The Dirt Life
The Dirt Life
KOH Pre-Show with Vision Canopies, Terracrew, & More
King of the Hammers is coming up and we talk with a stacked line-up of guests including previous winners like Kyle Chaney, Hunter Miller, Bailey Cole, & Cody Miller, and guys out there to claim the title of the rocks like CJ Greaves, Doug Mittag, RJ Anderson, Dave Mason Jr.
The boys from Terra Crew are taking over the last part of the show to talk with Darren Parsons, James Holguin, & Evan Walsh about their plans for taking on KOH in 2023!!!
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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil. yeah welcome everybody to Episode 150 of the dirt life show we have an awesome show for you guys tonight. We are going to talk about all kinds of rad stuff. We have a Koh recap or excuse me a Koh pre show. We are at Vision canopy. Thank you very much call Aaron's Burg for having us. We really appreciate it, dude. We got all kinds of fun stuff happening. We got some guests over here eating tacos. We got Doug Montag sitting over here. What's up, dude? How's it going, buddy? It's going good, man. You ready for KLH? Think so. Working on it. At least. It's always always pushing to get to the starting line. Oh, yeah, this is this is actually my first Koh actually got to ride with RJ last year, which was a big eye opener. I've never even been to the place never been been to Johnson Valley. And then art is like, hey, you know, I'm racing. I'm like, Hey, you want to co dog. You know, we used to ride together way back in the day when razors first came out as kind of just for fun and stuff like that. But this is serious. Like we roll up to the first rock trail and pre running last year and I could not believe I was like, You're kidding. Like going down that. Aisle. This is an easy one. Yeah, they do. They're so gnarly. So that's a little bit of stuff we're going to talk about today we're gonna talk about how gnarly Koh is. We have some amazing guests that are going to join us. Thank you very much Kyle for having us. Like I said we're at Vision canopies vision is one of our sponsors of the dirt life show. So thanks for being a partner did glad to do it. Much appreciated. It's you guys that make this whole show go down. Did I really, really am thankful for it. I'm Georgie Hamill. We're gonna have the Terra crew boys. We're gonna have them take over the show. Probably around 646 45 Today, that's gonna be wild dude, because they're going out to hammers to. That'll be fun. Dude, they're bringing the whole squad. Oh, that'd be cool to see those guys. Yeah, and you guys can check out the show anytime. Always check it out at 5pm on Mondays and join us you can comment and hang out with us. We'll get to your guys's comments when we start answering some questions and stuff on Instagram. Yeah, good. We already got people on YouTube joining us. We got some people on Facebook. So thank you guys very much for hanging out. As you can see behind us. We got a massive car back there kind of give us a little bit of a breakdown of this bad boy with a Max's tires on it. That's Dave Mason's class one or T one, I guess for King of the hammers. Got the thing all ready to go and dude, Monster Truck. Yeah, it's huge. I mean, that's like literally us sitting here. The tires, the 40 inch. Max's tires are like, just as big as us. Yeah, they are massive, massive, but it look good. Yeah, it looks really good. So he's gonna be coming up on the show a little bit later hanging out with us. So that's going to be really fun to talk with Dave Mason, Jr. Let's see here. So some of the other guests that we're going to have on CJ Greaves. You guys might know him from short course racing. Doug's actually battled with him. Yep, quite a bit in CJ is a pretty rad driver, man. Oh, yeah. Top notch for sure. He's always no matter what is in it seems to be up front. So definitely a top notch guy CJ is going to join us in just a little bit. Let's see here around 520, Cody Miller, Hunter Miller, and Kyle Chaney, we're gonna get them all on at the same time. How much like riffraff do you think is gonna happen with that conversation? So that'll be a good one. All pass winners of the king of the hammers and the UTV class and then your buddy, like you said, RJ Anderson is going to come join us. Hopefully he can make it a little bit after six o'clock. Bailey Cole is going to come on, like I said, with Dave Mason, Jr. And then the territory guys are going to take over towards the end of the show. So it'll be pretty cool. A few of the things that I wanted to talk about with some behind the scenes stuff since Doug's been out there, Kyle has been out there, like food that they eat on the lake bed, how freaking cold it is out there on the lake bed. How you keep warm, and how many people you think will actually finish the race this year. Like dude, I heard the course is gnarly. Erica Sachs is out there designing that desert course all that stuff. I think Dave calls ideas to try to get people to not finish. Oh, he's just putting everything through the paces. He gets bummed when there's a ton of people finish. He's like, Oh, we got to go harder next year. Yeah. That's when we finish you like he was like, Damn, I can't believe how many people finish and I'm like, dang, I was I was hoping that trying to take people out in about I think really the race is just you know, making it through the big stuff. Yeah, absolutely. So I first of all, I don't even understand like, I've only been out there in stock UTV, I don't understand how the hell any vehicle gets through that. And then they're gonna bring king of the motos back to like, dude, so gnarly. Would you do that under Biko? No, never. You I feel like you would come back so bruised and battered. If you're lucky. You will come back and file an insurance claim on your bike. Guys see the videos of those things. They're scouting their bikes up the hill. We're gonna thank all of our sponsors real quick, but before we do, Doug give us a little bit of a rundown of how like shellshock you got last year when you went with RJ because you were Kodokan with RJ Anderson and you've never been before I can only imagine. Yeah, like i said earlier i i showed up there and a couple of I didn't get to go pre run the whole time with with the boys with the Anderson boys. But I got to go like a couple days before we actually raced and and when we show up to the first trail, he's like, What do you think I'm like, we're going down that thing. Like, this is crazy. He's like, Oh, this is one of the easier ones. So we started going down this thing and we're in almost a stock car. Actually, it was I think it was bone stock, maybe wheels and tires or something like that on it. And I could not believe what the players did like just cruise down the rocks like no big deal. I mean, we're smashing the the bottoms of them and everything's getting bent up, I'm sure but it was it was just normal. And that was the start to a to a crazy weekend for me I've been on and I got to ride with RJ and probably didn't do the best job as a Kodak driver. But we did go we won our class and we're fourth overall and and an older model and stuff. So it was it was exciting for me and I'm like really excited to go and compete this year. Dude, it's like every time I see it too, like I can't understand like, they build all those cars like any of them like UTV and stuff like a boat right at the bottom of it just has like a big ol huge like skid plate one of those what polyurethane or whatever they are, and you just slide over stuff like a boat. Yep, they just try to make them as slippery as possible. And, and as much clearance as possible. Anything that's touching the ground is not good. So it's yeah, they build them completely different dude, it's wild, man. Alright, we'll get into some details about that. So thank you very much our sponsors, like I said vision canopy, you can always check us out later on, if you can't watch the show live. And if you can't comment and hit us up on iTunes, or Spotify, or any of the social networks like YouTube and Facebook, that all stuff be archived anytime you want to go check it out. Thank you guys very much for hitting us up and all the direct messages and stuff. Like it's getting to the point where I can't even handle it. You guys are so awesome. So really appreciate it always hit us up. If you guys have suggestions on shows, share the show, do whatever you can to help us grow because this is what we love. We love talking about dirt. Thank you guys over at KMC wheels. You can head down any of your favorite parts dealerships and buy some KMC wheels down the dirt life sent you much appreciated as we were talking about before, guys on Max's tires, they came on board for 2023 to just serve an upgrade great product. So please support Max's tires as much as you can. Thanks to the guys that Motul for bread and such great lubricants. The guys are a shock therapy. Did you give us a discount code, dirt life, give yourself some limit straps, steering racks, all stuff. BSD kit, all stuff that you would need out of King of the hammers to make sure that your car crosses the finish line. Thanks guys over at JL Audio, your toy hauler all dialed in so you can be pumping and hammer down. Thanks guys evolution power sports really appreciate Todd, Jacob and the whole family over there. They've got tons of cool products like code shooter where you can actually tune your car. So if you're out in Koh, you need a little bit more power, you can juice it up and get it going beat some of your competition. Thanks, guys. Alright, so under racing products, you can use the code dirt life, yourself some radius rods, some tie rods match up with all that stuff that you got from shock therapy. And thanks to the guys over at crowd heat for being a part of the show as well. All right, so let's get a little bit of a breakdown before CJ comes on. King of the hammers is one of if not the biggest off road race in the United States. lately. It's basically like a two week event now because there's so many things. They have rock racing, they have desert racing, they have short course racing, and they have stuff for the kids and all kinds of activities to do in the pits and stuff like that as well. Doug since it was your first year last year what did you think? Yeah, big eye opener. How do you even know like you know, everybody always goes the king of hammers and I know like once you get out there there's not a lot of service so I mean you their coverage has always been top notch it seems like you know you've got the helicopters and it's always been a big thing to see from you know, the other side of it when you're sitting at home watching on TV but you don't know until you go there you know like there's I mean I created was the biggest offer of race that I've been to before King hammers and I'm pretty sure it's almost double it seems like 70,000 Maybe maybe 100,000 People that are out there enjoying it and then they not only that as they get to go drive their own cars. Yeah. Which I thought is like one of the craziest things because usually you know anywhere else that's like Nobody's allowed on the track dude, but spectators have issues getting up some of those spectators. gnarly. Exactly. But yeah, you're used to like Nobody's allowed to touch the track except for the pro drivers or or anybody that's competing in the event and no not not here at Kinahan because it's open trail Yeah, then whatever you got up that trail and everybody's having a good time and I actually we go watch you know, like we were done with our stuff. We go watch those fun times. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, totally. And then so what would you tell everybody the first experience have you never been out there is like, be prepared to be amazed like how big the, the city that moves in there is I mean I mean, there was like, What do you think like 100 200,000 people? I mean, there was like 40,000 tickets last year or something along those lines. That's you don't even have to have to buy a ticket. You know that. That's watching it weighs in. I'm sure people use so. But I just love the off road. Is that big? Yeah, like for that a couple of weeks? Yeah, that makes me feel like there's hope for off road to just be all Massport doesn't matter if it's rain, snow, people were still there. It is cold. Freezing. Alright, so we're gonna talk a little bit about the racing. We're gonna talk about some of the UTV rock racing, the desert racing and stuff like that. But what class did you decide to raise this your dog or at maybe a couple classes? Yeah, I'm actually going to bring out two cars. I was so fired up from last year, I decided to bring up two cars. Luckily, we're racing short course there this year, which I didn't scare you off. I didn't get rehired for the job. I'm bringing my own cars this time, I guess. So. We're Yeah, the short course is going to be there. Which the gas series is is awesome. And they're going to be out there, which I think is going to be huge. I mean, me and Kyle are both bringing our short course cars out there. And then I'm also going to have the my new Pro our players Pro are that I'm gonna race in the desert race. I've got to see a couple times. Dude, I really like that thing. How do you feel about that bad boy? I love it. I absolutely love it. Yeah, I've gotten multiple inquiries for for billing and for other people and stuff like that. Yeah, they've, I'm on I'm working on my third one right now. So yeah, so that's so cool. Taken off for me, which has been a really fun and like a new thing for me and the whole desert racing thing. I've grown up driving in the desert and stuff but desert racing is a whole nother story with the logistics and and I asked all my friends for help Kyle I ask for help all the time on how he does stuff and RJ and and my buddy Carson Ward, and they've all been racing desert for a while now. So I just the logistics and prewriting and all the ways that you do things is completely different than short course. So I'm learning a lot and I'm having a ton of fun with it. Dude, it's so cool. And plus, it's just like it's used a lot of same skill sets, right? But I feel like anybody that's really good at short course can move into the desert and use all of those same skill sets. Like I feel like it's so rad. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Now, like short course you got 15 minutes to drive your best. And I think the hardest part for desert for me is making that car last 34568 hours, you know, whatever, whatever. You gotta make it last. Yeah, cuz you're just like, run and go like just a shooting gun, like a bullet coming out of a gun and short course. Right? Well, so there's a massive difference though, like, so I just said that you could really like use your short course skills to go into the desert, but I feel like there's nothing that can train you to go into the rocks. Like except for experience, right? Yeah, yeah, pretty good. Maybe some 40 inch tires. Yeah, exactly. What's the plan for you then go? Can I bring out two cars got the desert UTV gonna bring out and then bring out the short course Pro Turbo UTV Yeah, I think it's cool that they're doing all that stuff having short course integrator that so the great American Short Course is going to be part of it. You're going to have the desert racing best in the desert is also going to be part of it. So those sanctioning bodies are starting to work together. Which is really really cool. Man 400 and the Martelli brothers are gonna have a triple crown that's involved with this stuff. It's It's just I love that everybody's starting to work together to help build the sport. Yeah, and it really shows I mean, the amount of entries that that they have, you know, I heard somewhere like 800 or something like that. Really something like that. It was like it was up there and about I think there was a few days ago so good and that's for the total amount of entries and yeah, yeah, but he would that's the desert on board Martelli brothers on board king of the hammers working with them I mean, it just like That's so annoying all into one really good event. Yeah, that's gonna be so sick. And then so you're gonna raise the pro to do you know how many guys are gonna be in that class? Or do you? I don't know exactly. I know. The track couple of weeks ago it was like eight to 10 people I believe in Pro two. But yeah, they're gonna use the normal short course track but then they added it and I talked to Lee perfect and he says he's almost I think nine tenths of a mile Yep. Yeah, so they got it all in there and I got I do have a different setup. I don't know no nine tenths is that's a pretty normal that's like a Glen Helen Raceway stuff like that. But yeah, I mean the or I don't we don't know what the dirt is gonna be like I'm excited there it's gonna crumble it's gonna get all moto like all like, beat up towards the end of the day. We're probably going to be trying something like that to truck and if that thing up, let us wait. Exactly. And I wonder how it's gonna be in the pro tour. Well UTV yeah, I hope good. We're trying to do different tires. Yeah, I think the same actually. The Max's tires. We ran a Crandon, I think is what we're, we're gonna try to bring before we'd run those Hoosiers in the gas here, that's not gonna work out there. I don't think that'll work too. I think it's gonna be really loose. Yeah. It's gonna be crazy man. I'm so hyped on this year because there's so much stuff that's happening like you don't get bored and I got concerts and all kinds of bad stuff. Yeah. sublime, I believe is out there, out there. I mean, it's a whole. I mean, it's like 17 days or I'm not sure exactly, but it's a long time. It kicking the motors next weekend and I want to thank you for bringing the tacos because you guys gave Doug some nice, really nice spicy salsa before the show. But the reason I wanted to bring that up is because we're gonna be with boxa tools on the qualifying day before the UTV rock race, and we're