The Dirt Life

Casey Currie - Offroad & Dakar Champion & Industry Leader - Aaron Quesada, Sean Berriman, Oren Anderson, Ryan Guidus

Offroad, UTV’s, Racing, Dunes, BTS, Sponsorship - Podcast & Live Show Episode 141

Few have accomplished as much as our guest tonight @caseycurrie, not only in an industry but in life, Multi time offroad racing champion, Dakar Champion for the United States, Supermoto racer, Participated in X Games, Business Owner, Family Man, and lover of all things Jeep.

Special guests are some of Casey’s best friends: @o_ring @seanberriman @aaronquesada & @guidus726 of @kmcwheels

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Welcome to the dirt life show with your host, George Hamil. Welcome to Episode 141 of the dirt life show. We got a great show for you guys lined up tonight when it's hot in Southern California, but I'll tell you what our guest is one of my big big buddies got me into off road racing. We're gonna talk a little bit about that tonight. Few have actually accomplished as much as him tonight. Not only is he been in the industry for a long time, he's been an industry leader. He's a multi Time Off Road champion Dak Car champion brought home a win to the United States of America. Man that was such a cool moment. Supermoto racer back in the day he participated in the X Games. He's a business owner and He's a family man and lover of all things Jeep so welcome Casey curry. Thank you very much. God, you've done a lot in your life, man. So I can't wait to get into it tonight. But hey, on a fun note, we got a bunch of your homies that are going to join us. Yeah, I got a little I'm a little nervous when I saw the lineup. Yeah, the lineup makes me nervous. So Oren Anderson, O ring, he's gonna join us. He was actually like, I think he's pretty much the biggest guest on the show because he was on last week to hanging out with celebrity. Yeah, big celebrity guy. Sean Behrman is going to join us. He rides in the passenger seat with you and I noticed another guy that rides in the passenger seat at Aaron casado. He's gonna join us too. And then one of your longtime sponsors KMC wheels, Ryan, guy, this is gonna join us. So that's going to be fun. Alright, let's go through and we'll just get to all the sponsors and stuff out of the way. I'm Georgie Hamill, your host and the dirt life show. Please share the show. It helps everybody and helps grow the industry. It helps Casey and helps us and it helps you guys too, because you guys can all talk about come some fun stuff that gets behind the scenes and man is enjoying the off road life that we live. We're going to talk about all kinds of fun stuff today. Stuff that Casey does on a day to day basis, all the way down to you know what he's got going on, coming up in the future and how he got me into off road. So that'll be cool. So thank you very much to all of our sponsors. The guys over at KMC wheels, who's going to rank itis is gonna join us Max's tires. Motul shock therapy, you can use the code dirt life show therapy by steering rack limit straps, all that good stuff. bumpsteer delete kids JL Audio. Those guys are doing some really cool stuff. With some of the UTVs evolution power sports. You can tune your car from your phone with our code shooter. Go grab an exhaust and they're doing some cool stuff with the Phoenix Children's Hospital. I love to see companies in off road. Give back, don't you? Yes, absolutely. So go check out the guys evolution power sports. Follow him on social media guys over zoned to racing products. You can use the code that dirt life, go get yourself some tie rods radius rods match it up to your shock therapy, steering rack, Vision canopies and Crowl heat. Alright, so like I said, share the show. One of the main things that we're going to talk about tonight is family off road racing, that kind of stuff. That stuff is really really, really important to not only Casey but I think to a lot of us that are just in the off road industry. Man. We love seeing our families grow and we love hanging out with them in the dirt, don't we? Absolutely. When was the first time that you got to like, I don't know go in the dirt you want your dad or like what was it? We've been? Yeah, so obviously my family grew up in the offered industry as well. So my grandpa was a passionate offered racecar driver cheaper and he got my dad and my uncle's into motocross racing at a young age and all my uncle's wheels. Oh, yeah, two wheels. We all started on two wheels. So even my kids my kids only ride dirt bikes but Andy trophy cards No, no really, you know, nothing. Way easier to watch or work on. Well, we tried it for a little bit but they they both one ride dirt bikes. So we're doing it but yeah, we all grew up two wheels. And then from there, everyone, everybody likes to go fast and have you know the speed. So the adrenaline rush is where it's all about. Yeah, totally. The dirt bikes. It seems like it's where a lot lot of us start right like since you started there. Was that like what you wanted to do from a young age. I know I grew up like my dad treated a little bit differently than I guess the people that want to get gnarly. My dad's biggest thing for me was to have diversity and all you know, wakeboarding, surfing, snowboarding, skiing, waterskiing, you know, going out to the desert riding motocross, we did so many different aspects. Yeah, sand dunes, which it's funny because I didn't realize how much that played a factor into my career until I got to the car once we got to the car. I realized that my dad's you know training as far as like us having fun as kids doing all these different aspects of driving and versatility you're talking Yeah, absolutely the you know just the ability to go out and conquer all like the car you need all that so it it was fun. But yeah, my the entire family is very much that window offered racing and motocross and at all Dude, it's kind of cool to see that though. Like, I really appreciate that there's a lot of good that. While there's a lot of bad too, like dirt bikes bring a lot of good, right? Because they teach you so many things. But they also teach you that you can get hurt, right? Like, that's the reason why I walk around all messed up. But the cool part about it is, is there's a lot of discipline, there's a lot of, you got to be humble, because it can put you on the ground, right? And it teaches you all of those things. And like you said, it kind of translates like, I don't know, into all of the stuff that you actually learn in life, like, we're going to talk about a little later. But like business stuff for you. Having goals, like wanting to be a champion, like you achieve on four wheels, like all of these different things that you just like you said, you didn't really understand what you were being taught by your dad and at the young age, but now you do. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, for me, the dirt bike thing, obviously, we all know that anyone can put a helmet on and go fast and erase trucking, crash and wad it up. But I think the skill set comes in Baldwin, how fast you can push it in certain situations, right. And that's where a dirt bike route when you can ride a Supercross track or motocross track as fast as you can without crashing? Yep. Right. Because there's that fine line of and you know, the guys that can go super fast one lap, but can't hold it together for a 30 minute moto. A lot of that ability and skill set really comes into play. When you start getting into short course racing, where your 20 minute sprint all out, you got to drive as fast you can't without making mistakes. But having the strategy of that quick pass quick aggression, like learning how to get a spiked heart rate. And then yet, you know, that brings up a really good point too, is because like when you are racing short course now, you know, like the old setup thing, right? Because in motocross, a lot of times you can just Dart to the inside and one corner. But in short course racing, you got to set it up three or four corners in advance, right, like so there's a lot of stuff that translates that you really kind of just learn and it becomes second nature, right? Yeah, the ability to, you know, the ability to basically, well first set up just any race car in general, right, anyone can get in and drive, but to be able to tune and have the geometry work, how you want it to work and the suspension work, how you want it to work. There's a lot of stuff that goes into all that, you know, fine tuning your shocks and spring rates, and you know, how the car feels in the corners and the steering. And I feel that between motocross and then getting in a short course, we learned a lot about that. And, you know, we built our own short course trucks. So I got, we got thrown in deep with learning setup and learning how to build. I remember that back in the day, cuz I remember well, two things we'll talk about, like what it does first, the dirt bike stuff that you're talking about, it gives you that seat of your pants feel right like so you know, what you're doing with or what you're feeling with your feet, with your hands on the steering wheel, and with your butt. Like there's so many connections that you have to a vehicle that a lot of people might not get unless they have the dirt bike experience. Yeah, I totally agree. I think that, you know, learning how to set up a vehicle long term to have a successful career over a long period of time is being able to be able to fine tune a car and make it work how you want it to work. And just like you said, like to feel it in your feet and to feel it under your button, how it feels in, you know, in your hands. You know, I think a lot of that came from motocross did it. Did it come like Did you know that? That was like the feeling of Did you know that you were doing a good job when you first got in your first four wheel car, I know, I still don't even know if I do a good job. It's just, I just have my way that I want things that are right. So I have a very unique setup that I like, I like the way cars feel, you know, I have a certain way I like everything to fail from tire pressure to tires to, you know, shocks that up to will give us give us a little bit of an example and why you do that. I'm going to show some of the people some of the stuff that you guys your guy Kyle Chandler, he actually sent us some pretty awesome pictures back in the day. Like riding a little street bike around and we had an oval trip we had a literally a small racetrack in our front yard. So got my dad obviously super interesting way to literally had a circle track and a front yard. Yeah, so here's a good picture. Three years at the river that was the one where the suspension was all in the tires. The tire pressure was the suspension. And then what was that? That's a 1919 20 Packard. So my grandpa built that racecar from the ground up basically down to carnage in a field and rebuilt it to race it across country. That's crazy. Oh and this looks like maybe the first time you got a four wheel car players right there. That makes pretty sweet man. But you were all young, super young and some of these pictures I don't know where this picture we did a rod Hill rod Hall driving school. We were 15 years old and Rod Hall out loud has to come out and you got to take a Humvee yeah they will they that's where they did their driving school. So like we went on we're young we did like the go kart schools we did sprint cars, schools we've done all the driving schools and techniques just to go out there and have the experience on how to drive it's pretty cool that you got you got to experience like a lot of us. You know like we all consider you especially myself. I love As you want to be more like you when it comes to being a professional racer and all of these things, right, you and I are friends, but that's a true statement, right? And a lot of people that look at you and fans and things like that, but the cool part about it is we do all have a connection with you. You started from very humble beginnings. Oh, yeah. No, no, we did we we grew up men. Like just like everyone else. Totally normal. My dad, my dad worked a lot. So like, it's funny, the picture that you're looking at the offroad car like to my grandpa's driveway. So my, my dad had a, I had an idea in the first car prerunner and did my dad to go work. You know, he was working a lot of career enterprises. So my grandpa and I would cut the car were further apart than we were supposed to. Oh, really. But Grandpa would hook it up. So then my dad had to come in to do more work to you know, Dalsin but, I mean, we wrote Yeah, we wrote dirt bikes a lot. So it looks like you did in being from Southern California. It used to be a little easier ride dirt bikes out here. I think that's nuevo right there. Lake Elsinore, was it Yeah. Yeah, I think it was like Elsa, what was the last time you saw some of these pictures a long time ago. It's did that this looks like it might have been in the woods or somewhere but I don't know. I don't even know. I think to my house do we use so we use the big trees like that? Yeah. Well, my backyard where the shop was that you went to like 10 years ago. Back we are kids. That was just dirt to have we just have two acres. I remember that the hills somewhere. It's literally in our backyard. Oh, there you go. That little chipper Carson did find some photos. Kyle hook me up. Do you kidding? So maybe he really did a good job. The go karts. Cool. Do we did all that stuff. Alright, so this one's actually pretty cool. I'm gonna show I want to show this to everybody. So this is grandpa and my grandma and the lap. Yeah, and you're like, getting ready to start driving hold reading. It's probably seven or eight. Do you know where this was at? Let me see the photo. Maybe Tahoe or somewhere like it's probably the so we have a house in Mojave Valley. Okay, probably closer to the last scenario have a su area. Big go car guy right here. Okay, guy. It's gone now. Oh, gone bomber. Yeah, dude, what would it be to? Like, rebuild one of those cars like that, man. That'd be so cool. There's some good times and then so here's a picture that I think everybody can get along with it just being a little kid and being on the dirt right like so just right there. We talk about this all the time on the show is like all of us grow up with the same kind of thing I'm just talking about right now kind of all the same way right? Like I know that for me every single time I go back to the dunes. In fact, I want to go for Halloween this year. Because I just got a pro are like years behind us. But every time I stepped foot in the sand or every time I pull in the Glamis I always think of like when I was like 10 or eight years old, you know what I mean? Like, and then now you have children. Yeah, so you're teaching them the same kind of stuff? Yep. So yeah, they're both my boys ride dirt bikes. We're trying to do there you know, obviously being a professional racecar driver I get I'm very blessed to go and do a lot of cool things with a lot of fun people but uh you know, we're trying to go down and we played we're playing baseball got one son playing baseball another one playing football and trying to go and do all the sports and trying to be totally normal during the week as far as you know our lifestyle can get carried away quickly with all the travel and everything I've gone on but what are the kids think Do they like those things more than the dad does? Or do they like what dad does? Now they might Oh my oldest would race anything he could right now today? Like seven days a week. My kids both of them love it. My oldest one has talent for sure. Oh, nice. We're holding them back right now because dad's so get a racing career so that we do ride I have a full blown motocross track in my house. Oh, cool. So built a full track. Brian Diggins nephew actually built for us. Oh really? Yeah. Yeah. Sonny? Yeah. So built us a full blown radical track I got it's all watered so yeah, we ride we have some fun We love what kind of bikes you guys ride with the kids are these guys? I don't