good. Yeah. And just listening to you guys talk like that's the beauty of racing off road in general is getting to spend all this time with your team, your friends, and then obviously like minded people, but when you can do it in beautiful places like down there in Baja, it makes it so much better. Like honestly say at 16 years old getting to experience all that stuff. It doesn't get too much better than that. You got to experience it with all your friends and family. Yeah, absolutely. I agree. Yeah, it's good. What are your friends think of school when you tell them how crazy your last couple of weeks were? They all can't really believe it. They're all kind of a little jealous, I think. take me take me. Yeah, that exactly. You guys have anything else I know Sarah has to get to a dinner. And I'd like first I want to commend you guys. Because being able to be this flexible as a team to be able to execute at such a high level get to wins and then a podium at a race to races that you didn't even expect to do. And a data entry. That is where dreams are made like all of us racers would love to have that much success. So kudos to all you guys. Thanks. Here, you know it's funny. A lot of people like right now are like you're on fire. You're absolutely killing it and all this and like I said that was Mitchell and Jeremy and Sadie. I think they all like kind of know. And I'm like guys, like it's been a rough few years before this. Like, it's not always the glory days. Like I know we're on a high right now. And I know this is amazing. And this is I'll take it I definitely you know I live for this. And this is what it's all for. You know, over the last few years, I've had a lot of failures. And before that, you know had a lot of success. But it's always this crazy roller coaster that you have to ride and racing. And it's not always easy. And you have to get through those hard times. And sometimes those hard times lasts a lot longer than you ever could imagine, you know, but since I brought Mitchell on a part of my team and gotten to my Kaneohe, it's been just a breath of fresh air again, and it's been the missing link to my program, as well as Jeremy and Jeremy actually Ricky had mentioned Jeremy to be at Koh and his bio, please listen to me for what I need a cop after me. And I'm like, okay, like you still add them and I didn't call this guy so I called him and then Jeremy wrote something for testing for men. And then we had Eric sheets and Harry's awesome as well. But so we had a plan with Jeremy but then small world Jeremy works with also at King of the hammers. I've been blowing up for Jean Michel, because I was like, I don't know nothing about Canada. Can you help me like I don't know how to do it. And he's so nice all the time. And then we get to Koh and I accidentally put it in his palate and it's like well, I guess this is meant to be we just work together you just call me start prepping my car and injury works with Michel that Simon rides with them. So I'm like physical got into puzzle pieces do now all together. And they'd say to you just end up being in the passenger seat. Exactly. Alright, so I was gonna ask something about, Oh, do you know the total miles that you guys complete or no. I honestly think it's about 3000. My photo on my actual vehicle is not accurate because that 30 twos on it. But it was like 2700 on my odo. So it might be even more than 3000 but I would think 3000 You saw Simon just chimed in and said 100%, but you guys are in a good place. And in a good vehicle, you guys will kill it. Yeah, I don't disagree with that statement. Simon. Alright, Sarah, you've answered most of these questions, but I want to give Sadie the opportunity to answer all the rapid fire questions you want to do it with or do you want to bail? Yeah. Okay. No, no, I already did. So I'm good. Sadie, first question. Okay. Tacos are hot dogs. Oh, Tacos. Tacos all day. Well, Michel, are you going to hot dog now since you ate all the time? Oh, taco. Taco guy. All right, it's narrow. What are you picking? It Yeah, I've been crazy. Dog. I'm not gonna lie. But I'm rubber bed sob was in Cabo. So that's a toss up. I've been really wanting a hot dog that I don't know if you guys remember. Remember? I was walking down the street. From down there to I saw him. Alright, Jeremy. Here's your answer. I do fish tacos right now. Oh, you're going big fish. Taco Bell. Alright, Sadie, how do you spell silk? F I L K. What is the cow drink? Milk water. Mix water good so let them see this part of the video and then you could trick tomorrow. Hey, Sarah, use that a dinner? I'm going to well Ricky just heard. Okay, perfect. All right. Sadie chicken or Asada Chicken. Chicken All right. What about you Sarah? Jeremy got to do chicken vigil. I saw that. They're gonna decide I got Alright, let's see here. Dudes are the river. Wherever you go on river is that because you just spent so much time in the sand in the race car? Oh, no, I'm just I'm not a I'm not a real mover all day. Oh, read on. Sara Lee beauty. Well, you just gotta have a watch. Yeah, I'm like, this is a really tough look, guys, you know, because our