gonna have a hot sauce challenge in the booth. They're interested. I was doing it. Oh, watch. Yeah, I was doing it on purpose right before the UTV race to see who had the balls. You should definitely go. I'll be I'll be racing by then. Better today, we have a fantasy league on who played the salsa chapter, the hot sauce challenge. All right, Doug, you're invited. Man. We already know that you can handle it. So we're going to talk about a lot of that same fun stuff that you guys do. Do you know what the desert course is going to be? Like? At all? I've heard extremely fast. That's I've heard that I think, you know, the, they're saying the UTV is even we're thinking above 50 miles per hour average. Really? Yep. Yeah. So I heard it's gonna be huge. Yeah, a lot of just wide open fast. Dave is really trying to kill the cars. He really is. Yeah, yeah. And that's not even in the rocks. That's like, Well, on that one, a little bit rocks out in the desert. Dude. He's really trying to push the limits. Yeah, yeah. It did a pretty good previous show where it's kind of shows the whole layout of the track. And he says that there's a I mean, I've never raced any of it. But he says that nobody has raised most of the course for for years and years. Yeah. So it'll be really fun. Yeah, exactly. And I'm excited as if it's different terrain. That's that's an advantage for me, because everybody else has been racing the other cores for years. You know, we're now Yeah, totally. So now, I always feel like that, like, I always feel like, I don't know how you guys feel. But like, whenever the track gets rougher, and everybody starts complaining, I'm like, Dude, I love it. Yeah, like, give me the gnarliest stuff that we can possibly have. And I feel like I'm gonna rise above the rest for the better for me. I mean that my car works definitely better in the rough. So what car are you going to bring to the desert? The car we just got from Scanlon Oh, you got a conference, Galen. Yeah, sweet man. So that'll be pretty cool. That's a new car for you your car for me, and may have something else in the works too. So look at this guy keepin secrets, Doug. All right. So yeah, it'll be pretty cool to be able to see all that stuff. I really think it's gonna be a good event this year. I think there's a lot of hype. And I think that everybody just wants to get back to just having a good time racing. What do you guys usually do in the OFF time when you're not racing out there? Because it's a lot of time spent out there in the lake, but you try to stay warm. Yeah, hopefully it's not snowing. But working on working on the pre runners. You know, if you have issues with them and staying warm, you know, getting the cars, the race cars kind of tinkering with them or whatever. Yeah, getting them dialed in. Pre running is nice. Be able to have the ability to do that. There. Yeah. The pre running is going to be pretty crucial, man. Yeah, there have been a lot of guys that are out there already putting in the miles in the work. They don't open pre running for the desert race until Thursday at like noon. Yeah, the second right. Yep. Yeah, exactly. And I think they do that because a lot of it's on military land. Yeah. So you can't actually go out there and kind of pre run the course. I think you'd get in trouble and, and it kind of makes it more fair. So people aren't just spending tons of money spending weeks out there getting the, you know, yes. Yeah. It'll be fun. It'll be a big, you know, a day and a half. Very, very concentrated pre running, that's for sure. Yeah, again, massive advantage over there. Well, so we have our first guest of the night CJ Greaves on what's up CJ? How are you man? What's going on, fellas? Yeah, we're just talking Koh man and you're already used to the cold so you've got an advantage right there. They always say like Eli TOMAX. Since he like trains in the high elevation. Will you train train in the cold so you already got an advantage against all of us. So cowboys. I'm pretty jealous when they're sitting there and shorts. I just walked in today. I'm like, man sitting in shorts. pretty chilly. Got flip flops on board shorts. Oh, mad. At me today, solid scorcher? No way I wouldn't be able to deal with that, man. That's crazy. Hey, so I had a couple questions that I wanted to know. And some of it's behind the scenes and some of it's about the rocks. But you've been racing short course for a really long time. You've tried different types of racing, I even seeing your racing on the ice with spikes in your tires. But how does it all differ? Because I feel like it's a completely different game when you get out in the rocks. Like it's just gnarly. Yeah. It's a whole new learning experience. I think more than anything, and what people don't, I don't think understand about it is a lot of the times you're using the rocks for your advantage. You're using other rocks to gain clearance to get over other law other rocks I'm sure Doug learned a ton last year riding along with RJ the rocks that you think you're supposed to be going around a lot of the times are the ones that you're supposed to be using to get you off the shell for over a certain rock or using a big rocks to get the car to pivot correctly. Or even just knowing which rocks are big enough that when you're trying to get around the corner, you could put a tire on it and just let it pull the car around. I think that's some of the most exciting part of it. And just learning to try it all in the amount of grip that's there is crazy. That's wild to think like how does that feel when you're like literally using the skid plate to pivot the car over a rock like that's and you use the tires to give you traction to turn the car? What Yeah, actually one of one of the craziest sections to me, I forget the name of it. I was terrible co pilot and RDS like we gotta go pre run this section. I'm like, what? Which ones that? But anyways, one of the cgoa Probably no, but almost everybody had to do it, you actually came to this rock, and you had to like put your door against it and drive around it to like set yourself down free. Like if you did it any other way. You're gonna crash like you had to basically commit to destroying your passenger side. Really? Yeah, CJ, did you ever see any of that stuff? Because like, Dude, I don't even know what I would do like most people, let's say. They say like a UTV enthusiast would see that rock and be like, Yeah, I'm turning around, we're out. There's a lot of sections that are like that really coming up. Outer Limits, there's one spot that you got to use, like the wall and there's a huge rock. And you basically just drag the one side and then I think one of my favorite parts at Koh which unfortunately, they're not using it this year, called Cougar abuse is like they there's an entry and an exit. And there's like some, just like some cones set up and you just got to figure out your way through. And last year they had a school that straight up, you went down into the bottom of a washed and you just had to go straight up this rock and you're pre running or coming up to you're like there's no way we're gonna drive up that we're gonna flip right over and you literally just drove up to it and it was like you're on train tracks just burr pulled you right up no problem. Yeah, that section was gnarly. RJ accidentally clip flip the four wheel drive switch off entering Cougar boots. And we're like having a hard time compared to drive into software and tool drive. And, and we're having a hard time and we got to that section. We're just having to hit everything faster because we didn't know what was wrong with the car. And so we had to hit that thing like at speed and it like popped the nose that we like we lead up and it was so gnarly. Dude, did you get any video that that would be? I think we have a in car facing us. Just like you feel like you're gonna loop out. Yeah, I was just like, we're like, what the hell and then the four wheel drives, which was so close to a steering wheel that he accidentally clipped it so the whole time we're like making sure it's up and stuff. Hopefully he moved it this year. Dang did it CJ? How does it? How do you keep the car alive dude, because that sounds like it's pretty brutal doing all that? Yeah, I think that's one of the biggest things of King of the hammers is like, what's that? What's that, like? equalness you gotta it's kind of turned into a sprint in the beginning of the race. And then it's like get your car to the finish the second half. And in previous years, it's been more of like a more mellow pace, I would say and then every year it's turning more and more into a full on like race sprint the whole entire time. So you kinda gotta just know your car ton of free running and the cars are obviously getting so much better. I mean, obviously dogs running a pro are now two and that thing is it's just a beast like it is such a beast of a car that you feel like you're unstoppable it's like whatever's going to stop you is probably going to be pretty big. And gonna watch you Yeah, it was gonna lock you that's a good point to bring up because like more power doesn't always equal better performance. But like that's a real it's like it's beefier, the whole what car you bring in. I'm running a pro our this year and then my dad is my turbo our big dogs bringing the heat so your dad's gonna race with you, huh? No, he he's running a turbo car and mock class the same car that I ran last year. Oh, yeah. So they're different. What classes are they then there's a stock again this year and then Pro Mod pro open and then just UTV unlimited. But the big discrepancy right now is this is the first year ever that the course isn't the same for all four classes. They're allowing pro stock to do every stock bypass and Pro Mod and pro open and unlimited have to go up all day. I wonder if some of those those stock cars are going to pass some of the mark Carson I don't know but get the easy way out last year. Why did they make up the school last year? Right, right. Yeah, they ran they want stock last year I think why didn't you guys run a product Aren't you? Yeah, yeah. And now this is the first year that they changed it. And I know, budget, Kyle and Hunter and all them that are gonna be on here afterwards. They're all running socks this year. That's something that cannamd wanted them to do just trying to get into that stock market, I would guess. But, um, and now, the overall has changed. How do you race for an overall and only three of the classes are doing one club course and one class is doing a different course. And they get to use bypasses. So it's gonna be interesting. That will be wild. Are there any extra bonuses for the overall? No, just to throw out their overall trophy? And that's it. So I don't I don't know how they're gonna go about it. Maybe Maybe soccer won't be eligible for the overall. I don't know. That's wild, though. I feel like a bunch of the guys in the stock class are just gonna be gone in the past as many unlimited trucks or cars as possible. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's gonna be fun. Alright, so who do you have co driving with you CJ? I have my mechanic Devin. He works electro for he's been my co run started in Koh So okay, so if he gets sick or anything, Doug just said that RJ kicked him out. So Doug's got to open tickets. I don't know if I'd recommend myself. But here last year when you were in the car, didn't you? Oh, yeah, we had a blast for sure. We'll have to talk with RJ a little bit about it and see what he says. What kind of stuff you can expand on your skill set and what you did. Exactly. That's the whole time I was just like, Dude, we weren't even supposed to be racing a week ago. So let's just have some fun in this thing. So CJ, what kind of this is one of the questions that I really, really wanted to get an answer. You guys are far away. But everybody has to put in amount of prep work to be able to get ready for the race. And to me, it's different because the only real UTV racing that I've done is minimal short course stuff. And obviously a little bit of desert racing too. But it's totally different. Right? How do you guys even prepare for the event? I'm really, I mean, knowing friends of friends, I think Doug was saying earlier to Carson watermark. And I grew up for quite a few years, and he's getting really good in a desert car. And I'm just knowing a lot of people in the industry helps and going there year after year. I think that's one of the biggest things with King of the hammers is, is it's not necessarily about how much you practice. I mean, obviously, success starts on your prep in the shop, right? You always got to make sure that your your stuffs ready to go. But other than that, like human hammers, it changes every weekend, you can go there one day and pre run and that night, some dudes in G can hook their big winch up and pull a rock right down in the middle of trail. Now the trail changed completely. So just going there year after year, is the only true way to learn like the ins and outs of King of the hammers in Johnson Valley in learning the lingo there. lingos is 10 years Dee of trying to figure out when they're saying go to this trail and go to that and do this and you're like, I have no idea what you're talking about where I'm supposed to go or what I'm supposed to exci, right. They're like, yeah, go over here to gorilla rock and you'll find chocolate thunder that leads to Jack north with the bypass over here to Spooner. Like, I don't know what you're talking about, like, I don't know. Yeah, I always got so confused with that, too. Because like, last year, we were just cruising around, like checking out the scenes like everybody's Yeah, meet us over here, whatever. And I'm like, Okay, how do you get there? And they're just like, Yeah, same thing, as EJ said. And I'm like, so there's not like a track like motocross? Like they water in this or what's going on? Yeah, exactly. See how they came up with those names. I guess that brings a whole nother level of like, I don't know layer of complexity to the event, which is pretty cool. Yeah, absolutely. And everyone there is super willing to help you and fun in will more than happily point you in the right direction. Whether it's gonna get you there or not is is a different story. But they will tell you if you go over this mountain to the bottom of that one over here by this. That's where you'll find the entry and this is what that trail is called. Yeah, actually, that's a that's a good point to bring up though, that CJ talks about is like, really, everybody is there to help you. I think it was one a year ago or two years ago Sara price actually took some parts off of her Polaris razor to help. Somebody else I forgotten actually crossed the finish line. I think Jesse Nelson and Tristan wesselman Twistle. Minh did that. Like have you ever experienced anything like that CJ? Luckily, we've been one or the other. We've either had a really good race and got to the line and where it was a lot of majority of that. I think a lot of that comes further back in the field in there. accessions if you get caught up in that mean, there's 100 and some UTVs. You get one guy that messes up and blocks the trail. It's 1520 Deep in no time, and everyone's there to help each other get through. And yeah, there's days that your co drivers out helping other guys get off the trail. We were at Jack last year, and there's some people stuck in front of us. And he's out there shoveling rocks for them, just to help them get through so that we can get through. So it's, it's all really fun. Honestly, Koh is one of the most fun races I think I do all year. I look forward to it every year. I love going out there getting to do a little bit of that desert racing stuff, not being able to do that back here. And then going into the NOx. It's just super intriguing. Every year you learn a little bit more and you get a little bit better at it. And you only get to do it once a year. So it just keeps going on at the bid. You guys gonna be out there the whole time for the whole event. Are you guys? When are you guys gonna come out? I'll leave on Saturday. Yeah, so he's got he's got a little bit of a track to a couple people. A couple of people chimed in said that you should bring the pro four. Yeah, I got seven UTVs coming already. So if there was room, we would definitely be bringing more stuff. But I'm excited to see gas out there. I think it'd be really interesting to see what they do for a course. And in the past, the dirt stayed fairly decent for the short cord for ultra for race, but it's never had say 2030 laps have short course on it. And I think it's gonna turn into something that I think it's gonna be super fun to watch. Probably some really good battles. It's gonna be like OG short course. I think Ra. Big heavy cushion nasty like, like, driver distraction. I think he's gonna produce some good racing. Are you stoked on that day? Oh, yeah. Fired up, for sure. The route is gonna be insane. I think it like like he's saying it's such a soft track and stuff, there's gonna be ruts. It's not going to be just the bottom lines the fastest because that's probably gonna get worn out. Towards the end of the race. You got to do some outside lines and a combination of Lake Elsinore and Glen Helen combined. Oh, yeah. He'll be it'll be like, it'll be like a moto track. I feel like you know, lots of lots of train track ruts and, and just getting probably pretty wild. Yeah, you're gonna probably really need to tighten up your neck race on that. What do they say they they built a good amount of jumps and stuff out there. I talked to Lee a little bit, and they were getting going on it. And they have a good layout. He didn't talk too much about jumps. I'm hoping that they put up put some over some rocks. So you go slow over some logs or something. Or you can just send it over some raw. Creative. He's like, Dude, we should jump over the gator. That would be super funny. I mean, it's king of the hammers. Why not? Why not