even I did. I'm an enduro bike in 12 years really? I got a one tell ambition. I just Yeah, I did. I liked your story. Friend of mine died right in front of me crazy. You know just one of those situations I'd never wanted to be a part of in my life and from then had kid got married, had kids and just kind of the fire unlit for me on the motocross thing a little bit but my kids got you know, 50 Supercross many and 50 Supercross so they tried any of those electric bikes you know my neighbors so did this is where how small the world my neighbor's Mitch Payton oh really under pressure kid so his boys both have the fifth ECC electric bikes. Those things are so cool dude. They're like 1212 or 13 years old and they rip them on like on my maintenance track and two they can hit all the jumps really rip Yeah, right 80s At the regular track but at the house. They shred on them. That's hilarious. That's actually super cool though. I always wanted to see what the one of those little electric bikes would be like they rip Have you got the right one down or no, no Oh let's see here Ty Spencer what up? Yeah, man. Let's see here. Oh sick around the razor track too. I Well I've actually never I haven't driven the razor on the track yet I got it. We have Is it big enough? Yeah it's big enough but I got like we have some out there as we read our razors we got some sand got a little we got we got we got a pretty sick track nice see where do you guys usually go in Southern California to ride like if we're gonna go out for me I just got to my river house. It's just easiest to go to Arizona. Yeah, because there's no rules. The wild west out there and I do miss Arizona. I do miss Arizona for some of that stuff. Let's see here MFR, musical family ads. Awesome story, man. Yeah, I can't read the whole thing because the text is kind of small. But I know that they're talking about they're from Australia. And they came over here to the United States, and I was able to go bicycle riding with them in Oceanside. And Toby and Ben, his dad, were talking about all of this stuff. And I told him I go don't put any of these people on like a pedestal. And I mean, that route. I mean, like, all of us grew up the same way. Like we're talking about, right? Like, and he's teaching his son the same thing. So you're teaching your son the same thing your dad taught you, like, all of us have this weird camaraderie thing like we? everybody's the same. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like? Well, the offer community is so different. I think that, you know, we don't have that, you know, I've trained with professional trainers in motocross when I was, you know, focused on on short course career and the lifestyle they live is so focused around fitness. And so focused around the the ability on a motorcycle that the sponsors more associated with the team. And, you know, there's a lot of pressure being applied by your team. But as far as like, the marketability, and the spa, you know, the sponsors, that all comes through performance, we're an off road, you got to be a regular human being right? For me, my passion project is, you know, life is an adventure. And, you know, obviously, I want to win everywhere I go. And the challenge is that we do, everything we do is to be the best everywhere we go. But obviously, for me, we love driving jeeps, and I love going exploring, and I love driving my players razors, whether we're in Mexico, or in Utah, and Arizona, like to just go out and, you know, see how capable vehicles are and showing it showing the experience so that everyone that doesn't get to go out and do it often, when they do do it, I can hopefully show them a place that when they get their razor, right, they can go out and drive it in the same areas. I couldn't agree with that more, I'm actually going to go to Utah to announce a race for the Outlaw Series West this weekend. And I'm gonna stay an extra day on Monday and go and ride out and like St. George. Yeah. And a lot of it is because I've seen a lot of the promotion and things that you've done in the jeeps or in the razors, whatever it is. But that's one of the things that I learned a lot from you, actually. So I'll tell the story real quick is I had no idea what off road was I just knew dirt bikes, right. And somehow I think you and I got hooked up through Todd over it. I think it was next agency like 10 or 12 years ago. There we go. And it was Dude, it was a long time ago. And I was working when I was building all the GoPro stuff. And and then we got hooked up and you were like, hey, yeah, and you were like, Hey, can you build a website for me? And I'm like, sure, yeah, no problem. And then I started seeing like, your you or your brother, somebody started sending me pictures to upload to the website. I'm like, What the fuck are these things? Like, these things are race trucks, and they called you and you're like, Yeah, dude, they're rad. Like, you can hook these things. And so you invited me to a race, I think was that wild horse pass or something in 2012? Maybe? No, no, no, no, you're talking like 2008? Maybe. Okay, so before my monster deal and orders. I know that because it was still a manual transmission. Yeah, that was hard. But you had to go when you drove it. Yeah. And then so I didn't know what they were. And I was like, What the heck are these things? And then it started growing on me and you're like, bro, you gotta drive at some time. And I was like, I don't know if I can afford it. You're like, yeah, it's kind of expensive. And that but you said come out to California. I'm gonna go do some testing. And you can sit in and drive it for five minutes or whatever. So you let me drive it and I was stuffed in there. I remember it. I was kind of scared. I was like, I don't know what this thing is it like a regular truck. Like and you're like, No, do you just start banging away, just hammer it. And I drove it. And I was like, Dude, this is the raddest thing on the planet. Like what are you could drive a truck like a dirt bike. That is funny. It's funny because we were supposed to get to Glen Hill and it rained. And we end up going to the we found some like small track out like Johnson Valley. Did. Now thinking back to that is funny. It's actually on and I randomly Yeah, it's crazy. And then yeah, John Harper just chimed in and said yeah, everybody grew up like somewhere out in the in the wilderness, whatever it is snow or dirt or whatever. It's all the same concept, right man and you meet people down the road like I was able to meet Casey through a work relationship, but it ended up turning into me being introduced to off road racing. That's crazy. It's so it is it's really crazy, right? And like, for me, it was liberating because I got hurt. And then now you've shown me that there's this other form of racing that I can And potentially, like be a part of. And so I had no idea but then, you know, side by sides kind of started coming out and coming to fruition and I was like, Dude, this is sweet man, this is such a good thing. But to get back to what I was talking about is along the way, I understood the camaraderie aspect of it, because you literally were like, I don't know, come out, dude, come on, like, get into it. Like, this is something that you're gonna enjoy. And you really showed and pave the way for a guy that was just a dirt bike guy. Yeah, that's cool. I see. You're right. Did I remember that? And I remember going out to the desert. And ripping around. Yeah, I saw a picture somewhere. But it was pretty cool. And then, you know, like, as far as like, cost of racing goes that kind of set in but side by sides have opened the door for a lot of people to start getting into it now. Oh, sadness has changed. I mean, everything in racing, it's crazy because of the UTV market is where if it was as big now as was when we first got started the opportunity to for success and just for the learning, the ability to learn how to drive, the speed that the new, you know, especially the new Pro Rs, that the speeds that they have are absolutely insane. Do they really are but they're rad, right? Like it's cool to see because now it's a and we talked about this all the time on the show, but I think it's really relevant is the entry point into it like we just talked a little bit before the show this players pro AR that's sitting behind us here. You just raised it at the Nora, like you said in the Nora is how many miles about 1000 or 1100 thing Yeah, so it's it's a long race right? You get it's like a stage though. You get to work on the car if you need to. But I thought this was a brand new car. And you just raced this 1000 miles. Same tires. No flat, same tire same wheels. It's stuck stuck. I did Yeah. It doesn't have a cage on it. That's what I mean. Like seat belts. So I got it's got you got some mirrors and stuff. And you got to keep they're all from players. Yeah. So accessories. Yes. So let's just say you spent 1000 bucks. You got a good sponsor for wheels and tires that gave you the wheel. But let's just say you spent 1000 bucks on accessories. And you went and raced it. Yeah, like that entry point is insanely cool. And not only that, though, we're running. We're running top 10 overall. So like at the norra we're literally in the top 10 overall so every morning we are starting with the trophy trucks and classroom cars. Yeah, that's crazy. Right? We got a social media question from Cali Boise tech, like the the Pro are just got it just popped up on Instagram today. It's it's kind of stupid, honestly. But you don't have to wear a helmet in the dunes I saw I just read that. Yeah. And like, I don't know, in my eyes on the internet in my eyes. The people should just wear helmets no matter what car they're in. Yeah, I don't disagree. The speeds that they're going are dangerous. Yeah. And well in any car, right? Like in a jeep. Yeah, way, like whatever it is, like, you should always be able to be safe and protect especially your family if you don't want to wear a helmet that's on you, bro. But like, we always suggest that you guys do that. So we're gonna move on from that question. But thanks, Kelly, Blasi tech for talking to us about that. So getting back to what I was talking about the off road stuff, like I really appreciate you for being so open, and allowing me the opportunity to see this world of racing that I love so much, right. And you didn't have to do that. Like that was cool that you did that at the time. And it really opened my eyes up to seeing all of this rad stuff. And it just goes back to show that the camaraderie portion is the base that all of us loves so much, right? Yeah. And it's probably what mostly drives you then tell me if I'm wrong here because you like doing events you like going jeeping with all your friends, all your partners, all these things, you schedule events that are aside from the work that you do aside from your racing and I feel like that's the baseline of it all Yeah, I think does you know like for me it just meeting people also they my grandpa's always into, like, just going out and having fun and getting the opportunity to meet new people because you never know where an opportunity lies. You know, there's so many people that have you know, their own lives that all sudden you start connecting dots. And here they are buying up a brand new players just because they went out with us one time we've we've actually gone out to the desert and taken some people from Monster Energy for an event. And literally ended up having them buy Jeeps on the way home. So really, yeah, we had some guys from New York that had never literally never experienced any of it. And from there, they Yeah, they bought jeeps and it's cool. So now we're actually seeing more and more people come and be a part of the family. So thanks for seeing when it comes to people with another brands. The troublemaker himself. Yeah. All right. What's up Arn Anderson. How are you? Oh, it's good to see you guys. AC looks good. It's missing. Yeah. It's good to see you, man. Hey, I was telling Casey earlier. You're pretty much like the co host of the dirt life show now because you're on all the time. Thank you. It's nice. You and I. Yeah, totally. Our internet's been a little bit slow tonight. So if you can't hear us, give us a little bit of just yeah, just deal with it for a little bit. But yeah, thanks very much, man. So when was the first time you got introduced to this crazy guy over here? We were, we were still in high school. Oh, it's been a while. I met him a mutual friend. And we're buddies. I remember like, container. Family river house. Trouble out there. But it wasn't for what it was for that six years. We started working together. Yeah. No, yeah, it was. Wow. Because you did revere and herps first. I think it was. We were definitely in our 20s we're definitely we're grownups by then. Yeah, we're all old man now. Right. But like, it's funny to see that though. Because like, you guys, were basically talking about the exact same stuff we opened the show with, right, like, just being friends. Yeah, he will. Like he grew up in San Clemente, which obviously it's like, oh, big booth, Gucci guy over here. But he, dude, he worked at a local offroad shop with Jeff Lewis who's like, gnarly in the industry back in the McPherson day. And but with that, like the opportunities came or one of literally a mutual friend. We had work he was getting worked on at a shop that Oren was working on with Louis, and do we end up hitting it off and from there, partying being young kids and going to the river and having fun, like you said, but it wasn't from there. He was a super it's funny because now looking at it, you know, obviously he rides with Bryce and has a killer time and we work together for like over 10 years and had a blast together. And then but with that back in the day, we were all young kids and he was working for you know the Herbst and with Riviera dog. Oh did back then it was like the black shirt, guys and the red shirt guys and like, do we all idolize them and Oren was in there just telling us you know, we're living out what they were getting to do in Mexico and the fun times. What were you doing at the time? Hey, on Oren. We got somebody said bad echo. Maybe just turn your volume down a little bit on your phone. What were you doing at the time when he was starting to work on all this off road stuff? I was doing Jeep speed and literally racing with our buddy that hardens? So we're not not nothing like we are doing today are just having fun in the desert with family orange. Do you remember what years these were? I mean, that was I still got I can still hear that was what? Oh, 203 that's yeah, saying the same thing. Yeah, we don't have an echo on our side. So if you do hear the echo, you're more than welcome to jump out and jump back in. But man, so Oh, two and Oh, three like that's a pretty well, in my mind, since I'm so new to Off Road compared to you guys. That's a pretty like, I don't know, beginning stages of offense. But that's the beginning stages of off road kinda you think? Well, it's funny, because did that whole if you'd like for us to that was just a day is that I think the team, the bigger teams or the bigger teams like river racing back then that was a team that we all idolized. They just, they had a fantastic team around them. And they just had a lot of good people. And literally, dude, lifestyle. They just loved, love to have parties, and just they did everything that you wanted to do, right? They're racing trophy trucks, and they're jumping in and sending in and just everything about it. Do those guys. I mean, they still do a fantastic job even I mean, Mark post so race and you know, Tim, and Troy and Ed and now their kids are racing like do that. They always did it the right way. Yeah, great. Pete. Did they all have great people around them? Right? That's do we all had a blast? Was that like those beginning times? Oren? Was that like, did you guys kind of have I don't know dreams or ambitions or goals like or was it just like, dude, I'm doing cool shit, let's keep growing. At the