property is called the RIP and dip ranch for reasons so we can open DNS and the river nobody's ever answered both but I'll let it out. Or I would say both. Yeah, that's a that's a that's a hard one. I learned the red one. And there you go on dunes with the river. I'm gonna say I'm gonna go both Oh, dang. He's not even tired. Look at him. He just wants to go play with more. Yeah, every way my Oh, do things freak me out. I have anxiety Yeah, I have anxiety. So I do I do the river. Let's see here. Oh, action shots are still shots at pool Whoo. That's her I think action shots. Shots. Yeah, yeah, King shots. Pretty cool. Sometimes. Let's see if sometimes it still shots like that one at you. It's there on the beach when you guys are I think you're all left number one or whatever. And you guys are totally in the moment. That was a super cool sales shot though. Oh, yeah. You guys must have had so much cool behind the scenes stuff. I love talking about this. All right, Sarah, what's yours action still shots? Um, I would say still, how to talk about our driving. It you'll see when I was talking about it. We were driving back from the finish line at Nora. And like, let me remind you the day before we won, I told CD. I was like, all right. Like, this is what we have to do to win. She goes Do you really think we can win? And I'm like, Yes. I think we read we're going to read it. She was so not sure. Like, no way. I've never won something like this before. And I'm like, Girl, we're gonna do it. Watch. And so that was pretty cool. So when we won, it's her first time ever winning a race. So it was so huge for her it she was so excited. And I was like, I want to just jump in the ocean or suits and she's like, yes, okay. But we couldn't quite find a way to get to that ocean. We seriously drove around China for I just bought on credit so that we're going to house with the crew and we're driving our car on the highways and then we just saw a beach off to the left like we're by ourselves Mitchell's driving the chase truck behind us like ways long ways away. And so it was like just turned off but I was like we're gonna do it we're just gonna go drive right here I see the beach freaking drive the car into it and we'll just jump in. I get some random dude on the beach video us and we go to jump in, but I didn't know the waves are so crazy in Cabo and so like dangerous. So we go running in and we're like, seriously get washed back that but then we got dragged back in and we're like, oh, no, like we're underwater. Getting sloshed around we come out we finally get out we're just covered and seen and like we're like Wolf it's just happen. We just wore that now we're getting like trampled by the waves like we thought it was gonna be cute fun. And it was just like he sat there and lastly well gar and have a peninsula so probably way more turbulent down there dude that's crazy. Dave You were you actually like worried at some point you're like oh my god we're getting trampled by these waves. Well I so I came up first out of the water and I looked over and Sarah is still under the water and I'm like, No, this is it. We just won there's drowning auto though I was so they're still in the driving seat we were driving see ran in the water and just went for like that's got to be so heavy on your body because the driving water you're like all right. Flatsome I'll see Sara but yeah, but so funny. We get back to the house. And they're all looking at us through like we did a through a nice and wide for doser I was wondering. Really dad they were still wearing Oh yeah. What am I getting hopping outfits? Did you guys get to wash him? I lost mine but hers just laid on the street for like two days we ever do PR pad. And so they just kept the moisture. For a while. I don't know. It was crazy. Because when we raised I was like bottled up Z was like it's so wet over here. That's funny Sadie's like I'm not Washington. I'm just leaving that crusty. here that's so funny. What a great experience though. Did you guys save the video? Yeah, yeah, we still have it. Yeah, random dudes. Like, how just watch these girls die. Yeah. Anything you see? So they're filming? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome, man. All right, three wheeler or quads Daddy. Oh, I'm gonna have to go quad I can't I can't do my dad rolling. Yeah, a big quad. We already know what Jeremy's picker What about you Sarah? Um, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not really like either, but I don't know three wheelers are cool. Like I feel like like with living with me kriegler will be sick. I'm digging. I'm thinking Ultra Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, that's on app and chakra really good just commented in and that said, thank you to the whole team for all the support and congratulations on crushing it You guys rock. Pizza Rolls are all being your poppers Sadie. Oh keetsa rolls all the way. Where are you put anything on them? Like you'd use a map of ranch or what? shaver all dogs raw dog? Is anybody else want to call up annual poppers? Because I have the most delicious poppers you've ever had in your life