The Dirt Life
The Dirt Life
KOH Recap with Kyle Chaney, Scottie Lawrence, Hunter Miller, Dustin Jones, Phil Blurton & More
"Put on the Parking Brake!" is what everyone in the pits tells Kyle Chaney now that he ran over his own foot with his own race car! Lots of great convo with all the drivers, teams, and families on this great KOH Recap show for 2023.
Guest include Vito Ranuio, Phil Blurton, Beau Judge, Hunter Miller, Mitchell Alsup, Dustin "Battle Axe" Jones, & Chris Meyer from Maxxis tires as Co-Host.
KOH is gnarly and fun all at the same time and we dive deep!
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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil. What's up everyone? Welcome to Dirt life show Koh recap presented by cannamd Man this year's Koh recap arts here's Koh was just insane in general. Today we're at img motorsports here in Lake Elsinore, California. As you can see my buddy James is number is right here behind us. So thanks James for hooking us up with a place to stay warm. My name is Georgie Hamill. Welcome to Dirt life show. This is episode 152 Three man we're going to talk a whole bunch about some really, really cool stuff today. Once again, Koh recap tonight. 2023. Koh was in sane, like just insane. Thanks to the guys img motorsports for having us here. Like I said the man can't AMS bringing you the show today. So thank you to the fine folks over at Ken Ham, and their drivers did pretty killer. Share the show too. So that way we can get more people on here. Let's just go over some of the results here and then I'll tell you who's going to join us it's gonna be pretty rad. Kyle Cheney was the first one he won overall in a pro stocky TV. So we'll talk to him a little bit about it tonight. Phil Burton was second he raised it pro Madea TV. He's going to join us tonight. Cole Clark was third. Dustin battleaxe, Jones was fourth. And we're talking just about the UTV rock race here. Dustin battleaxe John's gonna come on tonight as well. Hunter Miller. Looks like he came on fifth in the pro stock class as well. He's gonna come on tonight. Cody Miller. He doesn't care about us. He's just out there fishing. He was six Travis Zoolander. What? Oh, Travis. He was seven J Shaw did a great job came home eighth was flying in qualifying Robert Parker ninth. Casey curry 10th. So there was a lot of people out there just ripping. I still don't understand how to do the rocks. Not a big rock guy. But man, it's so cool to see all those guys doing so well. So yeah, like I said, we're gonna have all those great drivers. We got Kyle Chaney on Hunter Miller is gonna come on. Cody Miller. He's bailed and went fishing. So he cares about more about fish than he does about his fans. Dustin battleaxe Jones gonna come on VRBO we're gonna talk to him a little bit to beto did the desert race. So we'll talk to him a little bit about that. Phil Burton is going to come on and Mitch Lhasa Mitch louse up also read think he raised a stock cloud stock car too. So man, yeah, Brock. Yeah, they did a fantastic job. And special guest today, we're going to have Chris Meyer from Max's tires. He's going to virtually co host this with me. So depending on how much time he gets, he'll hang on with us for a little while. We had a great time at Koh with the Max's crew. So let's get Chris on real quick. And then we'll start talking a little bit about how fun Koh was, how gnarly it was some of the backstory and then we'll start talking with some of our drivers. Chris, what's up, homie? What's that? Dude? How are you? Doing? Awesome, man. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. Yeah, no problem. Should be fun. Let's see here. I can't hear you that good. Can you talk to us a little bit louder. Hello, can you hear me now? There you go. Okay, good. All right, man. So I was like, just mentioned it to everybody. Koh was gnarly, dude. Gnarly this year. Yeah, I mean it from attendance to dust to the course being laid out. Well, I think Dave did a good job with the course made it challenging. I think the change up of qualifying, blasting up. Chocolate thunder versus what we've seen in years past was pretty rad. I mean, let's, let's talk about that qualifying because that was kind of wild, right? Desert squadron just chimed in and said, Let's see here. Rocks apparently require patience, whatever that is. Yeah, I do. That's why I'm saying I'm not a big rock guy. Brock Fisher yet. A couple of people said that your your volume is a little low, Chris. So you might have to speak up a little bit. So let's talk about the qualifying a little bit. The qualifying was kind of weird this year because they did what's called a prologue kind of like that rally style. And in my opinion, good, bad or indifferent. I really think that Qualifying was the most important part of everybody's whole weekend. Like that's pretty wild to me to understand that all that can hinge because of the way that the structure was set up. What did you think? I mean, I initially you kind of go, Hey, you could do a ton of damage to your car, right like versus the traditional course. But at least they are are competing on something similar to what race day is right? Whereas, you know, years past you had guys run a completely different setup on qualifying days. So are kind of like, you know, at least you're you're competing in a setup that match that is equal to race day. Yeah, I can agree with that. So it's almost like, I don't know, practice, so to speak. I just think that there's so much hinging on it. East Coast cowboys official said, bad feedback. I don't hear any of the feedback on my end. It's tough to hear. Chris has a bad echo. Chris, I'm not sure. Maybe try to not use your EarPods Yeah, I think I've been alright, so we'll, I'll keep talking. I'll hopefully it's not a bad echo when I talk. So let me give a shout out to all of our sponsors here real quick. Obviously, Chris from Max's tires. Thank you very much Max's for being a part of the dirt life show. Really appreciate it. You can always check us out on Facebook and YouTube. And hit us up on Instagram, direct messages through there get interactive with us, there's a little airplane button like right down there on the right hand side. So share this with your friends if you want them to watch it too. And help us grow the show man is really really share the show as much as possible. Thank you guys over at KMC wheels. They've been a part of the show and actually part of my race program for a long time I was thinking about the other day six years we've been a partner with wheelbarrows and KMC. So thank you for those guys really appreciate it. The guys over at mo tool just so happens that we have some multiple products behind us over here. IMG motorsports, those guys use multiple products as well. Looks like those are like some cleaning products. So grab yourself some cleaning products for Motul or some oils for your side by side after you're done with your dune season change your oil and get it all dialed in. Thanks guys. Alright, shock therapy you can use the code dirt life get yourself any of those hard parts any of that stuff from shock therapy. Thanks guys. Alright JL Audio we got a super cool project coming up with them we're building our Pro are we got some Max's tires and KMC wheels all kinds of rad stuff that's going on that car. The JL Audio guys are throwing some stuff at Moses over at UCB called Brick City fabrication but now it's called the Fab Lab putting together that bad boy it's gonna dude it's gonna freakin rock your socks man. So I can't wait to hear that stereo system guys evolution power sports. Go cop some of those new merch let's see here's all the racing products like I said Travis actually got a was a seventh place over there at King and a hammer. So good job Travis. Use the code that dirt life go buy some tie rods radius rods any other hard parts man there's like echoing now while you're while you're doing all that? Do we sound better people? It sounds good to me. Thanks guys over vision canopy and thanks to the guys over at Crowl he always good to have these rad partners of the show. Let us know if Okay, good. It sounds like we don't have a an echo anymore Chris. So we're really appreciate it. We got a bunch of people logging on so loved how the desert star allowed Brock Fisher said loves autostart allowed all the drivers to separate before they got into the kings. Yeah. I mean, there was so many changes this year. You know what actually one of the things we're gonna get Kyle Cheney on here in a couple minutes. But one of the things that I thought was cool, was that they had the short course racing did that was insane. Cool. I was pumped on that. So hopefully, Chris will be able to get a little bit better connection better audio, and he can still join us. Instagram is always always a pain in the butt. Never ever fails. So we really appreciate you guys all joining. We're gonna get Kyle Cheney on here in a little bit. Let us know what you guys think too about how crazy it was that they like mixed all of the UTVs together, the stock class, the Pro Mod class, everybody and they all went off their timing in the prologue. That was really cool. So let us know what you guys think of that. Was it like, bad for some drivers was a good for some drivers. We'll talk to Kyle and see what he thinks about it. But I would like to see what your guys's opinion are too, especially some of the guys that have already been chiming in. Sounds like you guys are pretty smart about all the Koh racing. So agree we'd love to see Koh growing Yeah, it's cool. Like I think it's really cool. And it gives the opportunity for some of these guys in the west coast to get their short course trucks out there and cars too. So mixing them was done right? Yeah, I think so too often. I think it was pretty cool. I know some people are like, Oh man, we got to have a stock car in front of us or whatever but still didn't step it up man. Dust was brutal. Alright, let's, let's get Kyle Cheney on here real quick. And we'll start talking to him about spinning his wind in his cars motto. See what he says Hey Kyle Chaney what's up man? How are you? Oh good just got home from the bar had some twisted tees. Oh perfect. Well dark in here. Yeah that's not a worry worrisome at all didn't can't see you at all creepy whatsoever. Hey. Maybe your buddy Scotty Lawrence on here and then we'll jump into it. All right. All right. So Scotty Lawrence is gonna join us as well. Scotty was sitting in the right right side seat with Kyle Cheney during that winning race that you guys had. What's up Scotty? How are you? I'm doing good. How are you guys doing? Doing good. We're not quite as dark and mysterious as Kyle either of us, but hey, we're doing I can't anybody know where I'm at? I can't know my whereabouts. He turned off the GPS on his phone too. So you can't find out where he is. What on deer hunt? I do? I absolutely do. Absolutely. Nobody can snipe out your spot. That's my girlfriend. She's like, why did you shut your location off? Because you're with another girl like no, I'm running convert the dirt life show rental hunting show that we were gonna have Kyle on all the time. Oh, I would talk to you all day every day. He would never shut up if that was the case. Hunter Miller is already throwing jabs out dude. Hey, so let's get let's talk a little bit of serious stuff. And we can fuck around along the way too. So Ken Ham gave you guys the opportunity to drive the stock class this year. And you came home with the overall UTV when in the rocks dude like that, to me on its own is just a gnarly statement right there. And then second, will we open the show was Koh was insane gnarly this year. So maybe you guys could just expand on that. Why don't you go first, Kyle and then Scotty can take it up later? Well, if you've been reading Facebook comments, and Instagram definitely wasn't a stock car. So you know, you could just throw that out. Well, you guys are already getting some heat for it. Yeah, it wasn't a car. I mean, it had aftermarket parts on it. It's not stock. We didn't trade it on the line. So like how can you say you raced the stock hard? We didn't uncrate the thing on the line. Oh my god, I love social media so much. That's that's a wicked that people will see that. Like it's clearly got to be safer. For a racecar to be out there at KLH Yeah, I mean, you know, the boy that me at Scotty race, you know, we raced wide open 6900 RPM, like all the time like our car live. That's a very good RPM range. But ya know, I mean, I get it right. Chris Meyer, you back that back? We'll take those Oh. So Scotty, when you when you talk about or we talk about Koh give us a little bit of a rundown of the what the difference was this year then in 2022. I think the biggest difference this year was that I think me and Kyle beat our brains out with that stock car. But we wanted to win we had a job to do and Kyle kept pushing forward and got it done. What's the what's the main differences when you're driving? Clearly everybody's gonna say it's a mod car. But Kyle like, since it's a stock car, you have to push it that much harder, but still hold back so that you don't break it because there's a lot of components that are stuck on that vehicle. So what's the I don't know? What's the move because you're trying to go for an overall win, but you're still competing against these mod guys. Like that's wild. So when we started the race, we're like, yeah, you know what smaller tires and everything we're gonna be able to, like, beat the car a little more, we're gonna have to, you know, we can push a little harder, but we were totally wrong. We got to the first rock section, we started slamming the bottom off the ground, we started beating the rims into the rocks. And I'm like, man, we're gonna have to slow down like I can't run race pace. So we just had to like I told Scott I'm like, you know, some dudes catch us we're just on our race because like, I can't go any faster without breaking the park. So we just ran a real consistent, like, can't say was slow, but it was like a very reserved pace. It just kept the car together. Like you know, a mod car. That is kind of crazy. So Scotty like When? When you hear Kyle talking about that, and when you were sitting in the car is that like almost playing in your mind? Slow motion because as a racer like you want to go faster? Oh, that definitely. You always want to go faster. I think that's one of the challenges of Koh. Probably the biggest challenge is going fast and not breaking the car. Anytime I get a new driver that has never raced it side by side, but they might have raced something else. These cars perform so good. I tell them it's easy to go fast. It's hard to go fast and not break the car because you want to go, go go. So, you know, Kyle does a great job of understanding the limits of the machine that he's in, and just driving it right against the edge. And like he was saying, just I think it surprised both of us when we got out there for pre running. We weren't really expecting for specially going down spooners and that just, we were afraid we're gonna break the car. So he just had to back off a little bit. And just try to be as consistent as possible. Yeah, this wild thing, Chris, when you when you were able to go out there and look at some of the course like, every time I go out there. I'm like, how the EFF does a UTV make it up some of this stuff? And honestly, Kyle actually makes it look easy in his stock car. Oh, it's true. It's impressive. I think every time there's so many times I've come up with a basis something personally it's not going to make and then it motors up. And then hammers, it's like a whole nother level. But I love the balance of hammers, where you kind of like really, you're like, you're playing blackjack. Like how fast can I go and not break this fast enough? Everyone got a fascinating new break. And you know that the first year you go out there is really an eye opener. You know, the 4400 vehicles look like they're not gonna make anything. It's kind of crazy to think well, actually, how