time, it was definitely bullshit and go party at the fun. That was ality of it. But then it was, you know, stars kind of aligned. I needed some help. And I was things up Riviera was moving with them. To go from that. Together. That's when like, goals, that's when I really crazy the students. Yeah, it's kind of it's it is kind of weird. Like to think about all that stuff, man. Like, cuz at that point, like, now when we're sitting here talking like you guys are at a professional level and doing things that are at a much bigger level than that was but like, do you remember how you felt at that time? Because that's seriously brand newness? Oh, yeah. Well, the funny thing is is like chakras week, so the reason that the whole thing started was because core got brought back to the West Coast like the very first year of core I bet we I mean, I barely got my program running and then the second year is when literally was like Eslinger ProLight days kind of Oh yeah, I was actually factoring Nissan for me Whoa, look at this guy. Guy. But no the it literally game into an opportunity where I had some stars align where I had an opportunity to run the two car team did end up hiring a bunch of all men's bodies and we literally in like an offseason we ended up decking out a total home that wasn't mine when we built the box fan, we did so much crazy shit. And it's funny looking at it now like we literally built this crazy team. We built a ProLight and I think 30 days really Yeah, we I don't even know why I look at it now. It's so dumb, but we used to pull all nighters like it was no big deal. We're doing four or five all nighters in a week. Because that when you call the monster to get a sponsorship, keep all your guys awake. No kidding. Yeah, I did like being was there. Justin Smith. Yeah, dude, he was gnarly by I mean, even back then we were working. It was wild. We had some crazy you remember those days already? Oh, yeah, I'll never I'll never insanity to the whole time. Insane. Dude, it sounds like there could have been a whole bunch of good times happening though. Is there any special moments or like any stories that you guys remember from that back then? Well, you know, good one, we're going to talk about dirt bikes. So one time in the offseason, I used to own my parents on 90 acres and Chino and we had like a motocross track and all this stuff. And did Oren had his like, all his paperwork for his insurance and all his you know, is whatever we're getting ready for the next year. So he had to fill out all his insurance paperwork and all his medical stuff for his you know, whatever. First job Yeah, well, he left it on the desk. So we went there bike riding and he had snap and his TIB fib with the paperwork sitting there never fill it out. But that was not in the worst part. Then he crashed at the bottom of a hill that the only way out was basically to ride out so Oh, me one of my or my cousin and his buddy took us three hours to tow him out by strap or mono straps under his armpits. Really? Do you remember that Oren? Yeah, the only option was like helicopter ride or my friends dragged me up a hill for six to wild how hurt were you like were you smoked? I mean, I gotta run from my knee to my ankle also. Outline but luckily I did not have any health insurance so it just wasted any income or money all right pro tip to all the people that are listening or watching please have health insurance before you go write it well it's funny because we wrote a lot do we used to write like, we'd work a lot we I mean, we put in some serious hours but like his friend of my friend Larry Ross are with Callie he was able to get dirt bikes and then I was riding for COVID time so do we used to ride dirt bikes all the time? So that was our side hobby was going on trying to we're racing all the what were those desert races cold yeah, like all the hair animals? Yeah. Oh strict 30s So you guys were pretty serious about it, huh? Yeah, dude, how competitive were you guys I'm just like when you guys talk about this stuff I'm just seeing all my me and my friends go on like riding in the hills and wanting to descend bigger than the other guy or just get like battle like on a practice track and just like I don't know he fully chewed me out one time because they pass me Oh really? Then he ran into me because I was stopped for to help some dude on the ground he's like pissed off at me for stopping I'm sinner go like do there's a dude crash and now he's mad because I do this very competitive man very all you want to do is win. That's hilarious. Or is that true? When when the company you work for is two people and your boss same age and wants to do all the same stuff is crazy competitive. It turns into Yeah, that's wild man. It's cool to hear though because it's literally exactly what we were talking about that whole camaraderie thing like everybody is just down to have a good time. Yeah, but I would say like that's one thing that like as obviously Lauren and I worked together for like over 10 years so like, you know, my career change just learning more about what I wanted to do but Orrin being along for the ride as far as the opportunities he brought me was one thing that now it's crazy looking at his like, you know, we fell in love with Jeep being together, right, we built our first Jeeps together, or I built the first Jeep and then we ended up getting him a smoking deal from my cousin on another Jeep than we we dialed him in with the Jeep actually still owns a Jeep to this day. But we literally fell in love with jeeping and going out and like once again exploring and going to Moab Utah and all these other places with my family and you know for oran like he definitely didn't have a family that was in a GP his family was in a dirt bikes and go into the desert and Baja and stuff like that so like but not for not big for well guys but then for that like did the love he has for it now he's living in Florida with an off road Jeep shop like for me that to me. I love seeing the success that he has brought himself right like just like you're saying through all my partners and not like when I say my partners like throughout all the years like do we met a lot of good people. We went explored a lot. We had a lot of good we still have a lot like good friends within the industry and through those, you know, through those relationships that we built the racing like you know for one for one of the guys on the team to literally go out and build and start his own shop and have the connections to other buy parts at a discount so that he can actually make a living like that. That's what that's what this sport is all about, like, you know, to come out and to have success stories after racing that's what we all want, right? You gotta someday gotta be able to pay for this without racing involved. Okay, so one thing that's been a big topic lately and especially on social media or and I think you can get along with this is helping everybody else that's with you right or being a positive influence on the people around you. Like what Casey just mentioned, he's proud of you you're proud of him like those things that you guys built from the ground up that's a massive I don't know undertaking so to speak and you guys have gotten to the point now where you guys are supporting each other along the way I love that Oh yeah. Well, he was we first started he was literally number one employee working out of my dad shop the shop you went to Yeah, literally just right behind my house just a normal garage behind the house and now you look at the disaster of an emperor by the way if you notice how much stuff I have I actually didn't realize until he left me that he was the reason that I'm such a I have so much shit Yeah, yeah, cuz he the Job did he blame me saying Oh, dude, you have so much shame you Oh, and then I go to his shop in Florida. He's got the same damn Jeeps you TVs jet skis boats. I'm like, dude, he was the problem the whole time. He's blaming me that I got all this toys like the reason I have all these toys. Everybody is because Oren got me started. I just now I'm fell in love. Is that true? Oren is it's completely backwards. I picked up a horrible habit from him. I say yes to everything. Just the way he says yes. Casey is a Yes, man. But I read that's reason he's so successful. Right? Yeah. John Hopkins actually chimed in and he said, started out of his garage with the 74 Q five or C CJ five with a 304. That Jeep rift? Yes, yes. Did Yes. He it's all those humble beginnings, man. Oren, do you remember any stories? Like in fact, I think I saw probably saw or in the day that you invited me over to the shop and I met him maybe yeah, or you weren't when we took him out. He drove that plane somewhere like Johnson valley rain to Glen Helen. We took the proline on the wintertime. You had a little circle track with oops. It was I think it was Johnson Valley because it was deep in the desert. Yeah. I don't remember if Oren actually came with us though. Impromptu, he just Yes, man and yet making something happen. It sounds like every week that we work together scenarios like that. Yeah, it pretty much is but that's the way you got to be right. Like, well, just fun fact, before the show the internet quit working. Just like when you roll up the starting line and you got a wire that's, that messes up on your car, right? It's the same shit. But you guys have been working together for so long or in the you know, and all that stuff that happened? Yeah, and that's, you know, that I consider those like the learning years, right? Like, I got to work for some big cool teams beforehand. And I was very lucky for those opportunities, but like, figuring out how to like really make it happen, like, Casey, and I had to figure out a lot of stuff together. Like, he said, Yes, he lined up some amazing opportunities, but it was up to, you know, we had to figure out how to make those opportunities into, like reality. You know, it was his drive and his being able to connect the dots and make it happen. And I was just the dumb idiot that work, however hard it took to push it forward with him. And that was really what helped shape kind of where I'm at today, for sure. Yeah, that works. Because you guys both work hard. You know what I mean? Like the hard work pays off, right? But like when you're in a position like that, because there's a lot of youngsters that watch the show and listen to the show. And I think that a pro tip that I'm learning here, I'm a big fan of this as well. But is even if you don't know how to do it, just work hard and figure it out. Yeah, I think well, I mean, you gotta have like, for me, it's funny because like, what, like, what he's saying those like, do we went out and reach for the stars, like we went out? And did. I literally, it's crazy. Like, I was very blessed to have a great family. But like, I didn't actually have the family backing that everyone thinks I had, which say whatever you want, were where I was at was dude, I had to work for it. Right? And like, for me, which that's a whole nother story. But for me the opportunity to go out and take these opportunities. You have to have a team of people around you. It's not a one person being above the other. You just have to have a team of people that understand how to get the job done. And like for me that's like he's saying like, we went out and do we reach for the stars. We literally I mean, obviously traveled the world we did we've driven short course trucks at Monster jams we've, I mean, we've raced the Baja 1000 in wide open cars. We've raced it in August. I mean, we have done all kinds of stuff that like you saying, the diversification of challenging ourselves with all these opportunities only helps Make it easier so when we want to do something in the future yeah we've already we know how to break and destroy everything I have crashed and I we have totaled almost everything you can say we broke blown up motors blown up, you name it we have definitely gone out and learn the hard way. But by doing that, I think obviously it totally helped with the challenge we had to make it better for the future. Yeah, totally. I mean like when you're thrown in the fire like that, or and it really makes you have to think and kick ass. Yeah, I mean, we've literally been on fire together in the middle of nowhere Mexico. Sleeping in the desert. What Tell me tell me more about this. This sounds interesting. We're Casey and I were racing curtly. Dukes Trophy Truck is the Baja 1000 With with Kurt Leduc. And I think we had what three days trucks? Yeah, it was it were 200 miles from the finish. It was coming up from San Felipe. High pressure line burst at like 2am cop caught up the oil caught on fire on the headers. And we slid to a stop for like 85 miles an hour to zero and had to use to put this trophy truck out for it burned down. Oh my God, dude, how gnarly was it? For that? Second is frickin scary shake as you're so far from anybody. Yeah, dude, that's crazy. Man. Those stories like, clearly you never forget them, like oranges brought it up. But like, when you think about the magnitude of what could have happened compared to what did happen. Like you guys got out and did all the right stuff at the right time. Well, the funny part is, is that my dad and my uncle were like they were in a jeep together. And it was like two in the morning. For him both tire to sell but it was in San Felipe was a shitty whipped section. And my dad and my uncle were like arguing because my they they're smashing their heads into the Jeep roll bars and just you know, they they went and borrowed all this equipment to be able to fix it and like it was just, it was a comical scene, and Norman was sleeping on the front tire were on the race course because he was so tired. He didn't even like you didn't go to anywhere. He was literally sleeping on the front tire. That's crazy. You remember that one? Yeah, I didn't like try to sleep on the tire. I just passed out. That's wild man. We're gonna talk with Shawn Merriman in just a sec. Here. Oren, you got any funny stories that you've dealt with Casey over the years? Oh, man, I got a lot. But you know, he said let's keep it racing. And he didn't really want to go to pre wireless. I was thinking that they were going to really touch you on your guide. So I'm glad there's not four or five together because we could do a gang and that is cool, though. Man. I'm sure you guys have way more racing stories. But we got to do we got to get everybody on. We're about 15 minutes late. So I appreciate you staying up late with us, dude, it's awesome to see you as always. And everybody just see No, you know, track controller fraud if you ever have any questions for him. He always is willing to answer if you write him a message on Instagram. He won't answer your phone call. Unless he feels like answering the phone call. That's just how often rolls Okay, he'll, he'll always answer a question you want to know about code driving or working on GG? UTVs. He's a great guy for that. I feel like you might be serious. Everyone needs to know Hey, but track and trail has been doing some pretty cool stuff. Actually, before you take off Oren. What have you been working on lately? Well, a deal that kind of lined up through Casey is now we're working on axle housings with curry to do cool stuff for like six by six trucks and a lot of unique like, custom Wazoo stuff on the axle side. Oh, dude, that sounds pretty rad. Are you allowed to talk about any other? No. Are you gonna wait, guys, so you know those Jeeps was sick? You know? Like, six, six tires and six wheels? Yeah, that's his company now. Really? So we're providing the axle? Yeah, that's bad ass man. He's got the pasture axle. So now it's not a rear axle. It's not just floating there. It's actually a six wheel drive. Yeah, it's a drive axle. That's great. Do you have any pictures on your social media that we can check out? We're just getting differential engineering is the name of the company. When you have an Instagram up. We're getting that roll in. But like any of these are crazy times to start stuff with