mix it up? I mean, obviously a short course Carson built to go hammer through the rocks. But if you're reasonable about it, there's no reason that you shouldn't be able to add something like that. I mean, that's what everyone comes here to see and, and mix it up. I mean, the short course has has had such of like, almost like a you have to have this style of track with this dirt and this many jobs. And it's unfortunate that it's kind of one along the lines of that lately, where previous years you go back to like torque days where they are running at red boat on motocross tracks and you're going in between trees and it's Sandy and rough and over the tunnel jumps there and I think the tracks are a little more gnarly and in almost more fun to dry. You're not saying that they're not fun now, but they're just you almost know what to expect now almost everywhere you go. Yeah, and I think it's just going to change that up. What do you think, Dougie? I agree, dude, yeah. The tracks used to be like they would deteriorate you don't want a perfect track because then there's one line always right. So you want you want the track to go away and who's going to be able to read it and change their line to make them faster? I feel like that's that makes off road racing. What it is well yeah, hear straight from the horse's mouth right there dude if they had read but again, I would definitely come out of retirement. That was fun. That was on track. Yeah, no questions asked. I would build a car and like a week I'd have dug build me a car in like a week. That would be so fun. Could you imagine could you imagine racing your guys's pro fours on a track like that? I was racing ProLight when we raced the last year that they did red button there was a big old step up and it was so much fun in a proline I can't imagine if you have a four cylinder wasn't like eight cylinders just coming in right? It was a VA event. Yeah, the Dodge did you get to race that track? CJ I did I did did Dougie did you get to run the one in the backyard is your on the one up front in the in the parking lot on the right when you were coming up? I don't know it was wasn't a part of the track. What was that part of the Moto track came down there was like a it wasn't when they had the huge step up and there's that rained out race there and stuff that was like that was like the Traxxas days I didn't race it then it was like more toward later On the last few years they did it or what? Something like that. Right, right. So he ran it, they built one in the parking lot. And it was gnarly to it got super Sandy, it had a sweet step up in the back. But you felt like that hill was forever long, just chug it up. And there was a little step up on the back. But the original OG track was on the part of the motocross track and you use like the tunnel jump after they do the whole shot. And anyway, so watching that on on TV, that one was gnarly, for sure. A fan section and that would be so cool. Didn't go through? Well, yeah, I guess. I mean, like, all those are good ideas. I'm glad that you guys are bringing it up right now. Because that gives a lot of understanding of what possibilities are out there on the lake bed, because you basically have a clean slate. Yeah, for sure. And hopefully they use it to their advantage and, and do something creative, do something different. I wish I think one year at Chicago, they even gave us a joker lap. And you got to stay on the oval for one lap. And I thought that was cool, too. I think if there's a right way to do it in a good way to police it that it's safe. And you know who's doing it when I think stuff like that is what would make sure of course a little bit better. I mean, the world is everything's changing, right? Everything's evolving, the cars are getting better the tires, obviously, we're all on do T's now. Like, there's a lot of different things that they could do to mix it up. And I feel like the series should evolve with that and get a little creative here and that you don't have to do it at every single event. But if you're going to have one that's that's crazy, and you want to do something new and fresh, keep it exciting throw Joker lap in their throat, do something that that allows the drivers to kind of separate each other and have like a plan and a strategy to it of like, Alright, I'm a little bit quicker than this guy. I can't get around them. But maybe if I Joker beforehand, and I've put a little time on them when he Joker's I'll be able to get by something along those lines that would bring another element to it. I love that natural rallycross does that now too. So like I think that like the evolution of it is like, I appreciate you dropping the knowledge to CJ because I really feel like all of these things can be used to grow in the future. So hey, so we only have like 45 seconds left or something before we get the Miller brothers and Kyle Chaney on but I want to ask you two questions. First of all, what's some of the most fun times you have not racing when you're out there at Koh? Um, the EFI Holly shoot L is really good to go watch. They go up things that you Oh, you shouldn't go up that and just go out and hang out in the pits it basically a Shannon Campbell is going anywhere. Follow him. Probably gonna be pretty, pretty entertaining. All right, well, thanks for the pro tip. And then the final question I wanted to ask you was to throw a little bit of heat into the next conversation. How do you plan to beat all of the yellow guys out there? Well, I'm just put in the work man, our cars getting better and better. Last year, I felt like we had a pretty good car, but we got the car about three weeks before the race. And now I've had a full season with Polaris and we've grown a lot and between the race department and everyone involved, we've been able to make big strides. So hopefully we can get out of their skin a little bit and get them ruffled. They've been just ironed out for the last couple of years. They've had great cars they've been running the same cars from the beginning so they knew exactly what they had to do and they were able to go out there and just fine tune little things where a lot of us were building new cars and going out there and doing it for the first time year after year. Trying to get to that point so hopefully we got stuff ironed out a little bit more every year we're getting better this these players grow ours are pretty incredible. And I just can't wait to get out there and get some time on the on the lake bed and have fun with it. Yeah, did I agree that they believe evolution is still growing? What tires are using? I'll be unlocked still is there? One? Can you tell us how big they are? No. Fives you can only run a 35 Unless you're running on limited maybe. Or I think they were trying to max me to 37 that their testing for a while. And they weren't going to run them in 4400 on their cars, but I don't know that number. They were lost in transit or having problems with them. That's wild did Can you guys like think about how big YouTube attorneys with 37 inch tires. Imagine what it was a five, six years ago, whatever was running. Go into the 32 inch tire was a big deal. Yeah, or what did what did the rhino come with? Each one oh yeah, we're talking about 37 Yeah, two runs. Yeah, what are you guys running on the short course trucks? 3535. Yep. That is so wild, man. All right. Yeah. So I really appreciate you coming on. So you You're hanging out with us. I know it's late over there. Can't wait to see you out on the lake that homie. Yeah, see you guys later. Good luck, man. Yeah rad to see CJ putting in all the work to be able to like, do all that stuff, man. It takes a lot of effort just to get out to the lake bed if even if you live in Southern California, and he's doing it from halfway across the country. Yeah, yeah. And then with all the weather they have out there right now. Yeah, they, they work hard. Yes. That does to him and his dad, you know, all year they're working on racecar stuff. So yeah, totally. Well, it's not like you guys don't work hard either. But yeah, it's cool to see Right. Like you can respect that workload and that work ethic because you can see when the results do pay off how meaningful it is because you want to be up there as well. Right? Yeah, exactly. All right. We're going to talk with Hunter Miller Kyle Cheney and Cody Miller in just a little bit here so you guys are more than welcome to jump on just joined the chat and hang out with us a little bit and we'll get you guys on here hanging out all right, we got Cody and hopefully Kyle and Hunter will join in just a little bit here What's up boys? How are you guys doing? Good man. So where are you guys at the shop getting ready to grind and head yeah, you guys got all kinds of stuff. Hey, so CJ Greaves gave us a little bit of understanding of what you guys are and what class you guys are going to race this year. Give us a little bit of a understanding of what cars you're building who you're taking out their whole program their Wi Fi sucks all right, Hunter we can't hear you all right, we got Kyle Chaney on what's up Kyle Chaney winter winter, man how are you? Can you guys hear me? Yeah, we can hear you good. The miller brothers are already slacking on their Wi Fi do ya hunters ball Oh you think that's affecting the Wi Fi? It is yeah his heads down with all right so the trash the trash talk is already starting with the Ken Ham boys before you get out of the lake bed. How's Pratt been going did oh I've just been after a deer like this this KLH coming soon. Hey, so Val from energy coil said that you're a really really good hunter man. He said don't even talk about Koh with Kyle just talk about hunting. I wish I could say how good I was but I don't really want to talk about my last week I I've been filming my hunts and I had my target Buck finally show up that I've been after for four months and I went to shoot over my camera arm and my bow hit my camera arm when I shot and my boat exploded into pieces. And the deer came back and I had to watch him for like 30 minutes 20 yards from me and I had nothing to shoot him with I thought about throwing an arrow at him I want to know what to do the middle that hey hunter can go closer to like the Wi Fi router or anything or get off Wi Fi maybe did I don't go on all day. Yeah, maybe it's your phone because is that are we on Cody's phone because your phone sucked last time Hunter but it's my phone but we can hear you good now. It's Can you hear me good? Yeah, I guess maybe you're recovering it with your foot with your hand or something. Okay, yeah, no worries. So Kyle you came home victorious last year man what's the plan for this year actually been back out there I've left my some pre runners out there and actually was out there one time Doug was out there but I've been out there about four times testing and just trying to get everything ready for for this year because last year I figure I spent all my time like testing when I was out there didn't I should have been pre running so now I should have all my testing done and now I can pre run that sounds like a lot of time on the lake bed you guys have been out there a lot to write did you guys bring your pets as well Cody and Hunter Oh, we've been out there so many times this year already that we we've already tested we've already pre ran once we get there we're just gonna party pretty much the entire time. I've already party and now there we go. Get the twisted tees onboard. Yeah, I like the lights. I'm into the light ones. Now. Those are really good. I don't even know they do. They're so good. They're about us. The light ones are way better than the regular ones. So only like six grams of sugar. And you can just pound a case. I love the training that you guys have going man you guys are really really going next level while that's curls that we're talking about yeah you guys are really good next level with your guys's Koh training easier here and we're just excited to be ready this time I think those have had their cars done for like six months my car's already been put together yet like look at these things like Miller's have had their cars done for literally like half a year like will still be put together like the morning everything is still haphazard I barely got the graphics on him so you guys get all the parts that I'm supposed to get when they send it to me like all your parts got lost and chipping and really they got sent to the Millers put on Oh yeah, I cannot wait to see you guys on the lake bed because that atmosphere in the pits is gonna be pretty amazing I can guarantee you that what do you guys usually cook out there whatever bins make we got this one guy although all usually nothing but a bunch of bitch and everybody they eat if the lizard cooks catch Yeah, and is a good cook though. Yeah, no, we eat pretty well out there for sure. Yeah, I think we eat better when we're out there than we do it. You're too busy just putting graphics on cars apparently is what Kyle thinks right. Pretty much Kyle has people for it's Kyle said he's been out hunting. Speak but it's also had this weekend I sat all day. All day six in the morning to six at night. Row froze the snow. Like I've my feet sweated on the way in and like so like once it got cold my feet started to breathe I couldn't move my feet by like noon It was horrible. Really it's like 20 degrees here you're gonna be appreciated I'm Sandler movie when you have a Blackfoot Mr. Deeds here at K wage when we ran in cow decided to Banzai his car down the hill with nobody in it. Try and save it and get run over by his own vehicle. Oh, that's fine. Let's Yeah, watch that. Yeah, let's talk about that. Because I remember that that was wild. What the hell happened? I don't remember. Are you guys talking about twisted tees were? Well, Hunter I was, I was beating Hunter and then I decided to let let him around. And then he decided he was going to dust me out. And like instead of being nice and like, let me go by him after the lake that he dusted me out and I hit her off and I flipped. Okay. What's funny about that is me and Chad thought we had a 45 minute lead at this point. And we're just cruising across whatever that lake bed in the back is I can't remember what it's called. But anyway, we're just drinking and eaten. Talk in Bs and the whole time and we're like, Oh man, this easy. And then we get to the base of the mountain and it makes like a 180 and we look back and we're like oh shit, Kyle is right there. So I blast up this hill and across this bridge as hard as I could trying to make as much dust as possible. And we get to the end of like there's no way Kyle holidays through there. And I think aftershock was the next trail we came to like two minutes later and we just pull a boat so move and wedge ourselves between two rocks and I'm straight Austin Powers for like literally five minutes trying to get out of there but Kyle never came we get over to and get gas and still no Kyle we I said Hey, before I get out of radio shot let me know if Kyle comes and he never did so. I don't know what happened till the very end. Nice friend you are. Yeah. Yeah, didn't you? You broke your hand. But you still finished right didn't you? I broke my foot my right foot. Like I still have like barely any feeling in it. If your feet get cold that no it really doesn't. It's just all just no I did and now I can only imagine the pranks that are gonna happen inside the pits and your guys's cannamd pit like since Kyle is going to be Mr. Deeds now everybody's going to come up behind him because Sneaky sneaky sneak up on me. Oh, I forgot lot of shoes on fire when he passes out from drinking too many twisted tees at the campfire that's every night so I can't wait to see you guys out there man. What do you guys usually do like leading up to the race because I've seen a little bit of of the prep and the things that you guys do out there. But like what's the seriousness? Like if I'm gonna go out to Koh what advice you give me or you give me like what CJ said? Just get as many miles in as you can figure out where you're at get a lay of the land, like, what is it? Yeah, definitely, if you've never been out there before, that's the most important thing is to just figure out where you're going. It's going to be our fourth year, and I really still don't know where we're going. But know that I mean getting comfortable in the rocks and learning the limits of your cars. You know, everybody, when they first go out there, they're pre run and just super slow. And I think that's one thing we did differently was the very first time we went out there, we were blasting through the rocks pretty much as hard as we could to try to figure out how much the cars would take. But, you know, just really figuring out the limits of the car is the most important thing. Yeah, it's wild to think that and the you guys have pushed the limits and the cars pretty far like, Kyle, What class are you racing? The desert, whatever the UTV classes in the desert, and then stock and 4900 the pro stock class Mata sportsmen bypass class. Yeah. So I heard about that. So that's actually what I want to bring up because I didn't know about that either. So now like, obviously, they're diversifying the cannamd guys out there on course, but you guys are also racing the 4400 class to right Hunter. Yeah, we are. So we built separate cars this year for both classes. So we're not doing the desert race. That's a little too much in one weekend. But we basically built our Pro Stock Cars with our honor percent Catholic. We did a single thing out of them. All we did was weld in some gusset course build a safe adult weld. Man, they're they're very, very stock. So this is what will race the UTV race. And then for the 4400 race, we built for purpose. Built race cars for these bigger tires, obviously, we put bumpstops on them, you know, move fuel cell and stuff, move some things around and just, they're a lot more of a race car than what we're doing in in the stock class. What tires are on those? We're going