many years have you guys race Koh now Kyle? So this is our fifth year the first year we went out there and we broke within 30 miles we had an issue and then the second race me and Hunter are bound for the lien. That was the year I flipped and broke my foot. Got the second one the last three. Which one year was the one that you ran yourself over? 2020 Okay, gotcha. Good year. That was good. You know, 20 wasn't worth it. When were you in the car? Or were you we were both out of the car when he decided to run himself over. I still think that's a great that was that was where the whole put it in park joke came in and started. What joke is just anytime you get out of a car, you say put it in park put it in park. Don't run yourself over. If it's okay with you. I'm gonna go ahead and mark that as one of the clips that we're going to put on social media for the follow up of this show. We'll put it put in park. Man, but it was pretty crazy this year. And they ran the course. In essence, kind of like backwards, right? Like, what? What were some of the most challenging things that you guys faced on the course was it like what the vehicle was with the course like, I don't really understand because I've never done Koh so I want to give like myself an understanding of what's going through your head sitting behind the past areas sitting in the passenger seat and sitting in the driver's seat. Well, to start, you know, we have belt temp issues like our belts was getting a little hot, so I can only drive the car as fast as the belt would let me go, which wouldn't allow me to pass the guy in front of me. So like, it took me a while to get by the guy in front of me. And then there were still J Shaw which was leading the race and by time I got in front of Paul. Jay was checked out he was two miles ahead there J with J was on it, you know and I'm like you know he's he's maybe pushing a little hard but you know, jays a pusher you know, Jason had a, you know, you know, he ain't no bitch. You know, Jay Jay pushes, I'm like, man, we got to catch him. Like if he gets to the rocks, like, we need to beat him to the rocks. So he ended up getting a flat. But you know, we ended up making it to the rocks first. But it's just the whole thing is literally just keeping the car together. And going as fast as a car can go like the second you try to push the car faster than it can go. You're done. Do that seems like such a mind app. Right? Because like you got to think of so many different things. Is that easy to manage? Scotty or no? Yeah, I mean, from the passenger seat of Kyle's car, it's easy to manage because he's always thinking about not breaking a car. I think a lot of that comes from cross country, racing GNCC. Man for years. These guys that raced the OG Mavericks were just they were breaking all the time and trying to figure out what worked and what didn't. And I kind of came into side by side racing when the x three came in and so I didn't go through those struggles like Hunter Cody and Kyle have but that gave them I think a lot of lessons and how to do drive the car fast and not break it all the time. Yeah, totally. It makes your driving style so much different. I remember racing in the razor 900 compared to like what you can raise now it's like you were such a timid driver right when those those cars so I can only imagine what Kyle went through and doing GNCC stuff because that's another level. Yeah, and it kind of hinders me sometimes it feels like, especially in qualifying stuff, sometimes sometimes I don't push as hard as, like I should, unless I'm mad. Like, then I'll push hard. Like, I'm mad for 4400 next year, like I'm coming to win that race like DNF in that race this year was the greatest thing I ever did, like 100% lit a fire under my ass. Like I'm coming back and I'm filming for the class dude, actually, like that makes me feel cool, like really good about your chances next year because dude, honestly, I every time I see those things like those guys are just pin like it's just winner wad like, that's it? Yeah, and they've got, you know, their cars are tough. But, you know, we've made so much progress on the x three, and it's so good right now, especially the mod cars like, like, or or coming out swinging next year. I'm done. You know, with the all you know, top 10 is going to be good. Anything but it will be lost to me in that next year. That's wild. Chris, can you imagine if it UTV won the 4400 class? Yes, I can to get that would be so wild, dude. I'm telling you, you know, you look at where the money in the sport is flowing pretty quickly. You know, I know there's a ton of money at the top, but I could see, I could see it in. You know, do you guys know what the person is for? 4400? Like, what do you give you when it's like, it's like 100 grand? Like, you get the Bronco and I think it's like a total of 100 grand. Oh, fuck, dude, that would help your hunting career so much. To stay home during the whole hunting season, that would help out. Looks like the CT razor guys just chimed in and said we're setting up 4400 cannamd. To win. Yeah, do do it. Like I can't wait to see that bad boy. Let's see here. Dave's calls or ears on someone right now? Hopefully.$55,000 do you that's a lot of money for off road race. Yeah, but it's not about the money. You know, if you're racing for the money, you're in it for the wrong reasons. Yeah, I mean, don't we all but I mean, really, like, it's, you know, that's why I like KLH so much, because anybody and off road is there racing and you get to race the top guys from every form of off road. And that's why I love KLH because everybody's there. Like, like, there's no bullshit like everybody is there. Yeah, that's actually a really good point. Yeah, red meat racers race, right. Like, that's the reason that everybody does is because they want to go out and they have the passion for it. Alright, winning that race. Yeah, exactly. Hey, so let's shift gears a little bit from the right will actually tell me what your favorite part about the race was. And then I want to ask some other questions about non racing. Me or, yeah, once you go first. UTV race, I don't know if I really have a favorite part. Maybe, you know, getting once we got to the league, getting to the rocks first, in controlling the race, like you get to the rocks. First, you control the race. So that was probably my favorite part. Sonny wants me and Scott got to the rocks. We already had our plan set in place. And I knew it would be tough to beat us. For 44 for 4400 My, you know, it may be dumb to say but my favorite part was DNF. And because, you know, I would have been happy with it. Whatever position I finished it. And right now I'm not. So like, you know, I'd have been fine with a third or fourth or a 10th. But, you know, now it's like I said, it's just that just fucking lit the fire and made them do that's good, though, man. Because that means you're just gonna come out raging next year. It's gonna be what about you, man? I agree with Kyle. Once we got to the rocks, I knew we just had to be smooth. My job was really pretty easy just to just keep talking to Kyle let him know we had comms, let him know where the course was. And then we had one spot where we figured we would have to winch and we did and it went smooth, got back in the car. And then it was just cruised to the finish line. And I think we made it there and almost three a little over three and a half hours this year. So every year they keep saying they're gonna make it tougher and tougher. But I mean, hasn't hasn't been proven to be too awfully tough in the TV in the 4400. I wrote with Kyle the first year that he did that. And, and the fact that I'm celebrating my 15th anniversary of my 29th birthday. It's not as easy as it used to be. And thank you. You know, Terry steps in for that race and he's got so much experience in the rock Some lives out there, literally. So you know, he's a, he's a great choice for that if they ever get in a spot where they need a winch, do something crazy. I know he's gonna be able to do it. And now we just got to keep calm from breaking the car. We know Chris likes racing side by sides to podium guy over here. But Scotty like so if you, if you had your choice, would you actually go out and do the driver's roll as well? Or is it just too gnarly? Oh, I could, I definitely feel like I'm capable of driving that race. I really liked driving in the rocks. It's really fun, because it's so challenging. But I know what it takes to win this race. And running a business racing myself and some other stuff. I mean, I'm completely 100% happy to go out there and support Kyle. And I mean, even just being a co driver out there, I'm studying the maps, I'm making sure I know the core. So if for some reason something would happen and that GPS would go offline, I still feel pretty confident that we're going to be okay, between the two of us, we're gonna get their estimate to itself, right. They're understanding that a professional racer would second guess themselves, but also understand that they could be part of the team, a winning team and put themselves in a position to be a helper Dude, that's insane. Cool. Yeah, I mean, well, I mean, it goes to prove how, how much of an accomplishment winning this race is performing. Well? does. It really is it a team effort when you see the pits? And how many people are there for each of these cars to get out there? I'll you know, the, the pit service that we offer it our truck. I mean, a huge, huge effort, though. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. All right. So let's talk about some fun stuff. So what I'm hearing basically, Kyle is that you got a fire under your ass right now you want to go out and win 4400 Next year, let's just say you're on top of the podium. That means that we're all good. We can retire take the cash, just go hunting and just call it a life. I was gonna drop the mic and you'll never see me again. That's perfect, dude. You only got a year left till you retire. This is sounding really good now. Or becoming a cattle farmer. So I mean, you know, we're just not deer and Rod cows around. Here. We'll see what the Miller brothers say about that. Hey, so a couple of things that I wanted to ask about was we talked about in the Koh free show like what people were going to eat on the lake and stuff did you guys have like a fantastic meal while you were out there? Because I still think it's so cool that everybody just brings all this stuff to lake that and basically just lives life I spent a lot of money on food. It's not on now. What was your favorite thing to eat while you were out there? I ate peanut butter and jelly so my. My crew could eat real food. Is the truth. I ate cereal peanut butter and jelly. For three weeks straight. Right? What about you Scotty? Did you guys get to enjoy some good stuff? Yeah, I mean, I eat pretty good while I'm out there. free snacks free snacks are flowing and no. He's one of the crew. But Yep, got yours. I gotta sleep good. I gotta eat good. I can't perform without sleeping and eating so Right. Right. The reason I was gonna ask that because I wanted to give a shout out because we're looking for a taco sponsor and Lulu Fedora was really really good out there at Koh so thanks Max's for doing that taco party as well. You guys have any interesting stuff that happened off the racecourse? Like maybe in the pits or like while you were out there for so long yeah when I landed in Phoenix on my way out there my dear showed up well my trail camera during daylight way I swear I was so sad. I literally I got planted at Phoenix to try to get another flight home to make it back for that. But I wasn't gonna do that like I don't even hunt Yeah, yes, it's sad I got one here before I gotta go I got one for you. We took a six by six six by six climbing back door to it could have been Yeah. It just about went up back door. Yes. Awesome video. That was pretty impressive. Dude, you guys are probably pretty hydrated to be able to try something like that. That's actually a good story that's a good story though. How did you guys get back? Do you have to hit like, you walk back? Well, it wasn't us. It was the pig. That's it ran out of fuel why they were going to pay too, with all the tools, the spare parts, everything like that, and so they ended up having to get a backup vehicle and then they towed it back to the pit. You That's wild. That's a funny push it on. Push it up pushed it onto the trailer with another defender with a tire between them. You guys aren't gonna make that same fucking mistake great ideas come at Koh. Well, I really appreciate you guys coming on. We're gonna get Hunter Miller on here too. If you guys are more than welcome to stay if you guys want. We gotta have one guy drop off, but I appreciate you guys coming on. See you guys later. Thank you. Okay, congrats on man. So I think Max's should probably invest. Invest in a six by six, Chris. And then we'll go out there and see what kind of trouble we can get into. I'll put the request in tomorrow. Six by Six. Could you imagine all these dudes just hydrate and just go straight? Well, actually, that's probably 90% of the people out of chaos. Yeah, I mean, they're not alone. They're not alone. Yeah, we get a six by six. And we'll put it in the back of a deuce and a half. Yeah, then then we're really got so I like the way this is going. So what do you think Hunter Miller you think we should get a six by six and a deuce and a half for Koh next year? Oh, absolutely. It's just felt like oh, much better. You got to ring light over there. Only fans. You just got your Yeah, took it off. Operators at home camera. Perfect. Hey, first of all, man, Koh, like we were just talking to Kyle about was insane this year. And I'm not just talking about the track. Like we saw a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. And you were able to actually show some of the stuff on social media of you guys actually. Just pushing your car across the finish line. Man, you guys were ripping right and the belt tamp got a little bit too hot. Sometimes it does. And then, man you were about to freakin pass out dude. Like that whole scene or whatever you want to call. It just like reinvigorated my passion for off road. Like I loved that you guys did all that. Remember when Rhino Ryan Hughes pushed his bike across the finish line at that national years and years ago. That's fine to me of where was I don't remember, but I'm glad somebody enjoyed it. I definitely did not. Were you about to throw up? Oh, yeah, I was trying to put my helmet and all I wanted to do is throw up. And luckily Chad is freaking beast. So he, he got it. We were like in the last corner and I just yell and push push and I thought somebody was coming. And I swear we picked up like five houses. And I thought to myself, dad is an absolute animal. I had no idea that Dustin bush I thought it was just all Chad because he was basically dragging point. But no, if you thought he was like The Incredible Hulk is basically I am in better shape than I'll ever be in my life. I can tell you that. It's awesome. Just to see that all transpire was just really cool to me. And obviously like your social media probably blew up because of it. But it was just really cool to see him and it's like a heartwarming story. Right. All right, let's backtrack a little bit though. So you guys put in a shitload of effort to be able to practice and, you know, do everything that you can to be ready and prewriting and all this stuff for Koh. But honestly, dude, when it comes to like race week, everything changes. It's like almost like you get your muscle memory still there but you've have to almost throw all this stuff out the window because there's so much other stuff going on. Yeah, yeah, the result? Probably lapped everybody, but especially know it it was hard when the place is just so overwhelming. Because there's some people and this year is gonna seem like I mean, you know if you weren't familiar with the place and you had to make chocolate thunder got a GPS you know cuz you weren't