today? It's taco Masonboro pizza. Oh, no. All right. You guys are team pizza roll. I'll be the odd guy with the popper. Let's see here. Favorite movie Saving? Um, oh. This is funny enough. It's It's, uh, this movie on Netflix. It's called wheels of fortune. It's a hilarious movie yet. I don't think anybody knows of it though. Okay, so wheels or fortune. Everybody gotta go check it out and then get into Sadie's DMS. yourself even better not. Here's like, though, please don't give her a DM only for the movie. Instagram or Facebook ad. Instagram. bid against gram girl. Do you do the tick tock? I do have one. Yeah, but I don't post on there. Can't even get into mine. I've been locked out for two years and it won't let me on so I'm not ticked off. Let's see here. Netflix or YouTube at YouTube. What's your favorite thing to watch? You'd like learning on YouTube or do you like watching racing stuff? Racing all day? That's right. Oh, that was actually a good fit for me this dude I watched The whole thing from start to finish I was like, that's the real shit right there. Yeah. It sounds pretty. No, that would just get raw footage, right? Yeah, he did such a good job on that one. Let's see here videos or photos and we'll go around everybody say to you do a first video or photos? Oh, gosh, that's hard because I do both. I'm a photographer and I do video too, but I'll have to say video. I'm gonna have to say video. Yeah, picture says 1000 words of video. So it's 10 million word right? Alright, me what's yours? Yeah. Video. Yeah, like video. Sarah. Mitchell, are you I've gotten phone he'll do there's just something good about a rap photo, right? Let's see here. With a photo you don't really see that motion like a video you'll see. You know, the most. I wish I there was a video of the finish of Sonora. And they came around and once we pulled into the finish, it was like, like we won. And it was like, I looked over at Sarah and Sarah seen Courtney. And they both like started tearing out and doing it. So I had to turn away real quick and try to act tough. I was like, Oh, they're all crying and then I think serious dad was crying like it was a big like a big a big, like emotional. And I just wanted to know for sure. Yes, I was pushing. Yeah, Jeremy's like to just tear it up. He's like car gonna act from it for other girls. That wasn't even that it was just like I understand like, she's, I understand it you know, when it's something that big? It's like, yeah, like, especially after he said, you know, like she's had a hard few years with racing and stuff and just, you know, not getting results and braking and when it happens it's racing you know, not everybody gets to win. So yeah, totally Hey, we should give a shout out to Courtney props to you because she was out there with you get Bert Courtney's off, so Alright, so this is the most important question of the whole Courtney two weeks you guys oh the whole 3000 Miles What was your favorite snack in the car Sadie Oh, it's gonna have to be me various was Sarah. Big gummy bear good girls in the car. favorite snack too. If not paid in the village Yeah, I was living off as jury doesn't eat in the car. I just eat the whole area. I don't understand why you don't eat in the car. Jeremy still baffled me. Yeah, I just, I don't eat like I'll eat a Clif Bar every once in a while. But I just might. It's my, like my routine. I just won't eat. I'll drink and stuff before. But I just won't eat. Like, I don't want a chance to get any sick. And that's like, the biggest thing is like I just figured out if I chew gum and drink water and stuff, I'll be good. Other than that, I don't want to. I don't want to hold anybody up or have you know, have an issue. So I mean, just don't eat your logic. Your logic is fantastic. But I'm not taking the same advice. I'm eating the whole time. Yeah. Yeah, but I do agree. I I keep zip locks in the car with me just in case. Like big Ziploc bags to throw up in so I don't puke on myself if I see it. Whoa. Crazy. Yeah, that's yeah, that's my that's my secret. That's the secret sauce. I could have done that because I was afraid of getting sick was Mitchell when I no hop in the Navigator. See? I got a neck for a little and he's like, Yeah, you're like crying? And then he fell asleep. And notably can you get that's funny. By winding down real quick cuz we only got two minutes left. Michelle, what was your favorite snack? I'm gonna go with the four pack of Oreos that Sara and I had on the way to just more as Sue they must have looked out. They said is beyond Rosa alley. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Yes, those. Alison is amazing. She was with us. She was with us. Nora all the whole Nora and yeah, she's amazing. So it is a cutting gauge birth IBMP grad worked on that new race winner down in Mexico for the last three weeks and comes home with a car that he probably doesn't have to prep that much due to massive winter. Yeah, it took a whole team I want to give a shout out to Jay for for navigating 2000 miles you know, as as drivers it's it's a lot and but to navigate for 2000 miles for 15 days straight or whatever it was. You're you're you're pretty awesome Jane, I'm Happy. I'm blessed to have you a part of everything we do, buddy. Thanks, dude, you're gonna make him cry like, it's okay. You arrived yet? You think Danny is better I know. I was like I gotta get home because I flew in from gaol race. I was in Japan for two days before I even got or two weeks before I got down there. So I flew right into LA they picked me up at Tucson, and we went straight down and gone for two more weeks. You flew into my normal job where to go man did you say hi when you pass on it? Yeah, we did. That's so cool though. Man with Sarah we need some of this like no stop energy that Jeremy knows. All right. I know final questions to Sarah can go eat dinner. Say chips and guacamole or french fries and ketchup. Oh, not o'clock girl. So on there how to save french fries and ketchup. That's fine. You can leave all the gwoc for me. I'll get one. All right. Jeremy, what's yours? Pray for French fries and ranch. I can't do catch you know ketchup. What Sarah? Oh, you forgot I've got I'm gonna What do you think? Yeah, I was gonna say he's probably getting the gwoc in the tacos burritos everywhere. No gwoc For me I'm going french fries myth Yeah, let's do one time when I was a young kid and like my throat like started getting all foggy so I was like nope never again have another sentence yeah please don't die on us did that right there's so many specialty we're at the office or they're having guacamole get hosted all this racing for 3000 miles but you almost died taking a swim a victory swim and then Mitchell a guy's to be carefully avocados Jeremy doesn't eat at all like well, you know what you guys are doing hand we got seekers now. That's it sharing all their secrets. All right. Well, thank you guys very much. You guys have anything else that you guys want to say? Actually, Sarah? Let's have everybody go through you go last. Sadie, who do you want to thank? Well, first off Sarah for giving me the opportunity and my dad for shouting me out and allowing me to add that opportunity. Mitchell, his whole team. The whole the whole team was Scott Connolly and all their team. All of those guys that helped help me Sarah, Scott Atkinson ally frickin Gosh, everybody that was there that helped and made everything happen. Yeah, Jeremy. Yeah, Sadie kind of nailed it. And then shout out to Gilbert Gilbert spriggan he's just awesome. All of a sudden Nora he had me. He is the one buying me all the electrolyte drinks and stuff run down with me and just being around. And then Sarah Yeah, thank you for everything you know, is awesome. Michi always bringing me around so it does electrolytic coconut ones are so delicious. Hey, don't forget mom, though. Mom, let you guys do all this about my wife. My wife was doing the passport thing and have it expedite my passport. And she did she did a ton behind the scenes. And you know, she was just she was more bummed out that she couldn't go because she just got back from Florida. So yeah. Mitchell. So crew for sure. That goes without saying but also for me this these last two weeks really regenerated by you know, Sarah, and then all the other customers that choose also bracing development to put up their machines. And you know, without without them, it would be hard to it'd be hard to do this. So from Sarah to Scott to the other five or six cars we had down at at Northern Sonora and so just the support from the entire community allows all of us to continue to push forward to our dreams and yes, Allah say my mom, my family you know, when you're God away from home, it's you know, they're not with us. So just very thankful for the support system. And yes, it's amazing. It's pretty cool to see one of the things that I wanted to say was like, with all this new technology, we're doing some Starlink stuff it would have been insane to have a Starlink on your card record all of these different moments to be able to share with everybody I would have loved to have seen that so maybe next time we'll plan ahead a little bit throw one on the car so you guys not the aisle is Starly Chase truck is dialed in. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Whoever you're not using it right now for the live feed because you're a little scratchy dude. I am scratchy. Just joking. Around for shouts out so you can get a god Yeah, so Well, first and foremost, everyone a part of our team. Mitchell brought some amazing people and Jeremy as well. So Jeremy, first off for hopping in the car and absolutely killing it. And being there part of every single mile we did and making that happen. And Mitchell just putting his heart and soul into the vehicle into our program. There's a lot of late nights. I know that, you know, mythos, running a top notch program out of his shop, and he doesn't have a huge amount of people helping him. So there's a lot of hands on time that he putting into the vehicle that I appreciate so much. And so if anyone good out there, and you actually believe in yourself, really midfield needs some help at his shop, because I'm putting them to work too much. But no, it's it's pretty awesome. And it