to call them unlimited cars or 4400 cars. What tires are you running on those bad boys? They're just rock zyliss Do they? Are they those 30 sevens or whatever? No, we have got the 30 sevens here we tested them. But the problem was coming up with we'll we just weren't going to have any ready in time. We ended up making our own and went out there and talk about those things pretty quick. We built them a little light. And you know is just too close to call to make sure we had everything we needed to run them. So we figured we're just gonna stick with what we know and use 35 skating this year. I mean, they, they I've worked really well. It's still a big tire. Yeah, it's crazy, right? Yeah, I do like to welcome Todd's a con to the show to evolution power sports. Big power guy. It's probably good to see some of these cannamd guys on the show with us I talk right? How's it going? What's up Todd? How's it going guys? Sure. So what's the what's that? Are you still in Texas? Why sucks what's to say George? What's the plan for you guys? Are you guys heading out to Lake Matt to Yes, we are. Hopefully we got a car that's going together right now. Looks about like mine you know me, Kyle. Yeah. Competition ahead of the race like who can build their car the slowest because you guys are all slacking so hard right now. Do we sort of like on February? Get out here? Pretty similar to be honest. Before they're so Oh, crap. So everyone. I think we're done. Oh, looky here. overachiever. I was supposed to race Parker. So. Oh, there you go. Gotcha. So what's the plan for you guys, Todd? Well, getting this car together. So we can race UTV Superstock. So we'll be racing with you guys this year. Ran the heat. And as Kyle call that, what do you call it bypass class? Oh, no, he's talking about the desert race is a race. Yeah. So it'll be a little different. That's that's not the same race that Miller brothers are going to be in. That's going to be a cool race to see though that desert track we're just talking about it with Doug over here. And he said that that desert course looks like it's gonna be pretty bichons Yeah, I've never I've never raced it. I've been there with Kyle a bunch of times. I pre run it but never raced it. That's gonna be pretty fun man. Are you looking forward to it? because we're just talking about the first timers out of Koh Allah sounds like everybody's got a little bit of nerves. Um, yeah, I mean, yeah, we'll always have nerves right in the beginning. But now I'm looking forward to it. It's been a dream of mine. I want to deal with Jacob. But unfortunately, he got into a little bit of an accident, so he can't co drive with me, but I've got another buddy of mine who's going to passenger seat. So we'll be ready. Pack. Yeah, man, that's gonna be rad. And then so what kind of power are you allowed to do in the stock class Hunter? Ah, I don't know that real to be honest with you. They have to be stock stock injector stock ECU stock turbo. So I mean, probably, I mean, this is an RR I'll probably make 210 to 15 That's still pretty good, though. Man. The do you have to have a lot of horsepower to get over those rocks and stuff, Kyle? Or can you do it pretty smooth with? I don't know. A mild car. I mean, look, Kenny I'm only needs about half the power as a player as you know. Guy sounds like hunters probably encoder you could probably agree with that. I don't know that the player says can make enough power to get up the rocks, to be honest. But we need CJ to come back on so he can defend themselves. They proved it. They don't have enough power. Actually, I think Doug at the beginning of the show proved us all wrong because him and RJ were in two wheel drive because they turned it off by themselves and didn't have four wheel drive. Unknowingly and made it up some of those gnarly sections. Yeah, come on. We were sitting on 30 twos and two wheel drive and we're keeping up with you guys. Spins when we went freerunning Island. I were I was college co driver. We were going up this new trail called doors. Kyle had three wheel drive because he had broken a front axle. And I swear on anything, we didn't get more than six inches without Thor's hammer is no joke. That trail is no joke. Like, I kind of want to go to sportsman to take the bike. You know, the whole bypass thing was hunters do you know he's the one that called Dave and wanted to bypass this for us. Yeah. You know, and I had to call him and tell him you know, the more pros we probably shouldn't be taken bypasses at all even though Hunter wanted to but Thor's hammer is no joke. Yeah, and again, those that's BS because Kyle said he was sitting in a tree and you know he doesn't answer his phone when he's in the tree. Actually, my Grandma Grandma calls she's the only one that I answered that man I cannot wait to see you guys out there Todd. It's gonna be good to see you as well out there buddy. We're gonna have RJ Anderson come on here in just a little bit so we'll let you guys get back to drink gear twisted tees and getting all prepped up for the races man Good to see you guys and we'll see you later guys man that's so fun. Did those guys have such a good time with everything that they do right they're pretty funny they've Cheney rice races the short course see season two so got to hang out a couple times out there and stuff that him and his team seem to have a good time and, and keep it fun. You know? Yeah, totally. So when you guys like hear those conversations like we've been laughing like my chest already hurts because we've been laughing so much. Can you guys wait to get out and hanging out with everybody? It's gonna be fun. I've been looking forward to this one for a while especially with with especially with Parker being canceled I'm antsy to get back in the seat but uh, ya know, you are too Yeah, it's always fun there and, and you know, this the pit the everything that goes on in the pits hanging out going over and visiting your friends that they got campfires going and kicking hammers is kind of like a fun you know, desert trip with with your family and your friends really, you know, I mean, that's that's the cool part about it. You're not stuck on stuck in some pavement or stuck inside of a fence somewhere or something like that. You take your cars out there and go Go have fun. I'm actually going to have my dad pre run with me and his personal car and, and some of our friends that have utilities that we go out to the desert with we're gonna pre run all together and just have a good time. You guys are gonna have a good time. Speaking of having a good time. You and our next guest on the show. I can hear him in the background. We have a couple technical difficulties. We're gonna try to fix Marge Anderson. Welcome to the show. What up guys? You guys got my co dog on this show. My trusty co dog. Yeah, so now he sent into Kyle's left and that's like the driver's seat. Does it feel weird to see him? Well? We're here on that side. Yeah, see the way I'm looking at the screen. He's on my right so it feels familiar. Perfect. Hey, so, Doug's let us know earlier that last year was the first time he made it out to the rocks. You've been out there a couple of times. How was it having him out there and breaking them in? I'll tell you what, last year we were in way over our head I'm surprised he signed up to do that with me to end up turn it out way better than I expected. But I went out there a couple times this year and I was just talking to Doug the other day I'm like, I have no idea how we made it through that race because we were very underprepared and we just dug actually did a great job just keep me driving. It's frustrating sometimes the rocks not always car doesn't always do what you want it to do. So we just kind of kept chugging along all day. Ended up Alright, does that have anything to do with you hitting the four wheel drive button with your finger and turning it into overdrive? Well, it wasn't even my finger I don't I don't know what was going on. Maybe also my hands were all over the wheel so it's possible that it was my finger but yeah, it kept going through like the first half of the race not even realizing I was in Tooele drive and we're getting yeah, anyways, luckily, I dug there. You got me some duct tape. We got that thing taped up. And we've been rock trails. Yeah, we did it in I think Cougar buttes is when we realized that was in Tooele drive and I was telling CJ earlier, RJ, I was saying that we hit we started hitting everything with speed because we didn't even know what was wrong with the car. We're just like, why are we having such a hard time with this trail? So we hit that straight up thing and Cucurbita did a wheelie up the up the face and we're like what was going on right now. But it's so funny though. Because like, that's a normal racer instinct, though is you're like, alright, the car is not doing what it used to be doing. I just gotta keep pushing forward. Right? But like, so like when we're talking about this thinking like with my enthusiast brain on or whatever be like, Why don't you just put it in for overdrive it? It's like, but the truth of the matter is, I probably wouldn't have done anything different than you guys have been like, dang it. Do the front wheels aren't working. I just gotta go. Yeah, yeah, no, it didn't take us too long to figure it out. We got through the that section, and we've realized it and so then I took some tape that was holding the, I don't know, a spare belt on or something like that. And we taped it up and made it work for the rest of the time. It just got going again, it was pretty nice to have such a you know, knowledgeable co dog RJ. Yeah, it was no I vividly remember where he got the tape. We had two water bottles duct taped to our center console. And I wish the GoPro died. But I wish we had it because when he undid the water bottles, he was like You want some water and I was driving down the speed section and Doug had his hand in my helmet feeding me water. It was pretty funny if we had if we had the footage of it. But yeah, it was super helpful for sure. It was like I said, it was it was an eventful race. It was only a few hours but it was eventful. I remember hearing like I think it was maybe you or Jerry or Doug I don't know somebody posted something on social media that you guys got out in the in the in the race and you guys had so much time in the car that you just started talking about, like burritos or something, didn't you? Yeah, yeah, we had burritos earlier that day, or I had to or something like that the car was feeling a little slower and are just like what the hell and I'm like I had two burritos. Maybe that's why I don't know. The stuff that comes in, like conversations that come up in the cars are so funny man RJ I remember a story. I was racing a local aclp race in Arizona. And I had my crew chief in the car and he's a big guy. And we went over we like just in this berm we had kind of high sided and tipped it over. And I was like, Oh, dang, we're gonna have to get out. He just wiggles around. We pop back up on the wheel. So we just take off again. It was so funny, man. Like little stuff like that. That happens. You never forget. Yeah, no, it's definitely recited. I won't forget. And I don't know why I signed up to do it again. Should have just called. But here we are. So What class are you going to raise? I'm running a pro are. So I think the only class we're able to race is open the open class. So I'll be an open class. So did you build a specific Pro are for this event? Yes, and no. I mean, we did some things and with hammers in mind, but the thing that's tough about this race is it's once a year, you know, so to build a car 100% purposely for hammers is a big is a big task. So it's obviously there's a lot of things on it that are tailored to suit this race, but it's not 100% purpose built for hammers. That makes sense. Yeah, totally. And I mean, like, that's a lot of dedication to put into just one car, right? Yeah, for sure. I mean, it's like, by far the most expensive car we build just for everything that goes into it, like a winch that you use once a year, you know, just tons of little things, you know, we're used to obviously doing more short course type stuff, but it's done some more desert stuff these past few years. It's just it's expensive, you know, just every little thing that you got to do and for the rules and to make it strong enough, you know, the bottom of the car, you're just hammering rocks all day. Yeah, totally. We're talking about the skid plates earlier. Just so everybody knows. We're gonna have Dave Mason Jr. on in about 20 minutes or 10 minutes or so here. So that's gonna be fun to talk about that. He's got a one of his cars back here. The class one car. Have you seen this thing already? Hey hopefully if he's racing at all hopefully you see it in my rearview mirror I'm racing a class one car out there as well as my buddy. Are you Adam one? Yeah, dude. Big buggy guy. Big buggy guy huh? And no I raced out him last year at hammers and the one car I raced them every once in a while so we had a six to 100 for a little bit and then got a class one car so he'll be out there at hammers she's actually this year my co dog I think Doug said is a one and done for him in the rocks. So he grew up as a rock crawler so he'll be riding with me this year at hammers. Yeah, that's gonna be pretty fun man. Like I think it's cool to see that that you can raise so many different things like I mean, you still have your short course vehicles too. I mean if you wanted to get out there battle with Doug on the short course track too. Yeah, yep. Yeah, I wish we got to run those things more but there Ronnie will be out there actually being indoors with Doug my brother so he'll be out there Yeah, hammers is a packed week at school how many classes they've added it makes for pure chaos, but it is really cool. How many classes? Yeah, it's cool because they have a variety right? And there's all kinds of different like the Triple Crown like all kinds of different fun stuff. What are you most looking forward to? Like? How about like maybe some stuff that's going to happen in the pits or hanging out with your homies I'm most looking forward to heading home Friday after it's all over it's it's just been a you know, it goes building new vehicle and a lot of work a lot of time pre running, working on pre runners. So this this event is one race you know, but it's gotten probably the most time put into it. So yeah, I don't know I'm looking forward to I always enjoy going to chocolate thunder at night and watching the chaos that ensues there. So that's definitely on the list of things to do. It'd be cool watching these guys restore course at night, as well. So hopefully the weather cooperates and it's not too cold because we're going out there all day and the wind and the cold it takes out you want to go do stuff at night as well. But that's what's so rad about hammers is everyone's camp there and constantly tearing up their equipment for everyone else's enjoyment. Yeah, dude, it's gonna be so cool to see everybody out there but like, I don't know, man. I always wonder like how people keep warm out there. I wonder how people get over the rocks out there like what have you learned over the past like few years to make it so that your race goes better? Because DDB like even last year, you're kind of just shooting from the hip or you Yeah, you mean as far as like staying warm in the race car? I just mean like everything like because like for me I don't want to be cold in the pits. And then I don't want to be like freezing when I get in the race car because I'll be in a bad mood like and then like how do you get over the rocks? Like just everything like if I'm going out there for the first time? What kind of tips are you gonna give me well the more redneck you are the better they seem to be just unstoppable out there so that if you're a pretty redneck you're probably going to be just fine but yeah, when you get into the rock canyons honestly it's not as bad because the elements don't get to you know like the winds not blowing in you're kind of protected in the canyon and you're just all over the wheel not going anywhere. So when you get to open desert that's when it gets cold because the winds blowing in against you so yeah, windshield actually helps there. I've never I never used windshields but they're going into the open desert you want to winch up there that's actually a really good idea. Did you guys have a windshield last year? No windshield we're freezing right before the race you're freezing. And once you I mean for me at least like my adrenaline gets going you know, first rock trail we hit I mean it's like you don't even you don't you don't think about being cold anymore. You're just trying to try to find the right line and try and do my best job to point RJ in some sort of a right direction but you know like once once things get moving you're not too bad I would say pre running as the worst you know, pre running and just being in the pits working on the car. It's freezing out there. So bring your warm clothes for sure. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking to just make sure that you're prepared as much as you can possibly be right yes, much faster the move. Yeah, I'm actually surprised you didn't build a one of those general four cedars with enclosed cab and the heater that's a change I would have made this year I wouldn't be the move dude. We would have just parked in Turkey cool unwashed. Everyone else if we were smart. That would have been so crucial. Yep. Man. So are you going to have a windshield and like get it all dialed in then No, we didn't do I love it did we don't run a loose on everyone else. To do that. I'm not I'm not doing it. But I'm telling everyone else. That's what you should do. Oh, I RJ has got a whole different focus here. I see what he's trying to do. He's making sure that he can dust people out and they can't see in their windshield and he could just go fly past. Smart move. Smart move. Yeah, I'm feeling it. RJ. I like your style, buddy. Yeah, I do though. This year I upgraded I got a player's ranger with the cab and the heat You're in stuff for the night for the night runs. So I'm dialed for chocolate thunder runs at night. Got the heater cranked up. There's music in there. That is the mood. Can you swing by and pick me up in my camp? Got you dude, I just have to wait for the heater to warm up and I got you. Oh, so it's gonna be like an Uber you're gonna already have it all toasty inside for dog. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I think you're gonna start seeing more and more of those because like, it's got AC it's got heat, so it doesn't matter the season that thing's ready to rip. What car do we have right here behind us because a ranger but now it's all the all the interior goodies. Oh, so basically Doug's too. bougie He's not letting you pick them up. Yeah, that's not right. I need to put a cap on that one. Get the kid get the kid. Yeah, yeah, they make a kid for that. Oh, yeah. That's why I like all the tubing is kind of like shaped like that. It all like just clicks right in seals it up, dude. There we go. All right, RJ. So you're gonna bring out it sounds like a whole bunch of equipment, a whole bunch of fun out there. I'm taking everything I own and absolutely destroying it further. You're gonna take a year to clean it on the lake. But that stuff just does get everywhere. So yeah, everything I own is headed out there and going to Detroit on come home. Hopefully happy. Maybe a little bit sad. Yeah, I think it's gonna be fun, man. And I also like on a serious note, though, I also think it's rad that they're having all these different classes and stuff because it brings so much more versatility. I mean, like, you guys were saying what there's like 800 or 900 entries here. And I heard like eight. Like, I think it was around 100 or something like that. So can you believe that? RJ eight to 900 people? That's insane. Like what event ever has 900 People like is there even an event? The Olympics? Yeah. Yeah, I guess the Olympics. But that's crazy. That's crazy to like, even compare that to the Olympics. You know, it's so wild. Well, yeah, I'm not comparing it to the Olympics. And I have zero idea how many people go to there. But like, yeah, it's just cool to see man. Like I love being able to see the sport grow like that. And the live coverage. I feel like it's going to be on point because they've always done such a great job with all that stuff. Is there any like? I don't know what you want to call it. Like, last year, you were able to have dug in his first time to get out there. Like, do you have any other people ask you like, hey, RJ, we give me some tips. Like what should I do when I go out there? Yeah, um, that's hard. Because rocks are such a different animal. Like, one one strength that I had with Doug been with me is he was like, for one, we had a mechanical on the trail. And he was able to fix it right away and keep us moving. Because it could have ended our day right there. And I had someone with me that wasn't mechanically inclined. So that was that I actually helped out with Harley, you can be honest, as well as making them hungry, the GPS, but he knew how to hit an axle. So that was pretty important. Hey, just use all the positives, man. We're living glass half full here. Exactly. Um, and then just keep moving. You know, that's what we were able to do all day is were we the fastest, absolutely not. But we qualified, decent and was able just to keep moving all day. And so not really a race like just if you think you're showing up there and going to just drive by all these guys because you know how to rock color because you know how to go fast and Desert is it's a it's a race that has a little bit of everything in it. So it's uh, it's gnarly. And I think one thing that, like, makes me come back is just Dave calls the man you know, as far as a promoter, yeah, he does what he can for the racers, he makes it better. Great coverage, like you said, and then like, last year, giving us even more money than he said he was originally gonna like, who does that? He doesn't just say I was gonna give you a bunch of money. So why gave you more, but he checked in you. Yeah. And then. And then after the fact how much was it? He? I don't know. It was. It was like, it was like 18,000 Something who knew that all the money was in stock class. And then he ended up not me. No, no, I thought we were like, literally me and Doug at one point that was just like a participation trophy. Like I didn't even know like when Graham. Yeah, I had no no idea whatsoever. And then, yeah, I think he ended up giving like 1100 bucks more than the check originally said. So he literally paid more than he originally said which it was a lot of money. I literally didn't even know I was getting any money. I thought I was getting like the baseball Trophy Run and stock class. And yeah, it turns out the stock class had was worth more money than the rest. That's so sick. Yeah. And the reason he gave more money like that extra 1100 bucks is I think just the people more tickets sold than they expected. So he like went out of his way and gave everybody more money. The racers more money that are putting the show on for a racer. That's like, huge for us. You know, we never get that kind of respect. Definitely Dave Coles one at a time finally thinking about the racers. Yeah, that's like unheard of right. Because like most people are greedy, but that's so cool that he's given back and that's why the turnouts are so big this year is because he's treated people like that right. I always tell people no matter what, like if you treat people nicely, you will always end up on the winning end of things. So I'm glad that he's doing that. Alright, RJ, we're gonna let you go because we're gonna bring Dave Mason on here. Your co pilots got to get back to work to get all his cars ready. So we'll see you out on Oh, actually, one more question. How is it out there when you're pre running? Is it so gnarly right now? Or is it like, Dude is gnarly. I haven't done it. Like Dave just released a course last week or something. And there's a lot of new trails. And we haven't done any of those. But we were just out there kind of running some stuff. And a lot of it's way harder than last year. So I'd say just about every trail is harder than it was last year. That's why I can't believe we made it through it. But it's not like and we'll see sometimes when the more traffic comes out there it actually burns in better so it gets a little bit better. But some of them get worse to the ones with the sand base hit harder to do so. Data. It's not playing this year. The course is pretty gnarly. Yeah. I think that's so cool, though, man. Because everybody I mean putting in the work to get out there did alright, well, we'll let you go. Dude, I appreciate you coming on. We'll let you get back to work. Get everything set up. And we'll see you out there. Did y'all ever boys we'll see out there. All right. Man, that's so fun to talk with all these guys and see like what their I don't know what their plans are to get out there and kill it. Does it change the way that you guys think? I don't know. I mean, the rock thing I think is a lot more strategic than and we're getting we're getting out either. Yeah. I'm serious equipment, though. We're gonna kick you out. Doug. We're gonna bring Dave Mason up here. Thanks for Thanks for having me, guys. reciate it. We'll see you out there though. Dude. Much appreciated. All right, we're gonna bring Dave Mason up here on the show. And in about 10 minutes or so we're gonna have the Tara crew guys taken over. Again, if you wouldn't mind around 630 When they start asking to come in, just let them in. Alright, Dave Mason did. Good to see you, buddy. Let thanks for letting us have this awesome backdrop. Dude. It's good to see you. Absolutely. Thanks for having me very much. He says gonna leave it here. Oh, he's gonna let you test drive it. He says he's gonna keep it. Oh, right. Yeah. What a nice guy. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, Kyle decided to support me and sponsor me for the king of hammers deal. But yeah, he says he's taking my car. So it's like who's really sponsoring who exactly? That's the way it works. Man. Sharing is caring. Alright, so let's get a little bit of a backstory. So Dave, you've done quite a bit of short course racing and your time. And I don't know if you own a UTV or not. But you got this bad boy. Collecting the class one car. I don't know what they call it at Koh. But it's pretty new venture for you. Yeah, we've had the car for about a year and a half now. We kind of got our feet wet in the 2021. Baja 1000 with it. Yeah, like you said, I raced quite a bit in short course. And my dad has been racing for a whole long time. Jamie, he's amazing senior has a ton of experience and success in desert racing. So we got the car to run together. And it was really exciting to go through the ball and 1000 the long way and 21 with it. The car was new does it gnarly raise two, it was Yeah, was like 1200 miles. Like I said, the car was new to us. So we didn't really have all the bugs worked out yet. So we had a little bit of downtime, I got stuck in a giant hole in the middle of the night and in a silk bed. But we kept going we had like no brakes at the end. But my dad brought in the car at the end of the second day before the sun went down. And it was a really cool moment, you know, having the team there, everybody together and safe and everything and then coming in and it will pause. So you know, it's always been a team family effort. My wife is always here at every race with the short course and stuff. And that's how we like to keep it you know, make it fun. And you know, be able to go try and chase that glory. Yeah, I mean, it does make a big difference though, right, like having that support mechanism. Because at any race, you really, really have to have that mechanism. Yeah, no doubt. And Seth Walters here, you brought the car down and has it all prepped. You know, it's kind of a rare thing. We actually have the car already a couple of weeks before a big race like this. So it was nice, we were able to bring it down. But he just kills it in the shop. So you know, so far very, very reliable racecars he's built for us. And we just have a huge team that rallies around us. And it's it's again, like a family. We're like a bunch of brothers. And we go to races. We won the Nora 500 Last year, overall, which was a super cool, really big blessing for us. And, you know, as everybody was just so stoked, you know, it's like, you know, they weren't for us as a team but we're really all brothers we all respect each other and treat each other as equals and you know, is it's makes it that much better when you can all celebrate that win. Yeah, totally. And it will, but you also need them like they're always there for you while you're on course, right? Like there's a lot of people that are you can just ask a question, just be like, hey, like, can you help out? I need a tire. I need some fuel. I need some food, whatever it is, I mean, like, you know, Kyle, how much a team effort is? Yeah, absolutely. Um, we were the same way. You know, Katie bracing Katie and Nico. You know, I take care of all my stuff and they do a fantastic job. And you really can't just hire someone just just to hire someone is you know, you have to have someone with passion, who cares about the racing and knows what's up and, and really goes above and beyond because, you know, like, again most people are volunteers. Yeah, yep. Yeah. But though again, they have to have that passion because in that Baja 1000, it took us 30 hours to finish. Yeah. And we got fifth place in that race. But, you know, everybody was going all the way down the peninsula nonstop. And, you know, it's like, everybody has to watch out for each other and make sure you're safe. And not Yeah, driving, like without too much sleep. But you know, everybody has to really work hard to, to chase you all the way down. Yeah. And it makes more fun like that, too. And you have all your close family and friends there and to be a part of it. Yeah, totally. Especially if you do do well, right. But that has a lot of effect on the sponsors that you get it has a lot of effect on the people around you. You have a nice list of sponsors, Max's tires did kudos, Chris Meyer, everybody that helps out with with Max's. But you also have a sponsor with eBay Motors. Tell us a little bit about that, and how they're going to be activating out there at Canyon hammers. Yeah, thank you very much. Again, I'm super blessed to have so many great people behind me. And especially eBay, they're my primary sponsor. And they just do a lot for us. This is going into my fifth year being supported by eBay Motors. And they've really made a push to support the grassroots type racing. And, you know, they kind of have a few different aspects they do that they had my semi and everything at SEMA, to do an outreach to their vendors and everything. And then, you know, like a king of the hammers, they're gonna have my semi there with the huge 70 foot canopy like a short course. That's awesome. And then they're doing activation, they're they're giving away stuff. They're giving away. Those canopies. Yeah, exactly. That's in a business. Yeah, so it's really cool. You know, it's not like they just want to, you know, come in and do a flash in the pan thing, they really want to make an impact in the sport. And it's, it's a, it's like a community aspect for eBay, because so many people put their own personal use parts on there. And you can buy things on there that you cannot get from just a regular website. It's like that one off crazy part from a 1967 Chevy. That was only made for one year, whatever. Like, you can find it there. But you might not find it on Craigslist or some other commercial site. Like yeah, eBay is the place where you can get stuff from around the entire world. That you know, it's hard to find. So there's been a few days to Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And it's pretty cool. How, how Dave, I mean, if anyone follows him on Instagram, he's always everywhere. Like, riding his motorcycle. Only you spent any time at home. You don't even sleep because he's, he's out the desert riding his motorcycle or, or prewriting or driving the class one car or the short course car. He does, like so many different territories, where it's pretty cool, because, you know, even if he's living the dirt alive, yeah, he is exactly. I love it. I'm addicted. My wife's the same way. She's here with us right now. And, you know, I definitely couldn't know this would happen without her. Like, same thing with my mom and my dad and everything. It's like really a family aspect. We're all in. We don't really do vacations to Europe, we do trips to Korean and Wisconsin for the World Cup. And, you know, we're leaving that still bucket list for me. I still can't wait to get up there. And now hopefully I will be able to go this year is a pretty rad. Yeah, it's amazing. Last year was my first year racing it. I had been there. You look at us getting off sidetracks kale a dozen times. But last year is my first year racing it and it was it was so much fun. Did I can't wait. Well, maybe I'm just gonna like I'll just sneak a ride. I'll just like, yeah, asleep in the back. You won't even notice I'm there. Come on. Yeah, you're welcome to stay with us. Totally. It sounds like it'd be a good time. All right. So let's get a little bit more into what you guys are going to be doing with the king of the hammers as far as racing and stuff goes. So you obviously have vision canopies on board. Obviously, we talked about some of your sponsors. But what are the goals out there? So again, class, one car in the desert race. You know, it's funny, this car has these giant maxes 40 inch tires on it. A lot of people think it's an ultra for when they first see it, because it's just so Charlie looking. Yeah. But we're doing the desert race. So staying away from the raw crawling stuff. For now, I do want to try it at some point, but don't really know where to start there. And then I'm doing the Pro two in the short course race as well. So I did the great American Short Course series The first season in 2021. And I won the Pro two championship there. And then I went to the Midwest this past year, but we're gonna do the gas race at King of the hammers. This time. It's pretty cool. They're putting up a pretty good purse, and very small entry fee and really trying to get us in front of a lot of people and making all that good. So why aren't you already fighting Dougie for that seat, man. Get back get out of here like competition. Yeah, we're buddies battle. Yeah, totally. I drive one of his trucks. They built my truck. And then we got it from him and we all we've been tweaking on everything and really happy with it. You know, now it's us worked his magic but we'll be door to door you know, like it's Everybody's off the track. But when we get on the track, it'll what's the difference? Like when you get into those different driver's seats? Like, I mean, this thing doesn't drive anywhere near I mean, it's not even the same type of car. Yeah, totally or course, you know, short course is the same track every time. There's no crazy rocks or like unforeseen or anything. So you're driving on the edge, Max be like fully patched whole time, whereas this thing is more endurance class one. So it's, it's very different. The way the schedule lays out, I'll be racing this thing in the afternoon on Sunday, the sixth and then I do pro to practice that night, like later. So that's kind of a total bucket list dream come true to race, two different classes, two different series, two different everything in the same day, and again, I'm gonna go crazy, because like, I don't think very many people get the opportunity to do that. Yeah, definitely not. Yeah, I'm like, he's already in the morning. But I at least I get a little bit of time off. You're like, you're gonna hop out of this thing and hop straight in the pro to Yeah, within a couple hours. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I'm not trying to be the guy that curses any race racing. But like, what if something happens, and you got to fix the car out on course, and you got to come back and haul ass back? Yeah, well, I did that. I saw that. At the last one race. I was doing the best in the desert race a couple years ago. And James Dean broke his class one car. And so I was in in the race. I was passing him and he was running back to the pits because he had to get into the 6100 race. And like, it was like two miles Oh, literally running to the start to climb in the truck. And he was first starting first overall and 6100. And, you know, this, this course is a lot bigger than Laughlin. So hopefully I don't get stranded out there. And miss practice, or that's gonna be wild. Do you have one that is like your favorite? Are you looking forward to more because honestly, dude, after seeing this thing, and after seeing it here, and it started up? This thing's pretty cool, man. Yeah, I gotta say, our class one. We call her the bad mama jamma. It's kind of an inside joke. But you can't be driving this thing. I mean, I'm so dialed with it. I've got you know, 1000s of miles in it so far. And it's really the best I can just see the gears turning in Kyle's head. Do you let your sponsors drive it? Yeah, we talked about it. Try to give me like, dude, I'll get you in the car. Maybe at Nora, we're doing we try to end up with one. Yeah, he's like, I don't know if my wife will let me write in a class one because then I'll want a class one. Yeah. And that's a lot more money. Yeah. That is pretty cool, though, that you guys have that same outlook because you're gonna be racing. He's gonna be racing. Are you going to help him out when you have time? Yeah, whatever he needs. I mean, yeah, I mean, we're there as a team vision canopies. Got a big team there. And we're all there to help everyone out and have a good time. And yeah, I gotta say, this is way cool. How you're, like bringing all these drivers together on your team vision canopy. You're doing the dirt life show here. Like Thank you very much, because the amount of support that he has for off road is insane. Yeah, he's all in, you know? Well, but the cool part about it is is since you're giving them they give you back like so if like, you need help. They're out there. KLH I'm around dude. I'm down there turning wrenches to you know, yeah, yeah. Yeah, hopefully we don't hopefully no one needs help if we just go there and have all perfect days, but it'll be but it's all about the sport. You know, it's this sport that I love my whole life and want it to grow. Yeah, just trying to grow and, and have fun with it. And I like having fun with fun people and friends and stuff like that. So having this mega group of great drivers and great people together I think is like the key. It's what it's all about. Yeah, dude, it's what it's all about. 100% right. And then we're gonna actually have some, some other great people on it just a little bit here. With the territory, guys. It's gonna be pretty rad. Let's get get those guys on here. So we're gonna have James Hogan and Evan Walsh and Darren Parsons all gonna come on. I don't know if they're all gonna come on from the same account. But Terry crew boys, what's up admin? Hey, how's it going, guys? Good, man. How are you? Good. Jameson. Darren should be coming in here shortly. Okay, cool. Give me two seconds. And I'll get everybody on here. There's Darren? Darren, what's up man? How are you? James, James. What's up man? How are you? We get good everybody guys. How you doing? Yeah, good. So like my hat and then yeah, I do. Looks good. Doesn't look like Darren is on just yet. Alright, so I'm going to be working on a couple of these production things. We had a couple of technical glitches come up. So dude, thank you guys for taking over the dirt life show. I appreciate all your guys's support and everything that's going on. You guys are doing an amazing job with all of the stuff that you're doing with Terra crew. So what's the plan for Koh forterra crew? That's a very good question. And I think a lot of people are waiting waiting to hear Evan Evan has actually been our main producer has been working really great with the Koh team. Hi, Darren. Hi, hey. What's called? Yeah. And I think you're the You're the man and take it away. The quick history of it is, they've been trying to work with us for some time, over the last couple of years to get to get us out there. And some of the ideas were were pretty cool. But they were kind of basic to what we normally do, which is kind of like, at some of the more like off road shows is like, you know, demo jump, that kind of stuff. And we thought that's cool. But we felt like it would be kind of silly to make jumps just in the middle of the desert, why not use the desert. So our good friend Ted from our good friend, Ted started working with K wage, and their team over there amazing guy, we worked with him on a few other projects with a with Onyx. He got souped up by the QA team. And we had a really great talk at the opera an expo and I'm like, Look, dude, like, the people want the desert. You know, we want to bring back the glory days of the old 1450 1400 racing 1450 Racing of the past. And and Lucerne is just like the best place for that. So it you know, we kind of pitched that idea. And, you know, it was cool. They they said, hey, you know what, we're gonna prove you psychopaths and we're like, Oh, crap, now we got to figure something out. So so they they approved the race. The first race is called the Terra dash, and that is on Saturday. And Evan can kind of tell you guys about that one, too. That's super cool. Before you get into it. I haven't like just me like listening from the sidelines. I think it's fantastic because it opens up a whole new avenue for guys that may not be professional racers. Yeah, man. 100%. So it's the tear crew rush. And it's basically it's gonna be the prologue lap for all the racing on the desert challenge. raisons. So it's 40 miles, it's one lap. And it's a $12,500 purse for class 1450 as well as class 1400. So it's a huge first for such a low amount of miles, you know, so our biggest thing is we want to invite as many people as we can to get out there and ratio. Low it's 300 bucks to to enter. You have to purchase us a slice. Dude, I think that's so cool. I think that's going to be massive. I think we're hoping we're hoping to get a really good turnout. The The only issue is, is a lot of the guys that follow us that we feature aren't exactly racers like our home Garen here. It's that little connection right there. Yeah, a little bit. Hey, Darren, so he was talking about you a little bit. He said that you weren't really a racer. But I mean, you are a movie star. Now I think what he was saying is like, you know, a lot of people that you follow us and race and that's those those have windshields in their trucks, and they're a little scared to go out and write something they don't want to go out there. And I mean, it's pretty daunting to want to go take on the jump to valley desert, more or less have to, you know, race a 40 mile race on a qualifying course after everyone else is qualified. It's gonna be it's gonna be hammered to do that. Wait, hold on, I got one. Thank you. But also it's going to be I mean to want to go out there and you know, these guys are going out for $12,000 It's gonna be there's not gonna be any waiting to pass or anything, you're going to be getting an F over. B. It's going to be some exciting we're going to be Kevin was talking about the rules and stuff. Like if I had a truck, what do I have to have done to it? Yeah, character sticker in the back window. That's actually it's best in the Desert Tech. So you gotta go through legit tech. So, so yeah, basically, you know, the basics. Kind of like we're, we're referring a lot to the more racing stuff. Cody has done a great job with with more so we're kind of referring to a lot of the rules that they're doing to and of course they Ultra for has their own way to be like making sure everybody's safe. So you know the basics, the basics that every other racer would be going through, you know, fire extinguishers, you know, helmets race suits, window nets. We are to my understanding Ivan might be able to help me but we're able to have windshields in this. Okay, thanks. So is that something you might be able to answer? I haven't there's never been a rule against windshields windshield and for a couple of years What about theories out there? Pretty much a heater would be so nice. Now with the windows in and exhaust coming by the center of the cab it's pretty warm and nice. Yeah, yeah. This is somebody who said you need a cage. Yeah, you do. Absolutely. Absolutely did. Yes. You can have windshields specially just said that. So, so yeah, um, you know, again, guys, it's a 40 mile race on Saturday. We're super stoked just for those just tuning in. It's basically qualifying position for Sunday. Sunday is the 200 mile race with 100 mile laps. I think they're running with a bunch of the buggy guys. And a lot of the other trucks i So there's also with that on Sunday, there's a $35,000 shared purse that anybody who obviously qualifies for which class they put you in on Sunday is the T two T three one. T one. No T one. We're screwed. There's not a chance. Is that? Are you? Are you serious? That's what they sent me a message so you're screwed. Wait, yeah, we I will have to say we might. We might have to double check on that. As soon as we do, we can close you. I've been waiting for that right, yeah. Step aside, boys. Um, no. You know, I think we're gonna I think we're going to be okay, I think it I don't think it's that class you said yes. To one unlimited engines do you want? Oh, man. All right. Well, yeah. That's so gnarly. Dude, you're just gonna have to mash the throttle as hard as you can and just hope for the best there's no shot. So So I mean, like, I think the big thing is definitely the tear rush the 40 mile dash this is this is kind of experimental this year, you know, we spoke to I spoke to Dave about it and and we all thought it was a great idea for the 40 miles this time around. And just to try to see just try to get people out there and let them know that you know, this is like 1400 1450 friendly and just try to get some of our crowd our crowds already out there anyways, so might as well have them come watch something they're they're stoked on. You know? Like, you guys are having the 12,500 ollar person that race dude like me, that's amazing. Like, I think that is so cool to help grow the sport. Yeah, I do that. It's it's pretty cool. There's two classes so 1450s 12,514 100 is 12,520 $5,000 purse. That's pretty cool. So if you guys have seen the registration numbers, you know, like chances are pretty good for a lot of people out there is a good shot for a lot of people. So you know, at the end of the day, you know 1450 Guys we're known for like starting you know, and not going very far right? I mean, it just kind of sometimes these are garage built things that the difference between a lot of these guys is it's you know, night weekend warriors nine to five guys you know guys that are working all throughout the week. And these are budget builds so it is it is scary for guys to to wreck and and to do those kinds of things. It's not kind of like a Baja bug or like a purpose built race vehicle like oh, I wanted my truck up. You know no big deal. We'll just flip it back over. It's like no, dude, this is like for at least I can speak to our friends in the crew it's it's a big deal if you wreck so guys are really pushing these hot rod like custom trucks to the max. Like it gets me hyped to go out there and do it. Like I would what I would want to have a 1400s I can go out there and rip to while $12,000 also makes it pretty appetizing as well. It's 300 bucks. Did you know hey, that's a pretty good return on your money if you can go out there and rip it. Alright, good right there fish and fish logistics dude. So Austin fish for those of you guys that might not know used to race this truck called the piece he runs fish logistics now. And I remember watching him and Dan Vance and all those guys from total chaos. ESP fabrications just absolutely rip the desert and I was a huge fan of that. So those guys live with the glory days of 1450 so I'm hoping that Terra crew can help push that again, you know and bring some of that interest back in and maybe some of these races and get some people stoked again. So yeah, that's why I'm so hyped in this so what are you guys gonna be doing? Like who's gonna be man in the wheel? Who's gonna be sitting in passenger seats like what's your guys gigs? I'm driving, having your audio cut out a little bit, but can you guys hear me? Yeah, it's better now. Okay, I move closer to my modem so you better read on the tone a little closer your face and we'd love to get a little bit better view of your board as well. So it's key that mug Pac Man I shaved it off for a Ricky Bobby costume and for Halloween coming back and pull for us now so it's perfect because Koh is cold so you're dialed Your face will be nice and warm. Hey, so what's the plan then? Who's getting driver's seats who's in passenger seats? So Darren stares driving James might be in the announcer booth. Terrible idea. I'll be with our with our media crew, catching as much as that 40 miles as we possibly can be the videos and the so do you that's gonna be pretty fun. And so how do you feel about the level of competition therein? Honestly, I'm not really worried about oh, guy. You know, you know what, man, I think it's pretty cool. There's, there's, from what we've seen, there's some guys that can definitely hang up there. And that are pretty quick. And again, you know, these are, these are vehicles that are prepped by friends in a garage leading up to the race, you know what I mean? So that's what makes it any man's any man's chance to get that person you know, and I, that's what's so cool. I think the whole vibe about Terra crew is like we try to include everybody at all levels of their builds to be part of it. And I think this race really encompasses that, you know, yeah, well, I've been I've been Do you know, some some guys have been, I've seen some comments that some guy has been complaining about, there's no specifically spring class, which here, this this, after all, is kind of a trial run with us with racing with a tear crew, we've never done any sort of kind of race, or been a huge part of a race for so I've been telling you guys to you know, a lot of can happen in that 40 mile, you know, especially if there's some of these guys are just absolutely gunning it for that 12,000 That that cash purse, you know, they can get a flat, I mean, one flat and 40 miles, it ruins you and you know, it takes you from first to 15th or whatever, you know, so I keep telling people like, Hey, don't be discouraged. If you have a least broke truck, or you might be a little underpowered or whatever. Or you know, you don't have that Darren Parsons, vaccinated garage, but you have a capable prerunner that has most of the safety equipment you need. But just the fact that you guys are trying to help grow the sport and get everybody out there. Like I think that's fantastic. I mean, like, anybody can bring whatever they want out there. But like, I do think, though, to like what you just said, is that 40 miles, there's, you're just gonna go balls to the wall, like, there's no nobody's gonna let up. You have to you have to, like I said, I mean, one little hiccup, you know, flat, take you out. So I just want people to not be discouraged by you know, the Big Bad Boys 15 1400 trucks that are going to be interesting to you. It's greener bucks, and Darren could get a flat. Why pass? Well, there's a there's a split. Also, like the big deal is there's a split of 1415 1400. So I'm going to be running with 39 and above trucks and then 37. And under trucks, like there's gonna be, there's gonna be a lot of 37 inch and under trucks out there that are a lot more attainable builds that are a little bit more relative to the grassroots race program. Not that's not that I'm not just, there's gonna be a dip. There's two different levels of racing that are there to be taken advantage of. Sure. And I think that these guys that are maybe whining and crying about how people scream class or whatever, I understand their concern. But as Devin pointed out, you know, 40 mile race, there's, there's a lot of room for mistakes to be made and to capitalize on, you know, just an opportunity, honestly, to get out there and be a part of Kena hammers for $300 entry. No brainer. I'm bringing out whatever truck I got, I had to have a racetrack ready for this, I freaking run a leaf spring truck. And this is just think part of this thing is right. I mean, like, that's the thing, like a lot of the videos we feature on our feature on our channel, almost, I'd say nine out of 10 of those trucks can run this race, you know what I mean? And, and again, I think there's a big respect for the guys that just want to participate. And we welcome all of that. So if you guys are hesitant about the race and you're like yo like I'm scared man, if I wrecked this truck, I'm screwed. It took me five years to build it four years to build it. I'm still building it you know, like I think there's a mutual respect amongst a lot of the guys in our class to not be a jerk. You know what I mean? And just nail people, but again, 20 12,500 is 12,500. But I think people know how to vote. I mean, do there's gonna be and then I also think to like a couple of points that I just got from what you guys were saying is that the desert is the great equalizer, too. You don't have to have the best truck, you could still win. It's only 40 miles. Yeah, yeah. 100%. And you got to keep it