gonna find it. It was a tough year for sure we got there about before wait. I mean, it was every single day sunup sundown pre running and testing and working, you know, when it comes to the easy part really? Yeah, that's actually one thing that I was going to comment on is so me being the media guy, I went around, you know, talking to people and seeing how everybody's doing and checking in with the teams and stuff. One thing that I noticed was like your crew, your crew was all they're working on different cars, but there was usually always a car gone from the pits and that was usually either you or Cody were actually out doing stuff. So it was like no downtime. Oh, yeah. No, honestly like, waste time over there because the Days are kind of short. I mean, it gets, it's like, x, but who wants to get up then? So we get on that like nine getting dark, you know, or 430. So you don't have a lot of time to, honestly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So this is actually a good segue right here. So East Coast cowboys official just said, Who's Cody? Well, unfortunately, Cody is out fishing. I wanted to make sure that I let everybody know that he cares about fish more than he cares about his fans. So he didn't make it tonight. I actually had a fun. And I have a little paper paper. Questions is good, but get it printed out and do it. Hey, so I think I figured out what's wrong with your with your connection. I don't think anything's wrong with your connection. Hunter. I think it's actually your phone. You've had the same phone. On all these interviews. I think it's your microphone. Can you hear me now? We can hear you. It just cuts out every now and then. Oh, man, I even got into the roads. Because this is where my wife has conference calls because the internet's not good enough at my house. Hey, look at what the lengths you have to go to come on the dirt life show? No, honestly, it sounds better now than it did at the house. Hey, so I'm looking at some of the results right now. And it looks like you obviously came across the line in fifth. But give me a little bit of an understanding. So it's you we're 26 minutes behind Kyle. And it looks like I don't know, roughly 10 minutes behind Dustin and so on. But when you think about those gaps at a race like this, like everybody's like, Oh, that's so long. But like, I feel like that is a really short amount of time. Like that's like one mistake, right? Yeah, no, we had a borderline, right beyond find a couple little cues. And so well, it started with qualifying. I had a really good run going. And I don't know why. I just mean Cody, we're talking about line that we were debating on if we're taking it well, he was taking off right behind the line. And it sucked. So I had I was dealing with radio Cody just don't take that long. He was about to take off his thunder. Well, when Chad was doing it, I have my dark side radio button. And I accidentally, like hit the start button with knuckle when he was trying to hit the radio button which killed the car. And so I'm just coasting across the top of the bridge line, trying to figure out why I got no power and we come to a stop. I started the car back up and take off. So I qualified 14. Which isn't great. It's not the worst position in the world. It's just the dust was so bad that I knew we're going to be in a lot of it. But we made a bunch of time right off the bat. Like we were jamming through the desert pretty hard and made a bunch of passes. And actually I just had got right out since bumper, and all of a sudden just lost all breaks completely. And so rather than you know, bump on luckily, I thought to pull over real quick before I drained the rest of course. And I kind of figured a rock Kennebec go bolt so of course I get out and checking them and sure enough at Rock Smith, my rear brake caliper and busted the banjo bolt. So that took me probably 10 minutes to fix. And then we had one flat tire coming down Jack north but aside from that, like we never we never got out. Everything was perfect. And like we drove straight up sledge everything. But you know in that race, if it takes you five minutes to change a tire, man, you may lose close to 1015 minutes just depending on how many cars pass you and how many jams you hit. Because that like one little mistake has such a huge effect on your overall time. It's crazy. So that is yet to Yeah, to think about that because like in racing, right? You always think like oh, well if I make a mistake, but like clearly if you make a mistake it's gonna hurt you but like there's so many little things that can happen that's wild. Yeah, no, it's great man like like one issue a lot of times and then you're just trying to make it back up and you start driving harder and then that leads to potentially more flat parts because you're trying to make up time like you can only go so fast or those rocks the cars so much so it's just a matter of figuring out where that yeah, kind of the goal is to reduce the amount of variables right like to if you break and then you let a bunch of people pass you the amount of opportunities for something else to go wrong exponentially increases our demand. Yeah, totally. Brock Fisher just kind of said that too. Like and well in Kyle she talks about this too. Well actually Scott he did as well it's it says a lot about the Millers. It says a lot about all these racers like being able to understand and feel their cars. It's almost like a third like arm or something. Right, like it's an extra appendage that they can feel their cars so much like, it's pretty wild. Do you? Did you guys have different tires on the stock cars compared to the mod cars? Or were they all the same tires? We were under the law. But in class before, you're limited to a 33, but the rockville, the 32, so we had a 32 inch tire on the stock cars. Were 35 on mod cars are on the 4400 big difference in the weight of the car performed like, because Kyle was just talking about, like, the stock cars were quite a bit lower, and he wasn't really ready for it dragging all the play all over the place. Yeah, it's, it's like, useful go just about anywhere. But number one, they beat the living crap out of you, just because you don't have a plan. And you know, you have to hit everything so much. You have to carry a lot more momentum, because of course, belly drag a lot more. So, you know, you definitely don't, when you're going through the rocks with smaller, smaller tires like that you definitely don't want off and I open obstacle, you gotta really know what's going and have your lines set and just carry your momentum. But, you know, it's funny, everybody thinks that or at least for me, this is my experience, but it seems like everybody thinks you know, bigger tires lead to harder on the drag train and the whole car in general. But for me, I feel like it's opposite. The bigger the tire, the better control, I have the throttle and the easier I can be on things. Yeah, cool. Well, they just because the footprint is bigger, right? Well, excuse me, Kyle was talking about how fired up he is to win 4400 class next year. I kind of wanted to just take it back to like to this year, right. Like, just seeing some of those pictures, high res photos actually sent us or we got a photo from them. And that photo like was the picture perfect photo of Koh it showed a bunch of 4400 cars all stacked up. One of them was flipped over on its side. And the you guys are I think it was your brother was trying to go up this, like straight up this one rock. And it shows all that like to me when I saw that picture that they took I was like holy cow dude, to be able to win in the 4400 class would be insane. But I want to hear like from your guy's point of view, like driving in that class this year, how gnarly it was. Yeah, you can't even can't even explain the difference in the UTV race and the 44. Right, like, it's just one more lap. But that one lap through all the hard stuff is is like running the entire UTV race over again. I mean, it's it's absolutely, like, what you have to do to keep the car together for that extra lap. Number one and then number two, we're having to go way faster than we turn the UTV race just to keep run over. So I mean, it's it's definitely tougher, because of the scale of the vehicles that we're up against, you know, UTVs don't move the rocks around that much. But those 4400 they rank ship through there. Yeah, cuz they can spit some of those big rocks. Like just out the side, right? Oh, man. Yeah, I mean, huge boulders that were in the, you know, off to the side of the trail in the middle of it. Or if, beloved, they're off to the side. The upper part of sledge the first day we pre grant it, but kind of a pain to get through it. Hoping to get there we go through the high, you know, they had moved these giant rocks around. Oh, so it was completely like a completely different line. Chris, dude, if we were out there, like, let's just say we raised a UTV in the 4400 class I would be getting my pants suit if one of those guys was right behind us. Yeah, that was the nice thing is they just keep pushing you they'd help you. You get away. Yeah. Big vehicles around you. I mean, it is a little different, right? Like because they can move you out of the way if they wanted to work side by side can't quite do that. That's got to be a little bit of a different feeling. Yeah, no, totally. It's scary. I mean, in the rocks, honestly, we hold our own pretty good again. So in a lot of cases, we have a big advantage. We just can't back through there. They do. If they get hung up they just lay it in reverse floor slammed back and drive and floor where we got to really pick our way through is you know, compared to them our drive train toothpicks so we've we've got to be careful and and find our way through you know, we don't have to but in the desert that still differences I mean our chassis will keep up but those things can run 100 Bonney Lake bed where you were to get to 100 really can't stay in it for that long just because you know it's a dry barbell. But no, it's It's fun, man. It's the challenge of that class is what really draws us to it and we've done better every year. We're keep on going until we win this thing. I don't know how far but maybe next year, dude, yeah, that's cool. Let's see you got a fire under your ass like Kyle does now too. Oh, absolutely like that. I love the UTV race and it's awesome but the adrenaline you get lining up next to those those monsters? Not like Yeah, I do. I can only imagine like starting next to one of those dudes. It'd be so crazy dude. It's like a kid in a minibike. Starting against a 450 professional like Eli tomac it's just wild dude. Man, I started. Brandon Thompson. Everybody saw his qualifying run. Thunder and the big fan off that Washington 1000 times just off to the off the cliff going through the obstacle and chocolate thunder and then, you know as Bs, and within that we you know, at the starting line, I was like, Dude, I don't want anything to do with that. I can just see, Chris like, 100 down there just fanboying just work. I said I can just see Chris, I can just see Hunter down there. Just fanboying Yeah, yeah, well, you know, you get when you're about to go into battle, you got to kind of soften up some people's playing mind games with a 4400 is probably not gonna work very well. There was a well, Brandon, on like one line. And it was you 100 When someone tagged us in it. That was just rad, like high speed pursuit. Yeah, look, yeah, luckily, I got by him right there. Like you go through this cart, and then through kind of a narrow little sand wash. And then it just opens up. There's like five lines a walk. And I had a pretty good one to the left, and luckily got by him right there. And then we'd go down to the lake bed. And I knew it was dusty as hell and he couldn't see anything. So he couldn't go any faster than I did it. Well, there you got it. Like you'd literally have to take advantage wherever you can't. Well, I guess this is also in the UTV class too. But like, I can only imagine in 4400 If you get a centimeter you're gonna take a mile. Oh, absolutely. Cheap race is no joke, man, like, a full on Sprint, like all the talk, they're gonna be going as hard as they possibly can. The guy that doesn't have any issues, had the best track position at the start of the race is gonna. It's not like, it used to be where you could make up a ton of time, guys just going faster, everybody. Oh, yeah. It's kind of crazy. Well, like Kyle had a really good strategy, right? Like him. And Scotty said, if we get to the rocks first, we have a really good opportunity to win. Like, I mean, to me, that's like, that's already your strategy right there just as long as you can do that, but everybody else doesn't have that opportunity. No, that's absolutely right. You know, I like to, I gotta give him a run if I didn't have my issues, of course, but everybody wants to say that, you know, everybody was pointing until they weren't. So Kyle's was kicked us out the years, that's for sure. I mean, he. He's got to please figure it out. Well, yeah, he's got it figured out more than anybody. He knows how to drive a car where it runs over him. And it's his own car. I mean, like, you can't get any better than that. Yeah, because he doesn't like putting your shoes on and forgetting the time. I'll send you that clip. George. We have a great shot of it. Oh, perfect. Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna put it on over the story that we create for Instagram. So it sounds like we've already got it. We can stop the show right here. Hunter. We're good. Like we're just gonna bail out we got the clip so Yeah, dude, honestly, man. It was good seeing you out there. I think you should throw a shout out to Chris for bringing some vitamin C out there and hooking you up pretty sick. Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did he I guess when we first got there like Cody and Cody Taylor both got sick again. Not feeling good. Everybody had like, you know, and then it seemed like one by one. But he started feeling like crap for a couple of days. But man, I swear to you that brought me about it. I did but Chris Brown with the track because i Okay. i already passed the store. Did you do well too, or just what they call or Nyquil? I can't remember. Now. We took it all. Great. Brandon already loaded. On here. You're gonna put that la cucaracha air horn on the car. Throw everybody off. It'll be a breeze. You'll be top of the box. No drop. Yep. Did you ever send it to me but don't worry, it's coming. I may or may not have got the delivery confirmation from Chris as well. So yeah, Yeah. Hey, but on a real level, dude, like, the amount of work that you guys put in is is wild like it's mind blowing and to see that you guys had come out with success and obviously can't am with Kyle and everybody like you guys not to blow can't ever like there was black and yellow everywhere, right like it was everywhere. So it was really cool to see that all of your guys's hard work was paying off like, it's, it's, it's pretty amazing honestly. Oh dude, everybody worked hard, like, just surviving out there for two weeks is hard work. So everybody's putting in a lot of effort. But yeah, I can invest a lot into this race. They invest a lot into us to perform at this. And we take it. I mean, as serious as you possibly can. We are to get this year's March. And we were still finishing things up as we're loading up to leave out there you know, I mean, the amount of effort it takes to to win that rate is absolutely insane. Yeah, that's wild. Right. Well, now you got that much more fire under you to go beat Kyle to hey, let's talk about Let's meet him at everything else. So you know, new dad that we're gonna bring Dustin Jones on in a little bit here. But before we let you go, we ask Kyle and Scotty the same kinds of things. But what Well, Ben Fournier was cooking most of you guys food. He was actually House Chef that whole weekend that whole week or two weeks whenever it was, what was their favorite meal that he prepared for you guys? Favorite dude, because he has his fire meals. Yeah, his his chili was off the chain. Remember that it served that it's really cold to spot like everything he served was like full on comfort foods, so I didn't have a dude I can only imagine being stuck in a motorhome and having their whole crew eat chili. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, the sleeping quarters get a little tight there. That's pretty cool. And then was there anything? Was there anything interesting that happened? Aside from the racetrack that you guys had some fun or anything? Ah, ultra what's Oh, the three wheeler thing? Yeah. No, well, Cody. Cody hopped on somebody's over there and then like Loki rhenium off the berm because Cody is going so slow so where people dicen against each other or was it just like single people on the same at the same time? Dustin battleaxe, Sean's Was that was that moment. How are you? We're doing good. We're talking about the three wheeler racing out at Koh Did you partake? Oh, bro, I'm the one that I'm the one that put Cody on the on the three wheeler on the top of my man in the run in it. So was it pretty cool to see everybody out there? Because it looks kind of crazy. Dude. That's a recipe for disaster if you asked me. Oh, yeah, I've already been on Facebook marketplace looking for me and Hunter some new 70s to build. So we're we're sponsoring the Miller brothers next year on a on ultra 390. Yeah, well, yeah. Let's build one of those. We'll chop it into a three wheeler and we'll pull them animal 190 motor. Yes. That's perfect. And Chris will sponsor your air horns for the front of those things as well. you'd laugh like my buddy Cory has one of those things that's got one of those Parana 190 Zenit that stretched like six inches and all this stuff and that is a death trap, too. That's talking about Yeah, I mean death trap it's the most dangerous thing you could possibly get on that's the things that I'm trying to read that I want to read so let's let's build a couple of those for next year bring with us we can we can let you go I know you're sitting at the end of the road but hey, I appreciate you haven't better cell phone coverage this time did and yeah. Congrats on all your success. Okay. Oh, he did you guys rocked. Man Get cricket mobile sit at the end of his driveway. He's gonna ring light to Oh, yeah, you're prepared like me? Know like, Kyle's pitch black dungeon. Yeah, he broke. I'm sitting on my couch in my underwear watching BattleBots right now. Well, you live in civilization where you have internet. Do you want to call stream? Station X ray Nightrider just said they got a couple of them out there in Oregon that to have 240 cc motors in them. Do jello. Holy smoke. Could you imagine that would be serious. Like I would I would wear a full like a football outfit. Yeah. Oh, we're we're wrapping in bubble wrap for next year's race for sure. So, alright, thanks. I really appreciate it man. Have a good one. Dustin so we've been talking to everybody. Hey, first real quick. You guys have been having some serious fun with Ken Ham Ken Adams bringing the show so talk about a little bit of stuff that's happened over the past couple days. Yeah man I literally just got back to him just a couple hours ago released a whole new line of ATVs like new body style new engine package and all that extra like the bncc ATV market but feel man to go out there and be a part of the unveil and see these vehicles before their launch minutes. It's cool to do that. It makes it cool to be a part of Kane am and me invite you to do that. We were taking for rides we were taking a dude demo demo things out in like big parking Euston. And so when there was a cool, yeah, that's super cool that I mean, we talked about it just as a joke. When we were at the Max's taco party at Koh like the best sponsors, the ones that buy eat tacos, but seriously, like having good partners, being able to go do that stuff, like on the sidelines and ride the quads and do all these dealers. It's just so much fun, man, because it takes you out of the racing element that you're so used to. Yeah, to me to be associated with, with sponsors, like, like Max is where it is, for a night owl, and they're together and everything. And so that's a big deal to me, man, not just like, hey, we support program. Here's some here's some product or here's some cash with entry fees. But like, Let's get together, man. And that's a big what I searched. sponsors. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Hey, we got a couple of people actually saying that your phone's echoing quite a bit. You want to jump off and jump back on real quick. All right. So yeah, Chris, when when Dustin and those guys talk about like the deer or excuse me, Hunter and them talk about the difference in tires when they're going through all the rocks and stuff. Like I have never ever experienced any of that. But I would think like that big footprint makes it so it's so much smoother. Yeah, I mean, same thing, mountain bikes, everyone runs in 29 Point, you see that kind of bullet setup on a lot of the bikes now. The bigger the bigger circle rolls over bigger bumps more simply. I mean, it's it's really no more complex than that. Yeah, we're talking science now. All right. All right. So we'll get Dustin did. So we had a look. I'm looking at the results sheet here. We kind of had a question for Hunter. And you might answer it the same way. But it looks like you came home fourth in the UTV class, you drove a Pro Mod UTV and it was roughly about 16 minutes behind the leader. Now when when I hear that, like I was telling Hunter I was like, man, it seems like such a long time but at a race like this dude, that's like split seconds. Like that's like something little happening. So give us a little bit of a breakdown on the race for what you guys had. Yeah, you know, it's racing is tough and like I can kind of hear my echo. Is it still echoing? Yeah, it kind of seems like it is. I'm not on your hand. Maybe I haven't had anybody else that go other than the hunter seems like your honor was excellent. Pretty good. Was he? Yeah. Okay, it's better now. Test test test. Yeah, that seems good. Yeah, dog it so it was on your hand? No, I didn't touch anything. I just pretended Oh, geez. Oh, so yeah, yeah. Fixing minutes on a 90 mile desert loop and then whatever the 40 mile rock and lose that real quick and rocks as this is still like I don't know I can't really hear the echo I hear like a bog from the speaker but um, I said that better. Yeah, should we do like Michael Jackson that's actually a pretty good compliment right there. I know right. Um, we can keep trying though. Yeah, I think we should just keep going. But yeah, so what Hunter was saying that they had a couple issues like where the car kind of shut off I don't know if went into limp mode or what exactly he was saying but what was some of the BMF guys are saying the Echo is bad to everybody saying is terrible. Yeah, I don't know how to get get rid of any of this stuff. I mean, like it's simple for me. I just got the microphone plugged in. And that's it. So I don't know what else to do. Let me try to put something else. Cool. So Dustin's gonna try to put some earplugs or earphones in real quick and see what he can do. Let's talk a little bit more about that. That three wheeler Oh, here we go. So Chris, we're talking about three wheelers. Let's see here. x three Knight Rider just sent this in do check out that bag. The wheelie bar. That's that's real. Apparently. Maybe you can give us a little bit so a 240 CC's. He said. He's got all that bad boy. What's that doing a quarter mile? Dude. That's what I'm saying that thing is wild dude. So Well, thanks for sharing the photo man. Nothing is crazy. Oh, Dustin's gonna try to see if he can put in some air pods and come back, man. So when I go through and I look at all of the results of the UTV class, I want to see how many people actually entered. So 107 People were entered in the UTV class, do you? That's wild. How many finish this year? I didn't work. Let me look through it here. Why Dustin comes on. I'll look and check and see, but I would assume less than half right. That's not what up. What's up, man? Oh my god, that's so much better. Is it better? Yeah, way better. I will take it. Alright. So let's see here. 107 people, dude, we're out on course with you in the UTV class. And it looks like 46 came across the line. Yeah, that's less than 50%. I mean, that's still like, let let me get your opinion, is that a good attrition rate? Man for a race like that? I think so. It's, uh, you know, Dave's col David Cole's Job and his goal to make that near impossible race. And when it's 50% attrition rate, it weeds out people that are just there to get wild and drive as hard as they can and really differentiate differentiates drivers from people that just like to go fast. You know? Yeah, that's a good point to like to bring up is like, the UTV market has obviously offered itself up so that other people like that may or may not have good or bad skills, whatever, can go out there and do it. But the vehicles are so capable like, dude, five years ago, there's no freakin way it would have been 50 percentage three, and 107 Dudes entered. That's insane. Cool. That's 18 I think like it was around 100 entries and what like 12 or something like that. Oh, no shit. So it's way different. Yeah, it's way way different. Dude, how was it driving that stock car in the desert race, Dustin. Oh, well, I was running my not regular desert car in the desert race. So the other car does the stock car, whatever it was. Well, first of all, we weren't supposed to race a desert race. We just had to race it because best than a desert set that up. And so Ultra for King of the hammers and best in the desert said we needed to sign up in the stock production class, which was supposed to be pro production. So we signed up, were best in the desert and ultra for told us to unknowingly a lot of the other guys were going to sign up in Amman class. So not only was a bunch of confusion, we weren't really there to race, the desert race. We just had to try to keep points. So we were signed up in a production slash stock class. Oh, I gotcha. Oh, yeah. And so you are competing with the investment desert. Are you like you're not going to go this weekend? Obviously since they cancel the race. When's the next desert race for you guys? We've got the man 400. And what is it two weeks or something like that? Three weeks? That's gonna be wild too. Hey, I got to check out the course. It's pretty sick. Is it? Yeah, it's cool. I think you guys are gonna have a good time this year. I think you're gonna be pretty tired at the end, though. Yeah, that's good. I like a good rough rice like that, man. I like King of the hammers. I like them. He's in any rough race like that. I like So speaking of King of the hammers, and like the difference between the some of those other races like, I mean, it's rocks, right. But like, so what? Like, what's the plan? Like, your crew and everything that goes on? Like, do you keep the same logistical structure? Do you change everything with the car? Like how does it differ because this is one event that is so much different than all the other races. I mean, overall, it's a big undertaking, especially to try to go out there and do well. And so it's a lot of pre run and a lot of time out there. The volunteers have to take off work for extended periods of time. So the whole thing man is really tough to do. In comparison to like our best and desert where we get no pre running, we just show up and race. Yeah, exactly. That's, that's a wild that I'd like it just amazes me the amount of effort that you guys put in every year. It's pretty cool, though. What was your favorite meal that you guys had on the lake bed? Because you guys were out there for a long time without no crawfish roe and Max is hosted at a taco dinner. I think that was the best meal we had, you know, because we were there for one thing and we were pre run in daylight till dark besides showing up for qualifying and showing up for taking contingency. Yep. And so the boys ate. The boys ate ramen and bologna sandwiches while they were out there working. Dude, I can only imagine. Yeah, cuz everybody's so busy the whole time. It's weird too, because everybody's like, yeah, we're just out on the lake bed. Yeah, like you weren't showing. No, we were living off of uncrustables man and in snack bags, you know? So it was pretty cool that Max's taco party was fun too, because you and I got to take a picture with the kingdom Oh, man, I know. I know. It was a it was going off. It was a good time for sure. Well, hey, let me get one final question out of you for real quick before you gotta go. I know you're tired from traveling so much. What was one of the wildest things that happened out there during those? What, two or three weeks? Man, I guess. Man, there's always some crazy stuff that happens around us, you know, we flipped the car a couple of times. So um, and while we were pre running, we, we ended up flipping pretty good. And then the the post race interview where I describe blowing my backbone out my butthole that legitimately happened during the race. Whereas Well, coming back in, there's so many lines through the desert. And my problem is like, I'll get on a pretty good line. But I'm always like, Wait, that line looks better. Let's go over there. So when we change directions, and call it a, like a big wash in the middle, and literally went frame to the ground, because it was a big, high high ridge that we were crossing over until we went frame to the ground on the backside of a wash and Jesus came to almost a dead stop. Don't do that. Those are those ones that are all white and you can't see the shadow and the different part and you just smack it. You're like, Oh, God, and uh, you always hit the throttle and last minute, like you're gonna preload over it, but you're in a UTV and it doesn't happen never happened. And then when framed to the ground, dude, and we kissed our own bill buckles. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And so Fisher motor company actually reminded of something that I wanted to commend you on was pushing his boys across the finish line. That was pretty epic, man. So can you give us a rundown? Like, were you already across the finish line? And then you saw a hunter having some issues, and you guys got out there and just helped them? Yeah, man, we had just rolled through a little while before them. And we were actually staged up to roll up on the podium. And somebody just said to me, like, man, hunters broke and I heard a couple of people saying like, Oh, dude, I don't think they're gonna make it. And so I spun around, and when I did, they're pushing the car and they're just right over the berm from us. And so I immediately asked the officials like, Can anybody help them? And they're like, No, outside help can be given but racers can help racers. Oh, really? I was like, yeah, so I was like, man, let's freakin go. So I told Dustin Anderson, my co driver like get out bro. Let's start pushing. And we did that's so cool. Yeah, X ray Knight Rider said that he got to watch that from the ultra four trailer dude. I can't commend you enough man. Yeah, leave no man behind. That's super cool. Do that you guys did that. And I really like that's always the camaraderie that I think is so cool about racing and off road racing in general like you really do leave no man behind like if somebody was struggling out there you guys would have got out of your car you gonna help do you guys want to bed whatever it's just Michonne man it's almost like a that's what we're meant to do at King and hammers. Because you know, a couple years ago when we broke on chocolate thunder. We spent all afternoon getting cars up chocolate thunder. There was a long on the live feed of me and Dustin pulling winch lines. Stacking rocks for Carson like just keeping everybody going. And then last year, Cody Miller flipped coming down Aftershock, I believe. I think it was after Shaka spooners. He he flipped his car and so I spun around and pulled him over gave up some positions and help him helped him get going in this year Help 100 Get a crawl so it's almost like it's not kicking hammers, unless we're helping the Millers get their cars back. That's hilarious, man. Yeah, and then I don't know how to say Gabe. Cerrone said that that was the best thing that he had ever seen in racing. Man that was awesome just to see you did Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time I know you're tired you've been traveling doing all that stuff. Do you want to give a shout out to anybody before we let you go? Yeah, man Max's tires dude always tell people them things like lizard fingers in the rocks a be gripping and grab and yeah, yeah and then all the guys made that sacrifice with us that whole week so that was a tough thing to do. And then veto always like giving a shout out to veto because the like racing gets my mind guys thanks for watching we'll see you later buddy. I'm on my veto dude. What's happening buddy? God is still working man. The work man just just jumped on the show with that. Dude, well, I appreciate it, man. Yeah, no sleep for the work. No rest for the wicked right. Oh, I know now unfortunately. Hey, so I was talking to a couple other people actually at the race about like what you guys were doing out there? Was this your first cowwege Last year, our first year running it and when we did a break and like, worst spot out like bars be from from and dude never fails, right? No, and it was it was the craziest thing we woke up I started feeling terrible when we did the pro blog that came in from the blog. I'm telling the guys, man. I gotta put like, a pair of thought. And then right when I got out there, I wasn't like full but a cold sweat in the car, feeling terrible out there. And we're in a break in. And I was just like, on one hand, I was like, Hey, we're probably running second or third. And we ended up being you were definitely out for a vengeance this year. Yeah, I mean, I really set out this year to to win a couple races. We're gonna win them all. But we really want this one. And the man. Yeah, well, it means coming up pretty soon, too. But since this is the Koh recap, let's look give everybody a little bit of a breakdown of your race. So you're on new tires to on yet partnered up with Maximus. The new gear which performed Awesome. Yeah, good thing, a good point to bring up. So you did the desert race this year. And most of the guys were running the rocks Hill is out in the rocks. But you chose the razor tire to run out in the desert, which I think is a solid choice. That tire is really progressive and predictable. I love that thing. Yeah, no, I was I was I pre recorded about that have any issues and and then it was amazing, though. The cornering, that that tire has, you know, in the rounded corners, I was very worried about having a little more around that part. You didn't skate at all that evening, even though it worked so well there. And then I mean, even putting 250 miles on I mean, it's still new at the end. You know, Tom tread super stoked that. Yeah, man, well give us a little bit of a breakdown. I'm gonna look and see if I can figure out some of this audio stuff because everybody keeps saying It's echoing. I don't know if Chris is still echoing or not. But I can't hear any of the echo on my end. So let me look and see if I can fix it. But if you don't give us a breakdown of the race a little bit and tell us how it went. Oh, yes. So we did. Our profile was outside I think in class, we were the we set Fast, fast prologue in class. We started the race next two cameras do which was was on bottom and then he took the alternative lawn and and he does back, you know, we're around the mountain. So I was like, I was like, man, pick the better lie, you know, so I was kind of bummed. And we were right on the whole stretch. The Heartbreak Ridge. We were right on his tail. And my coach, I was like, Oh, my God, no, you know, and we're still you know what I mean? Like? Yeah, I mean, he's a solid. I mean, he's, he's the OG race and so cool name. He's given us way. No, I mean, he gave us a couple months then. And often. We ran 100% all time and not sure where we ran the whole race but on the overall the overall and standard was behind us. And we we had some belt issues with started slipping on, like, on lap to like, I don't know, a 10 foot 1010 miles in. And so me my co driver, Joey and posted we decided man, it's like let's just pull over let's just get this out of the way before this blows us or issue event out. I mean, nailed it. I mean, like, just over two minutes out of the car, back in the car, and at that time around this and then we never saw him again. We were pushing hard but we kind of backed up a little bit because I only had one spare belt on the car and we're kind of like we got like 80 miles a bear belts. We still had enough to conquer you know, the wind. Yeah, I mean the dude, that's a feat in itself, right? Alright, so whoever actually told us, Shannon Schultz. Let me know if the audio is still good or not. I changed one setting on the on the deck. So hopefully that helps out a little bit. But let us know if the audio is a little bit better for Vito and for Chris. Man, that's a feat in itself like do Did you ever think that Koh was gonna have so much racing dude, because that was a pretty badass week? Yeah, it was. I left right after the desert race had to get back to the family and work but man it was crazy. Oh, just all the even the people before the death rate oh and there was so many people that had a couple new guys have never been out that way you know like I was like if you've never been Harry you just gotta go check this out just for just to see like all the all the chaos out there. Yeah do this while does that mean that you're going to try the rock race man I don't know, I just I've just really been focused on my desert prep and kind of progress out there. But you know, there's a ton of great talent that we have. So for me I've got my son he ranks at the races 170 euros races spring cars. So I'm like a full time mechanic on those cars. So yeah, there's a lot going on a lot. Yeah. Man he raised like the forget I think this season there's one you five or six races they didn't you know, and I have my great eight or nine races late. I would love to do the rock race. I just I don't want to do unless I can go out there the chance to win you know? Yeah. Chris, we've been talking about the racer mentality a lot like Hunter and Kyle are like Dude, I'm gonna go out there and win like they gotta fire lit under vetoes the same way looks like we met last Christmas. So what was one of the best parts about the whole race? Other than lining up taxi your boy Cameron? Man, I don't I just like your salaries. More I just love. I love all the going on out all the amount of the running the whole, you know, you seal your sponsors. And on the camping side, it's just a great camaraderie. The course in general. I mean, there's so much changing course out there. Big Rock sack. You know, it's such a diverse race. You know, I've actually heard a lot of people say that the desert course was rad this year. It was super rad. I mean, the prologue. And I mean, my co driver. He pushes me out there hard, you know, hats off to him because my driver that hard so man, we ran. So in that prologue. And you see all these videos. Like how bad was loops were and how flat face they were? You know, the big stop there. And it was a fun course. It was. Yeah, did it seem like it was but it seemed like it was cool though to write like, and, I mean, like, how did you feel about the level of competition? Yeah, no, I mean, I you know, I think we have a lot of great breakthroughs. You know, guys from from back East. I came back, guys, we never get there. 60 7080 car people. But I think we had a beat against. Yeah, do you? Well, I think there was a lot of people out there, man. But you got to remember too, that a lot of those guys, you know, maybe don't have the budget to race, you know, to classes or whatever. Like there was a lot of people I think we looked at the results for the rock race. There was like 107 people entered. And so to do both would be pretty crazy. I mean, like, what the Miller brothers did Kyle Cheney like a bunch of people that were doing both of the races like that's gnarly, dude. Oh, yeah, I mean, I get I see. Phil puts in his program, you know, for the rock, race and race and I don't I just don't have time to do both of them got got to work hard and support the kids racing programs to man, it's all about the kids. Ya know, I mean, that's that's the future of it. Right. So I'm very fortunate that my son has shared we share the same passion gozleme you know, yeah, totally. Does he like, does he you know, give dad some tips like tell you what to do. Oh, he He, he tries he tried to show me his trophies and how many I had more recent and I'm trying to teach him some some different lines and stuff like that. And he doesn't want to listen. He tries to tell me I'm like, Hey, but can you beat me as I listen to you? So? Chris, could you imagine that conversation going down with your buddy? What's your kid? Yeah, it's already started. Yeah. It's like negotiating with the devil, you know, stuck in a tree and kids trying to tell me he knows what he's doing. Yeah. Koh definitely is someone who's listening that hasn't been definitely put that on your list. Is is awesome. Except, except that it seems like you live in a desktop or the whole time. Dude, it was gnarly, man. I like coming back. Like I actually got an IV a couple days ago because I was still feeling like shit. I was like, Man, I better just like juice up because, dude, it tore me down pretty good. Like in between, in between prologue and the race. We tore that we tore that car down, changed all kinds of stuff in it, right? Just anything that we didn't. We didn't feel comfortable with, you know, part wise. And so now they're in my book, my eyes and they're Terrence Rudl. And I made I cannot stop sneezing. I'm like, Guys, back to back together. I gotta make sure it's sick. Yeah, I gotta race in the morning. I just can't breathe. Pretty awesome crew. I mean, same guys, same crew. They hear the same path. You know, and, and dedication. So hey, we had a comment come in from somebody named Ashley that you might know this that Alex is laughing right now. Oh, that's funny. Yeah, man. It was good to see you out there because I didn't actually get to see really any of the desert race last year. So it was actually pretty rad. To kind of catch up with everybody. What was some of your favorite parts that about Koh that wasn't on the track? Well, I definitely the taco dinner for maximum. I was awesome. Yeah. Cool. Cool deal. Man. I you know something for me. I like I ran from sunup to sundown. I got back to camp. You know, we're taking we're going through all our notes. And, and I personally, I didn't get to go explore Koh, you know, I stayed focused in in my race, you know. So, I mean, when we pray around, we go out there color notes through, we did it all through voice reporting that we get back and then my co drivers punch out talking about man hit the bed and back out at first. You know, dude, that's the typical racer, though. Man. I always tell everybody, well, I love racing. But I always tell everybody, man, it's so nice to just be able to hang out and to do to do some of the fun stuff because you're not so focused on your race program. But that's another reason why I admire guys like you and all the guys that we've talked to on the show today is because there's so much dedication that comes not just in fixing your cars, not just in prep and stuff. But like you're literally in your mind thinking about the race 110% of the time, that you're awake, It's so wild to me. Yeah, I mean, just bird's eye like we can literally the morning and, you know, before Prerana, I would pull all pull my pre run up that God put in and I'd be looking at his nose. And I'd be looking at all the corners and, you know, make an overview grasping at all. Try to remember, you know, like why we took that? Yeah, I you know, we were very fortunate that we've had such great success over the last two years. I mean, we've, we've done well, and, but I don't I'm not sure if people really understand the amount of effort, you know, it takes to get them. Yeah, it's kind of crazy, right? Like, I don't know, we'll at racing just logged in. I was just gonna put this hat. I don't know if that's you guys or not, but we're img motorsports. But anyways, I was I was thinking about this the other day, it's kind of off subject right now. But this is a perfect time to say it, like the mentality that you just talked about, and the dedication that you guys have and what I just said about thinking about this stuff and really going through the process. I wish that people worked at their normal desk jobs had the same passion that most of these racer guys have, because the whole world would be a better place. Yeah, tell me about it. Dude, it would be so much better, right? Because it's like that level of intensity that most racers have Dude, like, will say so do you really want to do the rocks? Like I want to see you get out there and do the rocks, dude, I want to see some like serious battle from all you got cannamd it? I mean I would I just don't find the time build car and get out there and run it and he learned that side of vetoes got a need for speed. He just need speed. He doesn't need rocks, he needs speed. I tell everybody, I mean, you know, I go out there and if you beat me, straight up, you beat me. I mean, I won't leave anything. I mean, people always make excuses. Well, I got this problem right now that didn't do good. Now. Look at me. I mean, I'll know my arm. I mean, I don't care. Hey, Olson said starting his diet tomorrow. Yeah, just for Koh. I mean, I didn't need to, but I just felt like get in the right mindset, you know, 20 pounds for the race, you know? Just to get the mindset to get to, you know, get focused on being determined and conquering things. And you have to know because our next guest, Phil blurton, I mean, he they're on over the Evan bow judge on a full training program, man, you got to step up, right? Oh, yeah. Good old Phil. Ashley, we're doing this as Joey you know, there will be a scale in the Moho. You wait, you wait one pound over you can't fight? Do you that would be so funny. It'd be there. If there was rate restrictions, man. And then if you don't go under, like I used to tell everybody at the at the short course races like because we used to have to wait up, right. Our cars were built really lightweight. And I was like, Dude, I might have to eat a couple donuts today or put some more fuel in the car. Yeah. That's, yeah, I mean, I don't know if it's that. But for me, it's more just a mental thing, you know, put me in the right state of mind, you know, and just because you then you know, you're prepared. And then you know, you're ready for battle. Like I love that. Dude, that's a total racer mentality. If you could have done one that mean, you didn't really have to do very much better this year. But if you could have done one thing better this year, what would you ever criticize yourself for? And, man, I'd probably say every racer knows this man on the debrief. You say I could have done this better. I could have done this better. Yeah, I mean, honestly, what I mean, I don't leave anything. I'm balding. I feel like I feel like if I started getting any problems, or if I started hearing anything, or like, you know, it doesn't mess with me. But at that point, I go in, like, in a mode where, you know, I don't DNF right. So maybe, I mean, you know, I have the belt problem in my having a clutch right, let's say right, like, am I so shaky? And in the guys, I'm reasonable. I mean, I just don't think that works. I mean, not run the whole time. You're not winning. Yeah. Yeah, dude, it's just like I said before is like, almost winter wad these days, right. It's just crazy. How fast and how high pace these these races are. And these programs that people run are? Yeah. Oh, what do you do? The race? What do you get the trucks? I'm like, Oh, those are cool. Like, you have no idea. X threes. All right. I mean, if we're hitting stuff, great. I mean, it's crazy. The stuff we hit with these things, right. And the what they soak up. I mean, they're they're awesome little routine. I mean, in the prologue, I think our time off the trucks off a 40 mile lap. I mean, if I'm big those trucks are right. And we I think we were like, what, three minutes or four minutes off of them. That's not a lot about horsepower. 