makes me so proud because it's cool, like Mitchell Combi and bounce ideas, and it's a sight that's so rad. Like, I want to see him succeed. I want to see everyone around me succeed. I don't want to take anything from them, but be a part of what I want to do. And then what be a part of what they want to do. And I feel like that's so important. But Courtney absolutely killed it. I told her I was like, I really want to focus on racing. And sometimes he it's so hard to do all of it. And I was like, Can you come on and be my race manager for Sonora? So like we can just be on top of everything we possibly can. And, you know, Mitchell and Herbert's really closely at night, so me and Jeremy could focus on we needed to, and in grad house. Oh my gosh, I just love that guy. It was just so funny. Like the whole dynamic. I just, they're just so much fun. gear to gear where my dad was there. Of course, he was always in good Carebear fashion. And Gilbert Gilbert is like he's a true us ever. Yeah. I never want to go anywhere. Without Gilbert again. Like, I love Gilbert. But yeah, the Nora crew, it just was absolutely amazing. And, you know, that carried over to Nora, like, Enora. I just was this tagalong you know, and then we had a team? Sure. Tutto I hope I said it right. It's all the DA grew all Cameron Steel's kind of buddies. And they welcomed me like with open arms, and it was just beyond cool. And not only did they welcomed me, they were like, first day like me and Mitch Mitch is like, yeah, I don't really know how it's gonna play out. Like we're adding another car to the mix. But they're like trying to play it or fuel stops from day one, like, Hey, Sarah, music pit here and do this. And I'm like, Guys, you really don't have to, like, do all this. Like, don't worry about it, I could figure it out. And they weren't accepting it. And then like anywhere we went, me and Sadie had room, and they totally just took good care of us. And I can't thank them all enough for welcoming me. And, you know, I have a new Cabo family, and it's been just a blast getting to know them all. And even at the awards, they do glow Can I signed it with personal notes in it, and I'm gonna keep that now. And that's pretty cool. I just met those people. And now they're like family. But aside from all the amazing people that surround us, support us and are a part of our program. It's the sponsors. And when I say sponsors, I don't just rep a company because they are paying me or they're giving me something I rep them because I believe in them. And so every single product and every single logo you see on my vehicle or wear suit is genuinely a company that I represent, because I believe in them. So from monster to cannamd to BFG, Raceline Pennzoil. Super ATV also, obviously hyperco and super ATV. I just, I, I can't say thank you enough, and I can't wait to see what we can all bring our kronor. Well, I appreciate all the stuff that you guys said. Because mostly most important, it's a community effort or team effort, right? Like everybody has to work together. And I like what you guys are doing because over the past two weeks, whether you know it or not, you have helped grow the off road world right, because you have shown what can be done and UTV has given you the platform for it. But I also think that this is a good learning experience except for such a young mind like Sadie right? Be proud of yourself, Sadie, the all of these guys need to be proud of each other and themselves too, because you guys accomplished something that very few people will ever do in their lives as a team. And that just means that you can do amazing things in the future. Whether it's with Sara or anybody else, just make sure that you're all proud of yourselves because you guys did a fantastic job I can't wait to look back can spot the beers and see we're sitting here. That's it's awesome. I can't thank everyone enough like it's it's been a it's I just pulled up to do that to shop and it's it's awesome. It's we're here we're safe. We've accomplished we've learned earned so thank you all. Yeah, awesome, guys. Yeah. Hey Michel let me know when you want your car back because we're back to back to Volvo on a week a sir I knew my car back and your cars your car is here safe. I need my car back. I mean, nobody needs the rigors of Baja. Now you guys gotta clean up the mess. Alright guys. Well, thank you very much. You guys should be very proud of yourselves. You guys did a fantastic job and we will talk to you. Awesome. Thanks, guys. Bye, you guys. What a cool experience not just for them but for all of us to be able to just see how people interact with the off road community. Everybody does. They're all in the little path right? I really appreciate all you guys watching. Kudos to everybody that was on thank you guys all for commenting in. Thank you to all of our sponsors. Motul JL Audio Oh, so under racing products I missed those guys to be in in cryo he vision canopies can see Maxxis shock therapy for a given and all to us so we can have these shows for you guys. We will see you guys the next one. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.