alive. Yeah, it's a big thing. I feel like Laughlin usually even these tiny races has lower finishing counts and like the Baja 500 sometimes because people just go so hard to pass up to our driver that what it was at the rage the river that's two days or whatever it is, like there's so many people that smashed their shit on one on the first day and couldn't race the second day because they just went balls to the wall. There's so much stuff that can happen. I'm so hyped that you guys are doing this. Right on guys. Thank you guys so much. Yeah, we appreciate it. We felt a really great welcome from the Koh team and offroad racing community. I think we kind of dip our toe in every once in a while you know guys like like Nick Eisenhower, Chris and, and Darren and you know, our buddy Roy and Vince Munoz and all those guys like those guys race and do all that good stuff. And they kind of keep keep us connected to that scene a lot of us want you know, we'd love to race and to be able to do that and I'm sure Darren would like to race more to and a lot of the other guys but you know, this is we are we are prerunner guys, you know at heart and we we go have fun with our friends. That's like our primary thing to do. Aside from that, racing is amazing. We love the culture that's we're just trying to be like we there's a funny hashtag we use all the time, Trophy Truck dreams, because it's funny like that's all we've always wanted growing up is to be like those guys. So it's Darren was actually on a show with us at with Andy McMillan shop and he got to talk about that stuff. And it was funny because Darren was like completely in the reality section. He's like, Dude, I would love to sit in one of those trucks one day but I'm just gonna keep rip in my truck did garage built and I'm going for it there's no quick ticket into a trophy truck of that caliber especially, I mean, even the thought of us having to race Trophy Truck on Sunday was enough to be like Oh, I'm now there's a huge difference between a truck like mine that would run with like 2001 trophy trucks. And you know the 2023 Trophy Truck of the day. Well, dude, we always talked about this on the show like we we talk about pricing out right like so UTVs are so cool because they allow this stuff but now you guys are actually offering another way another avenue for people to get in. Dude. That's why I'm so hyped dude. Like, I don't know if you guys can. I'm really happy about this. That's what we love. So don't be scared guys. You know everybody out there. Don't be scared. I know. It sounds scary. And I know you guys are like, Oh my God, they're out for blood. These guys are gonna blow my doors off. You know what I mean? But honestly, like, I think a lot of have friends that are going to be Did you say yes? Well, your dad during the back. thing, maybe that's something you know, again, it's something cool where your family could come out. Come watch you you're racing on a QA trace. So if you guys are gonna register and come out, just remember, like, you know, if there's a way we could maybe there's something we can do with the ultra poor guys. I mean, the the Koh team and see it. I don't know. I was like just building blocks. You guys. Yeah, you guys are on the road to success because they're building blocks for right. Hey, James, do you want me to have Darren or the producer cut Darren off, we can kick them out real quick. By Darren. Like, seriously, I think it's fantastic. Because like you're just breaking the surface like you're just getting going and like who knows what'll happen next year in the hereafter? Yeah, yeah, it's sky's the limit. That's the goal. That's the goal. And I think that's what Dave had in mind was was hey, let's write right then let's test the waters this year. You know, kind of see how this goes. If we even like these these bowls, these desert hooligans, you know, fish just brought up a good point. Remember you guys are on the live stream so you guys better send it Yeah, Darren he was talking all kinds of crap now he's got to live up to the rules it'll be cool man. It'll be really cool. Yeah, I think it'll be it will be really cool. And the side note of this is all that you get to have fun with everybody on the lake bed right people that may or may not know you guys in person gets come out and meet you guys and get to hang out. There's going to be all kinds of fun being had and on the lake bed when it's not in the racing. Then they get to go out and check out different events with you guys. They can go watch all these crazy things that happen at night. Plus, they get to watch you Guys if they don't want to race and if they do want to race they're gonna compete with you guys it's gonna be badass. Yeah if anybody has a crappy old truck that you know they think they can make it up chocolate founder backdoor flight into my DMs I'm looking for something just to buy for the weekend to go out there and what's the budget? Under 5000 That sounds like a pretty good budget to try to get up chocolate. There's a good grip of those rock crawlers that are not even close to that. And that's again like that's the coolest part about killing hammers. Yeah, go out there and any level of vehicle and enjoy yourself be truly can you get out there and your Prius and somebody already said that they have a CRV so what has been what has been your guys's favorite? Darren, you go first and then James. And then Evan, what has been your favorite part of Koh and what are you looking forward to this year other than what you guys have going on? I like I like King of the hammers, because it's a I mean, what bigger venue? Do you get that? A spotlight that where you can just again, he could play that vehicle and go walk in any direction and you're going to see something you've never seen before you're gonna watch a vehicle go through terrain that you probably didn't even think of vehicle could go through. You don't see people you'll never want to see again. And you're gonna take pictures that you'll look through in your phone one day and be like, Oh my gosh, I can't believe that. It is insane. All the way through. It's, you know, like, it was the biggest public biggest event on public land, isn't it? Threshold? Yeah, I don't know, dude, it's pretty massive. I've heard that same thing are that same claim, but every time I go out there like I literally I just can't say enough about everybody that's out there. And the people like I've never been there and not been amazed at some of the things that people build and bring out there. It's just blows my mind. So true. Yeah, nothing gets thrown away. Nothing. Nothing gets done. They forgot to use for everything. Yeah, fully. All right. What about you, James? I mean, it's, it's one of my favorite things is I think just seeing like the professionals connecting with the fans and hanging out at night to at all the at all the spots is a really cool thing. I think it's really, you know, a cool experience for people to connect with people out there. One of my best memories like I was lucky enough to be at like the first couple king of the hammers my buddy Brian Kirby is like a really awesome fabricator. And really well known with the ultra for community so I got to go the first couple of years when it wasn't really like a big event, it was kind of still invite. And I actually had my truck out there and seen what it's grown from literally like 150 people 200 people there to what it is now two from whatever it is that 100,000 plus people event is is astounding. So I mean just to hear all that is really cool. You know, so I'm excited with all the people and and all that good stuff to be there. So yeah, and you get to watch all the big dogs right? Like you get to be see this badass class one car of Dave Mason Jr. Dude, it's so cool to see everything because there's such a variety Yeah, definitely. I want to buy you haven't seen because you get to see it from a little bit different perspective. Yeah, so I've been shooting I've been shooting cameras for last five years now. And yes, it from a media standpoint is a little bit different than everybody else. But honestly man, my favorite part is just like the people, the people of hammer town as a as a photographer and somebody who enjoys storytelling and whatnot, I mean, you could you could spend all of your time just running around the lake bed and finding super interesting people to talk to with super interesting and gnarly looking builds. And for me man it's just it's just going out there it's it's a whole vibe the whole event is just it's like you kind of become a new person for a week and just encompass the desert around you and all these people and and you do some weird shit you probably wouldn't do or or whatever well that's what I was thinking like no serious there ever was getting off serious there for a little bit and I'm like just thinking in the back of my head What do you mean like all the interesting people just hydrating all week and then they're not going to be able to move when they get back to worry? Yeah, I mean it's it's just a cool thing. The Nightcrawler has always moved closer to the closer to your Moto his beards interfering with the Wi Fi having said he likes the dang brothers pizza. That's what he said he likes the Dane brothers pizza. Yeah. If you guys are interested right across from dang brothers pizza. We got the box oh two Well guys, we are going to have a hot sauce challenge on Wednesday of qualifying. You guys are interested to come over there, see if you can beat any of the fans. No, that's cool. That's the same reason why we purposely did it the day before the UTV race. So how do you win that challenge as you cry the least? Or is it like, you know, you got to get through all the hot sauces because they go in levels like all the way to Dell scorch, or whatever it is like that should be managed. directly on the tongue. Oh, we got tater tots. You can dip tatertot Yeah, that's gonna be fun. There, huh? We're just trying to kill. We're gonna try to kill people out of hammer town before the races. So it's after my race. Yeah, perfect. All right, boys. You guys got anything else? I really appreciate it man. Like, honestly, I didn't expect that all this stuff was gonna happen. And I'm glad you guys were able to tell all of us everything that's gonna go on with your guys's whole situation. Thank you guys so much. Just thank you guys for letting us be a part of this show. Looking forward to getting on another show with you guys some time. I know, we've been trying to make it happen. But we're really stoked to be here with you guys. So we appreciate you for having us. I guess just the other thing to say is, don't be scared guys. Sign up. Let's see you guys out there. It's going to be an awesome race. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to have tons of media, tons of coverage, live coverage too. So be a cool way to showcase your build, which you're made of. And then second, right after the race. That evening. We're all going to go on like a big old territory run, but it's a secret. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Everybody, everybody's welcome. And yeah, man. Dude, be safe out there. Watch out for people. Please be safe. Yeah, awesome. Well, we will see you guys out on the lake bed. Again. Thank you guys for being a part of the dirt life show. We really appreciate everything and all the support. So we'll see you guys out there. Thanks, guys. See you out there. Yeah. See you guys later. Man. Dude, how cool is that? Like, don't you love when there's like, all kinds of new stuff happening in the world of offroad? Yeah, like, that's my favorite part, right? Because that didn't exist. And now all of a sudden, it's a thing. Yeah, well, the other really bring it back to class. Because they did such a good job in that classroom and growing and growing lately. It's just pretty impressive. It's pretty cool. And the way that they're doing it right is they're offering money. They're helping people out there telling people to get out there. They're using their platform to grow it. I mean, you know, David, like, that's the way stuff is built. Yeah, exactly. And, you know, some of the series don't quite get that, you know, you have to put up a big prize in advance and say, okay, you know, I don't know if I'm going to be able to necessarily afford this purse. But if we get 50 entries or whatever, you know, we can make it happen. They have almost 900 At this point I checked right before we came on as you guys are talking about it. And it's like, yeah, they've got you know, they've built this event that is this giant machine that brings in fans, it brings in sponsors and brings in some money. So you can you know, make it affordable, or at least put up a purse for the racers, and then they can, you know, count on hopefully winning, winning back. And then it's sustainable. Because, you know, when you go to, say a BAS race and you spend, you know, a quarter million dollars, and then you win five grand, exactly, that's just for a little glory and a little trophy. That's, that's pretty hard. But when you put you know, the live feed out there and you have the promotion and people can bring in their own sponsors and they can mark it off of it. You make something that you know people can actually sustain and to raise it helps massive and you know, What's the best part about it is like I love being having the dirt life show is because we get to figure out all this stuff. Like honestly, man, I'm so much more hyped right now than I was two hours ago. Like it's so cool that we got the opportunity to hear all this stuff. I don't know how you feel about that kind of stuff. Oh, yeah. You know, or did you know about some of this stuff already? Some of it and yeah, I mean, I definitely learned a lot from this, but I'm definitely more excited for the event. I mean, that event I tried to at least go out for like a day you know, or two days every year. But this is getting my first year participating in it. And um, yeah, I'm really excited ready to get back not just excited to go drive the car but excited to be a part of the event and it's really cool how how can you the hammer is really looks out for the drivers and really teams families. Yeah, they really stand behind it and but the big purses up listen to people, which is a double edged sword. It's frustrating at times, they don't make solid just like don't make quick decisions. But it's really cool. That their business though? Yeah, they're listening to the people that just like listening to the racers and taking their opinions and actually making changes where changes are asked to be made. So it's really what to me like, honestly, all I've heard is growth, growth, growth. Yeah, keep pushing, pushing, pushing more and more like that. It doesn't get any better than that. I mean, like I listened to stuff all the time about businesses and marketing and stuff. And just getting the people involved and helping it grow like this couldn't get any better. Right, right. So I love to see it. We're gonna get Bailey Cole on here in just a little bit. So Bailey, come on anytime and we'll get you on here. It's gonna be cool to talk with him because obviously he's a very integral part with his father being. Dave cool. But Bailey has a lot of racing prowess. And jump on anytime, man. We'll get you on here. There he is. So yeah, it'll be really cool to see what his plans are as well. Maybe give us a little bit of the inside scoop on some of the behind the scenes stuff as well. So we'll talk a Bailey here in just a second. Bailey Cole. What's up, man? How's it going? How's it going? Dude, it's gone. Pretty good. Man. We've gotten so much info tonight on what people are doing like the tech crew boys like all this stuff, like you're a racer in their own right. But like, Dude, you must be hyped on all of the stuff that's getting people out to the lake bed. Dude, it's sick. For sure. And it's a it's only getting bigger, which is crazy, because it feels like every year it's like it can't get bigger. And then it just does the next year. Yeah. Yeah. Like how is that even possible? Right? Yep. All right. So what do you got going on this year, man, because you got a big program. Yeah, this is going to be a busy year. Starting off with the T four and 4600 race Bronco, because we're going to try to do the Triple Crown in that. Then we're going to go out and race the MB class 11 race. I'll be racing that with fast Felix. So that's that's going to be really fun. Then go into the EMC on Friday. And then Saturday raising 4400 That's a pretty busy schedule but you guys thought you were busy. I know that's pretty bad. Or is there one that you're looking forward to the most or no? I mean, all of them are going to be super fun but guys say that class live and it's going to be really it's gonna be like I don't know how you're gonna have to work kidney belt. Probably it'll be pretty cool. Have you been out there doing any testing? Um, no, I've been super PAC I'm actually up in Washington right now working so going to get ended up on lake bed right around the first wall. Thank god he's a veteran already. Right? Like yeah, you are here around. So what are you I don't know what you want to call it. But like, when you when you hear about some of the stuff that's happening there's going to be short course racing like what Dave's gonna race and Kyle's gonna race. There's gonna be obviously the desert races there's gonna be some more stock racing you're gonna have the 1400 stuff like with what the territory guys just talked about? What's the thing that you get the most excited about is getting new racers to come on board. Is it certain classes like what is it? Yeah, no, I think bring in all the different types of people in like, over the last couple years bring in all the UTV guys like Miller and Cheney and all those guys there. Now short course and desert I feel like just hammers is almost kind of like that melting pot of off road. So it's just really cool out there. Yeah, well, and plus, you guys are talking about how gnarly you think the short course track is gonna get like, it's just, it still blows me away. Like I think of like Glen Helen and Elsinore combined, but way more beat up. Yeah, yeah, it'll get pretty pretty chewed up. Especially for you guys. Yeah, we're out last in the Pro two. So it'll be hammering the high horsepower scores. But yeah, we're ready for it. Now. I want to say it again. The course is gonna be hammered. We keep saying that. Bailey, I want to ask are you doing the desert and short course in class? 