supply chain and help. Yeah, busy everyone is but we're working pretty well. But that's super cool. Thanks for telling us, man. I appreciate it. Well, one of these days. How about we just like when you guys get it rolling? We'll talk about it a little bit on the show. We'll go to Florida. Go fishing. Dude. That's where it's at. Right. That's where I'm at. All right, Oren. Well, hey, I really appreciate it. Please tell the wife we said hello. And we'll see you at the races. But that was good. Thank you guys. Talk to you soon. See you later. Man. It's so cool. It's like just to me like I don't know how it feels for you. But it's so cool for me to hear you guys talk about those stories because I you know, I've spent a lot of time in the desert. But it's it's neat because it may I don't know. It makes me see the smile on your face after you hear all that stuff? Right? That's good time sure did. That's probably not the only what did he do mostly with you? Was he helping you in in driving the racing seat or in driving and CO driving and stuff? Or was he just he always rode with me. And then when, but obviously we when I was right, it wasn't even racing short course. Or I was only racing short course when he was a part of the program that was rare. I remember that. Now. He helped. He basically ran the team for me. So I just came with the crazy ideas, and he would literally be the one that helped orchestrate the circus to get it there. And he's the he's the executioner. Yeah, we had Dude, we made some shit happen over the years. Dude. That's pretty cool, though, man. And it's good to have like, when you know that your support mechanism is gonna back you up. Like he's been such an integral part of so many people's racing programs, right? Sean BARROWMAN we got dude, you have so many people that are good dudes. Shawn bear, man. What's up, man? How are you? What's going on guys? Here just living the dream over here in Southern California. It was really cool. If Casey today, let us come hang out at the shop. Man. We got to see a bunch of cool stuff. You might have even written in some of these cars behind us maybe on? Oh, yeah. started spending quite a bit of time with Casey and those side by sides the past few years. So Shawn has been a part of different racing programs. Right. But he helps your racing program but currently he has a Monster Energy hat on was that something that you helped him with? Oh, so he Well, he is my so Sean's basically for me is helps basically, he is my right hand man for all Dakar, everything to do with rally IndyCars. So Monster Energy stepped up to help make sure that I have Shawn in the right seat. So a lot of traveling around the world. Having different teams and different organizations like I got to have its rally is very complicated when there's there's a lot of rules, regulations, a lot of things going well, you just want to have somebody that by your side, like I'm a loose cannon, obviously, I got to gotta I gotta calm down sometimes. So Shawn does a great job with you know, he has a massive Dakar experience. That's how we actually met like he worked for the Menzies full time. Yeah. And but his IQ, but he also has a passion for rallies. So like, I met him the year before we won, I was in the car. totally miserable. Actually. He was we saw it were literally like day two of the rally, I was ready to yank my co driver out of the car. And we went to the team manager to try to put Shawn in but Shawn was already a co driver for one of those big trash trucks. Oh, he's got gnarly experience in those gnarly dude, I want to have a show with just Shawn talking about the big trucks period. hydroset He's your guy. Yeah, so this is again, it's along the same lines what I was talking about you just start going through in the camaraderie and you've meet people and like it just happens. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. Do you remember me and Casey Shawn. I saw I met Casey, obviously working through Bryce and stuff going all the short course races. And so that's kind of where I first met him. But then when I actually started getting to know him was yeah, that dat car. What was it to Tao? 2019 Is that your first year that you went to that car then? Yeah, it was. That must have been a pretty big undertaking. Did we lose him? I don't know if it's us, or if it's the the internet for us or the internet for him. But if we lose him, he'll come back or we can invite him back again. But so 2019 def dude, I feel like that was just Yeah, so my first year was 2019. So we had I actually had a five year plan. Okay, so my first year was totally freakin miserable. I was miserable from day one. Was it miserable because you didn't understand the undertaking I was just like, Well, I knew the undertaking there's but like, I literally had a co driver can make a brace like the CO driver and rally so important they even more important than doesn't mean you could drive 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction all day long and no one's ever gonna tell you right so his the numbers that he puts in his head and all the you know, the latitude longitude, the cap headings, all that, you know, the distances and stuff. There's so many numbers going on that like Yeah, I mean, that's the dip like on desert you, you know, you might be off a little bit as far as caution where you're breaking points, but like, but you also have a GPS file. Well, you're on the course you there'd be times and there's the day that they're the year he didn't ride with me. I drove like 25 miles the wrong direction in the sand dunes. That's why it was like 45 minutes one way 45 minutes back like, you can't just make up an hour. Yeah, that blows your whole race. Yeah, dude, that's crazy. And when do you remember when you met him? Sean when you met Casey? Yeah, like I said it was in short course when he was when I was with Bryce and everything. I kind of just met him because Casey was racing a pro light at the time as well. So kind of just in the pits, just talking here and there and then once I found out that he was getting into rally IndyCar and all that. stuff, we kind of started talking more. And then that year in 2019, when he raised his first car, and I was in T Ford truck on the team with South racing. That's where I kind of met him a lot more. And from there, we kind of just built a friendship. And it's been like that. Yeah. past couple of years now. So did you know a lot about the navigation portion of it at the time that you met Casey? Yeah, because so I started doing rally stuff. I actually, I'm from South Africa, originally. So in 2011, I actually went back to South Africa for three years and worked on the Ford factory team building rally cars for the DAT car and stuff. And just learn kind of just just trying it and just being around and all that stuff. I didn't do a whole lot of navigating, but just being involved with it. And always, you just pick up on how things are run and all that stuff. So when I came back to the States back to Vegas, I still starting do still going all the DAC cards and stuff. And then I've done six DAC cards now and four of them. Yeah, four or five of them in a T four truck. So I've done quite a few in the in those big trash trucks. So it's wild and you learn everything. Yeah, that's so wild. And the opportunity that well, you're helping Casey with that. I mean, you got to feel pretty lucky to have a person like that to do it. I'm telling you, we I Lance badass. Yeah, because so the crazy thing is, like the truck that he was driving was for my team. So he was like, he was actually our support truck. So like, even for that coincidence that all the teams in the car and literally a guy that's living in Las Vegas working for Menzies that like so already having the relationship and then to go there and now. Like we I think we flew on the same flight the first year over there. And no, now we will we were talking at the time, but like, you know, this I was so fresh and like that. It is so gnarly, how big the car is but like just having him to just hang out with and just kind of get the vibe and him explaining he did like he knew more of the team than I did. I was very, like Green Island New, you know, my engineering my my mechanics and stuff. So Sean knew more than the whole team. So if you were literally just hanging out the whole time I feel like that's like literally like a match made in heaven. Like that's, that's about our target it literally it worked out really good. And he's got he's got like the calm this all the time. We're I mean, we got some crazy stories. We we got some crazy stories, but like, very, very comical when she was hitting the fan in my head. Really? Do you guys have some cool racing stories? Shawn? Yeah, where do you begin? I mean, when you spend especially DACA, or one DACA alone can tell 1000 stories after 12 or 13 days sitting in the car for hours. And then with somebody it's how much seat time across all kinds of stuff. How much time do you guys think that you spent together in one back car like? Well, yeah, remember, no one tells you no one tells you that the liaisons were when you're waking up at five in the morning and driving until 10am. Five hours. That's just leaves on then you race until 5pm. And then there's another three or four hour liaison after that. Yeah, so like the lip, but I gotta go to them for shine, because this was one of my gnarly stories were actually racing in Africa. And I was falling. I was we were following like, we were top five overall. And we were following one of the minis. And we followed a mini over a cliff. And we so we drove and a mini hit driven off a cliff that's like 1416 feet high. And dude, I Yeah, so the mini fell off totaled itself. And like was on its side. And the doors were all off fit. The windows are blown out of it. And like, was it stuff on Toronto? Yeah, it's not. Yeah, wasn't it? Stephane Peterhansel? He's like Mr. datacard. Yeah, it's a cat in the Mini. And the car was smoked champion. Oh, yeah. So he's on his side. They're like getting out. Well, we come over this thing. Full Tilt and put the blinders on. Did I end up getting the car stopped off like a little ledge. And like we're sitting it's like 15 feet vertical. We're hanging by our straps the car shuts off because the fuel pumps all the fuel went to the front. Shut the car off. And we're hanging over and now this will total mini blow us away. So now we're at so we're sitting this is like a cartoon. Oh, did and now. This is where like all I want to do is when I'm like sitting there shining I get on the car. Like you got to get out and we got to we got to back so the car wouldn't run so dude. Well now the cars dangling so if he gets out it's super dangerous and gnarly. So dude read up like before him because he opens a window not because it swings and like opens the door. Like gets his feet gets everything ready to go. Because we're I'm full on the brakes on a cliff. Yeah. Can't move because balancing. Oh yeah, we're at it. able to take enough you can touch the car and the car would have flipped over on a mini blow us like a fly land on a concert. We got super lucky with that because that Stefan's wife was navigating for him and she was actually climbing out of the car when we came over, if we honestly would have gone over, we would have landed straight on top, we would have killed her. When when I was getting out the car, I know the teetering. I knew if, if that thing slipped when I was halfway out trying to get out, it would have smoked me as well so and no joke, like it pivoted to a point where the fuel pumps weren't picking up fuel. And Stefan had to come up and actually helped me put a toe strap on it. And just with our weight, try and get the back wheels to touch the ground so that we can pull this thing off and we're talking like, literally an inch that the front wheels are holding on. It was the craziest thing. Oh, by the way, we're in Africa, like 12 hours from an airport. So like, holy smokes. Shit. It's a fan. It's gnarly. Dude, we got the car. Stefan and his wife came and strapped it up. We pulled the car back. They will they pulled it back. We got it running. And we still want one. Dude, holy cow. Dude, that's so crazy, though. And I'm sure that there's a million more stories that happen and big long races like that. But yeah, that's wild, man. And then so like, when you go through an experience like that, I don't know. Like, if how you feel about it, Shawn, but is that something like, dude, I'm staying with this guy for the rest of his racing career or I'm out. Nah, I mean, those are the things you you don't expect it to happen but when it does happen it's one of those things unfortunately and you just kind of your once your heart rate drops back down you kind of think about what just happened and you move on you just keep going and there's it wasn't his fault wasn't I mean it literally the it was a perfect sane dude to a cliff. They look like you could just there was a maybe just a razor back on the backside. But it was just a sheer. I saw pictures of it actually, of like what it looked like on the back and it was insane. We got our boys from KMC Ryan guidance he's joining us. Did you know this guy pretty well, Casey. I do. I do already. I had to call him to know bad stories. Oh, is that hard work? So behind the scenes, logistically, you guys are preparing the show for me. So Thanks, Ryan. How's it going today? Good. Man, you've known Casey for a long time. Yeah, it's been a minute. It's been a while. Dude, it's pretty cool to see that all these stories, though. I don't know if you've been listening, Ryan, or if you just got home from work. But Shawn and Casey were talking about one time when they were in Dakar. And they were teetering off a cliff like those Racing Stories can go on and on and on. But it's pretty cool to see that they have that I don't know structure to be able to still continue on man. Because those moments get intense. And still. Say that again? Can you go a little closer? Because we can't hear you very much. Well, they're able to be. Yeah, did. It's pretty crazy, right? And then like, so moving on. Like that's 2019. You said, right. So moving on, like, what's the move? Do you like, call your sponsors? And like Ryan, for instance, and you say, All right, I'm really into this, like, I want to do it. And then 2020 You go out there guns blazing with Sean. Yeah, we? Yeah. Well, basically, we did. It really takes a team. There's a lot of Yeah, because the KMC thing was gnarly, because we are shipping rims and tires. All over the world. Because the boat and the trucks and everything are flawed. You remember everything is in different states that the team is based out of? Portugal, Shawn? Yeah, yeah, so the team is out of Portugal. But we never raced in Portugal you always race in other countries in other countries. So like, did they just the logistics that you know obviously came see how to help. We are literally shipping wheels around like all with Africa. You know, when we go to the car, they would ship straight to Saudi Arabia the year before we ship into Peru? Like there's there's a lot that goes on with all that. That's pretty wild. Do you remember going through all that guidance? Because that's probably like, I don't know not I don't want to say like a logistical nightmare, but that's probably a lot of extra work. Man. That's pretty cool that you guys want to support that. I think that was my stint. A little high cases for a little bit. I I never had to deal with it. Thank you, um, as you guys know, we just gave it was just a nightmare for you. Everywhere, right? Yeah. So you owe us you just give them the list and they're able to execute on it. There's just yeah, there's just a lot going on. There's just a lot of different things to move in did but Okay, so let's actually talk a little bit about that stuff, too. And Sean can probably still relate to a lot because of what he deals with on a daily basis, but like the logistical portion, so like we all see on social media, we see your racing car we think it's gonna be a great