42 inch tires, right. And we got these little modern 40 215 horse engines 20 people who travel dude, yeah, it's just crazy how badass you TVs have gotten. I mean, there's no discounting a trophy truck. I mean, a trophy truck is just a badass machine no matter what. But like it is pretty cool, man. I and just to think about like, aside from the desert race, like the rocks, like being able to go through the rocks like that. It's just wild to me like, I don't know 10 years ago in the rhino. There's no way you could have made it up any of that shit. Die. No, no. Still kind of throughout the whole golf cart thing, right. You know, they're just golf. I've never had I've never ridden a golf cart is bad. Yeah, Max. It's not done. Yeah, exactly. We're rolling 30 sevens and stuff now so yeah, Max's is making 37 H golf cart tires now what a golf cart market for Max. Hey Vito what? What was two last questions are the same ones as everybody else. What was the favorite meal that you guys Avon lake bed? Yeah, so I think I've told you guys before and you know, one of our things I like to do for my guys is I like to eat a steak dinner before our race. And so I tried to do something this time. I did like a 40 day. I aged out a prime rib. No, and steak it out. So all my guys ate like, HB it's dry HB and season salad and bread. That's before every race. That's the king dinner right there, man. Yeah, big thanks. Man. Maybe it's maybe it's not the best thing but appreciation. My guys you know what I mean? Like so. I don't know if you're on the same page as me here. But so Dustin Jones said that his guys reading bologna sandwiches and uncrustables and vetoes over here eat and kings dinners. I wonder which team we're going to lean towards. Well, you know, we'll definitely put that mark that down on that. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so the final question is we just talking about our Arizona Vegas that was another case that we won. And it's been a joke. I came totally prepared right at everything. The barbecue everything was sitting out back a prim Valley barbecue in the parking lot. And like everything's all done like wrap the plates I'm like, shit I forgot. Oh, right. So one of my guys Nick he went over Believe it or not by the dumpster and boxes and ripped them all up and so we had a cardboard joke who brought more plates? Dude, that'd be so funny. Just bring Amazon boxes like to the track next time and just start serving that like standard what was the funniest thing was that actually a king a hammered Joe? He seemed he was my same co driver. Serena when we did we paid off the cardboard. He went over to his trailer and ripped up a cardboard box and circuit itself on a cardboard box. Yeah, I like his style. His tradition yeah maybe that's the winning combo right there you got to do like you put on your left sock first your red sox second like maybe it's just enough cardboard plates and I before I get off the ground I just crunching the dirt. Hey, so last question is did anything else wild happen or funny happened? Like why you guys are out on the lake bed? Because there is so much crazy stuff that happens out there. Trying to do the kids Oh no, no, unfortunately, my family could make it. But I'm trying to honestly I mean, nothing really crazy happened for us out there on the course I mean, you know, we took a bone chakra like Dustin was talking about that was about this thing you know there's a couple of times we hit a big flat face out there and stood up on his money and or kind of makes you pucker there for a minute but we have school. Yeah, it seems like it would have been fun man. At least one you didn't take the six by six out your crew didn't take six by six out or hydrated like Scotty Lawrence's guys. No, no. All right. Hey, thanks so much. I appreciate it. We're gonna get Phil blurton on here in a little bit. And then bow judge too. So a congratulations. Did you kicked ass out there. Man. Thank you, guys. Good to see you, man. Thank you. It's so cool to hear this Chris. Like, we'll wait until Bo and Phil Come on, but like just to hear how much fun everybody had and like, the difference in mental mindset or mentality that everybody has, but they all have that same underlying thing, right? They all like taking care of their crew. They all like having fun in the dirt and they all like winning this right? Well, the winning. That's the reason you do those other things. Yeah, exactly. Take care of your crew. You know, you can't win alone. So so you're what you're saying is we got to eat steak and lobster. Well, we Yeah, we're gonna have to help someone probably to earn it but Alright, so let me see. Let me see if I can get Phil and Embo on here real quick. Alright, so we'll send out the invite to Phil real quick and then CFOs on. I will say I haven't seen that place that hopping on what used to be opening weekend. Oh at Koh Filburn what's up? Dan? How are you? Oh, good. How are you guys doing are doing awesome man a so Koh recaps been going pretty good. Oh, judge what's going on? Are you guys man? Good. So Koh has been like the recap has been pretty awesome. So far. Like I've learned a whole bunch of fun stuff including that. A six by six of Scottie Lawrence's and Kyle Cheney's was taken out while everybody was hydrated and they may or may not have forgot to fill it with gas. For guys, you guys have any funny stories before we get into the race? Oh, man, I don't know hammers kind of blew by this year. What do you think? There was nothing really too crazy to happen. Yeah, not really. We were always kind of like low key in our head, I guess. I don't know. I guess the funniest thing that happened to us was, when we're out pre run in the desert section. We stopped it. The remote pit and Donald Cerrone pulled up to us, just to say hi, and blues. If all of basically all over our feet and oil was pouring out all over, we had to stay out there for a couple hours. Help them out and get them a new IP so he can make it back to his pit. Hey, I gotta say, Chris, like, if you're gonna blow your front differential out in front of everybody, why not some dudes that can help you? Yeah, it's a smart move. I mean, the guy you know, he's tactical. Yeah, we had a chase truck out. We had a chase truck out there too. And I told the one of the guys at the shop that was driving the t shirt and like, Hey, stay here and change the diff for him. There wasn't actually a diff in that Chase struck, so we had to send another one out from main pit out to him, but kind of turned into our whole team working on it, but you got to help everybody out there and make sure they can get their laps. Yeah, well, yeah, that's the whole camaraderie thing. We were talking about off road but did talk about luck for Gawker cowboy. Alright, so we're talking about the rock race mostly. Did you guys what was your guys's favorite part about Koh? I don't know. For me, it's always the rock race. This year was fun. Because Bo's never ridden with me in qualifying, and we just wanted to be extra safe this year and have him in the car case, possibly we had to win even though it's going to be a bad deal if you had to. And so Bo got to experience riding and qualifying which was pretty fun for me. Yeah, what's the difference? Is it because it means because you go way, way harder or what? It was the worst experience for me ever writing. Like, I trust him. And he's by far, you know, I wouldn't. It was he's always super good. But when you're in the desert, it's 80%. But when you're qualifying, it's 110 I don't I don't like 10% Unless behind the wheel, so I think I pretty much read the entire time. And when we got back, everyone can tell like I was completely white and was like, Hold on my I was scared as I'd ever ever qualifying. That's crazy. Hey, real quick shout out to the blue Fedora food truck. They just logged on. We already talked about you guys today but thank you very much for supplying all the tacos out of Koh Hey, so when you're in a situation like that, Bo, Can you calm him down? Or is he just like Nope, we got to freakin we're locked on the throttle is just engaged. We're going off on number one too. So I'm just along for the ride and it's like I don't want anything at that point. We have to go for it and that's what's what has to be done. It's not it's not the best feeling but I'll do it again. I can honestly see the stress already just by thinking about it right then. Oh man so we looked at the results here I'm talking about the rock race now and it looks like you guys came across the line second Kyle got you guys by it looks like about 12 minutes or so when I was talking to who was it Hunter and he was saying that like little tiny mistakes add up to a lot of minutes there so what was the difference with like could you guys have done anything different to make up those 12 minutes I'm sure there's lots of stuff we could have done but that's how it laid out but yeah, just like one one flat tire that I really earned like leaving like top of outer limits. And we have a we have an impact in like a bag and when Bo pulled the impact out typically all run full speed until he's like ready to get out of the car. And he pulled the impact and the socket was not in the bag. So we have another tool bag like underneath the seat so he pulled that out. I searched through there and we couldn't find the socket. So I ran all the way from outer limits to like, halfway up kings veto on a flat, which is a little bit of a ways. And you know, there was a couple of rock trails in between there. And then finally I'm like, do you gotta get up we gotta change with a crescent wrench or something like we can't run on this slot the rest of time and as soon as he went to sit up out of the car, like the bare toolbag the socket was sitting like, in his seat with him. We just, we lost a ton of time on that, on that tire change. And that was that was about it. I mean, the rest of the rest of the day, I feel like when everything went right to plan, like, we went on sledge hammer, which Yeah, we lost a little bit of time there. But we ran that lead on Sledgehammer a bunch of times. And one of the times we ran it, I rolled and like broke the shocks off the car broke, the drive shaft was upside down, and we just said, Hey, let's just play it safe. Let's winch this one spot. So I mean, the whole race? I don't know if I could say otherwise. Maybe. But I think the whole race went perfectly for us. Yeah, do you? That's crazy. And I was gonna say to like, for the parts that I watched at least on the live stream and stuff like, to me it looked like the I don't know what you want to call it driving prowess, or your skill set at Koh had elevated like to another level this year, compared to how it was last year. Do you feel that way too. I don't know, Bill and I were in the car a bunch. And we just kept talking about it. And we like we knew we could run the pace. We were just always worried about breaking stuff. And this year was kind of like, man, we've been like third place a couple times there. We've had a couple of eights. It was just like, let's just drive it hard all day and see what happens. Like we want to win hammers, you know, we've been enough times now. It's like you only get so many chances to brace it. Like, let's go there and just beat on and see what happens. And I think this year, we had we had two identical cars 100%. So our free Runner was 100% identical to our race car, which helped a lot because I before we were pre running in a non vote sided card. This year, we had the both sides. So like muscle memory, everything was identical the whole entire time. Yeah, that's actually really cool. Like I love that coming from Moto and you have a practice bike in a race bike, and they're set up the same. Like, I feel like that's such a cool thing to do. Hey, real quick. This guy's got the best instagram name, Scottie log and shit. Is it true that Phil is late for everything except for the finish? Except for to the finish line? For you to answer wait for that to come on day. But the reason that I asked that question about the time gap between you and Kyle was mostly because I want to understand a little bit more about like, the way that teams approach the racing and their logistical plan and how things happen. Because you can't ever gauge everything that's gonna happen in the race. There's so many different things that happen, right? And I just see the times tightening up like we just looked and there was 107 drivers. And I think what do we say Chris? Like, 48 of them or something finished? Like to me 50% Yeah, yeah, like that. Right there is wild. And then the gap between the top 10 Like has shrunk immensely, like the competition level is getting so insane. Like, does it seem like that to you guys? For the last three years? Yeah, for sure. And I think when we first started doing this, like there would be 80 entries or something and 12 Guys, yeah, we're now now it's just like, every there's we talked about all the time. Now this this is was not like you're going for like a 10 race series. And there's like a championship and play it safe and get back and it's like, it's a one race race. And we have to wait till next year to do it again. So the tech guys now, and I know there's a lot of other good guys too, but there's 10 guys that are going full speed the entire time. If you don't do what they're gonna do, they're gonna smoke up. So we got to do I honestly, feel this year. Still a nice pace was faster than us. But you know, you get caught up everyone, you get that, you know, we got second but we got and then you're changing the flat, you get past money that you end up getting caught up behind chain and adds time to it. And it just it's just one of the things like Hunter was saying things kind of start. You have one problem. Things kind of just start adding up. Scotty didn't have one single issue and they just kind of trees to the finish. Yeah, I do totally. But well, but I also think like, I don't know, being a racer, right? Like you guys have learned so much over the past few years that you guys have gone to Koh and like I mentioned before, I want to reiterate the fact is like both you guys being in the car and like Phil like the way that you were moving through the rocks and the way that you were driving. To me it looked like it was like, elevated by like let's just say 30 or 40% than it was last year like the smoothness was the line choice like all of these different things? I'm not a rock expert but I saw all of these things just with my limited knowledge. Did it feel like you guys put in that work to get to that point? Yeah, I think you know like this is the first year we've typically just always kind of ran like our package out there to this is the first year we went down and spent time like in our hammers racecar and like kind of fine tunes a couple different changes on the shock package, or being in the rocks. We changed some stuff on the steering a little bit to make the car more comfortable on the rocks and quicker. And really like I came from a rock crawling background, I live by Rubicon and Fordyce and I did like a bunch of trail Whelan like in tow trucks and stuff back in the day and I was kind of stuck and I did like Cal rocks events where we would do like the cone dodging events I call it everything was like really finesse and that and I kind of always use that at hammers like tried to finesse a little too much we're finally this year I was like it just in the UTV it really needs to be momentum based like you got to watch. Bow not coming from rock on background kind of kept beating out in my head like, Dude, we gotta hit everything's got to be momentum. I think it's easier to fire so we just started like that we just went faster and it worked out smoother. I mean, only downside we've gone a little faster is every once in awhile those things Catches You and spin the wheel and bow will be like Oh, damn, dude, you all right? That's actually that's actually true. Bo, how is that feel? Because I saw a bunch of different people you guys did it a bunch of times too. I'm sure like when you get you get up on some of those edges and stuff and the car just spins like a top and just goes like every different direction that's gonna be wild. Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know a lot of the times I feel the same and it's like you start getting some momentum and and I'm sad and it goes perfect the way I wanted to and then a while you just hit something just right we're literally take 2000 gallons a minute around. How are we gonna play now? Like, it was not the plan pointing in a totally different directions. So all these guys before like Hunter and Kyle said that they now have a fire under their ass to be able to do better next year. They both want to win the 4400 class. You guys feel pretty amped up to do KLH next year too. I always leave there wishing there was two king of the hammers. I mean, that's just hammers alone. Besides the racing such a fun event. It's like you have all your friends and family all came like how often are you with like your buddy seven nights having dinner and cook in pre round and every day and my dad's going on rides? I don't know. I mean, he was like one race. We just keep chasing and chasing and chasing. It's like I know this year like we on paper. We got first in the promo class, but it definitely feels like second you earned it and beat us on time. But yeah, we want that first overall for sure. Yeah, do you mean it'd be like winning one of those overalls? I mean, like Kyle is always pretty like mellow about what he talks about. But like, Dude, that's got to feel so good, because that's a legendary win right there. Yeah, definitely. We've got no hammer. No, man, those are two racism, man. So we got we got one more chance at the minute this year and then hammered. We gotta wait till next year. Yeah, that'd be cool to see you guys at the mat this year. Hey, so did you guys race a new car this year then? Yeah, brand new. Like we literally, when I left to go to hammers, the car wasn't even done. We went down there and focused on the desert race. And I didn't but when I got in the race car, probably what you think both 30 minutes before qualifying was the first time we ever even started the car. Okay, let's like Let's go, we got to heat cycle the engine a little bit. So we drove over to qualifying to watch and we get over there. And they're like, Hey, you guys need to go suit up and get back for qualifying. So we drove back, put our suits on and went out there and we literally drove that car. Maybe five minutes before qualifying. Not even you cycle through. That's crazy. And then we qualified and we never drove it again. And we started a race morning. So that's a testament to how these new platforms are man that's pretty cool. But you did have like what you said like the muscle memory on the pre render rakes like so you kind of knew how at least it would feel yeah, there's a couple of I know we built this car obviously leading right up to it I build the cars myself in the shop and I there was a couple of changes I wanted to make on the car. I was like, You know what, I'm not going to make the changes. I'm just going to build an exact replica of what we raced the year before and I thought that was the I still think it was which helped in like, wiring plumbing, everything like I just really took everything from that car and the car. Yeah, that's cool. And plus, you kind of know right like you got a little bit more of a baseline bow like being a navigator like Koh like that's actually probably a really good thing because then you don't have to remember or know new stuff. Ya know for sure that the car did he did give me a little more foot room. And I was complaining about for the last two years. But yeah, that made it a lot better. But yeah. The car That's perfect yeah definitely that's not why we got I can't but everything was good and the car worked good and like like Phil was saying like we can't wait for cheer yeah crash it's funny to see though like you can see like both of them obviously want to take home a win and they're talking like two racers like you know we got second or whatever it's like dude like that's the winning mentality right like I know you guys want that win but yeah like you guys will get it yeah definitely progress at least I mean it's like not not to be you know we're not I don't want to be like cocky in any way but just I mean we've just from racing these cars and we've got started in 2017 I mean we have won everything there is to win but hammers in the minute and it's like those two things are getting us and we want them so that's the winning mentality right there though dude yeah so I was asking all the other guys to actually will ask what your favorite meal was on the lake bed later but did anything funny or wild happened like why you guys were out there at the races that was not on the track not really, it was just the whole Donald Cerrone thing and then I guess just the whole Ultra three thing I mean after going to ultra three we wake up the next morning wish we didn't have we didn't go it was that wild dude so it's not wild It's so crazy. So we got one of our buddy or Cory Levin sent this picture that's one of his it's a 240 cc little whatever trailed nine year whatever seven year whatever those things look at that thing fell it's got a wheelie bar on it. That's pretty wild. Last year, we left the ultra three and boasts that he was building on and racing. Every year every year we leave there I'm building one and I'm coming in I'm racing but then I then I decide not to do it. I feel like those things are death traps like Who did you say that before Chris but like you'd have to wear a full on like football outfit to not hurt yourself. I mean, they they did ban them in a dish. Oh, man. All right. So is that the goal for next year? Then Phil let your co driver come home with a gold medal in the ultra three and then you guys can go out there. I don't know. I worry if you filter three. I might not have a coder. After the race then I'm good. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Talk to Dave about making sure that happens for Bo Excuse me. What do you guys favorite meal out there on the lake bed? I don't know. We got a couple good buddies, Steven LZ. And they were they call LZ. camp cook and these supplies all the meat he goes that Snake River and gets like tons of wagyu steaks. So it's like, I don't know. What do we have like 15 wagyu steaks the night before dinner? Before the race? Well, yeah. That's wild. Chris. What I'm hearing here is these guys live like kings out. I mean, you know, if you're shooting to be the king, you should be like It's like that whole thing dressed for the job that you want. Not that you have. Yeah, sounds right to me. That's pretty cool, though. Man. I love the off road community and stuff. Like it's just cool for me to see and to hear about that. I really think that you guys did awesome. And you know, maybe I am, you know, over over analyzing it, but I think that your guys's skill set out in the rocks is definitely getting better did we're trying now the cool part about Ken Ham is like you know, I'm sure and Cody and Kyle and Dustin, Dustin and I raced against each other all year but the rest of us don't and we all we all meet up down or we at least once a year you know push each other in the rock that really helped make us faster by getting like the our whole group together and not just running by ourselves always. Like race race week we kind of do our own deal or separate but we'll try to always meet up down there and push each other and call them literally push each other they literally push each other Yeah, do totally Christian you're saying you guys literally push each other but like that's true. Like you guys literally do push each other because the rocks are so gnarly. Yeah, we're pre rounding or we're pre round we're we're down there playing I'm like why are we all dragging in each other's dust so much like we're just hired for fun but it's like we're all competitive and we want to be right on each other all the time. Yeah, I think you guys are doing a good job man. And thanks for coming on the dirt life show. When does Koh prep start for you guys now I know you guys got the man but like what are you guys gonna start getting ready for Koh because the Miller brothers so that they start getting ready I think in May. We normally get ready about like four weeks before there. I thought we were at We're racing the best of the desert race this weekend and it got postponed. So actually prepped my king of the hammers, my new hammer scars fully prepped right now already done because we're gonna race it this weekend. So it's sitting there ready to go. Oh, right on, man. So it sounds like you can just take it wherever you want and just go race right, dude. There it looks like there's snow up there, though in in the area like Cal City area. So I don't know, man. I'm kind of glad that I don't have to go up there and do video because I'm not getting the cold weather. So no, I think it was a good it was a good call for them. Obviously, we always want to race but like we were looking at the weather and like we have to go over the database to get there and the database shows like 20 inches of snow tomorrow or something. Oh, wouldn't be with a 32 foot race trailer. Yeah, exactly. All right, boys. Thanks for then you even did you see all the snow right now? Glen Helen? No, actually, I didn't. Yeah, that's all it's all been posted on there. Right now. It's like the there's like two inches of snow all over the track. And Glen? Real. Yeah, everyone's out about that. Yeah, that is crazy. And nitro Valley crosses the weekend after the mint. 402. So who knows, man, this weather is wild. Well, hey, thanks, boys for coming on. I really appreciate you guys. Hanging out. You guys really did a great job out there at Koh. You want to throw a shout out to anybody before we get Michel Alsop on here. Hi, Michel. Awesome. All right, boys. Really appreciate it. Yeah, have a good one. See you guys. Later. All right. Yeah. All right. So we'll get we'll get Mitchell on here in just a second. And I'll actually there we go. And talk with him a little bit about his race. Chris did it like the stuff that happens at Koh dude, everybody has their own individual stories. It's pretty rad. Yeah, I think that's, you know, I mean, you got to one of the things we're working on this year is a little piece where basically everyone kind of goes, Yeah, you just gotta kind of gotta kind of be there. You got to kind of go Yeah. You pretty much do one of the guys that you actually pretty much said. Yeah, yeah, one of the guys that was actually there and that did go was Mitch Lhasa Mitch Lhasa. What's up, dude, how are you? Yeah. How's it going, guys? It's doing good, man. Hey, was this your first year at Koh inside the car. So I'm, I've raced with the DA family came on sale for the last three years there. But now with the best of the Desert, desert race week before we ran out in Pro Stock ended up P two. But we've been doing a lot of work in the rocks. Over the last three years. Me personally, I raced it last year in stock class. My business also bracing development builds a full turnkey chassis for the rocks. So we're there. We're present. We're busy there. Yeah, I can only imagine there's a lot to take care of when you have to support all those vehicles that you're building. Yeah, so we had our desert car still ran his car in the desert and in the rock race. So there was there was a full prep in between there and a few other customer cars plus the support and the prep beforehand which is outrageous. We're a little bit behind Unfortunately, due to parts and I think the day I left for resume, I'm like an hour and they got the truck in and the to lake bed and we finished. We finished the Pro Stock Car on the lake bed. No way. Really. Yes. So grande 23 that we got Brandy 23x. Three, we got shoot two weeks before cage cage on our suspension on it and Sparco seats, big tires and went for it. Dude, well, actually, you know what? That's actually a good question to ask Chris. I think you'd probably be into this answer is Mitchell, what's the difference between the Desert Car and the rock car built? So the biggest thing for us like take our full chassis cars. The biggest thing for us is the both sides and then it doesn't know what the boat sides means. It's like a UTV enthusiast as most UTVs have just like a flat bottom right and then this guy late and then they come up to the doors just like that. Well. Well Mitchell's talking about is instead of having just a flat bottom, they raised the sides up like this so you can slide around the rocks a little bit better. So it's got a different angle on the bottom portion of the outside of the chassis. Yeah, we have a 10 inch rise on our on our chasis and we still packaging with a 25 gallon fuel so they're actually really become our cage has really become a hybrid car we're racing them down in Baja as well. And best in the desert to out of them. So it's good dude, it's wild to see, like we talked about a little bit on the show before like how far you TVs have come to you and it's just like blows my mind every time I think about it. Yeah, shoot, I started in the industry 2015 2016 And just to see the evolution of just just x three, just all the TVs just see where they're at. And now it's the times over all times. Like it's that's kind of that's why you asked earlier George, you know, I mean, that probability of a side by side winning 4400 And I mean, you kind of look at how fast Yeah, and how far they've come already. I mean, it just seems inevitable. Yeah, I don't know though, dude, cuz you got to think like 4400 cars could still like if they had a perfect race. Good. Yeah. Big tires. I mean, I think closing them in the middle of rather than showing a great 4400 class. I'm definitely not saying a UTV can't win. I'm just saying, dude. Like, maybe I'm saying if a UTV does win, it'll freakin like my head will probably explode. Let me just say, like three years ago for a UTV to finish in 4400. And finishing the top 10 was like, mind blowing, and now you got multiple cars finishing in the top 10. At that rate of like improvement. I didn't see seem that improbable to me. Hey, I think a couple 4400 guys might like want to argue that point though. Right? Yeah, dollars fit to Let's hope so. super competitive. And that's good for everybody. Honestly, like, I love these discussions and conversations because it makes everybody hungry to do it. Right. And it just elevates the whole sport. Hey, real quick, Mitchell. The gray family said we love you, Mitchell. So proud of you. Actually, somebody says, Love you too, but it's too far up in the comments. To a great family. Jay, big part of getting us to KLH they live they live out in Barstow and he's always driving out to Vegas to work and, and help and really, it really got us over the hump this year. So hats off to that grant. Yeah, dude, you know, it's crazy as we always talk about this, but like, it doesn't matter. You can have 10 years of time to be able to prepare for one race and no matter what happens the day of the race, you're still fucking tightening bolts. Yeah, man. That was clearly you know, we had we had some parts on delay to get we had we had five cars to prep for for the for the two weeks at Koh and that was the biggest issue of students. We