11. Or just the desert? Um, I didn't know there were sorry. Just the desert? Because Felix's our draft, Felix is going to race the short course I believe. Okay, so that'll be pretty good, then. And while these will get a little bit of a break, then what kind of cars do you have that you're gonna be racing? So I'll be doing the desert and the EMC both in Ford Performance Bronco that I raced last year. So that'll be super fun. The class 11 Is the bug. And then 44 It'll be a brave motorsports car. Dang did that. How does it like going back? Back and forth between all those different vehicles? Because I mean, they're not even close. Well, so far, I have driven one of the cars so it should be. Yeah, that's crazy, man. Well, it's a good thing. He knows the terrain. Yeah, that'll help for sure. Because see time in those vehicles is going to be at a premium. So yeah, so quick. So what goes on? Like, I mean, obviously, you're up there and you're working and you're doing all kinds of stuff. What goes on behind the scenes to make sure that you get ready because it sounds like you guys have been putting in work for a while. Oh, yeah. Um, honestly, the big thing is having a super good team behind me like so the race car is actually down in California already. With Jack who's working on prepping it Chad and Derek and they're fabricated not in it. So yeah, lots of hard work behind the scenes there and then nailing down you know all the partnerships and sponsorships. They sent me years really difficult. A lot of easy work. Yeah. Well, Dave, you know a lot about that. Yeah, no doubt. Yeah, we have a general contracting company too. So we have a lot going on. Fortunately, like you guys said, it's all about the team. So we have a huge team behind us. Are you looking for one, looking forward to one thing in particular, Bailey? I think just getting out on the lake bed. Nothing like driving under the hammer town arch. And just knowing he kind of made it that first smell of dust in the air and like it, since you're a veteran, can you give us a little bit of veteran advice on what the best apparel is to wear to stay warm? We'll see. That's the hard part. Because you'll literally wake up in the morning, they'll still be snow on the ground. You'll have to wear your car heart just to you know, roll out of bed. And then by like noon, it'll be 90 degrees. And you'll have to be in shorts and a tank top or take our sweatshirt or Yeah, yeah, so basically have to be versatile, like Emilian. Right. So where a lot of zippers. Layers layers is important out there. Yeah, I think it's water. Chapstick. Don't leave home without it. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a fantastic year, man, like, the guys were saying earlier. Like, it's just, it just keeps growing and growing and growing. Right. And to me, that's the progress is one of the things that I get the most excitement out of no matter what it is, right? Is seeing the smile on everybody's faces, how hyped everybody is, and we only talk to, let's just say 10 or 15 people tonight, right? And there's going to be hundreds and hundreds 1000s of people out there that are just as excited or more excited than us. So just as like be out there in that atmosphere with that vibe is gonna just be so cool. 100% and there is nothing like walking around the hammer town page that you know, that six to eight range at night and just stopping in at random pit with the lights on and making new friends out there. And there's so many crazy builds. Now with the desert and short course guys, there's going to be all new types of cars. So it's just going to be awesome to be out there. And it will be are you going to go watch Dave shroud and his Protea for sure. Yeah, I think that's going to be cool, man. I can't wait to do that. Because it's gonna bring back memories. So you guys are out there just tearing it up and the short course that's gonna be gonna be fun. I don't have a whole lot of short course space under my belt. But I have a blast every time I do it. So it'll be fun to get back out there. Yeah, but dude, you I mean, you don't have a lot but you're still the shit so it'll be cool to see man. Right? Like, I think it's gonna be rad just because there's so much versatility. I think it's cool because it'll bring a little bit more light and a little bit more excitement into series after they leave for gas and for you know, for the some of the best in the desert stuff. So I think all of it is a win for the whole sport. Fully agree. Have Is there any word on how they're connecting the short course at all yet? Like, how we're because normally you come in one end and go out so like the class elevens would still do desert? Little. But yeah, I believe Lee was just saying. He's just gonna turn it back. And I'm not sure if I'm not sure if the desert is gonna jump into it. Or something or like a berm or something like that. I'm not sure but I'm not even sure I'm sure so no problem. We just had an accident an interesting turn or something. Yeah, yes. Something along that those lines but the track is gonna get so haggard. Yeah, I think it's gonna get pretty beat up that dirt out there. I think it's gonna be a little bit softer than like a, like a Glen Helen. Yeah, totally. Yeah. But they're definitely building it up. Like, yeah, like a lot more than in the past. They've always had a little sort of cross section. But now they're making it a legit track. I said, I'm sure they're gonna have like, catch fences and stuff to designate away from the people. It's really fun. It's gonna be like a full blown short course. I don't know how you feel, Dave. But like, I feel like that's cool. Not knowing, right? Like, a lot of racers get comfortable, right? Like they're always fast at their home track, so to speak, right, like coming from motocross talk. But when you have something new, does that, like excite you more? Because it's like, alright, this is leveling out the playing field. Yeah, I like that, you know, we go back to Crandon and there's guys that live like Keegan, who lives a mile from the track, and they can go run it every weekend if they want and in between. So I like this idea. You know, it's a brand new track, none of us have seen it, we kind of have to take our guests, our best guests at tire setup with our Max's tires, and suspension setup and everything. We don't have a lot of practice time either to test and tune. So it's like you got to show up pretty Pat. And just go out there and send a full speed. Yeah, so Bailey, that also shows like how good your team is, right? Because how quickly you can change on the fly to be able to do all that and get your race program up to speed as quickly as possible. For sure. Yeah, there's a handful of races throughout the year like on the ultra four series, where you show up at a race and you realize it's more wet or more dry than you thought it'd be you have to do sway bar adjustments or suspension adjustments on the fly so that will probably be a big thing on this short course if it's just going to be fresh this or first raining or snowing. Yeah, yeah. Like just like Bailey just said it could be snow on the ground in the morning. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Are they gonna help qualifying it's 730 in the morning, okay, so there you go, you're gonna have you're gonna have cold suspension. That's an every in tires, you're gonna be rock hard. And then all of a sudden, if you have a race at the end of the day or in the afternoon, it's gonna be completely different. Yeah, totally. Dude, wild. Are you going to be relying on your team a lot? Absolutely. Yeah. I also have Steve Barlow on my team. And he has so much experience with this stuff. So that guy knows his shit. He's helped me shortcut the process so much, because, you know, we come into it with a lot of desert knowledge and a lot of experience in pro buggy and stuff. But it's totally different in that truck. So definitely a huge help. Kyle, you're gonna be able to be on your toes all day, man. Yeah, yeah. Katie, Nick will be out there. And they'll I mean, they're really good. And we got some other people coming out to help out. So yeah, I think I think would be pretty good. The car the car was really fast to create. And that's last time I drove it. So hopefully, it's still still there. Bailey, you know, as much as I do teamwork makes the dream work. 100%. So what's the plan then? For you guys that when you don't have any time out? On Course, are you going to be prepping the vehicles? Are you going to do like, I don't know what you want to call it. But basically like foreshadowing how the track is like looking at the tracks and the changes that kind of stuff. Ya know. So our schedule basically consists of pre running, racing or media stuff out there, which big part of racing nowadays definitely fitting into photoshoots and taking care of the people that help us get there. Hey, yeah, well, thank you for jumping on this. I know you're you're busy. But yeah, that is true. Like, so the downtime will be 00. Yeah, there's, I think there's like 30 minutes in there for sleep. Yeah, maybe one or two days. And then the rest just, you know, cruising out there. You can hibernate when you get back. Exactly. I think that's gonna be cool, man. Well, is there anything else that you want to let us know before you hit the road? I mean, just looking forward to it. Seeing everybody out on the lake bed hanging up by fire. It's gonna be good time. Dude, I agree. 100%. Man, it's gonna be a cool deal to get out there. And I'm even more excited now after talking with all these guys. And like I said before, that's just, you know, 10 or 15 people compared to the 1000s that are going to be out there. Sorry, man. Well, thanks for coming on. Bailey. We really appreciate it. And we'll see you out there on the lake bed did be on late bit later back. Good luck. So just to kind of finalize and to end the show. I don't know how much more hyped I could be. I'm not a rock guy. I'm just a racing guy. And I'm so pumped that all these guys are going to have so much fun. Yeah. Like, especially you guys. Like I'm like, Dude, it's just gonna be so cool to see short course like Pro Tools and stuff out there. It's gonna be sick every time pretty much every territory of desert race every time. Right off road racing. All in one event. It's literally dirt life show. Yeah, yeah. Get my races out of the way and then go watch those guys destroy they're exactly on the rocks. What's your favorite hydration that you're going to put in your mouth? afterwards? Well, just electrolyte or something like that? Oh, that your big electrolyte guy? Yeah, I was talking more about like Coors Light. But I think it's gonna be cool to see everybody out there just having a good time, man. All right, so some of the stuff that we didn't talk about with some of these guys. What you guys favorite food on lake bed is going to be I don't know. I haven't really spent much time out there. So probably whatever my wife Taylor's making it the pit because the reason I asked that question is you know how when you go camping, and food just tastes twice as good for some reason. Oh, yeah. All right after the race, you know, it's like always the best yet so but my buddy Rick Johnson is actually bringing out a pizza and to get him fired pizzas. He did that Laughlin and they were incredible. So they were fire in the pizza. Yeah, so you guys gotta you guys are I'm not sure what tonight we're doing it. We'll figure that out what you guys know. Because gotta come by there. Oh, yeah, totally. Yeah, that'd be rad. Yeah, and then obviously Bailey gave us the answer to my question. How do you keep warm on the lake bed? I think I would probably wear what are those outfits called loves? No, those flip flops. It's a snake. Snuggies Yeah. Is that the one that goes over your whole body? Yeah, blank. We're six, six of those. And then how many people will eat do you think will actually finish the race? Like give me a pie like 60 40% in your pie? Like how many people you think you're gonna actually finish? Like, let's let's talk about 4400 Racing kings, the gnarliest one they say they're gonna make it harder than ever. I'm gonna say under 20% If I just had to get Yeah, I would. Yeah, I would say so. Your pie is bigger on the people not finishing. Yeah. So 20% Finish 80% Broken rolled. That's what I'm hearing is that they're trying to make it impossible. So it could be zero. Who knows? That'd be crazy. What happens if nobody finishes the guy that got the furthest? I think Dave Cole gets really rich. He gets to keep us up to pay it out. Yeah, we got the furthest. Yeah, exactly. Probably whoever gets I would say you know 30 35% You know finish. But for I feel like there's gonna be a ton of profit. I feel like towards the end of the race, there's going to be just flop over changes back and forth. It because it's already low, like the percentage is already low. I don't even know like what mine would be I'd like I honestly want everybody to finish, but I think it's probably going to be around like kind of what days that'd be, like 25 percents can actually finish. Like Interesting. Yeah, I like that format, like the Erzberg. The hard enduro race in Austria, where they just try to get to like one guy finishes. That's the ultimate dream is like one guy is truly the king because no one else could do it. Yeah, and you guys do not want to enter that race. Like, it's like gets to the point where you're just like thinking, like, I like a challenge. I like to get into it. I have no experience in that stuff. You know, except grouping around and the UT watch the big guy get out there and Erzberg Do you think he could do it? I don't know. Like, I don't have very much experience with it. I'm not super comfortable on the rock stuff. I like it. You just have too much time to think about what can go wrong. I feel like yeah, that's the amount of stuff that you hear in your head like, Well, yeah, you're in like, Oh, I'm loose. Yeah, broken. When you're flying through the desert. You don't have time to think you're just worried about that extra time you think about it. It's already over. You're either upside down or not. Yeah. All right. So alright, so when is vision going to be out there and when is eBay Motors going to be out there? We're heading out the second the morning of the second Thursday, starting pre running, doing freerunning Thursday, Friday. And then, obviously qualifying Saturday, race, practice Sunday. Qualifying race, Monday, is the schedule. It's condensed, you're out there for I'll be there the whole time. So before everything really gets started with the desert stuff, I'll be there on Wednesday, the first setting up the eBay motor, Semyon canopy and vendor booth, then I'll leave on Sunday after the race of kings 12 days later. So I'll probably be pretty dirty and pretty tired. And it'll be a lot of hibernate for a week after we got engaged. So one thing I'll say is, that was one thing that most people always ask questions and direct messaging. Dave is actually doing a lot for sponsors. He's helping them out. He's doing activation, he's doing a bunch of different stuff. So if any of you guys that are beginners that are listened to the show, take note of that, Dave, it's not extra work for Dave because it's part of his job. So understand all that stuff. So the dirt is gonna go out there on Friday. The third and we are going to be participating with Max is one of your sponsors. We're gonna have a ride day with Jeremy McGrath. Oh, we're gonna go out there. Yeah, heard about that. Time. Yeah, do a little bit of cruising, hanging out with everybody. We'll do some video stuff. So if anybody's around, please say hi hanging out with us. Please say hi to Kyle, please say hi to Dave Mason, Jr. Please say hi to all of our guests to Tara crew, guys. Hunter Cody, Kyle. All the Ken Ham boys, CJ Greaves. All the players guys obviously Doug, RJ Anderson, Bailey Cole. Everybody's gonna be out there having a good time. And then if you guys have any suggestions on what we should do out there, please let us know. Slide into our DMS hanging out with us really appreciate you guys bringing obviously the class one card down here having us at Vision canopies out here. Thank you guys for coming. Thank you for bringing the car anytime. Now it's always a headache. Black guy didn't come she's all pretty right now. Yeah, can't wait to go get it so my two favorite parts of the day we're obviously eating tacos one but smelling the fuel out of this thing when they back to them smell so good. It gets you already in stock for the races right? That's right. So yeah, thank you guys very much really appreciate everything that vision canopies does for the dirt life show. Thank you everybody at KMC wheels thank you to Max's tires. Thank you to Motul shock therapy JL Audio evolution Power Sports. Thanks Todd for calling and hanging out with us. Thanks Zoolander racing products and thank you to CRO he really appreciate everything. Next week's show episode number 151. We're going to have a dat car recap we got the all the heavyweights we got AJ Jones, Skyler house, Seth Cantero, a whole bunch of stacked lineup, so it's gonna be rad man, so it's gonna be cool to talk with those guys. We may even have some behind the scenes with the South racing team and some of the owners pit crew all those guys. That's gonna be my favorite part of the show. So yeah, we'll see you guys out of Koh. tonight. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.