time, but there's a lot of stuff like you said that we don't see all of those just typical stuff, like you're talking about with guidance and when Shawn and then there's the liaison portions of it. So what are some of the things that you work with on a daily basis with these two guys? That would be good to execute to win? Well, I mean, first you got to have good partners and get, you know, good parts, right. So like, you know, even with Ryan and KMC, like, obviously, you have to go on equipment that's going to win, it doesn't matter how shiny it is, or if there's a paycheck behind it. You have to get equipment that's going to go there and withstand all the torture. I mean, but as far as like, you know, was Shawn and everything that we did like, you I remember you're driving for 12 days in a row, the amount the opportunities to fail are way greater than success. So like, we got I mean, the year we won the year we won got a cut we got on the head on on the highway with a freakin 12 year old kid that stole his dad's drug. That's sure I'll really Yeah, literally got a head on. Crazy deal. We've, Oh, yeah. We got all kinds of there's there's stories for days because you gotta remember like our team. I mean, for the opportunity that's out racing do like I mean, we had 45 people around us to help make that thing survive, you know, right between truck drivers and motorhome drivers and cooks and there's there's lawyers and there's there's team managers and there's you know, you have game mechanics at night mechanics well, just on the building portion of it. I know that South racing builds right around 65 cars a year now yeah, it's wild dude. It's crazy right? Guidance you know what's funny is we were talking about earlier we talking about Casey got into all this stuff because motocross and his dad and like starting out on PW 50s and stuff, dude, I feel like that's such a common thread between all of us. I know. It sounds like yeah, the races Yeah, all of us start like Sean's trying to. He's trying to dodge baby. He's trying to dodge the baby. Do you see that Ryan? He's all walking around looking at the baby. So yeah, congratulations on the new baby as well Sean. Thank you appreciate it. So do you learn you listen to the stories about like what we just talked about about Motorcraft stuff I don't use your baby boy or girl boy if do you think he's gonna get dirt bike? You think he's got him in his garage right now? No way You already got 250 or whatever. Or the station is gonna kick 65 No. Really? Yeah. Got it all lined up and guidance whenever you get your kid you're gonna have to have the little minibike lined up for him to it sounds like a little girl you think she's gonna want one? Oh I already have everything she's ready to dial in all stars man it all starts with two wheels I love it so guide us how long have you known Casey I think days but I for about six years ago but him with Mike doing all that one of our favorite people back today Yeah, well it's crazy because Well funny like the person that brought me to came to wills was actually Mike Bell like, obviously passed away a couple years ago which solid fantastic human being but once again met him for the motocross industry when I was racing supermoto, he worked at Oakley and but once again like the relationships are dirt bikes like that dude was a gnarly human being on a dirt bike and bicycle. Yeah, even his kids are every time you ride bicycles, just get your ass kicked the entire time because no matter how fast you ride, they can literally ride faster everywhere you go. Did you do either of you guys Shawn or excuse me goddess. Did you know that Casey did supermoto stuff a little bit that's all Yeah, big four. Oh god Did you know Shawn? Yeah, I mean we he told me all kinds of stuff when the amount of hours we spend driving to some long highways and just have to talk and come up with we're talking seven hours a day on the highway before you race. So what's the vibe then in those situations like alright, so say guy this and I are gonna race that car with you guys. And we're gonna Oregon you guys like what are we doing? Are we talking like for like 14 Same and the car there's no written there's no stereo music nothing so like, you're literally just in the car cruising down the freeway with your helmet on hottest shit or is it? Well there are some mornings it was below 25 degrees. And then there's some days where it's 115 so it just depends on what day it is. So you got to be ready for it all that is are you ready to drive the liaison stage for seven hours weather like this? I need a stereotype. I think the longest stayed the liaison I did the one time and a T four was the it was the last stage I think it was like two days. Isn't 16 or something like that? So you literally on the last stage of the deck, are you finished and then you still had to drive nine and a half hours to get to the finish on the highway. Seriously? Yeah, dude, you didn't even cross the finish because I had to catch a flight. Because it was such a long liaison. I got out the truck, I had my bags with me. I was still in my racing overalls, gotten a taxi and went straight to the airport and flew back to the States before even going over the finish line over DACA That's wild. And okay, so what's the rules then? Are you do you have to sit in the car till the liaison is done or can you get over does dry tagging of the drywall in a T three of three you have to co drivers. Right so like I'm sure there's ways around all that stuff, too. And he wasn't going there. The T four because their support truck like he wasn't going for the overall like for him and I when we are racing did the rules aren't in the rules are insane. Every there's rules for everything. So if guy so I've got us driving and I'm passenger, can I get out before like in the middle of the liaison or do I gotta wait two liaisons? You drive the whole year in the car the whole time? No one else is allowed to be in the car ever. But normally, anybody does. You're out. You're disqualified. That's right. Oh, that's wild. So you can have you can have like the the navigator can drive for the driver so that you can take turns sleeping, but you have to be in the car. And same as like obviously guys on bikes. If your vehicle ever touches a trailer, or you get out, you're done. Dude, that's wild guidance. I did drive. I drove the whole way because Andrew short and Ricky Breivik, we're talking shit. So I didn't want to be called car lifestyle. Yeah, I did move the car like 15 gas station the one day Yeah, I literally drove the whole way just to make sure that Ricky in them want to talk shit on me. That's funny. He made it a point to because when I did get into try and like just move it he's like No, no, no, no, I got this. I'm not really Yeah. Days. 15 days I was like no way because that did they're like we all hate like, the fun part about the car is the fact that you're living in a bivouac so there is no like you're not you're all together with as a community right? So like dude between Ricky Breivik mean American Johnny Campbell You know, you Jesse Jones, AJ Jones, you had you know, Andrew short like, dude, all these American guys hanging out like, you only have so many guys they can even speak English. Got it. So you're, you're you gotta go out there and hang out in everyone's always talking shit. So like if there's a way if you're if there's a weak link they're gonna talk shit I probably builds like the your profile and builds your confidence and stuff though to like, dude, because you have to remember your eating and like the in the bivouac eating like the eating halt well, before COVID Like, you know, you go and eat dinner and like a big group of people. So like, just the camaraderie of hanging out with everyone. It makes it a lot more fun. That is wild, though. So guidance you said he's out. Like, I kind of feel the same like as he does. But dude, imagine if we got the opportunity to experience something like that Ryan, like, like Casey Sam would like light a fire under are asked to be able to do better, like so we'd probably be able to step up to the plate if we had to. I just remember that talk on how to read the map. That's freaking. That's above my. Yeah, so one thing we're in. So here's what that's funny you say that one thing that I've always I've wanted to do. And I want to do obviously, I don't even know how to do it. I didn't know how to do it a little bit. But one thing is to go out and literally plan out of route and have and do a ride. We're like, Shawn, it could help we can create a road book and a shortcut. Like a Ricky can help us create a road book. Yeah, well, we'll print out all the pages we'll put all the you know, cars Oh, and do like a practice round. And literally go in like at the river, which we I mean, there's all kinds of stuff in Vegas area in Mohawk Valley, have a seat area, but go out and do like a 75 mile ride where we invite everybody who wants to learn, you know, you get your best co driver you've ever had in your entire life that he's the he's your guy, he's your guy. And we'll put them in a car and with all the right equipment, and all you got to do is drive to the finish line. Alright guys, I gotta pro our sign us up. I do want to do that. This winter. I'll try to find some that will get a bunch of people. And we'll go out and Shawn can help explain the road books. And literally will will go out and do it in a We should put Ryan Edwards and James Hill in the same car and see how they do against this guy so you think they can beat us? At work? No, I feel like that would be pretty fun though. I really do. Those are kind of cool ideas. And so let me just bring up a little marketing point here. So hearing creative ideas like this Ryan from Casey. That's a lot of the reason that he creates value in his in his racing pro Graeme, we're in his ambassador program, whatever you want to call it. And I think that's a huge thing that a lot of the people that watch this show can take away from this is coming up with creative ideas like this and executing on them does actually help out quite a bit. No, it does. And what's cool a kid on the side, I'm Casey go something you should see the back photos, they like assets that are also media use so I mean, national program, you know, an athlete but as everything else. So Casey, one thing but everything. Just my turn. Yeah, totally. So it's well rounded. And Casey and I talked about this a little bit before the show to is that he has a media team, not that everybody can afford a media team. But my media team is right here in my hand, right? Like, you got to start somewhere, right. But you're doing a lot of those things. And it doesn't just mean that you have to do it on this grandiose level, you can do it by just going down to your local, I don't know, shopping Mart with your buddies and just like putting up your stuff and providing some sort of return. I think the biggest thing I mean, anyone could do at this point is just showing something that's entertaining for other people to watch or giving them an experience that one day they want to go experience the same thing or, you know, even for that is, you know, showing the capabilities of something right. You know, for us, we drive a lot like with the king of the hammers and you know, to car going to do trail hero where you're just completely smashing on. A lot of that is you know, some people just care about, they want to buy the same product for their vehicle if you can definitely get those sponsors out there that will pay you the money. But hey, you got some pretty cool shit on these vehicles. We beat the living shit out of a Mennonite that here's where I'm at. It's not that I don't like a lot of money, but I don't like working on anything. I don't I don't want to go and break rams because they're junk like these rims. Actually, it's funny, these rims. Actually, half of them are Bryce Menzies. I got the, these rims race king of the hammers, did the entire hammers and then the Dinorah. And besides some rock crash on the rings, hey, when you get rid of these, I'll take them and I'll use them and I'll have the same stories. I can't, we can't get rid of them. Very precious right now. Hey, so both of you guys. Like let's just say, actually, Ryan, why don't you answer this first, if you could drive with Casey, in any vehicle that he has, or any event that he goes to what would you pick? Would you go in a jeep like on the Rubicon? Would you go out in the desert? Would you go in a razor out? And like let's just say the Sonora rally or something? Like where would you go? Like, what's your vibe going with all the stuff that he does? I mean, I've been a UTV fun part for me. And I remember just in Moab just drive having him drive. Things just like gonna go up that hammer down. What was up everything? Oh, hero. There's one part I didn't want to do, because I think it's, I think rolling. But watching and I was just watching. But I think I feel like that's pretty cool, though, like, and that actually says a lot about one of the subjects that we were going to talk about, is Casey's driving prowess or driving techniques and stuff like that. What does it say there? Cam See, send this I can't read it because the glare Clinic says SR five some wheels. They probably make them for your car, man. It talks a lot about your driving skills and your driving prowess. You've been doing it for a long time, but there's very few people that can execute on stuff like that and have the confidence to do that. And you have a lot of versatility and you're driving like what Ryan is saying. For guy like me and it's a little bit more of a green green than you are I would have a lot of trouble going up some of those rocks. So is that just like a practice makes perfect thing or is it? I think it is but you know it's funny like we are in an era talking about race and hare and hounds and the like. Think about the trails that you race on a dirt bikes. Right all everything you do on a dirt bike that the similarity for me Well, I guess now, I don't think it's that gnarly, but I mean there's some trails that make people very uncomfortable, especially in sand hollow you can put a UTV in a very bad situation. Were you there the time when Dustin and all them? Were there was Dustin. Yes. That was there we Yeah, there are some boys. The problem is everyone put peer pressure man. Not gonna say no. And neither is any of our friends. That's the problem. Yeah, that's what influences all of us. Even at that car. You had bad influences. We had a comment come in I forgot who just wrote it in. But are you gonna bring the trophy Jeep to Crandon? No, that's getting some heads actually cut the whole front the whole front gone. Oh Vegas arena and then you just chop it up doing portals on the front. It's getting a whole new transfer case getting she's, she's getting a lot of love next year, a big year for next year. That's gonna be wild. All right, so Shawn, if you couldn't ride with Casey and the current car that you're riding in, which is the razor, what other car would you run to ride with him? And I think the trophy G probably, oh, perhaps it's fitting that we'd have some fun together. Big horsepower guy right here. Yeah. Well, did he? I mean, did he been around the Menzies he always had to go fast. So not only that, but he's like, dude, I'm still like, he's my favorite part of that. I'm sorry, dude. But he's my favorite part of the show. Because I love the trash trucks. I love the trash trucks. I everywhere. Stories for days, everywhere you go that's all everyone wants to ask about. Bro. He had once up you sit in the middle of the guy in the middle of the back guidance. Would you do that? Absolutely. Tell you, dude. The guys that he wrote with his buddies are gnarly. Well, how wild does it get? So the first year I wrote in a T four, I rode with two Spanish guys. They spoke zero English. And on day six, we were going down the road wide open. And the driver steps off to the side of the road. There's this big ol mound, we probably I think I pasted out was like 60 or 70 feet, we jump. We got air landed and the driver broke his back. No way. They're getting that gnarly. So we had to help him out, broke his back, we had to help him out. And then I sat in the right seat and the guy that was in the right seat, drove the truck and we finished the next week, just the two of us. And I had to navigate to them in Spanish. And so I had terminology just like rock caution left, right, from English to Spanish on the dash. So navigate and then try and translate it in Spanish so he understood it. Holy cow guidance you got a lot of pressure on your on yourself. Now do well the other thing, if you're not like when you're winning, and you're in the front, it's all easy because you're getting done by like, five to 10pm Did there's a time that they finished they flipped over and like Fogg spent the night up in a truck upside down slept there the next day. Now the trash truck came and flipped him over. Then had to go flip somebody else over. They got to the finish line to like eight in the morning to then literally turn around and start the next day. 10 minutes later to that's so wild Goddess. I don't know if we could pull this off man. I don't know if we're man enough. You got to see the photos. He had the photos. If you ever see Shawn got us in the photos. He literally slept in the sand dunes. It was like super foggy and like wet. Yeah. And he slept in a truck upside down. The truck was literally upside down all night. That's why obviously you're like sleeping on the roof but on gravity. That's so crazy. It got so cold. So the two guys slept outside. So I was like, Screw this I'm getting back in the cab and just made myself comfortable and closed and tried to close everything up so my body would like keep it sealed because they go you know the desert is at nighttime it drops to that's wild, man. Holy cow. It's just like all hearing all these stories. We could probably have a full episode just on that car story. It's it never ends pretty well. Many gnarly ones do that's so crazy. Alright guys, what kind of stuff do you guys have working with Casey for the rest of the year? Just trying to get him by the end of the year. All that stuff. It's a work in progress. Get awareness by blog along with everything just um, hopefully banned from be fun. Oh, that'd be kind of cool. You would you be able to do that. Are they doing it this year? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that would be pretty rad. We gotta go see, but don't crash them in the rocks first. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, this guy has got a lot of events going on. But that would be cool to see him out of the Sands grabbing like you said guidance. I would love to. Yeah, if we're well, that actually, yes. We don't break all of our stuff and go out and be idiots too gnarly, then we'll probably be there for sure. There you go. All right. Well, I appreciate you coming on guys. We're gonna get Aaron Cassatt on here too. So thank you very much for always being a partner of the show and obviously helping Casey it was rad to connect. Thank you, Ryan. You got Alright man. We'll see you later. So Shawn, we're gonna just finalize all this stuff with you. And just the only other question that I kind of had for you was, where do you see like if you had to take a guess where do you see things going with you and Casey in the future? Are you going to participate with him anymore? How things working? Yeah, no, definitely. I think there's quite a bright future ahead of just, I mean, all kinds of events like this year, I mean, I rode with him at King of the hammers did all pre running and all that stuff. And unfortunately, we didn't make it too far in the race, but there's good jobs. At least it wasn't a far walk back. Yes. The bright side. That's, uh, ya know, there's, there's gonna be all kinds of world events, and we gotta go back. We gotta we haven't did COVID Hit 2020 We wanted to car two weeks later, what are two months later? And the world shut down? Yeah, everything got flipped upside down. They go back and redeem or so that's, that is one of the there. There is a day where we will go back. Yeah. So how was that experience? We were gonna get Aaron Cassatt on here in just a second. But I would like to end the conversation with Sean about that. Like, how was the whole experience for you at Dakar, because the first year is really stressful. And then you go out, and you win, and you bring home the title to the United States. Like, that's a phenomenal achievement for anybody's life. But whatever. It's, it's the hardest, that it's the hardest thing that I think, well, for sure, having a partner that can understand and relate and be the calm sources that the amount of pressure that was on us was in freaking sane, like, you know, the news and the media, because they're right, there's media news all the time. And there's, like, there's people asking questions, like, every single minute, you're out of the car, and like, right, so it's not like you're just there to raise. But here's how I look at it. Imagine racing, the Baja 500 and 100 miles from the finish, you're going to stop and sleep. And they're going to interview going like so it looks like you're gonna win the race. So what do you how do you feel about winning when you still have 100 miles to go? Right? For us? It was 250 miles, but like, we the pressure you have to sleep knowing that, you know, there's there's 14 days and like we took over the overall lead like halfway mark. And at that point every day, the the news is waiting for you to buckle right. That's what Americans do. We've completely gone there. And year after year, something always seems to happen the American right because they want the story. That is the story, right? All we've heard is you finally you know, you guys buckled but like, for us like to go and like the last two days, like, especially the last night is the fact that like, we have everything to lose, right? Everything is there, all that pressure, and now you have to sleep on it, you have to literally go to bed. Knowing that you're going to get exactly the opposite of motorcross and short course everything that you've never been like, there's nothing like it. And I've never in my life had that, that there's nothing I could train for to even mimic it. Racing the ball 1000 You know, you're already saying, you're in the moment. Here, you have to completely get out of the moment you have to sleep. Because if you don't sleep, you're gonna be tired the next day. So now I understand why you're saying that Shawn is so important because he has to not just deal with the directions that he has to deal with you. So how is that Shawn? Because that, that's pretty wild thinking about that? You know, I've heard some, some stories from Aaron, because obviously, he's written with you and stuff. And Oren, they're like, watch out, there's gonna be some moments. And I to be honest, there hasn't really been a ton where I've had to kind of coax him off the ledge, maybe one or two. But for the most part, I mean, he stays pretty, pretty calm. There's, you know how it is everybody wants a put the helmet on, it's, you get serious and things happen and situations happen. But for I mean, he seems to be pretty good. There are some times where I kind of have to say some words and I let me just let me get on my lap last day. The night I was sleeping, I went through my entire car in my head of what if we broke? How would we fix every piece in the car? Like yeah, to get the finish line and what the only thing that we had a 45 minute lead the only thing in the car that I couldn't fix in my head in 45 minutes between, you know, between shonai We can fix a lot of things. So like, I was like the steering rack would take us an hour to fix no matter how if you know, our teammates were there to help us like and we had a spare one there's a big, big job. So like, do for some reason that day, the car had a ton of bumpsteer and like I I think there was a shock dilemma thing that we don't even get into but that next day, so you're like oh she's so and that night the light so Shawn does all the drivers meanings and they tell you it's gnarly navigation sand rock bull. So Shawn had some we're in a technical area that get to be very crucial in the point I had I had shot on buckle a seat belts and climb to the window and adjust my shocks and on the right while racing really I had to I was gonna I was losing my free in mind that that shot, the only thing I can fix in the car was a bump like was the steering rack. So you just soften up the shocks and let it take a little less. Dude, that's Shawn, are you okay with that? That's pretty wild. That that was definitely a moment where I kind of looked at him. I was like, Are you? Are you being serious? Like I'm trying to keep pace? And because it's the last day, I also don't want to mess up because I this is this is it? If I screw this up, we can I've seen people throw deck hours away on the last day to talk about pressure. Yeah, I gotta climb through the window and adjust some shocks on the speed section. I'm just like, what did we did it? I mean, we did. So okay, well, then. So one thing that I'm learning here is like, and I've known you for a long time, I don't know a lot of these detailed things. But I can tell that you're able to compartmentalize a lot of these things, right. So you think about all these things, but you're able to put it off if it doesn't need to be thought about and then you're able to retract and put it back into place. If it does need to be addressed. Oh, yeah. I fully. I literally thought about every single part of the entire card like It's wild. But the problem the funny thing, at the end of the day, I didn't know that there was a there's four waypoints member he's telling me where to go. I know left. And I go right, but like, there's guys getting lost all the time. So we could see a car ahead of us going the wrong way. So if he makes that if he got lazy, like went on adjust to the shocks and got lazy just said Follow that car could have thrown our whole DeCarlo Oh, I see. Yeah. So he's, he's still trying to pay attention to where I'm going, Oh, my gosh, doing in his ear about Xing as a navigator is seeing another car go another direction? And you trusting your gut? To say No, I know, I'm right. And we need to go left instead of right. And making that choice. Because once you commit, you gotta go. And either it works out or doesn't. And if you feel I mean, it's a huge accomplishment when you're like, hell yeah, we we went the right way. And we didn't follow that other guy. Because that guy got lost. So there's been many times where I've seen valleys that people are turning around, and you get into a panic, and you don't know what you're doing or like you're trying to figure out where you're trying to retrace your steps backwards and where you got lost. Because it's not just a matter of leaving a trail behind you, when you turn around. You then got to pick up where you were recalculate all your distances and all that stuff. Because you really changed where you are. Yeah, and you've added total distance. So whatever you drive backwards, you got to think in your head. How far did I drive? Now I got to subtract that because I've just gained that from going in the wrong direction. Otherwise, everything else won't make sense. So what like exactly what you're saying driving in that car is not easy, but it's easy, or Oh, no, no, no, like like he said he could easily throw my whole race away by telling me to go left instead of right. That's why you're saying it's so important. I did like Yeah. Oh, yeah. And the pressure rally stuff there is no like in the states and everything pre running and all that stuff. Your guy your your navigators there to to be able to make good notes for you and be a good tire changer. And just, but you're at the end of the day, like once you've programmed so many times these guys know the course there's markers, there's all that stuff. When you raise rally. That guy in the right seat. If he's not with you, you will not go 100 yards in the right direction. Yeah, you have to it's such a team, between the driver and navigator in order to finish those races in the motorcycle guys. Yeah, we could talk about that for a whole time too. Yeah, that's wild. All right. So the only other question I have for you guys about Dak car before we get Aaron Cassatt on is what was the gnarliest thing that you guys ate? When you were over there? He it's more tea. It's all that shit. Oh, he gets Wow. This guy's gnarly. He was gonna try so warranted both these guys are all so I'm not. I'm not trying to mac and cheese and chicken and my mother. I'm on Casey's TV like his kids. Yeah, he literally would go and eat the food. So all the food is always in the sauce. So that's how it works. So you never really you actually never see the texture because you can't see the food. Yeah, always put it in a sauce white sauce red sauce green sauce. Yeah, but no matter what the fish the meat. It's always in a sauce. You're not about that. Not like did we're going for the winner. This guy's eaten like some to something and a green sauce and you're just waiting for him no glow. You're like no he did his stomach can handle that. I'm like, Dude, I was stressed out the whole time like eaten anything that was making me feel like I was at home. Yeah, I would probably do the mac and cheese too. What was the gnarliest thing that you ate? You remember? Ah, nothing that really stood out but there's some definitely crazy taste. I don't know what they what it was. I couldn't tell you never tell you. I hate it. I tried it. And I mean, I think gone in Morocco when we did the Morocco rally. Driving down the roads and seeing all the storefronts with all the skin, Gauteng and like every store It was like five or six boats hanging upside down in their skin. And there's going to cook them up for you real quick and ah, yeah, no, it's not my jam. Yeah, I'm not into it either. I probably have the hardest time eating ever I went to a rally like that up. All right, Shawn way we really appreciate you coming on man. What do you got going next? Like what are you gonna meet up with Casey again? I don't know. I think I'm Tom. time soon. Trailer. Oh, is that where you told me to come to come to Utah. He's got a wife and the baby out of the house now. Yeah. Sounds like you're going to trail here. Baby. All right. Well, thanks for joining us, Sean. Really appreciate it. We're gonna get Aaron on it is the second here. All right, man. Well, hopefully we'll see at the races soon. Thanks, guys. We'll chat later. Those are some crazy stories. They bring back little memories and stuff where it's funny because you forget about all this stuff. And it's it is wild. It's an adventure for sure that everyone needs to know about. Yeah, it's a crazy adventure like and just to have the experience that you have had to have. That is pretty cool, man. I would like everyone to come experience. He's one that I want to get out and come and do it as well. So now we have Aaron casada on the line. What's up dude? How are you? Hey, what's happening guys? Oh, we're just hanging out man. So Casey was talking with Shawn and guidance and a little bit about dat car and stuff like that, man. You've got to experience some pretty cool stuff with Casey as well. What's most of the stuff that you do you read in the trophy G put them I'm the leftover guy. Anything that Oren doesn't want to do? Anything that Shawn doesn't want to do? I'll get in the car for a good trophy Jeep guy did he's he's big power guy. Oh, big power guy. Let's let's be or this is this is my brother that my creativity side and the uniqueness and finding opportunity? Yeah, he is very much like we bet we are we go prayer and a BA for you know, a week. And we just come home with 50 new ideas and create, you know, like you said, like, off the racing subject. Obviously he works at Monster Energy. He does a great job and like for us to have the ability to go and just bounce ideas off each other and to and to create new opportunities not only for