started months in advance and planning and just, we just missed it. You know, it felt like we were a week behind the whole time. But to go out there and find find success. And Sara it's such a big event. It's it's great. It makes it all worth it. Yeah, totally. And then so you obviously got to get in the car this year. And you raced the desert race. You said you came home second. How was that desert course and what actually What car did you drive or what class did you go in the postdoc? So ProZ dot class. Yeah, for the desert race, which I'll be racing. Invest in the desert. I'll follow the point series there and the Triple Crown out. It's really cool. I think the class is great. I mean, bolt on cage bolt on suspension. stock fuel tank stock radiator. Has the bed still on it? I think I think it's it's a great class. I'd like to see a lot more people racing the stock unit because how capable Yeah, well I do. I'm I'm a massive fan. Actually. Chris is a massive fan too. He actually raced in the California 300 last year and pretty close to stock on the talent did well podium guy. And then but yeah, there you go right there. A podium guy but I'm a massive fan of the stock classes. Like I always always promote this like, anytime that you can have a UTV be as close to what the person can purchase on the showroom floor. The better like when we were racing Lucas dude, I tried to change as little on the car as possible. Just because I had so much fun. It was like what do they call it the drivers class right in quotes, like, that's the way to do it, man. It makes racing so much fun. Yeah, it's I love our Ford chassis cars, their works of our guys at the shop do an amazing job. So whereas the customer for that car, and there's also a customer for a Pro Stock Car, and I'm fortunate enough to be be supported and be able to raise the pro stock class. Because it is it's so close to what the end user can take out to the dunes take out to the desert and use the stock doors on it. It's so rad. Rad. I love that. Hey, are you going to try to Race Rocks next year? No, because that seems like an undertaking in itself. Yeah, so I raised I raised rocks last year. Oh, you did? I didn't know that. Yeah, I had a little few issues, but ended up skipping class. Which I was stoked about first year. Cameron still played a huge part in that coaching me. Would I like to raise the rocks next year? Absolutely. I actually like the rocks just as much as being in the desert because it's so technical. Dude, I think you're probably the first person that ever say that. I love rock racing. I actually took we did five test days with the customer out there coaching in the rocks. And I actually wrote my dirt bike up all the trails, no way right next, right right next to the to the guy who has UTV or just ripping around Christmas needs a nut job. So it's a great time, dude on a dirt bike. That is so did you see the king of the motos? How crazy those dudes are? Yeah, sir. Crazy. I'd like to partake if I was a little bit better shape and my guys are probably laughing at me now. But if I was a little better shape, I would take kings motors on dude, you are nuts. Chris, I would probably throw up within the first third of a mile. I probably went to right now though. Oh my god. That would be insane. Hey, but like I would like to see you out in the rocks and a UTV maybe work your way from a UTV to the dirt bikes or something, though did. So I did run. Which I never pre ran the trail. Door hammer. I read that. Yeah. So I ran. I ran one. So I guess we could talk about the desert or the rock race. So I raced the rock race the desert loop for Cameron steel, because we built and prep his car. So this year, I raced the first 80 miles and then he got in the car to do the rock loop. Okay. So we feel that man and he got a little fuel splashed on him. So when he came back around to remote to he's calling on the radio. I need a driver. Let's get back in the car. Oh, crap, I actually gotta go do a few rock trails, which I was super stoked about. And we ended up we ended up eighth and Pro Mod class, which is not what not what that program goes to do. We're delighted over the last three years we're getting better and better with Cameron out there. So yeah, I just I want to continue the momentum and present so we have out there and if I can't, if I can be a driver record and run run my own car out there next year. I'm I'm there. Yeah, that would be super cool. But what I basically heard was Chris, we need walkie talkies, for all of the teams and we need to have you suited up ready to go in case anybody needs a driver to replace them. Yeah. All right. Alright, perfect. Yeah, you know, I mean, you never know what happens out there. Right. And we try to be as prepared as possible. Yeah, it is wild, man. I've seen some crazy stuff happen at Desert races. I mean, even at the California 300 Last year, we had some crazy stuff happen. But yeah, man, it's it's just cool to see like, another thing that I'm understanding right now is this the camaraderie that every single team pit family members, all of these people always have, dude, it just, it blows my mind. And it's all to get a vehicle across the finish line in first place, dude, like, it's just, it's so cool. Yeah, yeah. Gotta really commend all your family and friends, right? Oh, absolutely. My family, my friends, the guys at the shop, everybody supports and backs our program. And it's a whole team effort. When we get out there. What would you have done better if you could have done anything a little bit better during your desert race this year? So Johnson Valley area is like my what's the word like my kryptonite, right? Well, your arch nemesis? Yeah. So I started racing 1600 cars back in 1314. And we'd race out there all the time, and it would just kick my butt. I mean, I could not finish the race out there, but I go anywhere else. I'm doing great. So I would I would say my pace to conserve the car. The first lap of the desert race was went to slug Fisher. We picked it up the second the second lap and Dustin Jones had a good run and ended up beating us by It ended up beating us by five minutes we did have an issue we broke a drag on a lot too so we got to conserve but honestly for a car kind of like Phil said like brand new car out of the box zero miles on it and we're taking it through the desert to end up second like to racing to do but it's good effort good effort from my team and everybody yeah totally I mean that's a racer mentality right Chris is your glass has to be half full you got to know what you did good but you also have to be accountable for the stuff that you can do better and I'm sure the debrief like after the races you're probably just like Dude, we got to do this this and this better. Yeah, nachos in your in your head or whatever. Like lock them in your head and then make sure that you execute on those next year. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And moved into the bed now that the the California city races we're gonna we're gonna move our efforts to the run for the Triple Crown by you guys right now. It doesn't it doesn't snow in the valley floor here in Bakersfield but there's definitely snow all around us dudes wild man California is freaking me out right now. Chris, right dude, we sponsor this soap let team it's a Somoto guys that are that are vets and they drove from North Carolina out there for the desert opener. Then. They're actually going out to Lucerne Valley kids. Well, there's no racing. But wherever they are out there in our city area. They said it was coming down. So do Are they just gonna go just drive around? I'm gonna I'm actually I'm gonna link you up with them. So you can go talk to him? I'm not driving up there. No. Okay, good. I didn't want to get out. Okay, I got obligations to drive up there in the snow now. Well, Mitchell, dude, I think you guys did a fantastic job. I mean, obviously, you want to do better, right. But a couple things that are on the sidelines, you guys had a ton of people that were actually helping the program and doing all that. Did you guys have anything funny? Or like wow, that happened during the whatever week that you guys were there. So yeah. two scenarios that I can briefly talk about is qualifying for the rock race and Power Hour with Cameron still. Yeah. I'm sitting right seat, which I'm not super stoked on. But it's it's our it's our car. It's you know, we got this program going. And we do good. We do good on the first obstacle chocolate thunder. And then we go up hard, right? And we turn the car over. Ah, right. So you got drones, media, all this stuff. And we are just hanging upside down. And all of a sudden, get off the first tee with the parking lot right there. And it's rattling around. And so we're hanging upside down and he's like, get the winch. And we went ourselves over in like less than three minutes. It seemed like getting back in the car and he finishes his qualifying run. And that just That's it shows never give up. Right? Yeah. So how did you end up qualifying 74th? Unfortunately, Jesus, so and I had a good desert look for him that I that I drove. I gave him a car I think in 13 So we were moving. Yeah, you guys finished or the during the rock race? Cameron finished. 12. Yeah, we were moving. Do you That's wild. Yeah. What was the other topic that you were going to talk about? So it back to the desert race the week prior. We're running a stock tank, right. So we're going into remote to fuel. And my crew fueled and totally pitted surprise. And thought it was because our cars look so alike. We're both cannamd Both yellow. She didn't say anything. Oh, she took the fuel and everything was like Oh, I'm not even full yet. And they didn't even realize it was a total mistake. No way. Perfect. Totally don't feel soft, like for and we're doing some work with her right now. Which is super rad. But my guys told me that I would all die. Dude, I'm definitely writing this down. We're gonna send this out as a clip to Oh, yeah, that's hilarious. The funniest part about it though, is she she was just like, Yeah, okay, cool. No, for sure. Yeah, no. Yeah. She's like, Hey, I love who you are like, Oh my gosh, like, this is not your pit. That's wild, right? I mean, I guess. Kudos to your pit for just being able So just focus on the execution. Right now they're there. They're awesome. You cannot do this without good people and, and good, good pit crew and you know when they're telling me this, I can tell you one of my guys just like he was kind of embarrassed. I'm like, Dude, this is awesome story is pretty hot. But now it's just thinking about like me like maybe I'll just like run up by the pants and I'll just be like, hey, Phil are up boys. Yeah, you see the awesome truck just pull in there and my guys get you dialed in. So no need to pit crew now, George. We just need a car. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we're already good. We're getting closer. Oh, this is sweet, man. Hey, and then so final question. What was your guys's favorite meal while you guys were out there on the lake bed. So I've been I've been thinking about this. We ate great. Families cooked in awesome like, I think is a snow Cox's Jared cook. J cook are one of the girls. So we were bouncing between customer customer barbecue Cameron Steel's whole tribe. And then my girlfriend and I so we're just all over the place. But the snacks during the day chips and dip turkeys just all throughout the day. That's where I'm at to Chris just the finger foods just snacking all day. That's where it's Yeah, whenever whatever I did either of y'all have the moral place out in the back of the fire engine? Oh, dang brothers pizza. Yeah, dang good pizza right there, man. They are there at the dunes and stuff. Those guys do actually make some pretty good woodfire pizza special about ordering a pizza in the middle of like a dust storm. You can barely see the people making it. A unique experience. Yeah. And it tastes delicious. Alright, solid. Yeah. All right. Well, you got anything else you want to talk about? Mitch? No, just thank you. Thank you, everybody, you know involves Thank you for having me on the show. And BFG Raceline vision canopies. But we're tents, Blaze racing services, UTV shocks. I mean, racing is truly a team effort. And there's no I in team, you know, yeah, absolutely. You guys got some awesome people that help out to like, Well, yeah, they're Jeremy and Stephanie. And Stephanie. Oh, yeah. The whole J stars himself. Yeah, right. himself. himself. He does not eat. I'm like, Dude, you're working harder than anyone out here. You should eat. He's on that military diet. Still. I know. I need to get a burger or something. All right, that's, that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna tell him he's got to get a burger. All right. Well, hey, thanks for joining us, dude. I really appreciate it. You did an awesome job this year. I can't wait to see you at the Mint 400 as well. Awesome. Thanks for having me, guys. Appreciate it. All right. Thanks, Mitch. We'll see you later. Chris, we're gonna wind down the show a little bit here. I definitely wanted to thank you and the whole Max's crew, everybody that was out there. Did an awesome awesome thing for all the fans gave that taco party. You did that little Jeremy McGrath ride day that was super cool for everybody to go out to do. And obviously, for your brand support and all of these fantastic racers and everybody that was out at the track from the people that we had on today. All the way to the top 44 guys all the way down to the kids. Man, you guys are doing an awesome job. So I appreciate that. But even more so. I appreciate you just being a part of the offer community. Hey, I appreciate you. You're cool, man. Well, thanks so much. All right, we're gonna wind it out. You got any buddy you want to say hi to before we close her down? I saw it. Let's hear who did we see on here. I saw day from collective. He's soupy guy we saw Bradley and how ETV opera Mac Rosie hopped on here. Cameron? Yeah, do you Parsons. By the way, what we should have told Michel there was a need to work a little wager with Cameron on the king of murder. Cams gotta go back and do that again. Right? Those guys are so gnarly though. Like I don't know how comfortable I'd feel making those dudes wager on that because I would feel like I'm guilty if they wanted. They come we would just kind of go them into it. Okay, yeah, that's fair. Yeah, no, I want to be live. Exactly. We got to church to worry about. Hey, well, thank you very much for everything, dude. I really appreciate it. So we see you at the men 400 There'll be some people there. I don't know. Probably. I gotta keep it. I gotta keep everyone guessing. I talked to that little bit of smack about the 4400 guys. Okay, yeah, just in case right. All right. Well, I'll Put on my Max's hat if we don't see out there, but yeah, man, I appreciate everything. So all right, I'm gonna wind down the show here. You're gonna hit the road anytime you want to appreciate it. Hey, good. Thanks, dude. Thanks, man. All right. So thank you everybody for joining us. We really appreciate it. You can always hit up the sponsor deals page on the dirt life show.com hit any of those links you can save on a bunch of our partners, a bunch of our sponsors. Get yourself some good deals over there. You can always hit us up anytime on social media Instagram is the best place slide into our DMS. Let us know what you guys think. Let us know if you guys want to interview any of that stuff, man. It's always really cool to see and hear what you guys think of the show and how we can progress. Thank you guys img motorsports for let us have the show here tonight. KLH recap was pretty insane, man. I'm really, really stoked. But most of all, well, and thank you to all of our guests too. They did a fantastic job, at the races and on the show. So most important part is thank you guys. We really appreciate it. See you next time on the dirt life show tonight. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.