ourselves, but for other people involved. Right, you know, those that he we do a lot of unique, crazy things together. Well, I like that though. Because that affords you opportunities, right, just by coming up with the eyes of these ideas and stuff. And I think that there's a lesson to be learned. And just that statement is because a lot of the younger people that do or don't have sponsors and the things that every off road racer wants is just they should be themselves and do like what you're talking about. Right? I mean, that's what really works. Yeah, not for sure. Like, I mean, you definitely gotta go out and figure out who you are and obviously with the people that have just been online and I've had a fantastic support team around myself, but we're all we're all supportive I you know, I cherish everybody's family life and all the you know, the friendships we all have and you know, like us you know, we spend a lot of time together in Mexico and on all these other trips that we do with Monster Energy and you know and on top I mean we just have his family is fantastic. We go and do a lot of stuff at the river and we're actually I'm taking I'm building him a Jeep tomorrow he doesn't we have to talk after this. Oh, really build it that red Jeep back there. That's bone stock that the guy was carrying this suspension. Yeah, I'm gonna build him a Jeep in two days. My mechanics not one of my mechanics is even here today. He'll surprise him tomorrow morning. Less. He's watching. I'm going to build the Jeep tomorrow so that he can come on Rubicon. Nice. Are you stoked on that? I'm pumped never been. Dude, that sounds like a good time, man. So all right. So there's that camaraderie coming back in again, right? Helping each other help, you know, get out and have fun and stuff like that. That's pretty cool. Hey, excuse me, Aaron. Do you remember when the first time that you met Casey was scrutiny a PR? I believe that was probably one of the ones that early on at Monster when I write when I first started. Casey wanted to go to PVR. And so we went and he was talking shit like, oh, that doesn't look that hard. I do that and I'm like, Okay, well, we're, we'll set it up. And I think that I've been next two weeks. Like two weeks later, we set it up for him to go to the PBR training facility and go right to bowl and we did a whole little video project on it. There was the activation side see that's, you know, when some guys talk shit, and then it just goes away. Yep, he's freaking wasn't that guy. It made it execute. Yeah, literally, we went and rode bulls is the dumbest thing I've ever done. That is pretty dumb. O rings are the leftover guy. He's laughing about it. Let's see. I think I can't really see because it's so hostile Inc. said Casey was one of the raddest guys in motorsports world. I agree, man and then so that's actually something that we should talk about Aaron because you guys do a lot of other cool stuff like I do. I came to the shop and I don't know if you guys can see all the way but there's a Jeep that's kind of behind us and there's another project call Are this being built? You guys do a lot of stuff that's not necessarily dirt related. You also do other stuff. That's pretty fun, too in the motorsports world like hostility set. Yeah. I mean To wit, like, we went this year to Bike Week in Florida and I built a drift jeep. Yeah. And, you know, Aaron gave us the opportunity when, you know, one of his, you know, one of his projects was basically putting on a bit big ol show at Najib beach, but a Daytona Bike Week and giving up once again, like giving us coming and giving us the opportunity to figure out a way to go out and put on a really good show. One for me tying in jeep and tying in all my brands, taking the players razors and jumping up in front of the crowd, and you know, doing burnouts and jeeps it just really gives us the opportunity to you know, expand our horizons as far as meet new people do. Plus it's fun, right? Yeah, we just had a comment to came in this Aaron is badass. Yeah, we agree, man. But so what's it like to ride in the trophy Jeep with this wild man? The thing is insane. One of the most fun vehicles I've been in. Yeah, so I barely got to actually see it at Vegas Reno. It's the first time I've got to see that beast. Yeah, so I only got to walk around there for the three seconds that I was in your in your pants or whatever. But do that thing is pretty wild. Aaron like what does it feel like when you're sitting in the in the jeep? I mean, because first of all, this dude can drive. It's insane. The progression like through the years. I think it's been about six or seven years since I've been riding with Casey. But you know, Casey is always pushing the limits and always testing and trying to get better. And from where it started to where it's progressed, where it is now. Just like he's cutting the front end off doing portals and all the upgrades like, it just keeps getting better and better, too. It's so wild to think like the first version of the trophy Jeep, did you think it would come this far? No. Well, that's correct. Yeah. Like you said, we didn't really know what we're getting knew because I'd never right everyone thinks that race desert was a short course caveman. So like, literally, on I went out, raised the Magpul trophy truck got the opportunity with Magpul to come out and do more stuff. And then when Oren remember when you did that, though, you were a little timid. You wanted to do it, but we knew nothing. Yeah, no Chase, like Warren said earlier, like, no change trucks, no nothing and then meeting, you know, obviously then at the time, you'd like you saying like, dude, right? 177 years ago, now. It's crazy time flies, but with him due to instant connection, then hitting it off, and then went on to Florida. I'm like, Dude, I need somebody ride with me that I need some, it's, I gotta have a very unique type person. Everyone's very mellow, mellow. aurons mellow, Sean's very mellow. Because like, I get a little riled up to get a little I get a little feisty little moody. But you know, that's one thing that like when you're going that fast, like in the, you know, the drove a Jeep or any off road vehicles, when you're going that fast. Like, you really have to have trust in somebody like, it doesn't matter what you're doing, like, You got to have that trust and like to have that support system for me to go at, you know, he'll never put me in danger. And I really try hard not to put him in danger, right. So like him really focusing on the notes and focusing on the terrain to make sure that we're not going to drive that thing off a cliff, right? Like that's, those are the types of things that you got to have 100% trust and that CO driver? Well, one thing that I'm noticing Aaron, you've probably noticed this because you've known Casey for so long, is that he puts a lot of trust in other people, right? Like, obviously in his business life and all of the things that he does with his racing career. But he's good at understanding who can do what well right and so he's putting you guys in these positions because he knows that you guys can help him and then vice versa, he can help you. And those things are really really cool not just in racing but in life in general. So you got to respect that quite a bit. Oh, totally. It was wild even before When Casey was talking about wanting to do rally in Dakar he had asked me if I wanted to learn and do the rally stuff and I know my limits I know what I'm good at. I can't do quick math in my head like we'd be so lost like obviously appreciated the opportunity and the consideration but it's been awesome to get to know Sean that's kind of how I met Shawn and I think that first trip is when I went to Morocco with those dudes and got to see firsthand rally I was in Saudi when When Casey won as well and it's been awesome we went to Brazil with them last year for the Cerritos rally and that's cool. Yeah, so it's cool to see that and then I really liked that you can afford these people the opportunity first and then second that they can support you but you understand what they're good at right like not that Aaron is limited but you understood that shiny a better fit for you and you guys have had the the talk together and said hey you know what, this is going to be the best for everybody. Yeah, now for sure. I mean, we do we all got to be real with each other at some Right? Like it is funny like now you say that like for anyone out there like having a support system like Shawn and I racing, we had a lot of pressure on us. But I, you know, I also had a team, we had a humongous team around us. But like I had, you know, Aaron and you know, Aaron's boss, Dave, both were there supporting like, to have that support from monster with us as more support not putting pressure on me, but helping me stay calm. Like, I had support from, you know, Monster Energy at a level that like, it wasn't a financial level, as far as when we were there. It was the level of like, they were there to support me whether we want to realize we had a bad day or we had a good day. But you had a focus and a goal. I had people that literally were there to basically do whatever it took to get me to be to that finish line. Alright, so let me ask both you and Aaron a personal question then. So I've understood that over the past 10 years or so my life, I really enjoy focusing on a goal or milestones and reaching these certain things, whether it was in racing, being a champion, whether it's growing a business, all of these things, right? Do you guys feel that same way, and associate the team to be able to get those goals? I absolutely. I think, you know, obviously, with the brand, like there's, I mean, he's got his own goals and his own things. And like, for me, anywhere I can go to help basically make a project become more successful. For the opportunity to have the brand be more successful is what we're all about. Right? Like so teamwork. Oh, 100. Dude, it is a massive team. And yes, 100 is, and it's being on the same page all the time, because it's easy for people to get cocky, right can go out, run and do it by themselves. But like, for me, I blog, as you can see, I got, I got a support team around me everywhere we go doing all these different things and like him the same way, right? When he has an idea or a vision on something that like, he will pitch to us? Do we go out of our way to do whatever we can to be as supportive as we can to make sure that his ideas become, you know, a real deal. So that, you know, obviously for the opportunity for for success as a business. It's there. What does that actually? How does that translate? Like, let's just say you're talking to Little Johnny or to me, and I'm a beginner Aaron, and you want to allow me or help me to achieve my goals? What kind of advice do you give like, because you're obviously a good support mechanism for Casey, but he's also feeding you ideas, but what if it's somebody fresh like me? I think it really just depends on you know, what you want to do. And obviously, anything that you do, you have to be passionate about, you know, we laugh all the time, like, we get heated or, you know, you we get excited and it's like be because we truly just care so much about what we're doing. And we want to make it badass and successful and good. And so, you know, I'd say first and foremost, you have to have that passion about it. Yeah, and I think a lot of the racers do especially the youngsters, man, you know, they just, they want the support and they want to do it. So just when I talk to people about this stuff, it really means a lot to me because I see the support system and the camaraderie like we talked about the beginning of the show, and I understand now that what it is, is it's really all the teamwork and all of everybody working together to reach one goal Oh 100% It it literally with Aaron and all or even all my other you know, sponsors and partners and you know, all the relationships we have a lot of comes down to like to me a lot of my partners are my friends right beyond the racing and the business out of it. Truly having an understanding of who every person is and what they're you know, what their goals and what their visions are right just so that way whether it's on a personal side or on a business side, we can all be on the same page right? Because we all have the same goal it's first it's a job for all of us it's an opportunity for all it's for all of us to succeed and for me like like I said I'm an open book man Aaron knows I got Ryan from KMC we did I got a lot of people around me that communicate and talk you know with my program or now without my program that we just have created all these relationships outside of racing that literally tie into other opportunities. Yeah, it's super cool to see that man i Let's get back to some of this more simple questions Aaron. So riding in the passenger seat with Casey is what we're talking about today because it's his show. What is some of the funnest stuff that you get to do in the trophy Jeep with Casey is it jumping is a going through massive oops Is it high speed stuff? Is it corners like what are you going to pick as your favorite? All of the above everything what Swanee is oh he's picking option B when we go in pre run right we will make our notes on Baja whatnot and like jumps obviously it's fun going as fast and letting that thing fly but Gacy always has that little bit of reservation like Oh, Morgan. Hey, this is good to jump in. Unless he sees a photographer there then hold really? I don't need a rescue man. I'm okay I'm broke out of time. I'm not gonna let the throttle a little bit and Aaron He already said earlier he tried to work on these things afterwards. Oh, hell we don't get we don't like tires. We don't like changing anything. Please don't break the car. So I can see how this relationship is helpful. Oh, it does sound pretty fun, man. But it is honestly like when I see that trophy G blast and some of those big berms with some whoops in it that looks pretty sick dude. Not that trucks amazing. Like I said, How are you? How well he's got that thing working and the thing is so much fun to ride and are you stoked to ride in after you chop the front end off of it and fixing it? Oh, I'm even more excited. We won't be hopefully shoveling anymore. Yeah, eating dirt, Candy better. It's all it literally should take it to a whole new level. It's so cool to see though that you guys understand just like we talked about before, you know what it feels like in the seat of your pants and what it's supposed to feel like to be a good vehicle like that, to me is one of the most like that's an accomplishment in itself that we've had. It's been six years and find it we don't ever go out with the same vehicle we always go out with a little bit better setup foods wild. Prior to you know, we always were just in the 4400 class within the last couple of years, Casey has wanted to push and step up and we raise the myth in the class one, we raised the king of hammers in class one and this last weekend, as well. And it's different now. Where's the fun before we used to chat and you know, we can have some fun and chit chat in the car and now it just seems like it's all business. Alright, so we got two is too fast. We got two questions. I'm going to ask them both. whoring asked if Casey has ever ran you over and then also Alex true to add it can't see what is his name is here. He said he got the chance to ride with Casey at Daytona Bike Week in the passenger seat. Yeah, what was that in? My UTV or the drift cheap? We're doing that the demos. Oh, so he got to sit with that we give we give opportunity to some fans to this wild man. Alright, so dad's Casey ever ran you over? I haven't gotten ran over. Yeah. She ran over on all I did was I just his shoe got sucked off. I hit the I hit his shoe. Not his foot. made a big deal over that. Oh, these aren't giving shoes. Oh, yeah, cuz it just happened to be we're like Matt from Monster was out there filming so like course got caught on camera. That's awesome, dude. So do you always watch your toes around this guy? watch everything. It was funny. Well, I thought I was coming on for the roast. I thought we were all I told you. We had to be up and I told them beforehand. I was like, Dude, I thought you're putting us all together. I was like, Dude, this thing was good. Because you know, we are all friends. Yeah, Oren and Shawn and the like, dude, Aaron's been to Brazil all the cars to like we've had a lot of time together. Or just comment and it's because Dude, it counts your meal. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. We thought I was nervous. I was well that's the reason that's the reason I wanted to put everybody in their little corner man like it was good on my behalf. I literally text them a couple days ago going like, is this literally a frickin roast because I'm like, Dude, I don't even know who picked the crowd. I'm like it's all the worst guy dude it's your it's your boy who could you suggest them he just throws them out there like perfect let's wrap up. But no, I knew that it got like if everybody got together on the Instagram that I probably wouldn't talk I could leave and you guys could just have the show without me so I was like I better separate everybody you have a great time everybody everywhere we go we have a good time. Yeah, I said it was a stunt rider chick and she got to meet you meet everyone and you guys were awesome. Yeah, that's cool, man. Dude what an opportunity for her yeah we did so you know for us like it's all about you know anytime we can give somebody else an experience like that's one thing even Aaron's really good at it's like will literally take people out of the crowd and I got some jobs will give up did I know how to like yeah up on two wheels and show people on stuff. Yeah, dude. And that experience? What do you do for me? Like back in the day? I don't know if you heard at the beginning of the show Aaron but Casey is actually the dude that got me into off road he like let me take out his ProLight at one time for about five minutes. And I was hooked ever since then. So give him the credit for getting me all all into this stuff. I'd say he'd kind of got me into the racing too. I was a stunt double way back. Proline at Monster Jam. Oh really? Yeah. You had to see you had to stunt double Yeah, how do you backfill after that? I was alright he did good. Did he actually you know the funny one because he's listening right now Oren? I had orange drive one time and he did he drove off the track and hit a tractor know where to cut so it doesn't matter you ran over his toe he crashed your truck. I forgot about he literally drove into a tractor the guy was like watching and it was like 50 feet off the track he just drove straight into it not even no mud no nothing. Or and if you want to come back on you're more than welcome to come back on and defend yourself. Yeah, we did all of us like those experiences like and I forget about the times like we literally would go out and we put on a show like an amazing race like do we had some great drivers like Ryan beat come out? Yeah, like all these guys come out and put on a great show. Like just sharing that. You know the community with 50,000 people in nm stadium. That's exactly where I wanted to go with this conversation like Aaron so you got to spend a bunch of time with Casey, you guys have had time. was a fun together but do you have any memories of like what a fun place was that you guys have gone to because of inexperience that you guys had shit man everywhere like oh ring so the tractor was parked on course. This guy oh man. All right, sorry, Aaron. So what was the experience? You shouldn't have done this show around the king of hammers because all three of us were there with Casey in the laser not compound and the stories that was wild. Okay, well now we have a bunch of starlings all set up. So let's plan on doing something like that. I think we could have made that happen. But yeah, so what's the whim? Like a really cool experience that maybe some of us don't know about that you guys have experienced together? I mean, maybe just, I don't know. Even if it's not in the race truck and seeing a site or something. I got one and you know who else that involves Brett from players? Oh, really? Did we got the opportunity? We've already slot by the way, Aaron we've got but we got to go to Brazil. Actually, Shawn was there as well. And Brett, we got to go to we flew into Brazil. And before the rally started, we had three I think it was three days. And I forgot that it was some beach city. But it was people people it was one of them for me. Like obviously having Aaron there and having Brett from Polaris there. And Kyle was there and Shawn like we got to go out and experience Brazil. We don't normally get to do this because there's so much like stuff going on before the time. Yeah, this we got like two days in Brazil. Dude, it was the most amazing food, the amazing scenery, everything about the event was like I don't I don't know if I could ever top the the excitement level that we all had for just being in a foreign country. And having fun, dude. And so honestly, that's one of the things that I was thinking about. On Saturday. I told myself I go I work so fucking much just like all of us do. I go if I can take two hours in some of those trips, and just go experience something. I'm gonna start doing that, like that's exactly what you guys got to do. That's pretty cool, man. How did you feel about going all through Brazil and stuff here and that sounds badass. Brazil was insane. I got a tattoo in Brazil. Got a tattoo in Brazil? Yeah. How is it? If I can figure this out? Right there. That's flip your phone a little bit other way here. Yeah. So that's a sunset shot that we were actually having some drinks by the water. That that is actually a photo that he took of us having drinks on the water and took that same photo and went and got a tattoo of it. And people do That's epic. That's so cool, man. Did anybody else do you get a tattoo? I don't know. No. Do you? That's pretty cool, man. Holy smokes that that's That's dedication. Oh, he's that did that experiences man. He's got all these dude. That's this whole thing. I actually took I got a I got him a custom painting helmet for our last race and I got all his I got some of his important that I missed. I missed one. But I got some very important I took some of his important tattoos to his family and had them all painted onto his helmet. No way really do. That's a badass friend right there. It's still been pretty jump. I was pretty excited about that one. Dude, we got to see that. Hey, would you mind posting a picture on your social media? That helmet? Maybe tagging all of us in it? Because I'd love to see that and show the audience. That's awesome. It's dope. That's insane. One of the coolest helmets I have. Do you still have it? I just got it. He does. It was for Vegas. Reno. Oh, okay. Let me just did it. So okay, do you have you already posted a picture of it online? He'll tag it. Okay. Yeah, dude, sir. Send direct message to us do that. So cool, man. All right, we got to start winding down the show here. Aaron, you got anything else you want to talk about? Or maybe there's some of the next step or stuff that you have going on with Casey? Trying to think what is next? Rubicon Trail hero trail Rubicon. Yeah. Try hero. Lots of events. never ends. Dude, that's so cool, man. Well, I appreciate you giving us the opportunity to come hang out did what was good talk about the air and I really appreciate the everything that you're doing for us and the dirt life show and obviously for Casey, man, it sounds like you have a good time doing it and work hard. Yeah, case is good, dude. I always appreciate him dragging me on all these crazy adventures. All right, and have a good night, guys. Okay, so that was the person who was in there, dude, we really appreciate Aaron. You do have a good night too, man. We'll talk to you soon. Thanks, guys. Ladder. Alright, so we're gonna wind this thing down, man. I know you got to get home with your family and stuff like that. So the main thing that I wanted to get across today was to understand like the work ethic and stuff like that, that you have. It's really impressive because you're an energetic guy. But you also were able to like I said, compartmentalize and focus on the thing that you need to do. But one of the things that I appreciate the most about what you do in general, is I know you for Long time ago, and you started with just hard work. Yeah, you got opportunities because you brought those opportunities to yourself. You've grown into an entrepreneur, you've grown into a really good friend with all the people that you are surrounded by. And you really like to give back. There's a bunch of key components that drive the success that you currently have. And I think that you should look back on all this stuff and be really proud of yourself, man. Oh, no, thank you. i For me, I did. Like I said, I'm still, you know, we grind every day for me, obviously, I really, truly am passionate about what we do that, you know, like Aaron said, like, this is a passionate deal. We absolutely love it. There's obviously other industries that you probably make way more money in. But for me, this is all I know. It's all I love. And like the community of people, as you can see, the friendships that I have like the dude, that's only four people right now, like we and dude, like if you met my entire team, you can really like it's a damn comedy show. And like, But dude, at the same time we bust as we win races, we go and do everything we can and travel. But like, the people you put around, you are so important. And that's something that I think my dad instilled in me that you, you will never be successful by yourself. It is always going to take take a group of people around you to make something happen. Yeah. And I know we want to talk about racing and stuff tonight, too. But I do want to give a shout out to your whole family, your dad, your everybody that's been around you and obviously your immediate family now with the kids and the wife and everything. It's really good to have those support mechanisms as well. And we talk a lot about it on the show is that all of these people around us have good support mechanisms like that. So I'm glad that you have that as well. Dude, it's pretty awesome. Yeah. All right. So we're gonna wind this thing down here. We're going to do the rapid fire q&a. We got a couple questions for you tacos or hot dogs, tacos. Chicken or SATA SATA. You can also throw in like oh pastores I love Alpha ball. Mexican restaurant industry. Yeah, yeah. Oh, tacos to port. Yeah. Dunes river. River. action shots are still shots. action shots. Oh, three wheeler or quad? eyed right? Oh, quad right now. Sick. That is a good one. But the three wheeler that we saw you on the 185 was pretty sick to been there. Pizza Rolls or jalapeno poppers? Jalapeno Poppers. Coffee or tea? Tea? Favorite movie? Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, that's a good one. We're talking about that one this week. Yeah, dude, that's a good one. Instagram and Facebook, Instagram. Which I tick tock in there. Right? I don't even I don't have tick tock. I don't have one either. Oh, if you could have one superpower, what would it be? Read the future. Ooh, big future guy. Big future guy. Would you always be reading the future? Or would you just kind of chime in every now and then it kind of look? Just like share word. Thanks for add. Yeah, that's cool. Uh, Netflix, or YouTube? Netflix, videos or photos? Videos. Oh, this one's a really deep one most memorable race car. Yeah, that's a pretty for me. I don't know if anything in life will ever match the car. You know what's funny about that, too, is I'm sure you've heard this story a million times but I had limited interest in that car and then I started seeing it and I see you go over there in 2019 And then I see you doing well in 2020. And I was fucking glued I was like, Dude, the dude that's getting me into off road is about to bring this home to the United States. Like there's no better feeling for me sitting here as a fan. Like I was so pumped man. So I loved all the support by the way. It's it's it was by I've won the ball 1003 different times. That's the amount of people around the world that were watching us when the car was pretty amazing. Yeah, it's pretty wild, I guess very wild. And did you did it do anything when you came back? Like did you have people talking to you about 100% It's till this day. There's still people that out of nowhere that only know me because I want a car really? guessing that goes to Shaw small off road. Let's see. Oh, what's your favorite snack in the car in the inland trophy? We're on the uncrustables that's what we do now. uncrossable big on crosstable guy Supercross and motocross Supercross motocross has been pretty sick. I've watched all of them but my who's your guy? Well, depends right now. See, I got I gotta go for Joe Schmo right now in the lights because obviously Mitch pain has behaved and he's kicking ass. But you know, obviously it's pretty cool seeing the light right now. You don't suck Symbaloo it on town Saturday, dude. Yeah, it's hopefully get those points back. And the dude I just keep noticing the speed that those guys are doing is freaking gnarly. Line lightsome Supercross does nothing like racing under lights. Dude, you got that right. Um, oh, well, other form of racing. Would you like to try it? Well, like you don't do enough, I guess. I mean, I would probably do I'd love to do some like rally like what can block does the opportunity to try it? Yeah, that would be pretty cool. Right? speedboat or dragster, speed move drew speedboat. Barely. I don't I'm not a big fan of that speed thing. Drag Racing. Yeah, that's pretty good. has one of those boats. I think he said some earlier. They're super dangerous. Do those things look like you'd fly out so easy. Oh, Alright, last question that night man chips and guacamole or french fries and ketchup, chips and guacamole all day long all day long. All right, well, dude, I really appreciate you taking the time to hang out and obviously taking the time away from your family. So I hope it didn't take too long. You did an awesome job, man. And it's always good to catch up with you. Alright, so the outro actually, do you have any money that you want to thank or do? Did I want to thank everybody man, I think if anybody out there wants to get into racing or has questions about racing are the opportunities to learn more like I'm an open book especially younger people men that the sport right now is hungry for youth and I feel right now the next couple years i If you don't know I, I feel there's a huge opportunity for the younger demographic to start getting off road racing. And I think it's just going to take the right opportunities to align to make a superstar I think the next superstar right now is literally 10 to 14 years old I had around the corner. I think it's there's a big thing coming with the TVs. Yeah, and I do agree with that wholeheartedly. And the good part about it is is that they're gonna have a support mechanism because of all the people like you out there willing to help out so All right, well, thank you very much, Casey, we really appreciate it. You can always visit the sponsor deals page on the dirt life Go there click on all of it. You can save some money with all of our sponsors. Thank you very much to all the guys at KMC wheels we share our mutual sponsor with Casey Thank you very much to all the guys over at Max's thanks to the guys at Motul shock therapy JL Audio evolution power sports laundry racing products. Vision canopy and crowd he we will see you guys next week we're gonna be with one of Kc sponsors Maglock completed logics. It'd be cool to hang out with those guys. And then we will see you guys at the Outlaw Series west. So appreciate it. Thank you guys. Good night. Thanks for listening to the dirt life show. See you next week.

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